Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 14 oktober 2024

Forgiveness, no more missing-the-mark. And prayers for evacuation of those stuck in the Twilight Zone.

It is my soulcontract with G-d to help in the Great White Brotherhood until G-d commands otherwise. I am only His servant (wisdom from a great devotee). Prayers for those stuck in the Twilight Zone to join the forces of Pure White & Golden Light of G-d (and if they wish the 144 000).

Thank you G-d for all the good things in life.

Tree of Life Bliss and Joy.

The war-movie Dunkirk is on Netflix by Christopher Nolan. It's about that Twilight Zone.
May they be released and join the Lodge of G-d.

Remember : with G-d, all things are possible.

Een oorlogsfilm van Christopher Nolan.

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