Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 30 mei 2019

Wisdom of today - Guidance from Findhorn Schotland.

Source: The Findhorn Foundation on facebook.

Joden en Merovingers (Frans Koningshuis).

De Merovingische (Franse) koningen schijnen niet antisemitisch te zijn geweest, maar ondanks hevige protesten van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk juist tolerant of zelfs sympathiek tegenover de Joden te hebben gestaan. Gemengde huwelijken kwamen veel voor en vooral in het Zuiden bezaten veel Joden grote landgoederen. Velen hadden christelijke slaven en bedienden en velen traden op als magistraten en hoge bestuursambetenaren voor hun Merovingische heren. De houding van de Merovingen ten opzichte van de joden kent in de westerse geschiedenis voor de reformatie waarschijnlijk haar gelijke niet.

Bron : Het Heilige Bloed en de Heilige Graal, Michael Baigent, Henri Lincoln.

"Als jullie de Waarheid kennen,
zal de Waarheid jullie vrijmaken.
De onwetendheid is een slavin,
De gnosis (kennis) is de vrijheid".

Evangelie van Filippus.

"Wat ons verenigt, is sterker dan wat ons verdeelt." 

Koning Filip van België.

Belgian federal parliament welcomes first Orthodox Jewish lawmaker.

Belgium’s federal parliament welcomed its first Orthodox Jewish lawmaker, the former editor-in-chief of a major Jewish newspaper.
Michael Freilich, 38, who had edited the Antwerp-based Joods Actueel monthly for 12 years before entering politics last year, entered parliament following Sunday’s federal elections. Number 5 on the ticket of the New Flemish Alliance party, Freilich is also the first “observant Jew” ever to serve in the federal parliament, Joods Actueel reported.

Bob Sinclair - Love Generation W/Lyrics

vrijdag 24 mei 2019

Wisdom of today : John Lennon about love.

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”

― John Lennon

donderdag 23 mei 2019

Kerth Barker on Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK-Ultra Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control.

Knowingly or unknowingly, all super-wealthy individuals are connected in some way to the Luciferian cults that exist among the generally wealthy. The Luciferian cults manipulate the most powerful persons in society. You find Luciferian puppets at the top of all important international organizations and governments. Such puppets may not openly refer to themselves as Illuminati; however, wether they call themselves the New World Order or simply the global elite – they are all slaves to Lucifer.
As a discrete organisation the Bavarian Illuminati is not all powerful. But it does yield overwhelming power. This official Illuminati organization was originated by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. This aristocratic Luciferian cult is presently served by a network of criminal organizations, made up of violent Satanists. Almost all organized crime in the USA and Europe is linked to the Illuminati. And they control the governments in the USA, Israel and the European Union. They also have relationships with secret societies around the world.

They are presently operating on a schedule for world takeover. They planned to completely collapse the economy of the USA by the end of 2015. They planned to dismantle the federal government of the USA in 2017 to make it part of a “superstate” that includes Canada and Mexico. They plan to announce their global government in 2020. And they plan to have control of all resources on planet Earth by 2050. And thus far, they are on schedule. So the Illuminati members think of themselves as very powerful.

However, the ultimate puppet-masters are not Illuminati members. They too are puppets. The ultimate puppet-masters are something more demonic. I have know some very well-educated and well-informed Luciferians who have said that the Illuminati is really being run by some type of hostile extraterrestial intelligence.

Some Christian ministers also have become aware of what is going on and are using prayer as a spiritual weapon to challenge these demonic forces. But not all Christian ministries are the same. Some Christians are naive about how the Illuminati works. Some Christian ministers are very narrow-minded and intolerant of those who don’t agree with them. But some Christian ministers are very awakened to what is happening with Satanism around the world. And the rise of a global Satanic empire was predicted by Bible prophecy. I have found Christianity and Bible teachings to be personally very useful. But I know that not everyone responds to Christianity. In whatever way that you seek to develop your spirituality, you need to have a spiritual awakening. Full spiritual awakening is not just an idea, it’s a necessity for survival.


The more the public challenges the lies told by the Illuminati controlled mass media, the more discordance takes place in the minds of the brainwashed politicians.

If you get your news from mainstream newspapers or television outlets you are beings subjected to Illuminati propaganda. Ever since september 11, 2001, the entire country has been acting out an Illuminati mind-control drama. The extent to which the average American is disconnected from reality is overwhelming.
Whenever a person watches television or spends long periods of time on the internet, that person goes into a suble, altered state of mind. In this state of relaxation, the individual is less likely to be critical of any information received. When the Illuminati uses brainwashing techniques on politicians and other important leaders, they coordinate their mind control with the propaganda the general public is being subjected to. This creates a mind-control continuum which consists of both the propaganda control of the public psyche and the Illuminati’s brainwashing control of society’s leaders.
Those who actually tell the truth of what’s going on are labeled as “conspiracy theorists”. So if you are freed from the propaganda and brainwashing, you are actually out of concordance with mainstream society. This is another issue that a person faces in recovering from Illuminati mind control and propaganda. However, if enough people were to become deprogrammed, there would be a tipping point where society in general would awaken to the truth of what the Illuminati is doing.
Nevertheless, my goal in presenting this information at this time isn’t political transformation. I simply believe that the information presented here may have some potential to benefit the mental health treatment of individuals.

The Illuminati, Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control, Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mk Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control by Kerth Barker, Author of Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers, Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor.

Swami Sivananda explains Don't Be Blind To Sėxual Pleasures As It Is Men...

woensdag 22 mei 2019

Wisdom of today.

"A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas.
A day will come when we shall see those two immense groups, the United States of America and the United States of Europe, facing one another, stretching out their hands across the sea, exchanging their products, their arts, their works of genius, clearing up the globe, making deserts fruitful, ameliorating creation under the eyes of the Creator, and joining together, to reap the well-being of all, these two infinite forces, the fraternity of men and the power of God."

The importance and some implications of a scientific investigation of the phenomenon of kundalini – by Gopi Krishna

Study of the phenomenon of kundalini or serpent power provides only the channel for the exploitation of prana, the channel through which the Illuminati attain transcendence and geniuses extraordinary bloom of the mind. Kundalini is the natural inlet through which the human intellect can come into contact with the divine forces of creation.

There are well-known and well-attested cases of individuals who, in trance or semitrance, bloom into great healers, clairvoyants, expounders of religious truths, oracles, and the like. With voluntary cultivation there is no end to the possibilities of the metamorphosis. With better knowledge of the mechanism and discovery of safer methods to activate it, the products of kundalini can bloom into prodigies in every sphere of human knowledge, into geniuses of the highest order, into prophets, seers, healers, and clairvoyants of surpassing stature, beyond anything we can image at present. They will be the leaders in every field of knowledge and activity in the future world.
The study can be divided into five broad parallel departments. 

The first of these would consist of a thorough study of the oral and written tradition. There are thousands of books on kundalini and yoga extant in India. The ancient esoteric treatises, including the Tantras, contain valuable hints about the serpent powers. The Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Puranas provide another fertile source. A study by a team of scholars can provide valuable material to initiate an empirical investigation of the phenomena.

The second province of research would cover those cases in which kundalini is congenitally active. There are five catogeries of the individuals belonging to this class – the born mystic, the man of woman of genius, the prodigies, the mediums, and the psychotics.
Out of all these categories the last named are most easily accesible to research. Next to the cases of awakening doe to certain disciplines or occuring spontaneously later in life, psychotics provide a most fertile field for this investigation. The old view of the psychoanalytic school that insanity is a subjective phenomenon aristing out of repression or other similar causes, especially in childhood, is becoming increasingly obsolete. The latest studies show that schizophrenia, manic-depression, and other serious forms of insanity have roots deep in the organic soil of the body.

The third province of research can be provided by born mystics, geniuses, mediums, and prodigies in whom kundalini is more or less active from birth. The data obtained frm the observation of the mental cases which have resulted from a morbid awakening of the serpent power can be put to use in drawing up a blueprint for the study of those born with it. Certain parameters of identity will always be there. The main targets of investigation should be the cerebrospinal fluid and the reproductive apparatus. In the case of mediums a tendency to orgasm during mediumship has already been noticed in some cases. The erotical nature of mystical ecstacy is fully recognised. The sex life of geniuses or men and women of extraordinary talent must provide indications of this type. The learned, as a class, are often unwilling to move out of the cloistered area of thought to which they are accustumed. But a few of them show a readiness to march into the unknown territory. The ordeals undergone by those who broke through the fallacy of a geocentric universe are well-known. The empirical validation of kundalini is sure to cause a revolution far exceeding in magnitude the caused by Copernicus. But a though battle will be necessary before scholarly prejudice can be overcome.

The fourth province for study can be furnished by those in whom there occurs an activation of the serpent power later in life without it in any way affecting the sanity of their mind. Those who have symptoms of this kind often pass through periods of suspense or suffering because of their ignorance of the factor responsible for them.

The fifth and most important are of research would be provided by those cases who voluntarily offer themselves for the bold exploit of rousing serpent power. Among the ardent seekers after illumination in all parts of the world, there must be some who would readily lend themselves for an unwell-managed institution where the disciplines can be given.

The whole article can be read in the book Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment, by John White.

Copyright © 1979, 1990 by John White.

dinsdag 21 mei 2019

Wisdom of today (Dutch)

"Als je wilt dat anderen gelukkig zijn, heb mededogen. Als je zelf gelukkig wilt zijn, heb mededogen."

Dalai Lama

Righteous are those that keep the Torah ....

maandag 20 mei 2019

Kundalini and the Occult, by John White (Edited by Kristof Gabriel van Hooymissen)

To the higher humanity, Homo noeticus
And to those sages and seers, ancient and modern, whose selfless service has prepared the birthplace.
(The following article was typed from the book edited by John White with the title Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment. It gives us the importance for Kundalini research in order to prevent the development of future Hitlers. It is an important study for understanding the occult background of what went wrong in world war two – and how to correct such events – and it rejects hatred against Jewish and or other people whatsoever). We are one human family, growing together, learning from one another.)
The following articles deal with various aspects of kundalii as expressed in occult forms. The word occult is not a pejorative term, although certain degenerate occult practices warrant condemnation. Here we are simply observing a relationship between little-understood phenomena and the dynamics of the kundalini concept.
In its most general sense, occult means secret, hidden, beyond the bounds of ordinary knowledge, unknown to the general public. At the center of all occultism is the attempt to gain higher knowledge and control the forces of nature, especially the life energy that is the basis of true magic and paranormal phenomena. In its highest form, occult science merges indistinguishably with true mysticism.
This is illustrated by a passage from Robert Anton Wilson’s recent book Cosmic Trigger, which is an account of his investigations int occult pathways in search of “the final secret of the illuminati.” In discussing Aleister Crowley, an occultist par excellence who evolved from a magical-meditative system called Scientific Illuminism, Wilson writes:

I remembered Crowley’s discussion of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, St. Paul, and Moses in Book One of Magick. Jesus, Crowley points out, says nothing about the source of his Illumination; Buddha speaks of being tempted by various demons and then seeing the Clear Light; St. Paul tells us he had been “caught up into Heaven and seen and heard things of which it is not lawful to speak”; Mohammed claims he was visited by the Archangel Gabriel; and Moses simply says he “beheld God”. Crowley comments: “Diverse as these statements are at first sight, all agree in announcing an experience of the class which fifty years ago would have been called supernatural, today may be called spiritual, and fifty years hence will have a proper name based on an understanding of the phenomenon which occured.”

Crowley’s statement shows that mysticism and genuine occultism are closely allied. It also shows Crowley’s belief, paralleling Gopi Krishna’s view of kundalini, that courageous, clearminded research and the systematization of knowledge will yield understanding of the basic laws governing “supernatural” phenomena and higher consciousness. Might the “proper name” Crowley expected be kundalini research? I suggest that it is.
Not all mystics and occultists are on a par, of course, or motivated by the same values and purposes. Clearly, there a negative side to occultism. But the heart of genuine occult practices appears to be synonymous with aspects of the kundalini concept. In my bok Everything you want to know about TM, I provide an example of the profound importance that kundalini-based studies of the occult can have I offer the example here, beginning with this identification test :
“Who is this man? He was a vegetarian who studied yoga, freethought, and various occult arts. He contemplated entering the priesthood. He consulted astrologers, used psychedelic drugs, and read widely the wisdom literature of the Near East and Orient, including Tibetan Buddhism, Gnosticism, and various mystics. He believed in reincarnation of souls into animal bodies, and wept when his canaries died. He excercised every day in front of an open window. He attended sceances and was himself mediumistic. He loved playing with children.”
This apperently gentle soul, this Flower Child, this Friend of the New Age was none other than – Adolf Hitler. Several recent studies of Hitler have given us this new and radically revised portrait. They show that Hitler was an occultist of a high order, with distinct mystical traits. (They also make clear the difference between a mystic and a saint.) In the Occult Reich, the Occult and the Third Reich and, most important of all, The Spear of Destiny, clsear, strong foundations of the Nazi movement is presented. These books convincicly propose that Hitler was  a mystic of sort whose inner circle of supporters were occultists practicing black magic who had considerable knowledge about altered states of consciousness. Hitler’s high native intelligence and active kundalini were raised to near-genius level through personal experience of transcendent consciousness, gained primarily through use of psychedelic drugs such as peyote and through initiation into occult practices for expanding awareness.

The mind-expanding experiences Hitler had as a young man gave him sporadic access to an illumined state that later led him to say to one of his generals, “The purpose of human life is to gain a mystic view of the universe.” This is a suprising statement, far out of keeping with the stereotyped, one-dimensional image of Hitler that historians have thus far given us. It shows his deep affinity with the though of evolutionists such as Gopi Krishna, Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, R.M. Bucke, and others.
Hitler’s evolutionary notion of a super race was formed not so much through reading philosophers such as Nietzsche as it was from direct experience of higher consciousness. But if der Führer had a significant degree of mystical understanding, he failed woefully to develop it in a balanced, integrated way, and thus  - quite obviously! – failed to develop saintly character traits necessary for the full awakening of the kundalini. Lacking the guidance of spiritual values and ethical restrictions, his inner vision and high intelligence became distorted by malignant internal and external influences. Psychopathology developed, leading to the holocaust of World War II. If further Hitlers are to be avoided, kundalini research appears to be essential.
Alchemy provides another useful example of the links between kundalini and the occult. Alchemy’s true purpose is not the chemical manipulation of gross matter, as is commonly thought, but rather te transmutation f unrefined elements of the human psyche. These elements are symbolized by various substances that have a precise meaning assigned to them. In the “laboratory” of the alchemist’s own body, the “lead” of ordinary awareness becomes the “gold” of higher consciousness, just as the yogi seeks to transform his being through specific practices. The term kundalini does not occur in the alchemical tradition, but the alchemical processes, encoded in cryptic language, have been decoded by modern commentators such as Dr. Israel Regardie in The Philosophers’ Stone and shown to be at least, tantric practices. As mentioned earlier, tantra’s aim is to awaken the kundalini energy and bring about a state of heightened awareness.

Studies in occult subjects provide uncounted instances of kundalini’s generaly unrecognised centrality to even the most respected fields of orthodox thought. Medicine, for example, is symbolised by the caduceus, the staff of Hermes*[1] around which are entwined two serpents. The serpents can be equated with ida and pingala coiling around the central channel of life, the spinal sushumna. Health, therefore, from the original hermetic perspective, is symbolised by properly balanced physiological activity that harmonizes the life force throughout the body, and the medical practitioner is one who has intimate knowledge of how to modify and correct the imbalances.
The serpent, as an occult symbol of higher knowledge, immortality, and the human potential to become godlike, permetates ancient cultures around the world and survives into the modern age in many forms. Most obvious is the Genesis myth, where the serpent, “more subtle than any other wild creature”, leads Adam and Eve to understand that the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil can enable them to “be as gods.” If we put aside the philosophical question of why the Lord originally forbade such knowledge to humans, it is clear that the serpent is kundalini and that Genesis is a myth concerning states of consciousness. By eating the fruit of our own tree-shaped cerebrospinal system – the spinal trunk and its exfoliation into the many-leaved (or thousand-petaled) brain – man can gain knowledge that may indeed kill him. “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die,”, the Lord tells Adam. There are two senses in which a person can die – figuratively and literally. Regarding literal or biological death, we haven seen indications that kundalini, improperly raised, can cause it. When properly raised, however, kundalini can result in figurative death, an ego-death, involving transformation of the nervous system and the experience of divinity. In this experience, the “old Adam”, dies, to use St. Paul’s phrase, and a new person is born, reborn, as a child of the cosmos, no longer self-centered and cosmically conscious. This, I suggest, is the meaning of the Star Child floating in space at the end of that occult cinematic experience, 2001, a saga of the evolution of the human race from a apelike condition to a beckoning new stage of transhuman development.
Professor Weston La Baree, in his book, They Shall Take Up Serpents, demonstrates that the phallus and the serpent were symbolically identical in the higher thought of the ancient Mediterranean world of Africa and Asia Minor, centering in Egypt. The serpent, for example, appears on the Pharao’s diadem at the site of the mystical “third eye”, indicating the relationship between sexual and supersensory experience. Gopi Krishna supplements this by pointing out that the kundalini concept is the only sensible explanation of an otherwise mysterious piece of Egyptology: paintings and statuary depicting men – even a Pharao and a male god – in meditation with an erect phallus. This is not meant by the artist to be erotic at all, Gopi Krishna says, but rahter is a frank and literal depiction of a biological fact about kundalini. Swami Muktananda’s story in Part II is a modern confirmation of this.

Going beyond La Barre’s research, Gopi Krishna has found evidence for kundalini experience in the ancient records of Tibet, Sumer, the Indus Valley civilization, China (where the serpent appears as a dragon), Greece (for example, the phyton-oracle at Delphi), and in the feathered serpent of Mexico and South America.
The functional relation among the phallus, the serpent, and higher states of consciousness is demonstrated well in Gopi Krishna’s description of his own kundalini experience. A few pages after the excerpt from his autobiography presened here, he describes an orgasmic-like kundalini experience he had: “There was a sund line a nerve thread snapping and instantaneously a silvery streak passed through the spinal cord, exactly like the sinuous movement of a white serpent in rapid flight, pouring an effulgent, cascading shower of brilliant vital energy into my brain, filling my head with a blissful luster ...”
The relation between sexual climax and spiritual ecstacy so often encountered in occultism and mysticism suggests the general outline of a still-further stage of evolution toward which the human race is slowly tending. The details of this biological advance are dim-occulted, if you will. Nevertheless, I offer the following in a speculative way.
In sexual climax, the pranic life energy rushes upward through the spinal cord into the brain (Ejaculation of semen in males is not the primary characteristic of climax. Rather, it is the brain stimulation through the nervous system that is sought through sexual activity – a characteristic that applies equally to females.) The kundalini concept postulates that life life energy can be focused and directed in such a way that the bliss of orgasm is heightened manyfold and made permanent as ananda. Gene Kieffer, president of the Kundalini Research Foundation (see appendix[2]), elaborates on this aspect:
The most powerful motivating force of life, as Freud has shown, is sex and the pleasure drawn from the sexual act. Simularly, the most powerful motivating force to draw man to the evolutionary path, according to the traditional concept of kundalini, is ananda. This highly extended state f consciousness, permeated with a extreme form of rapture, is said to be possible only when the consumption of prana is greatly enhanced.      
The new state of consciousness – characterized by ananda, heightened mental faculties, and the development of new supersensory channels of perception – begins to impse itself upon the exterior world through loving and wise action in society, thereby helping to bring about a transformation of the human condition. And it is noteworthy that the word climax comes from the Greek klimax, meaning ladder (to heaven that is, to a paradisal state.)        
Recent data from parapsychology and thanatology give us new insight into the condition of a person in higher consciousness at the end of physical life. The yogic tradition, which designates the death process as mahasamadhi (“casting off the body” or the ultimate enlightenment), apperently named it so for an important reason. The yogi brings to bear all his yogic training and power by choosing the time of his death and exiting consciously from the body in nonphysical form through the fontanelle at the top of the skull, just as, phenomenologically speaking, semen is ejaculated through the penis and just as kundalini energy passes rapidly up the spinal column. Interestingly a French term for orgams is petit mort, little death – the momentary extinction of ego consciousness.)
The yogic death-experience is literally ecstatic. The word ecstacy is derived from the root ex, out of, and stasis, a fixed or static condition. Ecstacy is the ancient term for out-of-the-body experience into astral projection, the “flight of the soul”, It is the experience in which one finds his consciousness, his center of self-awareness, floating in space exterior to the physical body.
This experience is the objective of many occult paths and mystery school initiations. It is part of their training to remove fear of death and the limitations of a physical body. In the past few years, a number of investigators have given accounts and analyses of this experience in books such as Life After Life, The Astral Journey, Ekstasy, and At The Hour of Death. The interesting point here is that those who have udergone the experiece almost uniformly reported lss of fear of death, while a sense of blissful, serene well-beig flooded their awareness. Death, they said, is seen to be simply a change of state. From a condition of being fixed in a body of gross, static substance, one is freed into a realm where consciousness is contained in a body of much finer substance, mre subtle and rarefied, and capable of much greater mobility and freedom.
Yogic training, therefre, is in a part a systematic process in which one deliberately conquers fear of death and learns to exit consciously and painlessly from the body at the end of a life of service to humanity. This is stated explicitely in some of the ancient yogic texts, and more recently by Swami Rama in Living with the Himalayan Masters. In a chapter on techniques of casting of the body, he writes: “It is not like committing suicide, but is an exact process or way of leaving that body which is no longer an instrument for enlightenment. Such a body is considered to be a burden – an obstacle which might obstruct the journey of a dying man....”
A journey to where? From the yogic perspective, the goal is to explore the nature of nonphysical postmortem condition, recognizing that consciousness is ultimate reality and that it tends to be structured in levels of existence traditionally called the astral plane, the etheric plane, the causal plane, etc. These other space-time frameworks have entities indigenous to them, among which are the beings “of the light” described by so many people who have voluntarily or spontaniously experienced the ecsomatic condition. These beings are probably an evolutionary advanced form toward which human life is tending, and psychological enlightenment is therefor a prefiguration of that distant condition in which the entire body is enlightened or of luminous substance. The beings of light, it is said in many occult and spiritual traditions, are in turn assisting the birth process by which Homo Sapiens is emerging into the new world of higher consciousness. I propose that the higher humanity is name Homo noeticus.
Knowledge of the higher worlds : This is the thrust of all spiritual disciplines, ceremonial magic, occult practices, shamanic training, and religious ritual – to employ it with precision for the evolution of the race t a greater state of existence, eventually freed from the bonds of the flesh.
It was precisely this condition that Hitler, via the Third Reich, was seeking. His understanding was woefully incomplete, however. The purpose of life, the greatest sages say, is not simply to gain a mystic view of the universe; rather it is to gain that view and the lovingly share it with others. Hitler’s violent, coercive tactics resulted in a horrible caricature of the evolutionary process.
Aleister Crowley’s occultism was fundamentally an attempt to control and direct evolution. D. Brian Hanlon states in Gnostica magazine (October-November 1977) review of Israel Regardie’s biography of Crowley, The Eye in the Triangle, that Scientific Illuminism was aimed at producing Adepts, evolutionary mutants – fully enlightened individuals who had attained realization of their own divine genius. Crowley came to believe that this was the “next step” in human evolution, “an awakening to the meaning of the man of the future,” as Regardie describes it.
In the following selections (see book), we examine a wide variety of possible relationships between occult phenomena and kundalini. The brief excerpt from Kenneth Grant’s Cults of the shadow shows the widespread influence of kundalini in cults in Africa and Asia. It also gives evidence of the evolutionary impulse taking focus in practices designed to develop the body of light, the subtle vehicle for consciousness that is deathless and refined of gross matter. Grant notes that this is the mystery motivating the cults.
By far the most difficult and controversial article is the excerpt from J.M. Pryse’s The Restored Testament. Pryse maintains that the Book of Revelation is a coded text detailing the awakening of kundalini through occult practices and that the core truth of the Christian tradition is development of the solar body of light, the immortal vehicle for consciousness that Jesus demonstrated throught the crucifixion[3] and ressurection. Such a message will not be welcomed in certain quarters of Christendom. It is included here, however, because Pryse’s argument is logically tenable and because it is an elaboration on the preceding article by Mineda J. McCleave, “Christian Mysticism and Kundalini”.
In an article in Atrologia (Vol. 1, No. 2) in 1974, Dr Charles Musès discusses “The Mst Ancient Resurrection Doctrine of Egypt Recontructed” – a subject that relates directly to the cultic mysteries. Musès writes that the central purpose of ancient Egyptian methaphysics was to gain the “hatching” of the higher energy-substance body, able to function with greatly enhanced senses in a higher objective world. I will quote the article at length because of its importance for this section.
Without that higher body in such released form, the transition of death would find that person still imprisoned in the cocoon or egg protecting the as yet ng fully developed higher body. Hence in such cases all that death can bring by way of new experiences is veridical-seeming, very vivid dreams, pleasant, unpleasant, or mixed according to the degree of development of love and release from fears that prior earth-body experience had afforded the particular person. It is important to note, however, that the highest use of the bardo (to use the convenient Tibetan term) state is continued development of the higher body, leading to increased powers in the next incarnation, and in some cases proceeding to such a degree that the necessity for future earth-lives is greatly curtailed or even, in exceptional cases, wholly eliminated. In these last cases there is a direct entrance into the immortal state of higher objectivity from the anti-wrld or bardo-plane.
With the “hatching” or birth of the higher body, however, there is no longer any necessity to return to an earth-type existence in a carbon-based, fragile and comparatively imprisoning body or vehicle of entity-expression. The most ancient Egyptian teachings were concerned with an occult science – now lost and as yet far beyond the reach of our technology  whereby while still in this life, the carbon-based body, by suitable extradimensional radiation, could be transformed into the new type if energy-substance and form fhe imperishable, radiant body. In this manner, the initate so treated could enter into a higher dimensional objective world, without the necessity of the bardo states and without the trauma of physical death.
The cosmic beings, more advanced than the human stage, that could admininister such a process were symbolized primarily by the great Hawk Deity Horus, flanked by Isis, the Goddess of Immortal Life, and Nephtys, the ladoy of the Palace of Ressurection of House of Horus. The person undergoing the transformation was assimilated to Osiris, the god-who-died, overcome by Set, the ruler of the inevitable morality f earth-life conditions. Set’s pwer, however, is the inverse of Horus’. By proper administrations and techniques one can be transformed into the other, thus substituting unalloyed, felicitous immortality as an ongoing, ever-developing individuality rather than the traumatic, constantly death-interrupted immortality, with its disruptions of memory and personality that attent the ordinary experience of earth-life.

If we accept this assertion, it gives us still greater insight into the “mystery” that unites kundalini and Christianity. It implies that the process by which the yogi transmutes his psychophysical being is the same as that by which Jesus the man, presumably trained in one or more occult traditions originating in Egypt or the East, developed the higher transfigured body that allwed him to undergo physical death and yet “rise again” as proof that he was truly Christed, begotten of the immortal Creative Force – as an example for others to follow on the evolutionary path to eternal life.
The grand theme of human history is the evolution of consciousness and growth to a godlike condition. This theme has taken a varity of spiritual, occult, and scientific forms. Occult studies, this section will demonstrate, can contribute much to elucidating the underlying unity of science, occultism and religion. An open-minded approach to the occult will undoubtly bright to light important new data for kundalini research – data that bear on the human growth to higher states of being, including the possibility of controlling and accelerating that growht. It is an awesome prospect.

Copyright © 1979, 1990 by John White.

[1] The staff of Aesculapius, entwined by a single serpent, is also often used as a symbol of medicine.
[2] Kundalini Research Foundation, Ltd. 475 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016, Gene Kieffer, President. Dedicated to the dissemination of information on kundalini, based on a documentary and scientific research. Affiliated with the Central Institute for Kundalini Research, The Foundation coöperates with the similar organizations and individuals to support research and publish findings. Offers literature, books, and tapes (audio and video cassettes) of Gopi Krishna’s discourses, as well as the quarterly magazine, Spiritual India and Kundalini  Truth journal. Has mre than one hundred centers and ashrams affiliated with it throughout the United States.
Central Institute for Kundalini Research, 14 Karan Nagar, Srinagar, Kashmir, India, Gopi Krishna, Director. Sponsors kundalini research, both scientific and scholarly, which it disseminates through books, tapes, conference proceedings and a journal, Spiritual India and Kundalini. North American Affiliates : Bio-Energy Research Foundation, Kundalini Research Foundation Ltd, and Kundalini Research Institute of Canada.
Bio-Energy Research Foundation, P.O. Bx 1846, Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. 92067, George Tompkins, Director. Supports the work of Gopi Krishna and promotes the concept of kundalini research. Offers books and tapes (audio ad video cassettes) of Gopi Krishna’s discourse for sale. Organizes discussion groups in Southern California on the scientific and spiritual implications of kundalini research. Distributes Spiritual India and Kundalini magazine.
Kundalini Research Institute of Cananda, 9 Richmnt Street, East, Suite 403, Toronto, Ont. M5C 1NE, Canada, Joseph Dippong, President. Support the work of Gopi Krishna and promotes the concept of kundalini research. Offers literaturee, books and tapes (audio and video cassettes) of Gopi Krishna’s discourse for sale. Distributes Spiritual India and Kundalini magazine.
[3] Note from the the one who types this for the reader : The Crucifixion can be regarded as a transformational mystery, not necessarily  as something to be taken literally but rather allegorical in these times.

Note :

* It is said that Hitler and the most important Nazis used black art in implementing the policies of the Third Reich; the Chinese communists did something similar. Hypnotic brainwashing is a common practice.

"How will it protect people against hypnotism?"

"By purifying the hearts of the people who would misuse it. And universal brotherhood rests on the common soul. Because there is one soul, common to all people, brotherhood or even mutual understanding is possible. Get the people to put their trust in that, and they will be safe."

From the biography of Helena Blavatsky.

zondag 19 mei 2019

Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)

 "Love is not sexual intercourse. Love is not vital attraction and interchange. Love is not the heart’s hunger for affection. Love is a mighty vibration coming straight from the One. And only the very pure and very strong are capable of receiving and manifesting it." - The Mother

"Een bekeerd vitale is een uiterst machtig instrument. Het wordt soms bekeerd door iets uitzonderlijks moois hetzij in moreel hetzij in materieel opzicht. Als het bijvoorbeeld een geval van totale zelfverloochening meemaakt, van iemand die zichzelf geeft zonder te berekenen - iets wat zo zeldzaam maar zo machtig mooi is -, dan kan het daarvoor gewonnen worden; het kan aangegrepen worden door de ambitie om hetzelfde te doen. Dat begint met een ambitie en eindigt met een onvoorwaardelijke overgave." - De Moeder

Zie ook : en

Pema Chodron on Shantideva - Bodhisattva Mind

The Great Bell Chant (The End Of Suffering)


vrijdag 17 mei 2019

Manly P Hall - 'Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them'

The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path - The Varieties of Karma

An exposition of the effects.
(a)Fruitional effects

Each of the ten paths of action depends upon a basis of the three mental poisons that occut in three strengths: small, medium, and great. There, there are three fruitional effects for each action. In the Levels of Yogic Deeds it says that through each of the great forms of the ten nonvirtues – killing and so forth – you will be reborn in the hells, through each of the ten medium forms you will be reborn in the hells, through each of the ten medium forms you will be reborn as a hungry ghost, and through each of the ten small forms you will be reborn as an animal. The Sutra on the Ten Levels, however, speaks of the effects for the small and medium froms in reverse.

(b)Causally concordant effects

Even when you are reborn from the miserable realms as a human, yu still experience the effects of nonvirtues actions as follows :
As a causally concordant the effect of killing : a short lifetime;
As an effect  of stealing : a lack of resources;
From sexual misconduct : an unruly spouse;
From lying : much slander;
From divisive speech : loss of friendships ;
From offensive speech : hearing unpleasant words ;
From senseless speech : others not listening to your words; and from covetouseness, malice, and wrong views : respectively, predominance of attachment, hostility and confusion.

The Chapter of the Truth and the Sutra of the Ten Levels both state that each of the nonvirtues actions has two effects. They say that even if you are born a human, still :
As a result of killing : you would have a short lifespan and many illnessess;
As a result of stealing : you would have few resources and the resources you do have would be shared with others ;
As a result of sexual misconduct : your helpers would be disorderly or untrustworthy, and you would have a contentious spouse;
As a result of lying : others would slander you a great deal, and they would deceive you;

As a result of divisive speech : your helpers would not get along and would misbehave;
As a result of offensive speech : you would hear unpleasant words and quarrelsome speech;
As a result of senseless speech : your words would not be respected or understandable, and your confidence would not be unshakable ;
As a result of covetousness : you would have great attachment and no contentment;
As a result of malice : you would seek the unbeneficial or not seek the beneficial, and you would harm others or others would harm you ;
As a result f wrong views : you would have bad views and would be deceitful.

The former gurus assert that liking to kill and so on even once you have been born a human causally concordant behavioral effects, and the above-mentioned effects are causally concordant experiential effects.

By Tsong-Kha-Pa

Typed out so that might help others to become better versions of themselves.

Kristof Gabriel

Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Dizang Wang Pusa)

vrijdag 10 mei 2019

Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)

"Vriend, hoed U voor Trots en Egoïsme, twee van de gevaarlijkste valstrikken voor de voeten van hem, die ernaar streeft de verheven paden van Kennis en Spiritualiteit te bestijgen. (..) Onzelfzuchtigheid en een vurig verlangen zich voor het welzijn van anderen op te offeren, welk een "menigte van zonden' bedekt dat niet!"
Meester Koot Humi, De Mahatma Brieven

3 HOURS Relaxation Powerful Meditation | Tibetan Monks Chanting | Singin...

Boodschap van gezond verstand. (Dutch)

Ik geloof dat iedereen het erover eens is dat we goed voor de Aarde moeten zorgen. Ik heb misschien wel honderden boeken gelezen ondertussen, maar dat is een normale conclusie in het hier en nu : bescherm de Aarde. We hebben ze allemaal nodig.

donderdag 9 mei 2019

Full Interview: Julian Assange on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, the CIA, Va...

Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks

David Icke Talks To Sputnik Radio About The Arrest Of Julian Assange

David Icke - The Road Back To Freedom (The One Great Spirit)

Re-post : Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Julie, we zullen je nooit vergeten. Our spirit never dies.

Voor altijd in ons HART, Julie ....

Michael Jackson - Smile

Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)

3 HOURS Relaxation Powerful Meditation Tibetan Monks Chanting Singing ...

zaterdag 4 mei 2019

Archangel Michael Angel Message, Clear Cleanse & Lift Meditation


GLOBAL WORLD PEACE MEDITATION, to help bring mankind into higher conscio...

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Humility with Gabrie...

Humility - Guided Meditation

Bardo Thodol Monlam

Secret Tibetan Book Of The Dead | [ Full Documentary ]

The Tibetan Book of the Dead-The Great Liberation-Part.1

MUSE - Something Human (Acoustic) [Official Lyric Video]

Bob Marley - One Love


Muse - Resistance - Stade de France 2013

Rencontre avec Christophe Habas, Grand Maître du Grand Orient de France

Gayatri Mantra 108 times Anuradha Paudwal I Full Audio Song I T-Series Bhakti Sagar

Deva Premal Gayatri Mantra 2 hours

“Stressvrij leven” meditatie door Roy Martina

They Are Coming For US ALL!! Not Just Online

Meditazione degli Angeli Roy Martina

MEDITAZIONE - Incontra il tuo Angelo Custode - Carlo Lesma

vrijdag 3 mei 2019

Forgiveness Angel Message with Archangel Michael | Guided Meditation For...

“Stressvrij leven” meditatie door Roy Martina

Mass Consciousness Gridwork - Free World Peace Meditations by Christine ...

Muse - Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 3 (Redemption) [HD]

10 MIN - Rust & Ontspannings- geleide meditatie | Dr. Roy Martina

London Film Premiere Q & A - The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

A Second Look at the Law of Karma [ Audio Lecture ]

Om Mani Padme Hum - Versión Original - Mantras Tibetanos

Divine Mantra of Ashtar Sheran and Lord Gorloj (By Sons of Ashtar)

Roy Martina Engelen Meditatie | Official Release

Angel Meditation

500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican Shocked

Meditation for Peace and Relaxation


Powerful Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael's Emerald Green Flame...

Archangel Raphael Meditation for Healing

ARTIKEL II-63: Het recht op menselijke integriteit

1. Eenieder heeft recht op lichamelijke en geestelijke integriteit.
2. In het kader van de geneeskunde en de biologie moeten met name in acht worden genomen:
a) de vrije en geïnformeerde toestemming van de betrokkene, volgens de bij de wet bepaalde regels;
b) het verbod van eugenetische praktijken, met name die welke selectie van personen tot doel hebben;
c) het verbod om het menselijk lichaam en bestanddelen daarvan als zodanig als bron van financieel voordeel aan te wenden;
d) het verbod van het reproductief kloneren van mensen
Bron :

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - Death conquering Mantra ( Very Powerful )

Team Gabriel update.

Human DNA is recognized as a powerful immune stimulant, able to activate body and brain inflammation and/or autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and lupus, as well as allergies, asthma, hyperactivity, and autism. There is indeed an increase in autoimmune diseases in those who are vaccinated. The worldwide rate of type 1 diabetes, depending on the country and study, is between 50 and 150% higher in vaccinated children.*
Additionally, an increasing amount of worldwide evidence points to a link between child vaccines and autism, particularly in association with the MMR vaccine. It is not clear why, but the use of human aborted fetal DNA may be a factor. Aborted fetal cells containing human DNA have been used since 1983 in the MMR vaccine. It is more than an interesting coincidence that the increase in autism, began to rise in 1983 as well. Aborted-fetal-tissue use in the MMR vaccine was introduced in the UK about ten years later, and again coincided with a spike in autism levels there.
This epidemiological evidence establishes some level of association, and adds weight to the rarely discussed link between MMR vaccination and autism as well as autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, no well-designed studies, retrospective or prospective, have ever examined this. Because of the epidemiological suggestion of this link, it may be useful to ask your physician if his or her recommended vaccines contain aborted-human DNA.*
It is important to note that some mandatory kindergarten-entry vaccines, including MMR and chicken pox, are only available in the U.S. with aborted fetal DNA. The human DNA cell lines used are MRC-5 and YI-38, which are derived from aborted human fetal tissue.
~ Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children (pp. 309-310) [*All citations in book.]

Hare Krishna - Maha Mantra | 108 Times

Peter Vereecke aka Chemtrail burgemeester

AVATAR 2 - Teaser Trailer Concept (2020) "Return to Pandora" Zoe Saldana...

David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and ...

Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)

from David Icke Website

The following is a transcription of a conversation between Credo Mutwa and Steve, who is helping him to communicate his information through this website. It was recorded on Sunday, April 29th 2001 in JohannesburgSouth Africa.
Credo: "I wish to appeal to the world. First, I am not a quack or a charlatan or a sensationalist. I am an old man who has seen much. I wish the world to know that there is a faint ray of hope that emanates from South Africa.

It is a plant which is almost on the point of extinction, a plant called ’Suderlandia Fructosate’. This plant works miracles on people who have the terrible disease called Aids. And it is so miraculous that the miracles are seen within a week or a fortnight. A person, who was lying down on the point of death, when given this plant, rises and has much energy and is free of depression and has a good appetite. And I feel that as a nation as a matter of world emergency because the big scientists have not produced a viable safe treatment for aids. I say that this plant should be planted by all caring governments, by all caring organizations and that it should be given to human beings free of charge."

Steve: "Absolutely. You know what I think is important though Credo, that people understand what to do with the plant."

Credo: "They don’t do nothing sir, you are going to laugh about this. You plant the plant okay, but then you take the little leaves from it and you put them in a tea cup and you pour much boiling water on it. And then you let the cup stand there, like tea you know, and you just drink, the patient just drinks."

Steve: "The leaves and the red flower?"

Credo: "Yah."

Why Can't David Icke Be 'Taken Out'?

David Wilcock talking about the fall of the Cabal

Cancer Conspiracy

A cure for cancer was “discovered” several times during the 20th century. In each case the inventor was murdered and the formula burned. The Illuminati secretly own the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and bilk patients billions of dollars annually on cancer related treatments and cancer related pharmaceuticals. A “cure” for cancer would reduce Illuminati profits in this area dramatically and thus all genuine “cures” for cancer have been historically blocked, suppressed, squashed, debunked, burned, and secretly swept under the rug by the evil Illuminati and their henchmen.

Cancer the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary

Filip Lardon & Marc Van Eeghem 'Naar een wereld zonder kanker'

David Icke: One of the Most Corrupt Industries on Earth - the Cancer Ind...

MUSE - The Void (Acoustic) [Official Lyric Video]

Enigma - Return To Innocence (Official Video)

Manly P. Hall - Victory of the Soul Over Circumstance

Manly P. Hall - Those Who Attain Integrity Must Pass on the Lamp

Immortal Technique - The 4th Branch (Lyrics)

The Pianist (2002) Official Trailer - Adrien Brody Movie

Hear the Holocaust Survivors Band make joyful music

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - Death conquering Mantra ( Very Powerful )

Michael Jackson - Why You Wanna Trip On Me

Max Igan Banned From Youtube For Exposing Christchurch Massacre

Uit de Mahatma letters. (Dutch)

Van de meester van wijsheid Koot 'Hoomi over de jezuïeten, een instituut waartoe de huidige paus Bergolio behoort:
Jezuïeten weten dat wat ze leren een leugen is, en we weten dat wat we meegeven de waarheid is, de enige waarheid en niets anders dan de waarheid. Ze werken om de macht en glorie van hun bestelling te vergroten; wij voor de macht en de uiteindelijke glorie van individuen, van geïsoleerde eenheden en van de mensheid in het algemeen, en we zijn tevreden, inderdaad, we zijn verplicht om onze Orde en haar leiders volledig in de schaduw te laten. Ze werken, zwoegen en bedriegen omwille van de aardse macht in dit leven; we werken, we worstelen en we laten onze klauwen tijdelijk bedrogen worden om hen de middelen te bieden om later nooit misleid te worden, en om al het kwaad van leugens en leugens te zien, niet alleen in dit leven, maar ook in veel opeenvolgende levens. Zij - de jezuïeten - offeren het innerlijke principe, het spirituele brein van het ego, om het fysieke brein van de persoonlijke en kortstondige mens beter te voeden en te ontwikkelen, en offeren de hele mensheid om het aan te bieden als een holocaust voor hun samenleving - het onverzadigbare monster het voedt zich met de hersenen en het merg van de mensheid en ontwikkelt een ongeneeslijke vorm van kanker op elk punt van het gezonde vlees dat het aanraakt. Wij - de bekritiseerde en verkeerd begrepen broeders - proberen mannen ertoe te brengen hun persoonlijkheid te offeren - een vluchtige flits - voor het welzijn van de hele mensheid, dus voor hun onsterfelijke ego, dat daar deel van uitmaakt, zoals de mensheid een complete breuk die ooit zal worden. Ze zijn gewend om te misleiden; ons om te misleiden.
(A.P. Sinnet, The letters of the Mahatmas, deel I, blz. 172).

Michael Tsarion - The Outsider and The Guilt Complex (RIC 21.12.06)