Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 31 maart 2018

Deva Premal Gayatri Mantra 2 hours

Anonymous (Ṫḧḕ Ḧḭṽḕ) Reprogramming project monarch

How the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind control program.

People need to understand how the history of mind control and psychiatry are interwoven, and how the madmen and murderers within these “professions” are content to use torture “in the name of science.” 

Well, all these effects are part and parcel of the original (and ongoing) MKULTRA. 

But now the whole population, via psychiatry, is included in the experiment. 

Which is one reason why the right to refuse medication must be protected and expanded. 

Read full article : MK-Ultra and psychiatry.

PEACE MANTRA | Om Shanti Om @ 432Hz

Ms. Lauryn Hill - Final Hour LIVE (Live in NYC 11/27/13)

Muse - Uprising Lyrics

Are RFID Chips Really the Mark of the Beast?


Muse - JFK + Defector [Official Lyric Video]

528Hz | Open Heart Chakra ➤ Love Frequency 528hz Music | 528hz Heart Cha...

Muse - The Resistance (tiesto remix)

Pearl Jam - Jeremy (MTV Unplugged) HD

True Jews against Zionism. Picture of today.


Benjamin Netanyahu, het Vlaams Belang van Israel ...

Judah Tribe - Smile

'Anti-Semitism' hysteria - a scam to silence free speech and exposure of...



The Sphinx
The Egyptian Sphinx is not what it appears to be and is thousands of years older than Earth scientists believe. The Sphinx is hollow like a chocolate Easter bunny. Inside the hollow neck is a golden sphere that is a “Time Capsule” from the period. Also inside the hollow Sphinx is a well-hidden secret doorway that can only be opened by uttering a secret word. This secret doorway opens to a spiral staircase that leads to an underground room. In this room there is a clay pot in one corner. Also in this room are three tunnels that lead out of the room. Arcane hieroglyphs on the clay pot tell you which tunnel to take and what to do. If you enter one of the two “wrong” tunnels, an ingenious booby trap springs and you will die a very horrible death. In the future, three people from the west will successfully read the clay pot and enter the correct tunnel unharmed. They will be the chosen three. The chosen three will then walk down a long stone hallway with 48 sacred geometric drawings on the upper left side. These 48 drawings are the 48 blueprints of the 48 chromosomes of the Christ Consciousness. Although the hallway is perfectly lit, there is no visible light source, but the chosen three will “know” where the light comes from. At the end of the hallway is a slight right-hand turn into a large room. This is “The Hall of Records.” Sitting on raised shelves in The Hall of Records is physical evidence of Earth civilizations from the last 51⁄2 million years. An emissary from The Great White Lodge will then appear to greet the chosen three and impart “Special Instructions” to them. Each of the chosen three will then be allowed to remove one object from the room and return with it to the surface of Earth. The chosen three will also find three golden etchings that resemble “photographs” resting upon a nearby stone. And the chosen three will be shocked and amazed to find pictures of themselves inside the golden frames. These are pictures of themselves in a previous embodiment thousands of years ago when they were ancient Egyptians. The names engraved on the golden frames will be different, but the likeness to the chosen three will be perfect. The chosen three will also notice a “date” engraved onto the golden picture frames, and the chosen three will be still further shocked and amazed to discover that the “date” engraved onto the golden picture frames many centuries ago is the date of that very day. And when the chosen three gaze upon their old “photographs” once again, their long cyclic journey, which began thousands of years ago, and spanned many embodiments, will now be gloriously completed,

and their job well done.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt
The Great Pyramid of Egypt was not a royal tomb as most Earth scientists believe and is much older than Earth scientists believe. The Great Pyramid was fully functional from 52,000 B.C. to 12,000 B.C. and served several purposes. 1) The many chambers of the Great Pyramid served as classrooms and training areas for Ascending Masters. 2) The

Great Pyramid was also a powerful radio transmitter that could communicate with races throughout the galaxy. 3) The Great Pyramid was and remains one of the main entry points to Agartha via a large tunnel which begins in the base of the pyramid (see Agartha). 4) The Great Pyramid also contains a vast Atlantian library of books, crystal storage devices, and holographic projectors, which are safely secured in a secret chamber. 5) The Great Pyramid contains a great energy crystal in its uppermost section that was a key component of the radio transmitter. 6) There is also an entrance to The Great Pyramid on the north face which you have not been told about. 7) Another secret chamber in the base of the pyramid contains a warehouse filled with Atlantian machines that were used in the construction of The Great Pyramid, and which had many other uses as well. These machines are over 52,000 years old, never wear out, and are in pristine condition to this very day. 8) The Great Pyramid also contains two massively powerful “Force Projectors” which are safely locked and sealed in two parallel secret chambers at the base of the pyramid. 9) In its golden years, the exterior of The Great Pyramid was perfectly sheathed and protected in white marble. The Great Pyramid became disabled in 12,000 B.C. and thereafter the white marble was pillaged and plundered for its value. The Great Pyramid has sat disabled, dysfunctional, and in acute disrepair for the past 12,000 years, but The Great Pyramid will be perfectly restored to its full glory and functionality in the coming Seventh Age of Enlightenment. 

vrijdag 30 maart 2018

Hare Krishna Hare Kalki

Maha Mantra– mantra for kali yuga

Humility - Guided Meditation

Ascended Master Consciousness Monthly Meditation with Serapis Bey. April...

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

Gabriel Rios - Leuven, Belgium 5/8/2018

Gabriel Rios has been added to the line-up of M-IDZOMER! Hope to see you in Leuven on the 5th of August.

The world is about to find out just how horrific the Khazarian mafia’s crimes were

The purge at the very tip top of the U.S. secret power structure is nearly complete, meaning a much larger purge is now about to take place, according to Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.  The top leadership of the White House, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and other U.S. agencies is now composed almost entirely of white hats.  This means that a systematic purge of the lower ranks is now possible.  The result will be that in coming months people are going to find out just how horrific the crimes carried out by the Khazarian mafia really were.

Read more :

The Migrant Crisis - What needs to be said - The David Icke Videocast

Vladimir Putin Traitor to the NWO ( Part 3 ).

Part 2 Vladimir Putin Traitor to the New World Order.

donderdag 29 maart 2018

Vladimir Putin Traitor to the New World Order. Part 1.

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

March Has Two Full Moons And The One On The 31st May Change Your Life

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

PEACE MANTRA | Om Shanti Om @ 432Hz


Archangel Michael clearing.Limpieza con el Arcángel Miguel...(:::)

Gabriel Rios - City Song

The Urantia Book

The Truth about the The Cold War.

The Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by The Illuminati who secretly own and control both countries. In reality, both countries were secretly operating as one entity throughout “The Cold War.” The truth of this was known only to a handful of “insiders” at the time. The Illuminati secretly own and operate the Military Industrial Complex, and the purpose of the hoaxed “Cold War” was to extort trillions and trillions of dollars from taxpayers on both sides via the mass production of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for a “Cold War” that was not even real! 

Dr Gabriel Cousens on vegetarianism

Wisdom of today (*2)

Evolution Begins in Crisis The Law of Three and the Law of One

Picture of today.

Michael Jackson & Donald John Trump 


Wisdom of today.

Edgar Cayce + Jeff Rense - Russia The Hope Of The World

Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow (Official Video)

The Road to Shamballa | music by Three Dog Night

The Great Invocation

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

Alle leven is yoga, De Moeder (Dutch)

In het leven krijg je af te rekenen met allerlei moeilijkheden, in de eerste plaats met het onbegrip van je naasten en kennissen. Je moet daarop voorbereid zijn en je wapenen met geduld en met een grote onverschilligheid. Op het pad van yoga moet je je niet bekommeren om wat mensen denken of zeggen; als vertrekpunt is dit onontbeerlijk. Je moet volkomen immuun zijn voor wat de wereld van je denkt of zegt, en voor de manier waarop ze je behandelt. Het onbegrip van anderen mag niet eens je koude kleren raken. Het is om die reden dat het meestal veel moeilijker is om in zijn gewone omgeving te blijven om yoga te doen dan alles te verlaten en de eenzaamheid in te gaan. Het is veel moeilijker, maar wij zijn hier niet om gemakkelijke dingen te doen. De gemakkelijke dingen laten we over aan degenen bij wie de gedachte aan transformatie niet eens opkomt. Mirra Alfassa, beter bekend als De Moeder

OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks

Gayatri Mantra - Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha | Complete Detail in English

woensdag 28 maart 2018

Gayatri Mantra - Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha | Complete Detail in English

Michael Jackson - Privacy lyrics

Duizenden betogen in Parijs tegen antisemitisme. (Dutch)

In de Franse hoofdstad Parijs zijn woensdagavond duizenden mensen op straat gekomen voor een ‘witte mars’ tegen antisemitisme, na de moord op een 85-jarige joodse vrouw. Toen enkele politici zich bij het protest wilden aansluiten, raakte de sfeer gespannen.
Het lichaam van de bejaarde Mireille Knoll werd vrijdagavond deels verkoold aangetroffen in haar Parijse flat, waar ze alleen woonde. De brandweer ontdekte meerdere brandhaarden, later werden ook sporen van messteken op haar lichaam aangetroffen. Intussen zijn twee verdachten in verdenking gesteld en aangehouden voor doodslag met een antisemitisch karakter.
Ter ere van het slachtoffer wandelden duizenden Parijzenaars woensdagavond naar het huis waar het slachtoffer om het leven kwam. De actie was een initiatief van de raad van joodse instelling van Frankrijk. Ook in steden als Marseille, Bordeaux en Rijsel trokken verontwaardigde mensen de straten op.
Voor de Franse ambassade in Brussel hielden woensdagavond zo'n150 mensen een minuut stilte ter ere van de vermoorde vrouw.
Verschillende ministers en staatssecretarissen liepen prominent mee in de mars in de Franse hoofdstad. Toen Marine Le Pen, van het extreemrechtse Front National, en Jean-Luc Mélenchon, de leider van het radicaal-linkse La France Insoumise, zich bij de optocht wilden vervoegen, leidde dat tot opstootjes.
Le Pen werd uitgejouwd, Mélenchon moest onder politiebegeleiding worden weggevoerd nadat het tot een handgemeen was gekomen tussen zijn aanhangers en enkele demonstranten.

Global Anti-Russia Campaign Is Taking Us Dangerously Close To Disaster

John Pilger: BBC is one of world's most refined propaganda services


Michael Jackson History (Lyrics)

Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)

Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)

"Wat ons bindt is zoveel sterker dan wat ons scheidt, het is een troef die we in handen hebben". - Koning Filip van België

Yoga Sutras 1.23-1.29: Contemplation on AUM (or OM).

OM is a direct path: Remembering the sound vibration of AUM (or OM), along with a deep feeling for the meaning of what it represents (1.28), brings both the realization of the individual Self and the removal of obstacles that normally block that realization (1.29). In a sense, this practice is like a short cut, in that it goes directly to the heart of the process.

432Hz Attract Love In All Forms ➤ Raise Positive Vibration - Positive E...

dinsdag 27 maart 2018

2018 - The signs and enlightenment

Unslaved Podcast: The Artist As Outsider (with Jon Darkly)

Kristo song Awakenings (guidetrack)


How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It


My Dinner With Andre 1981 - The Prison of Reality - HD 1080p

My Dinner With Andre: Conspiracy Theory Scene HD

Ms. Lauryn Hill - Final Hour LIVE (Live in NYC 11/27/13)

PROVED RIGHT AGAIN: David Icke predicting the war on Russia and explaini...

Wisdom of today - David Icke.

Michael Jackson Stranger In Moscow [Audio HQ]

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

The Navy Has Invented to the Technology to Carry Out Operation Blue Beam

David Icke talks to Russia's national Sputnik Radio on the demonisation of Russia and why.

maandag 26 maart 2018


The Toxic Degeneration of the American Mind and Its Violent Outcome. - by Dr Gabriel Cousens

Although there is a worldwide trend of increasing violence, massacres, assassinations, and human atrocities, (in which the US is not even listed in the top 25 countries for murders from all causes), it is more useful to look at America to deepen our understanding of the increasing murderous violence throughout the US, highlighted by the Florida mass killing at Parkland School. I believe there is a toxic synergy of societal breakdown, which is related to this phenomenon of increasing violence in our American and world society that has been happening since the 1960’s. To discuss this issue with some level of comprehensive, intelligent understanding, we need to look at the significant driving forces behind this toxic synergy so that we can create holistic solutions to these grave moral degenerative problems.
Contributing Cause #1
Since the time of the assassination of JFK in 1963, Malcolm X in 1965, and Martin Luther King in 1968, I became more aware of an increasing number of our civilian population felt something was wrong and immoral at the top levels of our national leadership. The more this trend of a high level of general governmental moral degeneration, violence, and murder is expanding, the more it negatively affects the consciousness of the rest of the US population. This government leadership violent toxicity has been a powerful influence on amplifying the violence in our general society. In other words, just like in a family structure, the behavior of the parents influences the belief systems and actions of the children.
Contributing Cause #2
From 1960 to 2010, the documented increasing trend in lethal violence reflects merely one aspect of cultural degeneration in the US. During this timespan: divorce rates have doubled; teen suicide rates have tripled; violent crime is four times higher; prison population is five times higher; depression rates are ten times higher. At this point in history, approximately one out of every three children in the US lives in a home without a father, and America has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world. Additionally, America produces and exports more pornography than any other nation on earth. Presently, more than 60% of Americans report feeling “angry or irritable.” (In 2012, that number was at 50%.) America has the highest rate of illegal drug use on earth, and, according to federal government statistics, the number of heroin addicts in the US has at least doubled since 2002. Additionally, America exports more weapons to other countries than anyone else in the world. Although from the news we may think that the US is the leading nation in mass shootings and massacres, it’s 11th in the world in mass shootings, bombings, stabbings, and vehicular homicides. These tragic acts are happening all over the world from the Middle East to Europe, to Asia, Africa, Mexico, and Central and South America.
Contributing Cause #3
There is also a “cracking” of the American psyche and mind. Increasing prescription drug patterns is further evidence of degenerating American mental health. Twenty percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs. Close to 70% of all Americans are currently on at least one prescription drug. Sixty million Americans abuse alcohol. Seventy million Americans are now taking legal mind-altering drugs. At this time in history, more Americans die by suicide than by car accident. Children in the US are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than are children in Europe. These figures give an additional perspective for understanding the generation of violence in our society. Violence in this context reflects the increased cracking and moral degeneration of the American mind since at least the 1960’s.
Contributing Cause #4
The hateful energy aimed at the Republicans (such as the ambush at the Alexandria baseball field that gravely wounded Congressman Steve Scalise) is another amplifying force for violence. The social media and official mainstream media reflect this hateful trend with their calls for the assassination of President Donald Trump and the now murderous threats against conservatives. Statements such as “kill Trump,” “behead Trump,” “kill global warming deniers,” and, in general, “kill people who don’t agree with me,” have never been so out front and persistent on the internet, social media, and the mainstream press. There are even witches publically trying to hex and curse Trump on a monthly basis as a public expression of this overt satanic energy. From a community psychiatrist, social and family therapy viewpoint this media acting out with calls for hate and violence is destructive modeling and should be seen as one of the primary causes for the rest of society acting in such murderous ways such as at Parkland High School. The hatefulness of the media is a symptom of eroding respect for other humans and all of humanity. This hatefulness includes their cynical, violent and murderous influence on unbalanced and immature teenage boys, unsupported in how to be socially productive with their increasing adolescent testosterone energy. Many cultures have developed socially productive ways to help young men productively express their testosterone energy (for example, sports as a potential channel for this energy). Without proper mature guidance by the adult parenting population, the harmful actions of teenage boys, as well as girls, reflects the imbalances in society. It doesn’t have to be this way. We have a Biblical account of two teenage boys, Bezalel and Oholiab, ages 12, who under God and Moses, directly guided the building of the Tabernacle. There couldn’t be a stronger example of the productive testosterone power of teenage boys when biblically/God inspired and parentally guided. In my own two-year experience working with a 300+ teen gang on the Southside of Chicago, where murder and violence are considered part of everyday life. Not only did we go two years without any gang murders, but galvanized the gang to stop a mass spontaneous violent riot at the projects across from the Abraham Lincoln Center. Under my guidance, the group moved into decisive testosterone boldness courage and kindness and was able to disperse the crowd significantly. About half a dozen police cars had arrived on the scene, but the officers wisely stood aside in amazement to let us do this good work. It was a defining moment of positive power for the gang members. The gang members, a few weeks after this, also created a vegetable garden on a vacant lot with the city of Chicago’s permission. The point is that aberrant, violent, and negative teen male testosterone energy can, under adult male guidance, be transformed into positive teen male testosterone with proper guidance. The problem is not teenage boys, but the violent societal influences on them. Teenage boys, in other words, act out the chaos and mental health disturbances in our society.
Contributing Cause #5
Another source of degenerative is youth exposure to violent influence from public satanic ritualistic human sacrifice ceremonies, including public admissions of cannibalism, especially in Hollywood. These evil forces and actions have increased in their public exposure in the US and Europe. The Podesta expose, which involved documentation of pedophilia, possible child sacrifice, and human blood drinking rituals are symptomatic of a general upsurgence of satanic energies both in the US and Europe. We cannot ignore that these now public satanic rituals contribute to and validate the further moral degeneration of society and the lack of restraint publically glorified in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. These undeniable activities are signs of increasing satanic influence in our communities. Doubtless, this upsurge in satanic actions has a significantly adverse effect on our social activities and behavior, including our teenagers (especially teenage boys) acting out these negative evil energies.
Contributing Culture #6
It may seem unbelievable, but as part of this toxic synergy, there is naturally a science that began more officially in the ‘90’s (but has existed since 1946) called “killology.” Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall noted that only about 15-20% of riflemen during WW2 fired their weapons at an exposed enemy soldier. FBI studies about non-firing rates among law enforcement officers during the 1950s and 1960s all confirm Marshall’s fundamental conclusion… Humans are not, by nature, killers. And, yes, there are about 2% of humans (sociopaths and psychopaths) who are. Humans are born without the psychological tendency to kill other humans. Throughout history, warlike societies have spent massive efforts to help soldiers overcome their resistance to killing. Since 1946, the government has used this information to devise a variety of training designed to override the primitive human species-protective midbrain processing (as also discovered in animals) not to kill those of the same species through operant conditioning techniques. The introduction of this conditioning in modern combat training, unfortunately, was a revolution of which the result is that the rate of the number of people willing to kill other humans increased up to 55% during the Korean War and 95% during Vietnam War. Following Vietnam killology training, we had the rise of an undisciplined operant conditioning for the general population through “first-person shooter” video games and violent Hollywood movies. These killing and war simulation video games function as conscious and unconscious operant conditioning programming against the human tendency not to kill people. It’s unbelievable, but by the time an 18-year-old graduates high school, they have witnessed more than 200,000 acts of violence and 100,000 murders. This violent operant conditioning represents gross desensitization to violence, cruelty, and criminal activity. There is evidence that the indiscriminate application of combat conditioning techniques as entertainment may be a key factor in the skyrocketing crime rates worldwide, including a sevenfold increase in aggravated assaults since 1956. Although originally dismissed as a factor by “experts” and academics in school shootings, entertainment is now widely blamed in intellectual circles as the main element in creating school shooters. A December 2015 article in the Atlantic titled “The Warning Signs of a Mass Shooting” explains this aberrant cultural phenomenon.
Contributing Cause #7
The Sandy Hook Elementary shooter and copycat Parkland shooter were both discovered with child pornography on their phones and computers. Exposure to pornography has been linked to violence against other humans, especially women and children. According to some reports, the Parkland shooter was known to have tortured animals and carried around a dead bird. Reports say that the Parkland High School shooter played violent video games up to twelve hours daily. How many virtual kills did he log before he committed the real ones?
Contributing Cause #8
In another additional perspective on school shooters, according to Professor Brad Wilcox from U of Virginia, “nearly every shooting in the last year in Wikipedia’s list of US school attacks, involved a young man whose parents were divorced or never married.” The vast majority of school shooters grew up in fatherless homes. Other older male shooters were also found to have a high percentage who grew up fatherless. In 2015 in the Federalist, Peter Hasson noted the fact that of all the shootings on CNN’s “27 Deadliest Mass Shootings in US History” list have been committed by young males since 2005. Only one of these were raised by their biological fathers. Research shows that fatherless children are twice as likely to commit suicide and 71% of high school dropouts come from a fatherless background. Both boys and girls who are fatherless have a dramatically higher rate of drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Fatherless girls respond differently than boys, as they are not so undisciplined testosterone-driven, but are prone toward promiscuity, depression, suicide, teenage pregnancy, and self-harm. Neither of these fatherless boys and girls does well in succeeding in society. It’s clear that the breakdown of the family unit has severely negative and destructive consequences on a community. It is no accident that the violent Parkland shooter came from a fatherless home. In a more significant symbolic way, these mentally disturbed, undisciplined, rising testosterone, violent teenage boys are acting out as identified patients for the overall society and family disturbance breakdown going on in America.
Contributing Cause #9
According to a variety of statistics, about 90% or more of students involved in these mass shootings were on either SSRIs or antipsychotics. I have known, as a psychiatrist, since 1971 that SSRIs and antipsychotics are associated with three to four times more suicidal and homicidal activities. Since the approval of SSRI medications as antidepressants in 1987, many studies have found that depressed patients on SSRI medications are at least two to three times more likely to attempt or commit suicide than those either on no medication or other non-SSRI antidepressants. Unfortunately, research shows a higher percentage of people who are suicidal also tend to be homicidal. Suicide in adolescents on these psychiatric medications is six times higher than those on other medications. As already pointed out, violent homicides are closely linked to SSRI-induced suicide trends. In many ways, the psychological side effects of SSRI medications resemble chemical-induced psychopathy. People on SSRIs and antipsychotics tend to lack empathy, lie implicitly, are apathetic about life and morality and are impulsive. It is not an accident that this shooter was apparently reported to be on an SSRI.
Contributing Cause #10
The incredible amount of societal violence and murder in the world contributes to a lack of honoring the sacredness of human life and creating a global climate of violence. This global violence includes the 400,000 dead in Syria, 90,000 Christians killed in 2016 primarily in Muslim nations, major ethnic massacres like of the Armenians in Turkey, and the Israel/Palestinian conflict.
On April 20, 1999, two students attacked Columbine High School, killing 13 and wounding 21 more. Most public places are protected. Why aren’t schools? The level of murderous violence in our schools is shocking. Although gun violence seems to get the most media attention, it is shocking to note that the total number of primary and secondary school homicides from beatings and stabbings is estimated to be more than three times the number of lives that have been tragically lost to mass shootings on school grounds. As all lives are precious, shouldn’t we be focusing on all types of threats to school safety on a daily basis?
Unfortunately, guns are merely one of many possible tools of death and destruction. For example, the Columbine attackers had also brought powerful bombs to school. A recently arrested Maryland girl had plans to blow up her school. How would a gun ban have protected her classmates? On March 5th, 2018, law enforcement officials in Utah arrested a teenager after he tried to detonate a homemade bomb at school, which authorities said would have led to a significant loss of life. The bombing at a rock concert in Manchester, England at the Manchester Arena, which killed 22 and injured 59, speaks to bombing being a significant weapon for mass killings, which includes the young male generated Boston Marathon bombing, which killed three people and wounded 264.
Some theorize that peace will be restored if gun ownership is restricted. The actual statistical data suggests just the opposite. For example, Baltimore had some of the most restrictive gun policies in America but was recently named the nation’s most dangerous city. It seems Baltimore’s criminals aren’t abiding by Baltimore’s rules, and there is no basis for magically thinking it would be any different elsewhere.
The Parkland shooting also was a failure of law enforcement from local to federal levels (reports say that local law enforcement was notified at least 37 times about the potential danger of this person). If this had been legally and adequately pursued in Florida, they would have placed him in a mental institution, taken away his guns, and made it impossible for him to buy new guns. As a standard of adequate enforcement and response around the Parkland shooter’s public statements, Florida police were legally able to take his guns and refer him to mental counseling. There were laws already in place in Florida to address this situation that were not enforced. In other words, the severe mishandling of the Parkland shooter by the local and national legal authorities, allowed a realistically preventable situation to manifest as a deadly mass disaster.
The political debate raging today is so disappointing, as it is significantly lacking insight and discussion of many of these ten contributing factors that should be connected and addressed on a national and thoughtful basis. If our nation wants to create safer schools, we have to create a broader, more caring conversation, begin to honor human life again, and create a safer society. We must develop a comprehensive, holistic approach that includes community mental health and addresses family breakdown, the killology video game culture, violence in entertainment, media calls to violence, and all ten of my primary considerations.
Summarily, when a nation’s leaders act in homicidal, cruel and amoral ways; when society undermines the natural human inclination toward non-violence against other humans with pro-violent entertainment and first-person shooter games; when it ignores the increased homicidal and suicidal tendencies associated with anti-depressants and antipsychotics; and when it ignores the degenerative societal effects of fatherless homes on sons and daughters… it all adds up to a toxic synergy of increased tendencies towards murder.
Based on my observations since the JFK killing, as accurate as social and family systems research can be, I believe that these multi-contributing factors are the main driving forces behind the increased violence and homicidal and suicidal behavior in our society. As already pointed out, the rate of teen suicide over the last 40 years has increased threefold. This tripling of the teen suicide rate reflects the homicidal and suicidal energies in our society. If we are to heal this increasing suicide and homicide trends in our country, we need to look at and treat these causes, rather than focus on the instruments of destruction, such as guns, bombs, trucks, knives, etc. For example, in the UK, there has been a rise per year of 14% in violence in England and Wales, (where they have some of the strictest gun control laws in the world). Knife crime went up by 21% and gun crimes increased by 20%. It is clear that gun control policies don’t prevent people from getting a variety of weapons and using them to kill people. For example, the FBI Uniform Crime Report shows three times more people are stabbed or hacked to death than killed by shotguns or rifles.
If we had objective proof that gun control worked to prevent homicides, I would be for it, even though it does not reflect the holistic approach I am recommending. It is disappointing that contrary to what one would think, gun control cities have the highest homicide rates per 100K residents. For example, the cities with extensive gun control have the highest murder rates – Chicago (25.1 murders per 100,000 people), New Orleans (41.68 murders per 100,000 people), Detroit (43.82 murders per 100,000 people), Baltimore (55.37 murders per 100,000 people), and Saint Louis (59.29 murders per 100,000 people).
These statistics are in stark contrast to cities with no meaningful gun control. They have significantly less violence – Waco, Texas (16.74 murders per 100,000 people), South Bend (16.79 murders per 100,000 people), Indianapolis (17.12 murders per 100,000 people), and Miami (17.14 murders per 100,000 people). Unfortunately, this strong statistical evidence suggests that gun control makes violence and homicide numbers worse. Again, contrary to what one would theorize, in looking at the overall stats since 1970, as gun ownership has increased, the homicide rate has gone down. And, paradoxical to common theoretical beliefs, according to the Department of Justice, between 1993 and 2006, the rate of violent crime committed in the US fell 74%, at the same time the gun ownership from 1993 to 2013 increased from 185 million to 300 million. In other words, there was an inverse relationship between the number of guns and the number of homicides. The data is an amazing awakening – but, then, upon reflection, it makes sense if one asks the question… Would a person intent on creating a mass murder situation feel safer walking into a “gun-free” zone or one where the school staff or population is armed? Statistically speaking, it is no accident that 98% of all mass shootings occur in “gun-free” zones.
Recently, the non-profit RAND corporation spent $1 million over two years on a meta-analysis of gun/violence research. The analysis looked to establish connections between gun policies and rates of homicide, suicide, self-defense gun use, hunting, and other categories. Although thousands of gun control studies were analyzed, no significant correlation could be made to show that gun control made any difference in decreasing homicides. It is vital that a Congressional research report showed that the more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens, means less crime. It showed that despite a 100% increase in the number of privately owned firearms between 1994 and 2009, firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide fell by nearly 50% from 6.6 per 100K in 1993 to 3.6 per 100K in 2000.
My conclusion, based on my experience since the assassination of JFK, is that the US and world consciousness has been undergoing a significant mental and moral degeneration. The seed energy behind this degeneration, which cannot be absolutely scientifically proven by double-blind studies, but it is highly probable to be associated with the societal trend away from God and from honoring the significance and importance of the Ten Commandments as a guide for society. As brilliantly stated in Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, “If God doesn’t exist, then everything is permitted.” This moral degeneration is what needs to be addressed to reverse this trend of worldwide violence from personal threats and violently acting out, to nuclear threats. Rather than being a contributing factor, gun ownership offers one of the two elements that are needed to end the exploding trend of violence, as is strongly suggested by the social research statistics. The other element is the repentance and expansion of a renewed spiritual consciousness, which, in this Western society, includes a reactivation of the belief in the Ten Speakings (Ten Commandments) as a guide for how to live in the world.
My suggestion is to develop a holistic, community-based, mental health approach addressing all these contributing factors. Violence and murder in the US and the world is a social and moral problem, rather than a gun/knife/bomb/truck-ramming problem. A moral, ethical, spiritual dilemma requires a moral, ethical, spiritual solution. This moral and ethical upgrade needs to start at the very top leadership of our nation and expand to every level of our society and its institutions. There is not a politically expedient, feel-good band-aid that is going to work. It is a moral, ethical, and spiritual self-examination and upgrading on every level of our society that is needed to address and correct this national and international problem, one of whose symptoms are indeed school shootings, stabbings, and attempted bombings.
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD
Holistic Physician
Community Psychiatrist
Holistic Psychiatrist
Family Therapist
Author of Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children

Wisdom of today - by Dr Gabriel Cousens.

10 Signs You’re Being Watched By A Guardian Angel

Marijuana (legalize it)

The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now, The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement! 

Simon Vinkenoog - Wat was de vraag?

Koningin Mathilde bezoekt de Dossin Kazerne in Mechelen. (Dutch)

Hare Majesteit de Koningin bezoekt Kazerne Dossin : Memoriaal, Museum en Documentatiecentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten. Het bezoek van de Koningin staat in het teken van de herdenking van de  25.274 joden en 354 zigeuners die in 1942-1944 vanuit Dossin in 28 opeenvolgende transporten werden weggevoerd naar Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Het bezoek vindt plaats in aanwezigheid van Simon Gronowski, die als kind kon ontsnappen uit konvooi XX dankzij een verzetsactie op 19 april 1943.
De Koningin bezoekt eveneens de tijdelijke tentoonstelling Buren 2018, over het dagelijkse leven van de chassidische joden in Antwerpen. De tentoonstelling combineert beelden van de fotograaf Dan Zollmann met passages uit de bestseller Mazzel Tov van Margot Vanderstraeten.

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

Benjamin Fulford: March 26, 2018

The Truth About Christianity - Astrotheology, Evidence, and Magic Mushrooms


Catharsis, nu verkrijgbaar bij Standaard Boekhandel. (Dutch)

Kristo is naast dichter ook gitarist van Street Soul, de rockformatie met Charles Jarvis, wiens studio-album in 2010 op de markt kwam. Naast zijn bezigheden online, houdt Kristo zich actief achter de schermen met vrijwilligerswerk, en beoefent hij dagelijks yoga en meditatie. Omstreeks 2012 kreeg hij een inwijding in de Siddha Maha Yoga van Swami Nardanand. Sedert dien is zijn kundalini-proces in goede banen gekomen. Hij studeert verder nog voor muziekproducer, onderhoudt de website van Charles Jarvis, leest veel over filosofie in zijn vrije tijd, en bestudeert momenteel enige werken van Rudolf Steiner, Helena Blavatsky en Alice Bailey. Kristo houdt van het leven en van de mensheid, voor wie hij zich graag inzet.

Kristo Isa & mother Maggy Bleys

(c) Maggy Bleys, Antwerp, Belgium 26/03/2018

Swami Nardanand honored for His work as a genuine Siddha Guru in India.

A Siddha Guru is a spiritual teacher, a master, whose identification with the supreme Self is uninterrupted. The unique and rare quality of a Siddha Guru is his or her capacity to awaken the spiritual energy, kundalini, in seekers through shaktipat.

Swami Nardanand is a Siddha Guru who walked the path of yoga under the guidance of his Guru, Swami Shivom Tirth & received the power and authority of the Siddha Yoga lineage. He teaches the Siddhas' message that the experience of divine consciousness is attainable in this human body. He constantly points us back inside ourselves, where this state is both possible and accessible.
As a Siddha Guru, he carries out his mission of awakening seekers to their own potential for enlightenment by bestowing shaktipat. Through his teachings and his writings and through Siddha Yoga teaching and learning events and satsanga, he guides students on this mystical journey toward God, helping them move beyond their own limitations and reach the goal.
He is one of the most supreme and highly regarded kundalini shaktipatacharya alive among the disciples of Swami Shivom Tirth ji.
He has uplifted many true spiritual aspirants to highest level of consciousness through kundalini Meditation without making any difference among cast, creed, race, status of disciples.
Due to his highest regard among all the shaktipatacharya he was honoured with Guest of honour in felicitation ceremony to commemorate the moat supreme teaching of Swami Vishnu Tirth .

: Siddha Ashram ::

Swami Nardanand was born in 1958 in a small farming village of Uttar Pradesh state in North India. As a specially gifted boy of 10, and with the blessings of his family, this eldest son moved to the banks of the Ganges at the holy city of Haridwar to attend gurukul, which is the ancient way of training in Sanskrit and spiritual matters.
The course of study was 12 years, 24 hours per day. The name of the school is Gurukul Kangri, which is one of the finest such schools in India. When Swami Nardanand was graduated, he not only was the leading student of his class, but also was given a special award for his accomplishments and expertise, presented in person by the President of India.
At the age of 14, Swami Nardanand was initiated as a monk by his teacher, Paramahansa Lakshmananda, who now resides in the city of Vrindivan.
Later, Swami Nardanand met and was initiated into the more esoteric spiritual teachings by his teacher, Swami Shivom Tirtha, a widely recognized adept who left his physical body in 2008 (In his later years Swami Shivom Tirtha gave up his public life, left the ashram and started living in a isolated place near Indore, with two celibate disciples, writing many books. He left his body on 06/04/ 2008 at coimbatore: his ashes were offered to the Ganges at Rishikesh)
In 1990, Swami Nardanand founded Siddha Ashram along the banks of the Shipra River in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India, one of the four major Kumbha Mela sites.
During the 2004 Kumbha Mela at Ujjain, Swami Nardanand was appointed as Mahamandaleshwara of Akhand Akhara.
Swami Nardanand teaches Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra in India, Europe, North America, and South America.

More info :

9 Ways to Spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher

De Moeder - Alle leven is yoga. (Dutch)

Ik ben aan het lezen en studeren in bovenstaand boek. Het geeft mij zelfs nog interessante informatie die handig kan zijn voor het uitleggen aan anderen wat yoga is. Eens je ermee begonnen bent moet je het afmaken, en dat is ook wat ik me heb voorgenomen. De weg nederig, maar vastberaden, tot het einde gaan.

zondag 25 maart 2018

Muse - Starlight [Official Music Video]

Barbara Marciniak - Best President Of All Time

Tomorrowland Belgium 2017 | Magdalena

Random Acts of Kindness

Quote of Truth

"When Christ returns, it will be a gnostic, esoteric Christ." - Simon Vinkenoog, Dutch author and poet.

Meditation of the Angels-Roy Martina

Michael Jackson - We Are The World (HQ)

Bob Marley - Exodus [HQ Sound]

David Icke 2016: OUT! David Icke Talks Brexit #Repost

Queen Elizabeth Reveals To The EU That She Is Ready To Flee Britain

Getting off our knees.

MAHA CUNDI DHARANI 108 Times + Lyrics (for Meditation)

Wisdom of today (Dutch)

"Vergeet het UUR niet." - Profeet Mohammed in de Nobele Koran. (Final Hour) ....

Ms. Lauryn Hill - Final Hour LIVE (Live in NYC 11/27/13)


Gabriel Rios - The Dangerous Return

Muse - Uprising Lyrics (From The Resistance Album)

Muse - JFK + Defector [Official Lyric Video]

Surviving Project MK-ULTRA & Psychiatry - CIA Mind Control Experiments I...

David Icke EXPOSES Illuminati Music Industry Kanye West, Taylor Swift, B...

JFK - The Speech That Killed Him #TruthMedia

Full Disclosure by Hon. Paul T Hellyer - Former Defence Minister of Canada


Clearing Of Family Karma Your Family Is Your Biggest Trigger

Halls of Amenti Free information for humanity (repost).

Please study the Halls of Amenti Document

De Standaard : Verdrinken in complottheorieën. (Dutch)

Joris Luyendijk staat sceptisch tegenover complotdenkers, maar hij weet ook dat ze heel soms gelijk hebben...

Bron :

zaterdag 24 maart 2018

Gayatri Mantra - Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha | Complete Detail in English

Archangel Michael with Advice for Lightworkers about Being Ready

Picture of today : Swami Nardanand.

So grateful so blessed to be initiated in this age-old tradition. So grateful to belong to this lineage.
This was the greatest gift of my life...
🌺Thank you dear Swami Nardanand Ji 🌺
🌺Om Jai the Kundalini lineage 🌺
Swami Nardanand Ji or Kundalini Shaktipat MahaYoga lineage is currently at the prime seat & It has been historically recorded Siddha Guru lineage or two centuries.The sole aim of this Siddha Shaktipat Guru Lineage is the upliftment of anyone who earnestly seeks the same.Irrespective of race, caste, creed, age, gender and social standing.
Some of the most supreme and senior Saints from the lineage have deepest regards to Swami Nardanand Ji and presented there letter of honor to swamji images of which are attached.
🌺 Om Jai Guruji 

SRI AUROBINDO Letters on Yoga - Opposition of the Hostile Forces

"It is a fact always known to all yogis and occultists since the beginning of time, in Europe and Africa as in India, that wherever yoga or Yajna is done, there the hostile Forces gather together to stop it by any means. It is known that there is a lower nature and a higher spiritual nature - it is known that they pull different ways and the lower is strongest at first and the higher afterwards. It is known that the hostile Forces take advantage of the movements of the lower nature and try to spoil through them, smash or retard the siddhi. It has been said as long ago as the Upanishads (hard is the path to tread, sharp like a razor's edge); it was said later by Christ 'hard is the way and narrow the gate by which one enters into the kingdom of heaven' and also 'many are called, few chosen' - because of these difficulties. But it has also always been known that those who are sincere and faithful in heart and remain so and those who rely on the Divine will arrive in spite of all difficulties, stumbles or falls." - Sri Aurobindo

Read more :

Anonymous (Ṫḧḕ Ḧḭṽḕ) Reprogramming project monarch

Kristo - All Life Is Yoga - investigating books.

Deleting NWO bullshit in my readings.

The Great Compassion Mantra in Sanskrit

The Diamond Cutter Sutra chanted

Gabriel Ríos "Diamond"

Gabriel Rios - Tidal Wave

Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute Why is it still 'a drug with no medicinal purpose?'

National legalization of marijuana may be drawing a smidgeon closer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the federal government sponsored agencies, has just updated the FAQs on its website to include recent studies on marijuana showing that it can and has killed cancer cells.
These are the findings of studies NCI have included:
  • Cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
  • Cannabinoids may protect against inflammation of the colon and may have potential in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and possibly in its treatment.
  • A laboratory study of delta -9-THC in hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) cells showed it damaged or killed the cancer cells. The same study of delta-9-THC in models of liver cancer showed that it had anti-tumor effects. Delta-9-THC has been shown to cause these effects by acting on molecules that may also be found in non-small cell lung cancer cells and breast cancer cells.
  • A laboratory study of cannabidiol (CBD) in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal breast cells. Studies of metastatic breast cancer showed that cannabinoids may lessen the growth, number, and spread of tumors.
  • A laboratory study of cannabidiol in human glioma cells showed that when given along with chemotherapy, CBD may make chemotherapy more effective and increase cancer cell death without harming normal cells. Studies showed that CBD together with delta-9-THC may make chemotherapy such as temozolomide more effective.
These studies are considered by the NCI as preclinical. They were all done using animals. According to them, no clinical trials of cannabis use for the treatment of cancer in humans have been published.
The NCI has included findings on peripheral benefits for cancer patients from marijuana:
  • Delta-9-THC and other cannabinoids stimulate appetite and can increase food intake.
  • Cannabinoid receptors have been studied in the brain, spinal cord, and nerve endings throughout the body to understand their roles in pain relief.
  • Cannabinoids have been studied for anti-inflammatory effects that may play a role in pain relief.
The NCI is one of the National Institutes of Health.
Infowars is reporting that the National Institute on Drug Abuse, another of the agencies of the National Institutes of Health, has referred to marijuana studies, including one that showed “marijuana can kill certain cancer cells and reduce the size of others.”
The big news here is not these studies. These and many more are contained on PubMed, the U.S. National Library of Medicine that is also part of the National Institutes of Health. They are there for all of the world to see.
The news is that after decades of the demonization of marijuana by a federal government that supports pharmaceuticals and GMOs, there is a breath of change. But if you want to prevent or treat cancer with marijuana, be prepared for arrest and imprisonment in most states of this union.

Read more: 
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