Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 25 september 2015

The Room in the Middle, poem - Kristo, 25/09/2015

Talking about circles,
What do all of us have in common?
David, Michael, you and I,
Mothers and fathers
Lion's heart and twin gates
Conquering Lion,
Truth and Light,
Writing for our common survival
Saint Matthew
About knights, Lady's, fairies and tales
A bloodmoon to the harvest
Sinners and saints
Arab and Jew
Saudi's proof them wrong,
About human rights
And the world's best song
Head and heart,
Brand new start
Don't blow Filip to pieces,
Daniel, so wise,
out of trouble,
Never in disguise,
Waiting for a new world to arise,
Twins, star Red and Blue,
And a purification into I Love You.
One for all
And all for One
We can do it,
If only we try.

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