Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 31 maart 2021

Integral Spirituality, A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World, by Ken Wilber

Integral Spirituality is being widely called the most important book on spirituality in our time.

Applying his highly acclaimed integral approach, Ken Wilber formulates a theory of spirituality that honors the truths of modernity and postmodernity—including the revolutions in science and culture—while incorporating the essential insights of the great religions. He shows how spirituality today combines the enlightenment of the East, which excels at cultivating higher states of consciousness, with the enlightenment of the West, which offers developmental and psychodynamic psychology. Each contributes key components to a more integral spirituality.

On the basis of this integral framework, a radically new role for the world's religions is proposed. Because these religions have such a tremendous influence on the worldview of the majority of the earth's population, they are in a privileged position to address some of the biggest conflicts we face. By adopting a more integral view, the great religions can act as facilitators of human development: from magic to mythic to rational to pluralistic to integral—and to a global society that honors and includes all the stations of life along the way.

dinsdag 30 maart 2021

Natural News (Mike Adams) : Situation Update, Mar 30th, 2021 - Project Looking Glass reveals convergence of future timelines.

Mass Consciousness Gridwork - Free World Peace Meditations by Christine Breese

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Compassion with Gabriel Gonsalves

John Frusciante Interview (2004)

432Hz Attract Love In All Forms ➤ Raise Positive Vibration - Positive Energy Boost | Manifest Love

Humanity Healing : The Power of Gratitude

Tania Gabrielle : Aries NEW MOON [April 11-12] Align to the Divine [Astrology Numerology Forecast]

The World’s Richest People: Excessive Wealth Disorder Is Destroying Our Societies. 

Special thanks to Madeleine K for sharing.

Wisdom of today


The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Forgiveness with Gabriel Gonsalves

D. T. Suzuki on the All importance of an Inner Realisation

David Bowie on Making ‘Let’s Dance’ & Black Artists | MTV Full 1983 Interview.

Healing (Be With You) - Street Soul (Released in 2010).

 This song was written as a fight against blind materialism in science and religion.


Dr Roy Michael Martina : Engelen Meditatie (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

Dr Roy Michael Martina over Burnout en wat je van burnouts kunt leren (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

maandag 29 maart 2021

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Cycles of Global Cooling and Warming – What Is Going On!

The Problem with Today's World - Ken Wilber #kenwilber #integraltheory #consciousness

Wisdom of today : a healthy relationship with money.

Money is for a great part under asuric/demonic influence. We can learn to work with money in a (bodhi)sattvic way, to benefit others, our communities and to give to those who have nothing. In that way we can bring money under the sattvic influence and make it a force of good in the world.

Special thanks to the teachings of The Mother and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India, Pondicherry.

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Shedding Light On Children’s Mental Health. 

Roy Michael Martina over BURNOUT (En meerdere tips om eruit te komen) (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 2. Observing ourselves

Naar een wereld zonder kanker? hoe wetenschap de ziekte overwint ; Auteur : Filip Lardon. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

Het kankeronderzoek staat aan de vooravond van grote ontdekkingen. Professor Filip Lardon voorspelt dat tussen dit en tien jaar 80 procent van de mensen met kanker genezen zal kunnen worden. 'Naar een wereld zonder kanker?' is een boek vol hoop. Filip Lardon, hoogleraar aan de Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen en diensthoofd van het Centrum voor Oncologisch Onderzoek van de Universiteit Antwerpen, beschrijft er helder en bevattelijk in hoe de wetenschap zeer snel terrein wint en stilaan de ziekte inhaalt. In deel 1 legt hij aan een breed publiek uit wat we nu weten over kanker, hoe de ziekte ontstaat, hoe een kankercel ontspoort. Is het gewoon brute pech? Is het genetisch bepaald? In deel 2 blikt de wetenschapper vooruit. Welke nieuwe, revolutionaire therapieën worden ontwikkeld? Betekenen die het einde van chemo? En kunnen we straks kanker in een vroeg stadium opsporen op basis van een druppeltje bloed? De toekomst ziet er mooi uit. Het moment dat mensen niet meer bang hoeven te zijn voor kanker komt elke dag een stapje dichterbij. Het is nu aan kanker om bang te worden, voorspelt Lardon.

Bron :

Kerth Barker : PRAYER FOR THE CHILDREN. - Shared by Kristof Gabriel

God Almighty, thank you for the many blessings that you have given to all humanity. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We are now aware that thousands of children in every country around the world are being abused by organized child prostitution rings. But we have faith that your divine power is greater than any power on Earth. Thank you for sending the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in so many ways. Thank you for the army of your angels who guide and defend us. When possible, may the hearts of these child abusers be turned away from evil, back to decency. May the hearts and minds of those in authority be guided by your divine righteousness so that they liberate and help these abducted children. Thank you for having sent your angels to comfort the souls of the hundreds of thousands of children who have already been lost to these evil practices. May you open the eyes of those who refuse to see this problem. May you open the hearts of those who fail to care about these children. May you open the minds of those who refuse to believe in the truth. We pray for all this in the holy name of your son, our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. Truly.

Source :

Author Kerth Barker's personal story in his books :

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Creating Peace by Being Peace: The Essene Sevenfold Path.

Representing a synthesis of the author's decades of multidisciplinary work in meditation, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and spirituality, Creating Peace by Being Peace guides readers in creating peace on seven levels of engagement, from the body to the ecology to God. Author Gabriel Cousens addresses the increasingly urgent need to transform humankind with the ancient peace wisdom of the Essenes, a Judaic mystical group that flourished two millennia ago. He begins by explaining the Essenes and the lessons they can teach us as creators of peace. Individual chapters cover a wide range of possibility, from the personal ("Peace with the Mind") to the political ("Peace with the Community"). The final chapter, Integrating Peace on Every Level, presents a comprehensive plan for peace with the body, mind, family, community, culture, ecology, and God as a pervasive experience in life--moment to moment, day by day. Cousens blends documentary evidence with original interpretation to show that the Essenes actually did live this experience of peace. Most importantly, he transfers their gift to modern seekers as a breathing blueprint for realizing this reality as we walk in our lives; work according to our gifts, joys, and sacred design; and live the path of spiritual awakening--the sevenfold peace.

Source :

Wisdom of today : When the Two Become One (From the Gospel of Thomas).

The main interest of Saying 22, however, lies in what follows the disciples' question. Jesus replies: "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . . then you will enter [the kingdom]."

Source :

Tania Gabrielle : Venus Conjunct Sun [March 26] Mastering Negativity [Astrology Numerology Forecast]

Natural News : Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We are in World War III. We did not have a pandemic… we had a biological attack’.

zaterdag 27 maart 2021

Who Are The 2nd Tier Thinkers? - Ken Wilber

Clean Up, Wake Up, Grow Up - Ken Wilber

The Religion of Tomorrow A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions - More Inclusive, More Comprehensive, More Complete Author: Ken Wilber

A provocative examination of how the great religious traditions can remain relevant in modern times by incorporating scientific truths learned about human nature over the last century.

A single purpose lies at the heart of all the great religious traditions: awakening to the astonishing reality of the true nature of ourselves and the universe. At the same time, through centuries of cultural accretion and focus on myth and ritual as ends in themselves, this core insight has become obscured. Here Ken Wilber provides a path for reenvisioning a religion of the future that acknowledges the evolution of humanity in every realm while remaining faithful to that original spiritual vision. For the traditions to attract modern men and women, Wilber asserts, they must incorporate the extraordinary number of scientific truths learned about human nature in just the past hundred years—for example, about the mind and brain, emotions, and the growth of consciousness—that the ancients were simply unaware of and thus were unable to include in their meditative systems. Taking Buddhism as an example, Wilber demonstrates how his comprehensive Integral Approach—which is already being applied to several world religions by some of their adherents—can avert a "cultural disaster of unparalleled proportions": the utter neglect of the glorious upper reaches of human potential by the materialistic postmodern worldview. Moreover, he shows how we can apply this approach to our own spiritual practice. This, his most sweeping work since Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, is a thrilling call for wholeness, inclusiveness, and unity in the religions of tomorrow.

Wisdom of today

"Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism."

Stanislav Grof in ‘Beyond the Brain’

Integral Spirituality : A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World by Ken Wilber

Integral Spirituality is being widely called the most important book on spirituality in our time.

Applying his highly acclaimed integral approach, Ken Wilber formulates a theory of spirituality that honors the truths of modernity and postmodernity—including the revolutions in science and culture—while incorporating the essential insights of the great religions. He shows how spirituality today combines the enlightenment of the East, which excels at cultivating higher states of consciousness, with the enlightenment of the West, which offers developmental and psychodynamic psychology. Each contributes key components to a more integral spirituality.

On the basis of this integral framework, a radically new role for the world's religions is proposed. Because these religions have such a tremendous influence on the worldview of the majority of the earth's population, they are in a privileged position to address some of the biggest conflicts we face. By adopting a more integral view, the great religions can act as facilitators of human development: from magic to mythic to rational to pluralistic to integral—and to a global society that honors and includes all the stations of life along the way.

vrijdag 26 maart 2021

Everything Is Connected – David Icke

Wisdom of today : Indigo Children.

Highly psychic and spiritually advanced children who have been incarnating over the last few decades to help establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth. Many of the Indigos have had a tough time adjusting to Earth life and have been misdiagnosed as Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenic, Delusional, or mentally ill in any number of ways. The Indigos are not mentally ill, just highly advanced beings that often have a tough time “fitting in” and “adjusting” to Earth society. The salvation for these “lost” Indigos is to reject what doctors and society have “labeled” them, own their Indigo status fully and completely, and immerse themselves in helping the Earth transition into The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment!

Source :

The Walls Close In – Stop Fascism Now, Or It Will Be Permanent – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

The Pleiadian Message - A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light

The Indigo Evolution Full Length Documentary Indigo children

dinsdag 23 maart 2021

PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 - 2027

Situation Update, Mar 23, 2021 - Plagues, demons, UFOs, cyborgs and covid squatters

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Forgiveness with Gabriel Gonsalves

Archangel Michael and El Morya Protection

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Shaktipat Meditation 

Veritas Radio - Mike King - Hour 1 of 2 - The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2

Veritas Radio - Mike King - Hour 1 of 2 - The War Against Putin

David Icke : Will There Be Food on the Table?

 “Who Controls the Food Supply Controls the People”

This is to serve warning that what ‘the authorities’ are planning for us in the very near future is a ‘Great Reset’ of what we are accustomed to eating at our daily meals. 

Under plans laid out by Klaus Schwab, executive director of the World Economic Forum, what food ‘is’ and how it is produced are to take a dramatic turn for the worse. From something broadly natural to something essentially synthetic.  

Under the cold technocrat agenda know as ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and ‘Green New Deal’ agriculture will have less and less to do with farmers cultivating the land and more and more to do with the laboratory production of synthetic foods by robots.

The great majority of mankind already carry traces of dozens of toxic synthetic chemicals in their bodies, with significant amounts of the carcinogenic herbicide glyphosate (Round Up) having been detected in more than 90% of the tens of thousands tested in Europe and the USA during recent years.

Right now in Holland, Israel and California entirely fake laboratory meat (‘cultured meat’) is commencing manufacture – using animal based cellular tissue; while nanoparticles are increasingly being adopted in the processing of many of the mass produced factory foods found on supermarket shelves today. 

The GMO threat is also once again part of the plan, going under a new name: ‘gene editing’. These are foods that have been molecularly re-engineered to suit the profit motivated ambitions of the pesticide and pharmaceutical industries. Consuming them on a regular basis will irrevocably alter our own DNA to the point where ‘human’ will no longer fit the description of our species. 

Most people are completely unaware of these so called ‘developments’. One of the excuses used for moving humanity onto a space-age laboratory engineered diet is that scientists in the pay of the global warming lobby say that dairy cows and beef cattle are causing climate change due to their natural flatulence negatively effecting the atmospheric methane balance. 

This is at the extreme end of plausible, but only in the case of large scale factory farms on which cattle are fed entirely inappropriate diets.

This is the same bunch of ‘scientists’ who are warning that earthworms need controlling due to their supposed negative influence on the upper atmosphere.

Well, frankly, I would have thought that even the most dim members of the scientific community would have thought up something a little more credible for closing down conventional farming systems. But such is the insanity at large today that almost any theory backed by enough mass propaganda indoctrination seems capable of achieving its desired ends.

So let us be reminded of the words of Dr Henry Kissinger  “Who controls the food supply controls the people.” Food production coming under the jurisdiction of a centralised global cabal, is a very dangerous move. Already just six vast seed corporations own and control 80% of the world’s seed production and distribution.

Using Codex Alimentarius clauses of the World Trade Organisation governments have already been influenced to pass laws severely restricting the use of native seeds and a wide variety of fruit and vegetables once on sale in traditional grocery stores. 

The population as a whole is now confronted by the despotic Green New Deal programme forcing its fake ‘zero carbon’ policy on humanity and weaponising it to be the vector for the digitalisation and re-engineering of the food chain, as described earlier. 

The largely synthetic diet that emerges out of this sterilisation programme will free-up the land for what is termed ‘re-wilding’, the leisure pursuits of the wealthy and large scale US style robotic factory farming units.

What to do?

Here follows a list of immediate actions to take to ensure you don’t get caught-out and find yourself on a corporate/state controlled artificial GMO diet with no way out.

*Immediately cease relying on the supermarket/hypermarket for your main food purchases. They are global killers of small, diverse and animal friendly farms and of real food. They will be the first to comply with the cabal government controls. 

*If you are not already living in the countryside or small town/village with direct links to the surrounding land, plan your move to such a location straight away. Big cities are saturated with electro magnetic microwaves, CCTV monitors, traffic polluted air and a great excess of sterile concrete. They can no longer support the health and welfare of sentient humans.

*Once in your countryside location, establish contact with a small or medium sized (SME) pro-ecological and/or traditional farmer and start making your food purchases ‘direct from the farm’ or via a food cooperative/independent small shop selling good quality fresh foods from local farms.

*Rent, share or buy a piece of land to start your own cultivation on. Make a plan to grow a percentage of your basic dietary needs on this land. Seek help from those who have experience, to get you started.

*Spend as much time as possible in/with nature. This is the antidote to the materialistic, mechanistic mind controlled world of urban dependency – the main target for the WEF’s fake Green New Deal programme of oppression and control.

*Learn the skills of gardening, medicinal herb growing and building natural good health. Particularly build-up your immune system to resist various diseases, minor sicknesses like a flu called Covid and major sicknesses like cancer and build into your daily routine a spiritual practice which puts you in touch with your deeper self and divine origins.  This is going to be particularly important in protecting against dark entities and in opening your life to the vital pathway of full conscious awareness.

*Barter and share wherever possible. The cabal’s aim is to phase out bank notes and coinage by 2030 at the latest, making people fully dependent on plastic cards and digital nano-chips inserted under the skin. In both cases total 24/7 surveillance of all activities and direct access to your bank account will be the order of the day.

*Get involved with your local community. Help it become self governing. Share information (like this) with neighbours and leaders of local authorities. Build initiatives to get your community linked-up with neighbourhood farms and woodlands so that these resources can be used to support the needs of the local community.

*Make sure to retain a wood or coal burning stove/boiler and ‘human scale’ agricultural tools for cultivating the land. Learn the skills needed to work the land with horses. Petroleum and gas are likely to become ever harder to acquire for all but the 1%, who will retain access to supplies for heating cooking and transportation purposes. This is not because of a supply shortage – there is none – but because The Fourth Industrial Revolution/Green Deal is founded on ‘Green Fascism’, a ‘zero carbon’ policy that will starve the population of access to fossil fuels and force people into a slavish dependency on the state (cabal) and conformity with long planned global depopulation goals.

Lastly, let the Changes recommended here be seen as a positive. A welcome challenge for all concerned. A chance for ‘real life’ to replace the digitalised virtual reality existence of today. You will be bringing about a world in which nature and man can finally start to heal and return to a state of equilibrium.

Envision and meditate on this healed world now. Make your move the number one priority of your life and join those already building their arks. Arks destined to become the foundation stones of a simple, creative and just New Society.

Julian Rose is an early pioneer and practitioner of UK organic farming; an entrepreneur and leader of projects to create self sufficient communities based on local supply and demand; a teacher of holistic life approaches and the author of four books – one of which ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ ( lays-out detailed guide-lines for the transformation of society into caring communities built upon ecological and spiritual awareness, justice and cooperation. See Julian’s website for more information 

Source :

maandag 22 maart 2021

Barbara Marciniak - Ripe for Rebellion (Part 1 & 2) (For educational purpose)

Wisdom of today : psychic selfdefence.

THE facts considered in the previous chapter, though they should make us exceedingly careful in weighing evidence, must not blind us to the fact that there are black sheep in every fold and that a fraternity which started out with the best of intentions may quite inadvertently, through the ignorance or imperfections of its leaders, begin to drift on to the Left-hand Path. Perfectly innocent people enter it when it is in process of drifting but not yet avowedly black, and may find themselves in waters that are unpleasantly dirty, even if not actually dangerous. The esoteric dangers will be studied in detail in the next chapter, but we may very well consider in this place the exoteric dangers which may occur behind the Veil of the Temple, for human nature is much the same wherever we meet it, and shows little originality in choosing its road to the Pit. It might be thought that in such a book as this there were no need to touch upon these matters, but if this book is to serve the purpose for which it is intended, it is necessary to do so for three reasons; firstly, because the greater proportion of the students of esotericism are women, and even in these enlightened days they are usually ignorant of the life of the underworld, and a Black Lodge leads by a straight and narrow way into the land of apaches and demimondaines, quite apart from its other drawbacks. Secondly, a knowledge of these facts is essential for differential diagnosis. Thirdly, occult powers are not infrequently used to obtain purely mundane ends, therefore when the question of ordinary criminality occurs in connection with an occult organisation, the issue may be complicated by an admixture of methods that belong to another plane. We must always remember that a lodge may not necessarily have been formed for the express purpose of evading the law; it may have started with a perfectly legitimate end in view, and have been exploited by evil-doers for their own purposes, for, owing to the secretive nature of its proceedings, the fraternity form of organisation lends itself to various forms of law-breaking. One occult organisation is well known to have been involved in the drug traffic, another is riddled with unnatural vice. A third degenerated into what was little better than a house of ill-fame, and its head was an expert abortionist. Others have been involved in subversive politics. Those who join fraternities without properly investigating them and the credentials of those who are running them may find themselves involved in any or all of these things. Behind the veil of secrecy, guarded by impressive oaths, many things may happen, and it is therefore essential to inform oneself most carefully concerning the character, credentials and record of the leaders of an organisation. If these are not readily accessible, something is wrong. The Mysterious Stranger, who has just arrived from the East or the Continent, both rather vague addresses, is probably a fraud. If difficulty is experienced in discovering the antecedents of an alleged adept, enquiries could be made of the wellknown periodical, Truth, of Carteret Street, S.W.I. Truth was originally founded to expose abuses in financial and public life, and for this purpose keeps a "Black List" of individuals who are better avoided. It is fair and fearless in its methods, neither a persecutor nor a respecter of persons. It keeps a watchful eye upon the occult field and pillories charlatans, a task for which it should have the gratitude and support of all who have the cause of the Wisdom Religion at heart. The commonest danger to which a person who gets into the company of undesirables is exposed, is to be induced to part with more money than is convenient by the time- honoured expedients of either swindling or blackmailing, the latter being by far the commonest form of unpleasantness in Black Lodges. The one and only remedy in all such cases is to place the matter in the hands of the police. Firstly, it is your duty as a citizen in order that others may not be victimised as you have been. Secondly, if you don't, your persecutors will not leave you until they have sucked you absolutely dry, and not even then if they can still find a use for you as a catspaw. A blackmailer is never got rid of by giving him money. It is merely an invitation to call again. Act quickly and firmly at the outset and you will soon be at 52 of 103 the end of your troubles. To demand money with threats is blackmail, and to coerce to any course of action by threats is also a crime. Any arrangements entered into, or documents signed in con sequence of threats are not binding. Threats need not necessarily be gross and open, such as the pointing of a revolver; anything which coerces you against your inclinations may be interpreted as a threat. For instance, supposing it were intimated to you, however tactfully, that if you did not subscribe to the funds of an organisation, your interest in occultism would be liable to be gossiped about, and possibly involve you in unpleasantness with your relatives, or your employers, this, in the eyes of the law, would be blackmail. Anything, in fact, which plays upon a person's fears is a threat. Let us now consider what is the best thing to do if you are being threatened. It is seldom wise to answer threat with threat. The best thing is to reply that you will think it over and see what can be done, and then go straight to the nearest police-station and tell the whole story. You can be sure of the utmost courtesy and kindness, and that every effort will be made to help you, even if you have to admit that you have not been wholely blameless yourself. In coming to the police and telling them frankly the position of affairs you have, in popular language, "turned King's evidence," and the authorities will go a long way to protect anyone who does this.

Source :

zondag 21 maart 2021

Tania Gabrielle : [March 22 - 28] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast

Manly P Hall - White Magic

de val van de cabal

Clearing and Shielding with Archangel Michael ~ Doreen Virtue

Philip Lindsay : Aries 2021: Global Crisis. Seven Rays. Shamballa. Black & White Magic. Dictatorship. Scientism. Germany. China. 

The Diamond Sutra - spoken in English

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness By Rudolf Steiner

Kriya Babaji Top Songs | Arathi | Peace Mantra | Om Kriya Babaji Stuti Manjari

vrijdag 19 maart 2021

Wisdom of today

"It is written in the old books that when the brothers of the Quest desire to bring about changes in the mortal state they send messengers and strange dreams and mystic visions and, accomplish their purpose by revealing their will to the leaders of nations in sundry and curious ways. Whether we wish to believe that the spirits of the dead return to guide the living, or whether we choose to accept that man possesses faculties and powers which under great stress may bring his consciousness a little nearer to Universal Truth, one thing is certain: Men unaccustomed to the spiritual ways of life have received visions, and have heard voices, and by obeying these mysterious powers they have contributed to the progress and security of their fellow men." - Manly Palmer Hall

How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans - Manly P. Hall

The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens

De Club van Rome - Vrije Wereld info (Dutch / Nederlandstalig) 

Golden Light Sutra Chapters 1 to 7 English Spoken Audio Recording

Second-Thier and Third-Tier Consciousness according to Ken Wilber and evolutionary psychologists.

There are only 1% of the population at Second-Thier (all of us, holistic-integral) Consciousness and estimated only 0,1% at higher levels of development (Indigo Para-Mind, Violette Meta-Mind and White Light). These people are at a higher stage of development. Integral Consciousness includes everyone, no matter what religion you practice and/or follow : Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu or whatever. We are all one.

maandag 15 maart 2021

OM SHANTI OM Mantra with Tibetan Singing Bowls @432Hz || Peace Mantra || Buddhist Meditation Music

A Short Notice to the Surface Population.

The Light Forces are asking you to do the following meditation as often as you feel guided:

The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Clearing and Shielding with Archangel Michael ~ Doreen Virtue

Wisdom of today

Ethical discipline is the ladder to all virtues. It is their foundation, just as the earth is the foundation for plants and the like. Just as a master trader goes first among all traders, so ethical discipline goes first among all virtues. Like the hoisted banner of Indra, ethical discipline is the banner of all teachings. It cuts down all the sins and eliminates the path to the miserable realms. Since it cures the illnesses of the sins, it is like a medicinal plant. Ethical discipline is the stock of provisions for the terrible road of cyclic existence. It is the weapon that destroys the afflictions, the enemies. (…)

Ethical discipline – like the ground supporting the animate and the inanimate worlds – it is said to be the foundation of all good qualities.

Just as every harvest grows without fault

In dependence on the earth

So too do the highest virtues depend on ethical discipline,

And grow by being moisted with the water of compassion

The ethical discipline of some leads to pleasure;

The ethical discipline of others leads to pain.

Those who possess ethical discipline are happy,

Whereas those who break ethical discipline suffer.

Source :

03-11-21 What it Means to Benefit Others - BBCorner

We Will NOT Be Silenced: Medical Professionals Worldwide Continue To Speak Out In “Ask The Experts II”.

 Speakers in the film:

  • Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Medical Doctor & Forensic Psychiatrist from the USA
  • Dr. Tom Cowan, Medical Doctor from the USA
  • Dr. Kevin P. Corbett, Qualified Nurse & Health Scientist from the UK
  • Dr. Anne Fierlafijn, Medical Doctor from Belgium
  • Dr. Hilde De Smet, Medical Doctor from Belgium
  • Prof. Konstantin Pavlidis, Metaphysicist from the UK
  • Dr. Zac Cox, Holistic Dentist & Homeopath from UK
  • Dr. Piotr Rubas, Medical Doctor from Poland
  • Dr. Johan Denis, Medical Doctor and Homeopath from Belgium
  • Senator Scott Jensen, Medical Doctor, Family Physician & Politician from the USA
  • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Medical Doctor from the USA
  • Dr. Heiko Santelmann, Medical Doctor from Germany
  • Sandy Lunoe, Pharmacist from Norway
  • Dr. Simone Gold, Medical Doctor, Physician & Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors USA
  • Dr. Brian Tyson, Medical Doctor & Family Physician from the USA
  • Dr. Teryn Clark, Medical Doctor & Neurologist from the USA
  • Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, Medical Doctor, General Surgeon, Holistic & Integrative Physician from Argentina
  • Dr. Antoine Barbari, Medical Doctor, Senior Consultant, Professor of Medicine from Lebanon
  • Prof. Dolores Cahill, Molecular Biologist and Immunologist from Ireland
  • Kate Shemirani, Natural Nurse from the UK
  • Dr. Mario Cabrera Avivar, Medical Doctor from Uruguay
  • Dr. Elke F. de Klerk, Medical Doctor from Holland
  • Dr. Vernon Coleman, General Practitioner from the UK—Ask-Experts-II/87e3d1f57885381c28d31832c6c51dbf602f48f4/f03505

vrijdag 12 maart 2021

Ruimte hopelijk voor een open, democratisch debat.

Bron :

Gabriel Gonsalves : GLOBAL HEART MEDITATION | Where I AM God Is.

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Humility with Gabriel Gonsalves

Wisdom of today by Gabriel Gonsalves : The courage to be you.

Many people don't know that the great American Poet, E. E. Cummings, self-published most of his work. His poetry went against the conventional thinking of the culture of his time. As a result, he struggled to find a publisher who believed in him and the message he wanted to share with the world.

Despite receiving countless rejection letters from publishers from all over the U.S., each night E.E. kept on pouring his soul onto each poem he wrote. He published his work because he knew it takes courage to become the person you know in your heart you're destined to become.

It takes courage to quit your current job after finally admitting to yourself your heart is not in it, and there's a higher calling you'd like to pursue.

It takes courage to end a relationship with someone you've grown comfortable with after finally admitting to yourself you're not in love or that this person isn't a good fit for you.

It takes courage to sell the home you've lived in during the past 35 years and get a fresh start by moving to another country, city, or town.

It takes courage to carry on when someone you love profoundly dies or leaves, and you feel so broken that you have lost all desire to live.

It takes courage to stand on a stage of life and share your story vulnerably only to have others attack, criticize, or bully you and tell you are full of bull**it.

It takes courage to continue to care for someone after your love was rejected by them even when you know there's no chance you will ever be with them.

It takes courage to pick yourself up time and time again after each fall, disappointment, or failure and remaining true to you or the vision you have for your life.

It takes great courage to say, "No," "I don't want this," "This is not okay with me," "I don't love you," "I want something different," or "I can't be what you want me to be."

It takes courage to be you, the real you.

From my heart to yours,


Source :

The Integral Life - Lesson 1 What is Integral - Ken Wilber

Introduction to Integral Spirituality | Ken Wilber

Saint Germain (2021) - Your Purpose Is This Moment

woensdag 10 maart 2021

Ashtar (2021) - Something Magical is Happening in your Timelines.

Nikola Tesla - Biography And Life (Documentary)

Integrity, the Endangered Virtue by Manly P. Hall

The Ending of Fear | Krishnamurti

Wisdom of today.

"The yoga we practice is not for ourselves alone, but for the Divine; its aim is to work out the will of the Divine in the world, to effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. Its object is not personal Mukti, although Mukti is a necessary condition of the yoga, but the liberation and transformation of the human being. It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine Ananda - Christ's kingdom of heaven, our Satyayuga - upon the earth." - Sri Aurobindo

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Forgiveness with Gabriel Gonsalves

dinsdag 9 maart 2021

Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment by Gabriel Cousens.

Inspired by intense studies, meditation, and a variety of teachings from the great Torah sages, best-selling author Gabriel Cousens, MD, presents the fifty-two parashas of the Torah as a practical path to liberation. His interpretation, which focuses on enlightenment, what he feels is the original intention of the Torah, provides a multidimensional analysis and a perspective that is often missing from conventional teachings. Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment conveys liberation understandings not only to those with Jewish and Christian backgrounds, but to anyone seeking to reconnect with their spiritual roots.

John David Coupland : Home Recording 101.

Cocaine And Karma // Manly P. Hall [Full Lecture / Clean Audio]

"There is no actual drug-use as a path to liberation in any of the traditions. This is not to say that people don’t ever use drugs to wake up at a certain level; however, as the soul fire burns within us, pulling us to know God, there is a balance that must be accounted for." - Dr Gabriel Cousens

Source :

Positive vibes vanwege Kristo Gabriel (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

De laatste dagen waren enorm verrijkend voor mij. Ik heb mijn dagen gevuld met literatuur, filosofie en kunst. Mijn gesprekken met Charles John Jarvis over John Frusciante brachten mij op het spoor van homerecording met de TASCAM. Ik heb er eentje besteld en ga mijn homestudio terug bouwen. Ondertussen neem ik soms stukjes interview van Charles af met zijn biografie in het achterhoofd. Ik heb veel geleerd over de werking van de TASCAM en kijk ernaar uit dat toestel in ontvangst te nemen. De periode van de opnames van Street Soul was er nog geen vervelende corona-crisis en alles was toch enigszins zorgelozer. Als je beseft dat zes op tien jongeren met depressieve gevoelens kampen moeten we daar toch wel alert rond blijven. Iedereen verdient het om gelukkig te worden. Mijn internet-archief deed me nog eens stilstaan bij die leuke tijd in de studio bij Eddy Weyns, hoewel we ook wel enige problemen hadden wanneer onze ego's botsten. Ondertussen zijn we wat rustiger geworden :-)

Een foto die ik in mijn hart draag, met (van links naar rechts) respectievelijk Wim Roelants, Eddy Weyns, mezelf en Charles John Jarvis.

Omstreeks diezelfde periode verschenen we ook in ECHT-krant, een krantje voor hogescholen en universiteiten.

Interview in ECHT

Nu zijn we ruim een decennium verder en heb ik terug volle goesting om muziek te componeren en op te nemen, naast het schrijfwerk. Laat maar komen :-)

Alle goeds aan iedereen die dit leest,

Love much,

K. Gabriel

P.S. Deze wil ik ook even delen : nuttige tips van Dr Gabriel Cousens voor mentaal gelukkigere jongeren (Engelstalig):

KRIYA YOGA - Path Of Self Realization | How Kriya Yoga Works By Sadhguru

maandag 8 maart 2021

David Bowie 'Inspirations'

"Anything that I'd bought or used to go and see, or listen to, it was always stuff on the edge. I was always far more interested in the periphery of life's matters, than what was happening in the center. The center sort of seemed a simple vocabulary or something. It [the center] didn't catch my imagination."

David Bowie in 1995 on his fascination with things "outside" the mainstream.

Yoga Journal : What is Ahimsa?


Ahimsa, or nonviolence, is one of yoga’s ethical principles. Explore its origins and how it might be interpreted and practiced in your everyday life.

Tania Gabrielle : Sun Conjunct Neptune: Trusting the Divine Flow [March 10 - 20] Astrology Numerology Forecast.

zondag 7 maart 2021

The Religion of Tomorrow A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions—More Inclusive, More Comprehensive, More Complete By Ken Wilber

A single purpose lies at the heart of all the great religious traditions: awakening to the astonishing reality of the true nature of ourselves and the universe. At the same time, through centuries of cultural accretion and focus on myth and ritual as ends in themselves, this core insight has become obscured. Here Ken Wilber provides a path for reenvisioning a religion of the future that acknowledges the evolution of humanity in every realm while remaining faithful to that original spiritual vision. For the traditions to attract modern men and women, Wilber asserts, they must incorporate the extraordinary number of scientific truths learned about human nature in just the past hundred years—for example, about the mind and brain, emotions, and the growth of consciousness—that the ancients were simply unaware of and thus were unable to include in their meditative systems. Taking Buddhism as an example, Wilber demonstrates how his comprehensive Integral Approach—which is already being applied to several world religions by some of their adherents—can avert a “cultural disaster of unparalleled proportions”: the utter neglect of the glorious upper reaches of human potential by the materialistic postmodern worldview. Moreover, he shows how we can apply this approach to our own spiritual practice. This, his most sweeping work since Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, is a thrilling call for wholeness, inclusiveness, and unity in the religions of tomorrow.


zaterdag 6 maart 2021

Mantra of Avalokitesvara | Monks chant | Great Compassion Mantra: Purification, Healing, Protection

Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Wisdom of today.

It is safe to predict that such a philosophers' city would ultimately be the most practical and certain instrument for accomplishing a world point of view in all departments of human thinking.  The international nation--the dream of the future which has been inspired by the terror of modern warfare--would have its natural beginning in a union of superior intellects.  Art knows no race;  music is a common denominator;  biology and physics are served by explorers into the furthermost and innermost secrets of nature.  When we recognize that the poet, the scholar, and the savant are indeed a race inhabiting the suburbs of a superior world, that they are the noblest of our creatures, we can know that we honor ourselves most by honoring them.

Here lies the solution to the great educational reform so necessary at this time.  We can not hope to build a nobility of man upon the sterility of a narrow, competitive, materialistic educational policy.  The ignorance of man has been his undoing.  Only wisdom can restore him to his divine estate.

The religious motion in the modern world is away from theology and all the artificial limitations set up by creeds and dogmas.  To meet the ever increasing dissatisfaction, there must be a new vision concerning the substance of spiritual truth.  The religion of the future will include within its own structure the best of science, art, literature, politics, and sociology.  Spirituality is not a blind faith about things invisible.  It is an inspired use of things known and available.  That man is religious who lives well.  That man is sacrilegious who perverts universal good for purposes of private gain.  The abstract parts of religion are useful only to the degree that they justify and prove the moral virtues.

From the broad gates of the philosophers' city could flow the inspiration for a completely new estimation of the Universe, and man's relationship to it.  When the gentler parts of learning exercise dominion over the human mind, world peace will be more than the substance of things hoped for. 

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