Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 21 september 2015

Copernicaanse omwenteling? (English text)

Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey, and the Curies are, on their own line of force, lightbringers of equal rank with H. P. B. All revolutionized the thought of their time; all gave a great impulse to the ability of man to interpret the laws of nature, and to understand the cosmic process, and only those of circumscribed vision will fail to recognize the unity of the many force impulses emanating from the one Lodge.
These cycles will not coincide, for they are not all similar to the one hundred year spiral. Some idea as to the Mahachohan's cycle of emanatory impulses may be gathered by considering the dates of the foremost scientific discoveries since Plato's time; the cycles of the second ray may also be averaged by a summary of the appearances of the great Teachers down the ages.
The force emanations from the Manu, or those of the first Ray, are easily traced when the races are considered, and this has been done in the recognition of the races and subraces. What is oft overlooked is that each of these rays of energy demonstrates constructively, through the form-building agencies, and destructively through the ability of the force to destroy prior to building. Thus the cycles can be viewed from two angles.
There is a one thousand year cycle of greater moment). There are vaster cycles, of 2500 years, of 7,000 years, of 9,000 years, of 15,000 years, and many others which only advanced initiates know of or can follow; these can break in upon any of the lesser impulses, and can be seen appearing, unexpectedly, as far as average man's knowledge is concerned, and yet they are but the returning impulses set in cyclic motion perhaps thousands of years ago.
H. P. B. is right in his affirmation as far as the impulse of the first ray is concerned; but his followers are not right, in so far as they overlook and negate the six other types of impulses, of equal or of more importance, which may emanate cyclically from the Lodge, and which will meet with response from those who vibrate to that particular type of energy.
- Bailey

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