Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 22 september 2014

Astrology by Tania Gabrielle

In the next few days you'll be experiencing the ending of something or someone that you have outgrown, and beginning to embrace a new way of being.

Pluto is about to begin moving forward again and is currently at a complete standstill.

On September 23 at 1:36 AM Universal Time (September 22 in the Americas), Pluto goes from Retrograde to Direct at 11 degrees.

Not at 11:14 or 11:53 degrees, but at EXACTLY 11:00 Degrees!

Literally two hours later the Sun enters Libra, as we welcome the Equinox– the onset of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the South.
  • 11 is a “master number” in numerology, doubling up the energy of the number 1 and creating a gateway into freedom.
  • Pluto represents a rebirth of your sense of inner strength – a complete transformation.
Having the 11:00 initiate Pluto’s change of direction during the Equinox will initiate MAJOR shifts and an empowering new BEGINNING.

The double 1 in number 11 triggers a brand new era in your life. Notice your courage expand as you tackle new experiences and projects now… changes that really EMPOWER you!

Are you capitalizing on your strengths?

If you feel divided and unfulfilled, push the restart button and focus on what brings you fulfillment and joy. Every moment is an opportunity. Dive into your destiny -- come what may!

Adding to this empowering rebirth message is the Libra NEW Moon on September 23/24, just HOURS after Pluto goes direct again. That New Moon occurs at 1 degrees – another New Beginnings number!

Pay CLOSE attention to whom you meet, projects you’re initiating, ideas and beliefs that are transforming you – and how you are welcomingchange into your life.

If you try to hold on to PAST ways and get stuck in old, habitual patterns, you will feel very confronted. Pluto will not let go until you release thoughts or influences preventing you from growing and expanding.
  • Pluto at 11 Degrees moving forward on the Equinox –  where day and night are equal –  means you are coming face to face with the SOURCE of your inner power struggles. You are re-balancing your energy. In order to be in balance, you must release Who and What is disempowering you. 
Focus on nourishing your potential.  Your potential stores the seeds to your inner power. There is no greater power than the LOVE that resides in your heart.

Water those seeds.

Move forward shining your light and you will flow confidently on the winds of change.

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