Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 31 oktober 2019

Ultra-Zionists, attacks and censorship

A few months ago I tried to upload a video to You Tube advocating Peace between Israël and Palestine. It was not allowed. This is according to David Icke is the Zionist censorship in action. This Zionist death-cult controls Google, twitter and Facebook and has links with the FBI. Israël is An apartheid Zionist state. You might be called antisemitic if you do dare to say this. But I have nothing against the Jewish People. Real Torah Jews oppose this too. The more they censor me, the more they'll get my Middle finger. Like David Icke and Tucker Carlson, I Will not obey to their fascist attacks. I Will not shut up or be intimidated by that crowd.

Thanks David, your latest book is Truly a revelation.

One More thing, don't get fooled by fake facebook or you tube accounts. It's not me. It are attempts to discredit me. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's this Ultra-Zionist death-cult that is behind the 9/11 attacks and NOT Arabs with bombs. Bin Laden was nothing more than a C.I.A.-funded scape-goat, as Mark Dutroux was the scape-goat for the horrific child-molesting crimes and sacrificing of children done by the Royal family in the past. Do your own research. This are facts.

It is a difficult path exposing these psychopaths, they call you a nutter, block and take away your money and so on, but the awakening has never been so great and hopefull as it is now.

This network controls Israel and America.

woensdag 30 oktober 2019

Golden age humble advice

Some within the financial elite realise that their days are numbered. Inflation is taxation in disguise. The finances that belong to the people must return to them. We oppose monopolies. Governments must regulate big businesses and monopolies in order to avoid a financial collapse of the system and more wars. The Kings of the Earth must stop to finance their wars and serve their people instead.

A Golden Age of Light and an economy for the People we invoke, not solely for An elite. A new crisis of the banks can be avoided in 2020. Awaken!

- The Host of Heaven -

Recommended research / thanks to 'The Trigger' by David Icke

J.F.K, the C. I.A., Vietnam and The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy
Unholy Trinity : Vatican, Nazi's, Swiss Banks.
Stanly Kubrick : Eyes Wide Shut

(I personally prefer Eyes Wide Open) - princess Madeleine and Chris / Childhood USA (please donate and support them.)

Message of importance.

My telephone and computer are not working anymore at the same time. No coincidence. The satanic demons who are responsible for this will be hold accountable for this very soon. I am trusting the Divine Plan of Prime Creator G'd.

The answer:
When humanity remembers we are all one consciousness having different experiences the illusional fault-lines that divide us will fall and peace will come. " - David Icke

George Orwell:

"What is needed is the right to print what one believes to be true, without having to fear bullying or blackmail from any side."

dinsdag 29 oktober 2019

Kristo(f) at age 17, practicing guitar at my father's place. (Willebroek, Belgium)

Thank you Moses for teaching us to love and respect our parents.

Wisdom of today

"Three things cannot long be hidden : The Sun, The Moon and the Truth." - Gautama Buddha

maandag 28 oktober 2019

COBRA = Silver Trigger Update, Global Financial System

Free advice : just be (thanks to Michael Keuppens)

Free e-book of today (Dutch/English)

Kosmisch Bewustzijn / Cosmic Consciousness (Free e-book for humanity in Dutch/English. Scientific work about yoga

For the next generations / Save our children :My books and those written with my friends and collegues are available to read and copy for free in the Royal Library of Belgium (Dutch/English.)

Last week I worked hard to update the Royal Library of Belgium with all my books, some are written alone, some with friends and collegues. If you don't have money you can read and copy them for free. Afgelopen week heb ik de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België bijgewerkt met mijn werken, sommigen zijn alleen geschreven. Sommigen met collega's en vrienden. U kunt ze vrij raadplegen en kopiëren is toegestaan, voor zij die weinig geld hebben. For the next generations Voor de volgende generaties. Spellingsfouten komen door werken onder hoge druk met soms tegenwerking. Commentaar hebben mag op voorwaarde dat U een jaar U inleeft in mijn schoenen te staan. Redt onze kinderen! Save our children!

Kim Michaels : Help Saint Germain STOP POVERTY.

This book if for anyone who wants to make a contribution to a better society by doing something that none of the forces of this world can prevent. You can use the knowledge and practical tools in this book to make a powerful contribution to removing poverty and its spiritual causes from this planet. Saint Germain is the primary ascended master overseeing the coming 2000 years. He has plans for manifesting a Golden Age with tremendous progress, but he needs our help to clear away one of the major blocks to this new age, namely poverty and the consciousness and forces behind it. Through seven profound discourses, Saint Germain explains that poverty is not mandated by God or the laws of nature. It is an entirely artificial phenomenon, brought about by the manipulation of a small power elite. Saint Germain also explains that the members of this power elite have manipulated humankind for a very long time by getting people to misuse their free will. That is why the ascended masters cannot use their infinite power to remove poverty. The Law of Free Will mandates that a critical mass of people in embodiment must first overcome the consciousness of poverty and then authorize the ascended masters to remove the energy, the consciousness and the forces that uphold poverty. This book is a toolkit designed to help you overcome the consciousness of poverty in your own mind, and then help remove it from the planet. If you have tried other tools for manifesting abundance, this book may be exactly what you need in order to move forward and manifest the abundant life.

zondag 27 oktober 2019

A pure vision for the earth.

I see such a grand and beautiful vision for this planet. I see the earth being purified of the dark clouds of war and of the beings who are dark, who are driven by hatred, who are sniveling in their hatred against human beings, in their desire to destroy this planet completely. I see them being bound by the angels and taken to the other realms where they actively receive an opportunity to experience an even more intense struggle and, therefore, come closer to their potential awakening. I see those demons and entities who never had self-awareness being bound and consumed by the angels and archangels. I see billions of angels standing ready in the emotional, mental, and identity realms, simply waiting for you to call, for your command, for your authorization to step in and purify the earth. (...)

Kim Michaels in Help the Ascended Masters STOP WAR

Kim Michaels : Help the Ascended Masters STOP WAR (workbook).

A workbook for those who are serious about bringing peace Do you feel that war has been around long enough on this planet, but you don't see what you can do about it? This book explains that we human beings do not have the power to stop war, but that our universal spiritual teachers, the ascended masters, do have that power. What they lack is the authority, which they can only receive from us. By using the teachings and practical tools in this book, you can make a personal contribution towards giving the ascended masters the authority to stop war. The profound teachings in this book explain the spiritual causes of war and expose the hidden forces that have created and sustain war, using human beings as pawns in their meaningless games. By using the tools, you will help the ascended masters remove the unrelenting forces of war, and this is the key to bringing true peace. This book is given as direct revelation by the Ascended Master Mother Mary, who holds the Office of the Divine Mother for all people. She says that if enough people use the tools in this book, the forces of war can be removed within the foreseeable future. Will you make a personal contribution towards making war a thing of the past?

Kristof Gabriel in 2004.

Charles John Jarvis about music (in Dutch)

Heaven Help Us All - Madeleine Peyroux

Still studying : David Icke about 9/11

zaterdag 26 oktober 2019

Trump Busts 1,500 Pedophiles — Media Keeps Silent

Trump Busts 1,500 Pedophiles — Media Keeps Silent

Informatie over longziekten. (Dutch)

"Door de verplaatsing van de energie vanuit het emotionele centrum naar het denkvermogen ontstaan soms longziekten zoals tuberculose, asthma, bronchitis, longontsteking,etcetera. Het is een ziekte ten gevolge van uitputting. (Rust is belangrijk). Het kan  in deze tijd echter meestal volkomen genezen worden.

In het geheim van een juist ritmisch leven en door een geproportioneerde nadruk op alle levensfasen (en dit komt snel) zal een volledige onvatbaarheid voor tuberculose (en andere longziekten) komen.

(...) hebben wij geleerd hoe tuberculose te genezen is. Men ontdekte dat zonneschijn en goed voedsel genezing kon brengen of althans de ziekte konden tegenhouden.  (...) gelijk het licht van de ziel, wanneer het in het denkvermogen stroomt, elk probleem kan oplossen, het licht van de zon met haar ontsmettende stralen de gevreesde symptomen van tuberculose kan verdrijven.
Het ontwikkelen van goede wil en goede, juiste motieven geneest problemen van de ademhaling, longen en keel, waardoor een lang leven volgt,  het onnatuurlijk onderdrukken van begeerte wordt afgeraden.

Bron : Esoterische genezing, Alice Ann Bailey.

vrijdag 25 oktober 2019

Sri Aurobindo on a spiritualised society (the one we are building).

"A spiritualised society would treat in its sociology the individual, from the saint to the criminal, not as units of a social problem to be passed through some skilfully devised machinery and either flattened into the social mould or crushed out of it, but as souls suffering and entangled in a net and to be rescued, souls growing and to be encouraged to grow, souls grown and from whom help and power can be drawn by the lesser spirits who are not yet adult." - Sri Aurobindo -

Root Chakra Healing Music - Let Go Worries, Anxiety, Fear - Chakra Medit...

Kristof Gabriel & his father Carlo van Hooymissen.

© Copyright Carlo van Hooymissen 2019

woensdag 23 oktober 2019

Kristo(f) Gabriel is rediscovering the Work of Sri Aurobindo in joyous perseverance.

The Work of Sri Aurobindo

The Human Cycle, The Ideal Human Unity, War and Self-Determination Some of the greatest writings of Sri Aurobindo are contained in this book. The essays collected here form the three smaller books titled THE HUMAN CYCLE, THE IDEAL OF HUMAN UNITY, and WAR AND SELF-DETERMINATION and are dated as far back as 1915.

dinsdag 22 oktober 2019

Some thoughts by K. Gabriel

I have seen the reprint of my book on kundalini. It doesn't look professionally on the outside (the cover) because many things went wrong in some other books are spellingmistakes and so on and so forth but this is all due to the fact that I had many things to work on and had to deal with what Sri Aurobindo calls the 'counterforces' that wanted to prevent me from evolving. In the meantime I was helping friends and relatives in my environment and had many delays, problems with computer software and a possible hack attack. Every time when a yogi makes progress, according to Sri Aurobindo, one might experience attacks and thus delays. This is a sign of progress, do not panic or get frightened. The material world always rejects an influx of spiritual energy. But those who keep going eventually will succeed.

I am studying the Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo about the Coming of a Spiritual Satya Yuga (Golden Age) within the greater Kali Yuga cycle.

I am studying about Europe and the United States. I believe in the individual as well as in the sovereign nation. At the same time I am an advocate for a friendly unity and partnership in freedom between individuals and between nationstates but I fight hard to prevent the rise of totalitarian Superstates. That is not the goal of our enterprise. The change must start on the inside on a spiritual level within each and every individual no matter the political preference, sex, colour, sexual orientation, caste or creed. It should resemble really the unity of the human family and with a huge dose of spiritual anarchism involved, that means that the free and liberated individual is the most important within a natural, democratic environment. If the individuals are supported all together as comrades within the greater brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity, respect for the collective State will develop naturally and nothing would have to be forced upon anyone. As the Wise Lao Tse thaught : expect nothing, force nothing, act without acting, do not hurry and everything will be accomplised, be like water my friend.

So far so good, I can see a Light at the end of the tunnel. Finally, there is hope rising for Europe and for humanity at large.

Keep going, beloveds, we are doing it, however it seemed impossible at the very beginning. There is hope.

Atlantis will not fall this time,
if you ask me.
Atlantis will not fall this time,
if we purge the corruption (the purge & Storm is coming)
       Atlantis will not fall this time,
if the ten Kings join us in this quest for a FREE and LIBERATED humanity
Atlantis will not fall this time,
if we do not hurry the journey at all.

weet dreams, I'll be back tomorrow ::-)


Kristo(f) Gabriel

Recommended study : The coming of a Spiritual Age, by Sri Aurobindo. Take good care of yourselves.

 Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age (click here)

Click above to read the Chapter.

Wisdom of today : Immortality and the soul. (The Inner Path and the need for a subjective culture).

"(...) The secret of self-prolongation by constant self-renewal which is the principle of immortality. (...) Only in its new turn inwards, towards a greater subjectivity now only beginning, there is a better hope; for by that turning it may discover that the real truth of man is to be found in his soul." - inspired by my present Sri Aurobindo studies 

(Source: The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity. Ebook available only for free online).

Antwerpse verzetsstrijders uit vergetelheid. (Dutch) : Gazet Van Antwerpen.

Wisdom of today (part 2)

"Only by the Light and power of the highest can the lower be perfectly guided, uplifted and accomplished. (...) The spirital man who can guide human life towards its perfection is typified in the ancient Indian idea of the Rishi, one who has lived the life of man and found the world of the supra-intellectual, supramental, spiritual truth. He has risen above these lower limitations and can view all things from above, but also he is in sympathy with their effort and can view them from within, he has the complete inner knowledge and the higher surpassing knowledge. Therefore he can guide the world humanly as God guides it divinely, because like the Divine he is in the life of the world and yet above it. (...)

Spirituality respects the freedom of the human soul, because it is itself fulfilled by freedom; and the deepest meaning of freedom is the power to expand and grow towards perfection by the law of one's own nature, dharma. This liberty it will give to all the fundamental parts of our being. It will give that freedom to philosophy and science which ancient Indian religion gave, - freedom even to deny the spirit if they will, - as a result of which philosophy and science never felt in ancient India any necessity to divorce themselves from religion, but grew rather into it and under its light. It will give the same freedom to man's seeking for political and social perfection and to all his other powers and aspirations. Only it will be vigilant to illuminate them so that they may grow into the light and law of the spirit, self-controlled expansion and a many-sided finding of their greatest, highest and deepest potentialities. For all these are potentialities of the spirit."

Source: Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Ideal Of Human Unity, War and Self-determination, Religion as the Law of Life.

maandag 21 oktober 2019

Wisdom of today. (free advice)

"There is only one safe rule for the ethical man, to stick to this principle of good, his instinct for good, his vision of good, his intuition of good and to govern by that his conduct. He may err, but he will be faithful to the law of his nature." - Source : Sri Aurobindo, The human cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, War and Self-determination, The Suprarational Good

Prophetic text by Sri Aurobindo from July 1918, still relevant today. We need to become One Human Family.

Ideal of Human Unityby Sri Aurobindo
Chapter XXXV
(July 1918)

Summary and Conclusion

In other words, - and this is the conclusion at which we arrive, - while it is possible to construct a precarious and quite mechanical unity by political and administrative means, the unity of the human race, even if achieved, can only be secured and can only be made real if the religion of humanity, which is at present the highest active ideal of mankind, spiritualises itself and becomes the general inner law of human life.

The outward unity may well achieve itself, - possibly, though by no means certainly, in a measurable time, - because that is the inevitable final trend of the working of Nature in human society which makes for larger and yet larger aggregations and cannot fail to arrive at a total aggregation of mankind in a closer international system.

This working of Nature depends for its means of fulfilment upon two forces which combine to make the larger aggregation inevitable. First, there is the increasing closeness of common interests or at least the interlacing and interrelation of interests in a larger and yet larger circle which makes old divisions an obstacle and a cause of weakness, obstruction and friction, and the clash and collision that comes out of this friction a ruinous calamity to all, even to the victor who has to pay a too heavy price for his gains; and even these expected gains, as war becomes more complex and disastrous, are becoming more and more difficult to achieve and the success problematical. An increasing perception of this community or interrelation of interests and a growing unwillingness to face the consequences of collision and ruinous struggle must push men to welcome any means for mitigating the divisions which lead to such disasters. If the trend to the mitigation of divisions is once given a definite form, that commences an impetus which drives towards closer and closer union. If she cannot arrive by these means, if the incoherence is too great for the trend of unification to triumph, Nature will use other means, such as war and conquest or the temporary domination of the powerful State or empire or the menace of such a domination which will compel those threatened to adopt a closer system of union. It is these means and this force of outward necessity which she used to create nation-units and national empires, and, however modified in the circumstances and workings, it is at bottom the same force and the same means which she is using to drive mankind towards international unification.

But, secondly, there is the force of a common uniting sentiment. This may work in two ways; it may come before as an originating or contributory cause or it may come afterwards as a cementing result. In the first case, the sentiment of a larger unity springs up among units which were previously divided and leads them to seek after a form of union which may then be brought about principally by the force of the sentiment and its idea or by that secondarily as an aid to other and more outward events and causes. We may note that in earlier times this sentiment was insufficiently effective, as among the petty clan or regional nations; unity had ordinarily to be effected by outward circumstances and generally by the grossest of them, by war and conquest, by the domination of the most powerful among many warring or contiguous peoples. But in later times the force of the sentiment of unity, supported as it has been by a clearer political idea, has become more effective. The larger national aggregates have grown up by a simple act of federation or union, though this has sometimes had to be preceded by a common struggle for liberty or a union in war against a common enemy; so have grown into one the United States, Italy, Germany, and more peacefully the Australian and South African federations. But in other cases, especially in the earlier national aggregations, the sentiment of unity has grown up largely or entirely as the result of the formal, outward or mechanical union. But whether to form or to preserve the growth of the sentiment, the psychological factor is indispensable; without it there can be no secure and lasting union. Its absence, the failure to create such a sentiment or to make it sufficiently living, natural, forcible has been the cause of the precariousness of such aggregates as Austro-Hungary and of the ephemeral character of the empires of the past, even as it is likely to bring about, unless circumstances change, the collapse or disintegration of the great present-day empires.

The trend of forces towards some kind of international world-organisation eventuating in a possible far-off unification, which is now just beginning to declare itself as an idea or aspiration though the causes which made it inevitable have been for some time at work, is enforced by the pressure of need and environment, by outward circumstances. At the same time, there is a sentiment helped and stimulated by these outward circumstances, a cosmopolitan, international sentiment, still rather nebulous and vaguely ideal, which may accelerate the growth of the formal union. In itself this sentiment would be an insufficient cement for the preservation of any mechanical union which might be created; for it could not easily be so close and forcible a sentiment as national feeling. It would have to subsist on the conveniences of union as its only substantial provender. But the experience of the past shows that this mere necessity of convenience is in the end not strong enough to resist the pressure of unfavourable circumstances and the reassertion of old or the effective growth of new centrifugal forces. There is, however, at work a more powerful force, a sort of intellectual religion of humanity, clear in the minds of the few, vaguely felt in its effects and its disguises by the many, which has largely helped to bring about much of the trend of the modern mind and the drift of its developing institutions. This is a psychological force which tends to break beyond the formula of the nation and aspires to replace the religion of country and even, in its more extreme forms, to destroy altogether the national sentiment and to abolish its divisions so as to create the single nation of mankind.

We may say, then, that this trend must eventually realise itself, however great may be the difficulties; and they are really enormous, much greater than those which attended the national formation. If the present unsatisfactory condition of international relations should lead to a series of cataclysms, either large and world-embracing like the present war or, though each more limited in scope, yet in their sum world-pervading and necessarily, by the growing interrelation of interests, affecting even those who do not fall directly under their touch, then mankind will finally be forced in self-defence to a new, closer and more stringently unified order of things. Its choice will be between that and a lingering suicide. If the human reason cannot find out the way, Nature herself is sure to shape these upheavals in such a way as to bring about her end.
Therefore, - whether soon or in the long run, whether brought about by its own growing sentiment of unity, stimulated by common interest and convenience, or by the evolutionary pressure of circumstances, - we may take it that an eventual unification or at least some formal organisation of human life on earth is, the incalculable being always allowed for, practically inevitable.

I have tried to show from the analogy of the past evolution of the nation that this international unification must culminate or at least is likely to culminate in one of two forms. There is likely to be either a centralised World-State or a looser world-union which may be either a close federation or a simple confederacy of the peoples for the common ends of mankind. The last form is the most desirable, because it gives sufficient scope for the principle of variation which is necessary for the free play of life and the healthy progress of the race. The process by which the World-State may come starts with the creation of a central body which will at first have very limited functions, but, once created, must absorb by degrees all the different utilities of a centralised international control, as the State, first in the form of a monarchy and then of a parliament, has been absorbing by degrees the whole control of the life of the nation, so that we are now within measurable distance of a centralised socialistic State which will leave no part of the life of its individuals unregulated. A similar process in the World-State will end in the taking up and the regulation of the whole life of the peoples into its hands; it may even end by abolishing national individuality and turning the divisions that it has created into mere departmental groupings, provinces and districts of the one common State. Such an eventuality may seem now a fantastic dream or an unrealisable idea; but it is one which, under certain conditions that are by no means beyond the scope of ultimate possibility, may well become feasible and even, after a certain point is reached, inevitable. A federal system and still more a confederacy would mean, on the other hand, the preservation of the national basis and a greater or less freedom of national life, but the subordination of the separate national to the larger common interests and of full separate freedom to the greater international necessities.

It may be questioned whether past analogies are a safe guide in a problem so new and whether something else might not be evolved more intimately and independently arising from it and suitable to its complexities. But mankind even in dealing with its new problems works upon past experience and therefore upon past motives and analogies. Even when it seizes on new ideas, it goes to the past for the form it gives to them. Behind the apparent changes of the most radical revolutions we see this unavoidable principle of continuity surviving in the heart of the new order. Moreover, these alternatives seem the only way in which the two forces in presence can work out their conflict, either by the disappearance of the one, the separative national instinct, or by an accommodation between them. On the other hand, it is quite possible that human thought and action may take so new a turn as to bring in a number of unforeseen possibilities and lead to a quite different ending. And one might upon these lines set one's imagination to work and produce perhaps a utopia of a better kind. Such constructive efforts of the human imagination have their value and often a very great value; but any such speculations would evidently have been out of place in the study I have attempted.

Assuredly, neither of the two alternatives and none of the three forms considered are free from serious objections. A centralised World-State would signify the triumph of the idea of mechanical unity or rather of uniformity. It would inevitably mean the undue depression of an indispensable element in the vigour of human life and progress, the free life of the individual, the free variation of the peoples. It must end, if it becomes permanent and fulfils all its tendencies, either in a death in life, a stagnation, or by the insurgence of some new saving but revolutionary force or principle which would shatter the whole fabric into pieces. The mechanical tendency is one to which the logical reason of man, itself a precise machine, is easily addicted and its operations are obviously the easiest to manage and the most ready to hand; its full evolution may seem to the reason desirable, necessary, inevitable, but its end is predestined. A centralised socialistic State may be a necessity of the future, once it is founded, but a reaction from it will be equally an eventual necessity of the future. The greater its pressure, the more certainly will it be met by the spread of the spiritual, the intellectual, the vital and practical principle of Anarchism in revolt against that mechanical pressure. So, too, a centralised mechanical World-State must rouse in the end a similar force against it and might well terminate in a crumbling up and disintegration, even in the necessity for a repetition of the cycle of humanity ending in a better attempt to solve the problem. It could be kept in being only if humanity agreed to allow all the rest of its life to be regularised for it for the sake of peace and stability and took refuge for its individual freedom in the spiritual life, as happened once under the Roman Empire. But even that would be only a temporary solution. A federal system also would tend inevitably to establish one general type for human life, institutions and activities; it would allow only a play of minor variations. But the need of variation in living Nature could not always rest satisfied with that scanty sustenance. On the other hand, a looser confederacy might well be open to the objection that it would give too ready a handle for centrifugal forces, were such to arise in new strength. A loose confederation could not be permanent; it must turn in one direction or the other, end either in a close and rigid centralisation or at last by a break-up of the loose unity into its original elements.

The saving power needed is a new psychological factor which will at once make a united life necessary to humanity and force it to respect the principle of freedom. The religion of humanity seems to be the one growing force which tends in that direction; for it makes for the sense of human oneness, it has the idea of the race, and yet at the same time it respects the human individual and the natural human grouping. But its present intellectual form seems hardly sufficient. The idea, powerful in itself and in its effects, is yet not powerful enough to mould the whole life of the race in its image. For it has to concede too much to the egoistic side of human nature, once all and still nine-tenths of our being, with which its larger idea is in conflict. On the other side, because it leans principally on the reason, it turns too readily to the mechanical solution. For the rational idea ends always as a captive of its machinery, becomes a slave of its own too binding process. A new idea with another turn of the logical machine revolts against it and breaks up its machinery , but only to substitute in the end another mechanical system, another credo, formula and practice.

A spiritual religion of humanity is the hope of the future. By this is not meant what is ordinarily called a universal religion, a system, a thing of creed and intellectual belief and dogma and outward rite. Mankind has tried unity by that means; it has failed and deserved to fail, because there can be no universal religious system, one in mental creed and vital form. The inner spirit is indeed one, but more than any other the spiritual life insists on freedom and variation in its self-expression and means of development. A religion of humanity means the growing realisation that there is a secret Spirit, a divine Reality, in which we are all one, that humanity is its highest present vehicle on earth, that the human race and the human being are the means by which it will progressively reveal itself here. It implies a growing attempt to live out this knowledge and bring about a kingdom of this divine Spirit upon earth. By its growth within us oneness with our fellow-men will become the leading principle of all our life, not merely a principle of cooperation but a deeper brotherhood, a real and an inner sense of unity and equality and a common life. There must be the realisation by the individual that only in the life of his fellow-men is his own life complete. There must be the realisation by the race that only on the free and full life of the individual can its own perfection and permanent happiness be founded. There must be too a discipline and a way of salvation in accordance with this religion, that is to say, a means by which it can be developed by each man within himself, so that it may be developed in the life of the race. To go into all that this implies would be too large a subject to be entered upon here; it is enough to point out that in this direction lies the eventual road. No doubt, if this is only an idea like the rest, it will go the way of all ideas. But if it is at all a truth of our being, then it must be the truth to which all is moving and in it must be found the means of a fundamental, an inner, a complete, a real human unity which would be the one secure base of a unification of human life. A spiritual oneness which would create a psychological oneness not dependent upon any intellectual or outward uniformity and compel a oneness of life not bound up with its mechanical means of unification, but ready always to enrich its secure unity by a free inner variation and a freely varied outer self-expression, this would be the basis for a higher type of human existence.

Could such a realisation develop rapidly in mankind, we might then solve the problem of unification in a deeper and truer way from the inner truth to the outer forms. Until then, the attempt to bring it about by mechanical means must proceed. But the higher hope of humanity lies in the growing number of men who will realise this truth and seek to develop it in themselves, so that when the mind of man is ready to escape from its mechanical bent, - perhaps when it finds that its mechanical solutions are all temporary and disappointing, - the truth of the Spirit may step in and lead humanity to the path of its highest possible happiness and perfection.

Sri Aurobindo 

in "Social and Political Thought" - "The Ideal of Human Unity"
SABCL Volume 15
published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

Lotus Light Publications U.S.A. - Pages 548-555

Source : Integral Yoga Online France

zondag 20 oktober 2019

The Vaccine death cult wants to inject your children with cancer. Don't fall for it.

Madeleine Peyroux & William Galison Heaven Help Us All

There is a cure for diabetes (and asthma) - by Dr Gabriel Cousens.

Research has also shown that removing meat from your diet and eating a plant-source based diet can reduce or eliminate asthma. Thirty-five patients who had suffered from bronchial asthma for an average of 12 years, all receiving long-term medication - 20 including cortisone - were put on a plant-source-only diet for one year. In almost all cases, medication was able to be withdrawn or drastically reduced. There was a signficant decrease in asthma symptoms. Twenty-four patients (69 percent) fulfilled the treatment. Of these, 71 percent reported improvement at four months and 92 percent at one year.Onderzoek heeft ook aangetoond dat het verwijderen van vlees uit uw dieet en het eten van een plantaardig voedingsdieet astma kan verminderen of elimineren. Vijfendertig patiënten die gemiddeld 12 jaar aan bronchiale astma hadden geleden en die alle langdurige medicatie kregen - 20 inclusief cortisone - kregen gedurende één jaar een dieet met alleen planten. In bijna alle gevallen kon medicatie worden ingetrokken of drastisch worden verminderd. Er was een significante afname van astmasymptomen. Vierentwintig patiënten (69 procent) voldeden aan de behandeling. Hiervan rapporteerde 71 procent verbetering na vier maanden en 92 procent na één jaar.

From the book : There is a cure for diabetes - by Doctor Gabriel Cousens.

Imminent mass false flag event will target Antifa protesters to blame "patriots".

Mike Adams
Analysis: An imminent false flag event will be staged to have "patriots" slaughter Antifa protesters.
This is part of the accelerating schedule to unleash mass chaos across America and carry out a violent coup against Trump and his supporters.
Today I've published a detailed, exhaustively researched document that explains exactly why this is about to take place.

Source : NaturalNews

What Healing Your Gut Can Do For Your Immune System.

Special thanks to Madeleine R. for Her work on this, and to the people who investigate all of this, our local pharmacy (Apotheek Sollie in Antwerp, Belgium) for giving attention to immunology in relationship to the gut. I wish a good recovery for all those in need. Good health is your birthright! Own it! Don't give up, don't give in.


Kristo(f) Gabriel

I am AWAKE since the year 2001, still standing - Barbara Marciniak 2016 Mass Awakening, Alien Saviors and more

vrijdag 18 oktober 2019

The Trump Impeachment Scam - David Icke

Brexit Chaos Explained - David Icke

David Icke on Brexit

Be prepared for a global corruption purge. Fall 2019 towards 2020.

What Is The Global Warming Scam? David Icke On Climate Change Fraud

IS GLOBAL WARMING A SCAM? - David Icke | London Real

Niet zonder eer, artikel over Helena Blavatsky. (Dutch).

Een artikel uit 1898 door James Pryse met de titel ‘Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’, dat onlangs werd herdrukt in The Canadian Theosophist (mei/juni 1991), geeft misschien een antwoord:
De werkelijk groten zijn hun tijdgenoten ver vooruit, en worden slechts volledig gewaardeerd door de generaties die na hen komen; ze worden door maar weinigen in hun eigen tijd begrepen. Nauwgezet kritisch onderzoek is slechts voor kleine dingen; wat groot is, moet op een evenredig grote afstand worden waargenomen om op passende manier te worden beoordeeld. Men vertelt dat onder de standbeelden die werden aangeboden om mee te dingen naar een plaats op een tempel in het oude Griekenland, er één was dat ruw, onaf en hoekig leek en de spot van de beoordelaars opriep. Maar toen de volmaakt afgewerkte standbeelden om de beurt daarboven werden geplaatst, alleen om weer naar beneden te worden gehaald omdat de details ervan op zo’n grote hoogte niet waren te onderscheiden en de glans van het gepolijste oppervlak de contouren ervan vertroebelde, werd het afgekeurde standbeeld tenslotte naar de plaats omhooggebracht; en allen waren vol bewondering voor de schoonheid ervan, want door het ruwe oppervlak bleef het silhouet ervan duidelijk en de afstand verzachtte de ruwgehouwen rondingen.
Als H.P. Blavatsky ruw, grof en zelfs lomp overkwam op degenen om haar heen, was dat alleen omdat ze in een titanenvorm was gegoten. In deze eeuw van zelfvoldane orthodoxieën, conventionele denkwijzen, van afgezaagde en inhoudloze gemeenplaatsen, scheen ze buitengewoon misplaatst. Zoals een profeet uit de oude tijd, onstuimig als Elias, groots als Jesaja, geheimzinnig als Ezechiël, slingerde ze vernietigende jeremiaden naar de kinderlijkheden en schijnheiligheden van de negentiende eeuw. Ze was een voorloper die luid riep in de woestijn van geloofsopvattingen. Ze behoorde niet tot het huidige tijdperk. Haar boodschap kwam uit het machtige verleden, en ze bracht deze niet aan het heden, maar aan de toekomst. Want het heden was gehuld in de duisternis van het materialisme, en het enige licht waarmee de toekomst kan worden verlicht, komt uit een ver verleden. . . . Ze verkondigde aan allen die oren hadden om te horen de lang vergeten waarheden waaraan de mensheid nu behoefte heeft. Ze legde getuigenis af van de gnosis aan een eeuw die agnostisch was geworden. Ze bracht berichten van de grote Loge, die in het verleden de ‘goede herder’ was van de mensheid.
Tot besluit van dit verhaal over het leven en de invloed van Helena Blavatsky zijn hier een paar regels van haar eigen hand. Ze werden ontdekt in haar bureau nadat haar lichaam stierf op 8 mei 1891:

Er is een steile doornige weg, omringd met gevaren van elke soort – maar toch een weg; en deze leidt naar het hart van het heelal. Ik kan u zeggen hoe u diegenen kunt vinden die u de geheime doorgang zullen tonen die als enige naar binnen leidt. . . . Voor degenen die voortgaan, is er een beloning die elke beschrijving te boven gaat: de kracht om de mensheid tot zegen te zijn en te redden. Voor degenen die tekortschieten, zijn er andere levens waarin het succes misschien komt.

donderdag 17 oktober 2019

Wisdom of today : Sri Aurobindo, Aldous Huxley, Stanislav Grof : Spirituality, Science and Technology.

One of the central issue of today is that of the uses and misuses of Science and Technology, of Science and Values, of Science and Spirituality, — in brief, the issue of what Sri Aurobindo has called the denial of the materialist and the refusal of the ascetic.
Fortunately, it can be said that humanity has over passed the stage of naive materialism, which was based on the vicious circular argument that physical senses are the only means of knowledge, since this very statement cannot be established by means of physical senses. No more are we like the uninstructed stranger who on witnessing the operation of the steam engine insists that it is the piston that produces the steam and has no patience to inquire that the reality might be that it is the steam that propels the piston. A new climate of patient and undogmatic inquiry is now being created where scientists are beginning to study the phenomenon of consciousness with fresh eyes that might detect that it is not the brain that generates consciousness but that it is the other way round. The latest trends are knocking the doors of the primacy of consciousness.
A major difficulty involved in a possible dialogue between science and spirituality lies in the insistence laid by the long-established habit of physical sciences on the application of their methods on all sciences, even when the subject matter is not physical in character. But it should be evident that the demand for physical proof of supra-physical fact is irrational and illogical. For the method of knowledge should be appropriate to the object of knowledge. We have to note that the occult, psychic and spiritual sciences have developed various kinds of evidence of the existence of other planes of being and communication with them. They include objectivisation of the outer sense, subtle-contact, mind-contact, life-contact, and contacts through the subliminal in special states of consciousness exceeding our ordinary range. We should note that in any field of experience, error is possible; error is not the prerogative of the inner subjective or occult part of us. Even when the physical and objective methods are employed, there is room for error. A mere liability to error cannot be a reason for shutting out a large and important domain of experience. As in the physical sciences, so in the supra-physical sciences, it is a reason for scrutinising it and finding out in its true standards and its characteristics appropriate and valid means of verification. It is also important to observe that the very basis of our objective experience is our subjective being; hence, it is not probable that only the physical objectifications are true and the rest unreliable. The supra-physical consciousness, when rightly interrogated is a witness to truth and its testimony is confirmed again and again even in the physical and objective field; that testimony cannot, then, be disregarded when it calls our attention to things within us, or to things that belong to planes or worlds of a supra- physical experience.
As Sri Aurobindo points out, "Consciousness is the great underlying fact, the universal witness for whom the world is a field, the senses instruments. To that witness the worlds and their objects appeal for their reality and for the one world or the many, for the physical equally with the supra-physical, we have no other evidence that they exist."
The question is whether there is or there can be a science of supra-physical data, the scientific character of which is as great as that of sciences of the physical data. Often we seem to be hesitant to answer this question, and often our claim for spirituality and its validity is sought to be authenticated on the basis of a few examples of intuition, inspiration, or random but radical experiences of the soul and the spirit. It does not occur to us that Indian culture has developed over millennia a multisided science through the pursuits of those faculties, which lie above the ranges of physical sciences and rational intelligence. This science is what Swami Vivekananda called science par excellence; this is the Science of Yoga, developed and matured by Rishis and yogins of the Veda and the Upanishads and still further perfected in unbroken chain throughout the history of India right up to our own times.
As the world awakens step by step we are preventing a dystopia for the human family. There is still hope. Let's wake up humanity through all the possible channels we have, yes even the media. Our very survival might depend on it. Again, there is still hope. 
-- Stanislav Grof, psychiatrist, author of "Beyond the brain".

dinsdag 15 oktober 2019

Wisdom of today by Sri Aurobindo (integral yoga)

"The supramental or gnostic being will be the perfect completion of the spiritual man. (...) Health, strength, duration, physical happiness and well-being are part of the physical perfection that will be realized through gnostic evolution."- Sri Aurobindo, the future of mankind (Dutch Edition)

The Hidden History of Humanity

zondag 13 oktober 2019

Om te lezen en overdenken (Dutch / English)

Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity

Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)

Boekentip :

- Sri Aurobindo, de toekomst van de mens, het Goddelijke leven op Aarde.


Wij voelen ons meegesleurd in een stroom van versnelde evolutie. Alle structuren van de moderne wereld veranderen snel. De vooruitgang in de natuurwetenschap en technologie schept meer problemen dan kunnen worden opgelost. De menselijke geest is niet in staat gelijke tred te houden met de beweging, die hijzelf op gang heeft gebracht.
Wat betekent deze crisis? Zullen alle oude waarden worden afgebroken en zal de moderne wereld in een rampzalige vernietiging eindigen? Of zal een beschaving van vrees en wanhoop, van zielloze onderworpenheid het menselijk ras veranderen in een gigantische mierenhoop?
Nee. De aspiraties van de mens wijzen in de richting van andere mogelijkheden. Hij streeft naar een onbetwistbaar meesterschap over zichzelf, naar een een nog niet bereikte volmaaktheid. Hij droomt van vrede schoonheid en liefde.
Vinden we hierin geen verborgen aanwijzingen dat de Natuur inderdaad in barensnood verkeert dat er iets nieuws aan het groeien is, dat een zin zal geven aan het menselijk leven op aarde? Kortom, kondigt de huidige crisis een einde aan of een begin?
Dit is boek is een bloemlezing uit de geschriften van Sri Aurobindo over dit onderwerp - de zin van het leven op aarde en de huidige evolutionaire crisis - waaraan hij de laatste 40 jaren van zijn leven in Pondicherry, Zuid-India, heeft gewijd.
Sri Aurobindo's werk geeft aan de menselijke geest een nieuwe impuls. Het geeft ons een hoopvolle visie op onze toekomst en een sleutel om haar te verwezenlijken.

Boodschap van Algemeen Nuts (Dutch)

Wat ik brabbel als ik slaapdronken half dromend buiten bewustzijn ben : "Dat is dus allemaal digitaal, hé Marlies. Ah voor het hart, enzo." ... En even later : "E.T. is een communist." Een middagdutje kan uw gezondheid ernstige schade toebrengen.

zaterdag 12 oktober 2019

Meditation leads to eternal bliss.

Koningin Mathilde pleit voor het doorbreken van het taboe op geestelijke gezondheid. (Dutch)

Lees hier het artikel

Picture from 8 years ago in 2011 : Afterparty at my place with my father Carlo.

Carlo and Kristo(f) van Hooymissen after a concert with Charles Jarvis
 in rockconcert The Rots 
in Antwerp, Belgium. 

The concert was organized by and for Soetkin Soethoudt for her birthday
before she unfortunately passed away.

Still missing you, Soetkin.

© Copyright Kristof Gabriel van Hooymissen 2011-2019

Roy Michael Martina komt naar Berchem-Antwerpen op 20 oktober 2019. (Dutch / Nederlands)

20 oktober 2019

Roy Martina, Holistisch arts, Quantum Mysticus

Roy Martina is holistisch arts met 40 jaar ervaring, Inner Business Coach, een internationaal best-seller auteur van 86 boeken, waarvan miljoenen zijn verkocht en geeft workshops en trainingen op het gebied van persoonlijke ontwikkeling, praktische spiritualiteit, vitaliteit en zelfheling (Mind Body Medicine) Hij is de grondlegger van o.a. Omega Heling en NEI (Neuro-Emotionele Integratie).
Hij heeft wereldwijd meer dan 300,000 mensen getraind inclusief artsen, professoren, atleten, therapeuten, coaches, ZZP’ers en managers in zijn speciaal ontwikkelde effectieve therapieën zoals RAPID (Allergie behandeling) Neuro-Emotionele Integratie (Therapie voor Emotionele Trauma’s) en INTEGRA (Geïntegreerde Alternatieve Geneeskunde). Hij is ook 8e graad zwarte band Grootmeester in de vechtsporten (Martial arts) en heeft 3 wereldrecords en zijn passie is fitness met Russische Kettlebells. 

Roy Martina, Holistisch arts, Quantum Mysticus

Roy Martina is een breatharian, d.w.z. dat hij geen eten of voedsel nodig heeft om te leven. Hij leeft van het licht of noem het Chi, Universele Energie, Prana, Manna of Goddelijke energie. Roy noemt ‘het’ de verbinding met het Quantum veld.Sinds hij dat doet heeft hij een paar bijzondere ontdekkingen gemaakt die voor het eerst in deze “hands-on” playshop worden uitgelegd.