Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 30 juni 2019

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

Tesla on mental power coming from G'd.

Vedic Wisdom of today ; Srimad Bhagavatam SB 1.16.26-30

SB 1.16.26-30

satyam saucam daya ksantis
tyagah santosa arjavam
samo damas tapah samyam
titiksoparatih srutam
jñanam viraktir aisvaryam
sauryam tejo balam smrtih
svatantryam kausalam kantir
dhairyam mardavam eva ca
pragalbhyam prasrayah silam
saha ojo balam bhagah
gambhiryam sthairyam astikyam
kirtir mano ’nahankrtih
ete canye ca bhagavan
nitya yatra maha-gunah
prarthya mahattvam icchadbhir
na viyanti sma karhicit
tenaham guna-patrena
sri-nivasena sampratam
socami rahitam lokam
papmana kalineksitam
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
In Him reside (1) truthfulness, (2) cleanliness, (3) intolerance of another’s unhappiness, (4) the power to control anger, (5) self-satisfaction, (6) straightforwardness, (7) steadiness of mind, (8) control of the sense organs, (9) responsibility, (10) equality, (11) tolerance, (12) equanimity, (13) faithfulness, (14) knowledge, (15) absence of sense enjoyment, (16) leadership, (17) chivalry, (18) influence, (19) the power to make everything possible, (20) the discharge of proper duty, (21) complete independence, (22) dexterity, (23) fullness of all beauty, (24) serenity, (25) kindheartedness, (26) ingenuity, (27) gentility, (28) magnanimity, (29) determination, (30) perfection in all knowledge, (31) proper execution, (32) possession of all objects of enjoyment, (33) joyfulness, (34) immovability, (35) fidelity, (36) fame, (37) worship, (38) pridelessness, (39) being (as the Personality of Godhead), (40) eternity, and many other transcendental qualities which are eternally present and never to be separated from Him.

Leven in eenvoud, nederig en trouw aan G'd. (Dutch)

Mijn leven is heel eenvoudig, elke dag vijftien minuten piano spelen, een beetje mediteren, vrienden en vriendinnen ontmoeten, studeren in heilige boeken, en gewoon werken aan mezelf, een goed mens zijn en een trouwe (niet-opstandige) (Aarts)engel zijn. Dit impliceert dat ik geen eigen wil heb, dat G'd mij mag gebruiken om Zijn wil uit te voeren, en dat ik trouw dien, ook in het Leger van Heirscharen van Aartsengel Michael. Meer moet dat niet zijn.

De kenmerken van de golden age zijn : soberheid, reinheid, mededogen en waarheidslievendheid. Ik tracht ze in Ere te houden.

Gabriel says : "Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine is a brilliant book, holding many many truths."

Vatican are you watching, because I am reading ???


P.S. Never ever touch my beloveds again, or steal my papers.

Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)

 Hoe bovenmenselijk de pogingen van de eerste kerkvaders ook waren om de Geheime Leer uit het geheugen van de mensen te laten verdwijnen, ze mislukten allemaal. De waarheid kan nooit worden gedood, daarom slaagde men er niet in om ieder spoor van die oude wijsheid geheel van het oppervlak van de aarde weg te vagen en om iedere getuige die erover sprak de handen te boeien en de mond te snoeren. Men hoeft alleen maar te denken aan de duizenden en misschien miljoenen verbrande handschriften; aan tot stof vergruisde monumenten met hun te indiscrete inscripties en beeldende symbolen; aan de benden van vroege kluizenaars en asceten, die rondzwierven tussen de ruïnes van steden in Opper- en Beneden-Egypte, in woestijnen en bergen, dalen en hooglanden, op zoek naar en uit op vernietiging van iedere obelisk, zuil, rol of perkament waarop zij de hand konden leggen, als er maar het teken van de tau op stond, of enig ander door het nieuwe geloof geleend en zich toegeëigend teken; dan zal men duidelijk zien hoe het komt dat er zo weinig van de verslagen van het verleden is overgebleven. Inderdaad heeft de duivelse geest van fanatisme van het vroege en middeleeuwse christendom en van de islam vanaf het begin graag in duisternis en onwetendheid willen wonen, en beide maakten
‘de zon als bloed, de aarde tot een graf,
het graf tot een hel, en deze zelf tot een nog zwartere duisternis!’
     Beide godsdiensten hebben hun bekeerlingen met het zwaard gemaakt; beide hebben hun kerken gebouwd op ten hemel reikende offeranden van menselijke slachtoffers. Boven de poort van de eerste eeuw van onze jaartelling vlamden als een noodlot de onheilspellende woorden ‘het KARMA VAN ISRAËL’. Boven de ingangen van onze eigen eeuw zal de toekomstige ziener andere woorden kunnen onderscheiden, die verwijzen naar het karma voor een handig samengestelde GESCHIEDENIS, voor opzettelijk verdraaide gebeurtenissen en voor het belasteren van grote figuren door het nageslacht, die onherkenbaar werden verminkt tussen de twee wagens van Jagannatha – kwezelarij en materialisme, waarvan de een te veel aanvaardt en de ander alles ontkent. Wijs is hij die zich aan het gulden midden houdt en die gelooft in de eeuwige rechtvaardigheid van de dingen. Zo zegt Faigi Diwan, de ‘getuige van de wonderbaarlijke toespraken van een vrijdenker die tot duizend sekten behoort’: ‘In de vergadering op de dag van de opstanding, wanneer de dingen uit het verleden zullen worden vergeven, zullen de zonden van de Ka’bah worden vergeven ter wille van het stof van christelijke kerken.’ Hierop antwoordt professor Max Müller: ‘De zonden van de islam zijn even waardeloos als het stof van het christendom. Op de dag van de opstanding zullen zowel mohammedanen als christenen de ijdelheid van hun religieuze leer inzien. De mensen strijden op aarde over de religie; in de hemel zullen ze ontdekken dat er maar één ware religie is – de verering van Gods GEEST26.’ 
     Met andere woorden: ‘ER IS GEEN RELIGIE (OF WET) HOGER DAN DE WAARHEID’ – ‘SATYAT NASTI PARO DHARMAH’ – het devies van de maharadja van Benares, dat is overgenomen door de Theosophical Society. 

Helena Blavatsky.

dinsdag 25 juni 2019

Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch).

Het Tijdperk van de Ene Mensheid daagt

Ik vraag U om uw strijd te staken en uw antipathieën te laten vallen, alsmede uw haat en uw raciale verschillen, ten einde om te pogen om te denken in termen van één familie, één leven en één mensheid.

Meester Djwhal Khul.

My life at the moment.

Studying (archaic) ancient traditions and prophecies, including those mentioned within Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism,
like the prophecy of the coming of Imam Al-Mahdi.

Keep in heart that we are ALL ONE.
Secretly blessing the human race a few times a day.
Keeping people away from my home,
because I have worked too much during the last years.
I need to study in order to accomplish the wisdom of 
"Know Thyself" even more.
Planning the coming years of service to humanity.
The question is "How" & without external interruption.
Staying true towards Self and others.
In complete INTEGRITY.

vrijdag 21 juni 2019

The social impact of MIND CONTROL - info from Kerth Barker & David Icke

The victims of MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control often do not understand that they have been programmed. It’s difficult to estimate how many Americans have been subjected to some type of Illumaniti mind control, but we are talking about many thousands of people most whom have no idea that they have been programmed. Important Freemasons, military personel, government officials and corporate leaders are often subjected to Illuminati mind control with implanted (or embedded) commands. Key persons throughout society have been subjected to Illuminati mind control, and most of them do not realize that latent mind control commands have been installed.

The Illuminati have many methods for doing this. For example, I know that certain dentists have been recruited by the Illuminati, and when they put a client under general anesthesia, they implant commands into the victim’s subconsious mind. Another practice that wealthy Illuminati members have large parties where drugs and alcohol are used. At such parties it’s easy to put knockout drugs in someone’s drink, then have that person taken off to a room where commands are implanted. One way Billionaire Illuminati members ensure the loyalty of those who work for them is through implanted mind-control commands.

The Illuminati controls the mass media : the press, television and movies. Illuminati leaders use these mass media outlets to present visual symbolic triggers to the public. These symbolic triggers stimulate implanted commands. Some of these symbolic triggers are images of monarch butterflies, teddy bears, the single eye, the pyramid, the pentagram, the mask, the maze, the goat’s head, and many othes. These Illuminati symbols reinforce implanted commands and keep the victims in line. Anyone who feels lightheaded when staring at any of these symbols may have been subjected to Illuminati mind control.

What has happened in America, Israel and Europe is that brainwashing on a massive scale has taken place. Society is being structured by brainwashing specialists who don’t inform the victims that they have been brainwashed. Unless you have a great deal of knowledge about how mind control works, you may have been programmed against your will and without your knowledge.

Anyway who has noticed that they have unexplained periods of missing time in their life may be a Monarch mind-control slave. Even if you’ve never been subjected to trauma-based mind control, you probably know someone who has been. That’s how widespread this is. There are varying degrees to which mind control victims have been affected. However, the mechanism through which all such mind control operates is memory.

Source : Mental Liberation in the Age of thought control, Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK Ultra, Monarch, and Illuminati Mind Control. by Kerth Barker, Author of Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers, Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor.

David Icke writes in his latest book :

Blond-haired, blue-eyed people are the Hidden Hand’s preferred genetic type in some mind control programs. This relates again to their particular energetic information field and at least in a part to the Nordic ET race which opposes Reptilian control and is genetically connected to the blond-haired, blue-eyed and other white races.
Movies featuring mind-controlled assassins and government assets like The Manchurian Canditate are based on fact. (...) And offshoot of MK-Ultra wa called project Monarch and named after the Monarch Butterfly. Monarch involves the creation of mind-controlled sex slaves for the rich and famous, including American presidents, ad these slaves include some of the biggest names in music and entertainment. See The Biggest Secret for the background to Monarch. Mind-controlled artists in Hollywood and the entertainment industry are often pictured with a butterfly. You also see endless images f artists either covering or emphasising one eye and this is often to indicate control by Project Monarch and / or the El-ite cult of the all-seeying eye. (...) I don’t condemn them personally because they are under mind control programming and will have suffered abuse themselves as part of that. They know not what they do – well, most of them anyway. MK-Ultra was run by the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division and the US Army Chemical Corps Special Operations Division. Even from what was allowed to come out the scale was massive. The program involved at leat 80 institution in the United States and Canada with college, univerities, hospitals, prisons and the pharmaceutical cabal all making their contribution to a secret mind control programm that wiped out or manipulated the minds of its targets and destroyed their lives.

MK-Ultra was founded on what is called trauma-based mind control and ideally they want to start with children before the age of around six, while brain pathways are still forming, allthough it can still be started later. They inflict unspeakable horrors on these children – truly unspeakable – and this cause them to ‘dissociate’ or block memories of what they experienced. This involved programmed sex slaves, assassins, terrorists, even computer-like couriers of information between agents of the Web in a process they call ‘mind files’.
Their common themes and experiences and the rich and famous people they name are absolutely compelling and consistent. Many actors and actresses in Hollywood, singers and other entertainers are under trauma-based mind control to serve the mass perception-programming agenda that I will describe, and you see the programming break down sometimes when they go out of control and do crazy things.


Mind control of individuals, the general population and even assets of the Web is aimed at ensuring there are no suprises, maverick behaviour or situations and responses the El-ite can’t predict. They are not interested in controlling one side in the symbolic soccer game. They want control of both sides and the referee so they kno the outcome before the game has ever started. Presidents and many leading politicians are subjected to mind control for this reason. Mind control is the El-ite’s insurance. Put the words ‘Bll Clinton, mind control and treason’ into You Tube and you will see clearly his programming.
The Jesuit Order was also heavily involved in Cathy O’Brien’s programming, because at its inner core this is a satanic operation working for the web through the Roman Catholic Church.

I recommend the interview with David Icke and Arizon Wilder on You Tube for more insight on what is going on.

From the book : Everything You Need To Know  But Have Never Been Told, by David Icke

woensdag 19 juni 2019

Healing the Hearts of Humanity

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Humility with Gabrie...

Wisdom of today.

Ideas may travel from the top down, but the movements that put them into effect have to work from the bottom up. I am encouraged to see young people trying to bring about positive change. Confident because their efforts are based on truth and reason—therefore they will succeed. - The 14th Dalai Lama

zaterdag 15 juni 2019

The problem of satanism in society.

How Satanism infests the ruling royal, financial and political classes.

Amongst the highest echelons, some are politicians, medical doctors, high ranking police officers, lawyers, advertising gurus, decorated military men, media personalities, fashion models and social workers. Amongst the lowers (usually temporary) ranks are prostitutes, minor drug dealers and a number of High School students. Some operate from the mists.

Their victims are drip-fed amnesia by assortment of mind-control measures and psychological torture tactics that would leave any normal person numb with the dawning apprehension that things are not as they seem – and they have not been for a long, long time. The most talented amongst them have lifestyles maintained in crme, but lacquered with a thin veneer of respectable professionalism and knowledge. – David Icke

It is always possible for former satanists to get out of it, but they have to trust and dare. Not everyone born in dark families is bad. Everything is possible, never forget that. I can’t be angry or mad at Madeleine Rothschild. Believe!

Satanists seek to impose their desires and lack of values onto humans and make the whole world satanic. Their plans are well advanced with, for example, satanic rituals presented under the disguise (to the unknowing masses) of stages performances, video, music and movies. All are projecting visual and audio frequencies and symbols to seize the minds and perceptions to the audience. Michael Jackson’s Thriller which explores the satanic realms is an obvious case with his eyes changing to reptilian. Stage shows and video’s by world famous artists such as as Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Madonna and Beyonce als feature blatant satanic and secret society themes and ritualism. I am not accusing any of these people personally of anything, but pointing out the symbolism in their performances which is undeniable. Royalty and politics are incredibly ritualistic with their satanic foundations hidden behind the cover of ‘pomp and ceremony’.

  Just do not fear any of them, light is stronger than the dark and everywhere is good and bad.

David Icke

David Icke & Rudolf Steiner on education.

David Icke :

I have been making these points for a long, long time about forces in the unseen feeding of low-vibrational human thought and emotion so I was fascinated to be sent some text in 2016 written bu Austrian philosopher and deep esoteric thinker Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). He established Waldorf education or Steiner schools to encourage children to awaken and expand their awareness and creativity instead of having them perceptually-programmed by mainstream 'education". Steiner wrote about the energy vampires:

"There are beings in the spiritual realms (Lower Aeons beyond the five sensens) for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, these creatures starve. If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds of negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstitution, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed .... These are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it enstranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them."

Rudolf Steiner died in 1925 and I never knew he had written that until 2016 but he perfectly described what is happening."

Read more by ordening the book online:

“In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand.  The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.  We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science.  We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters.  We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians.  Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply."
            - Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913

And that is what happened,althought some still slip through the net ... (dixit David Icke).

I guess we must have different opinions, Mr Frederick Gates ... Working from home on your passions is the Program's worst nightmare. (dixit David Icke).

Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen

Swami Vivekananda : "Have no fear".

The Archontic Program in society can only control people when they are in fear. That's why both David Icke and Swami Vivekananda advice people not to fear anything.

Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)

Men moet paramartha verkrijgen opdat men niet een te gemakkelijke prooi wordt voor samvriti  - dit is een filosofisch axioma. - (Bron: De Geheime Leer, H.P. Blavatsky). Zie ook Tibetaanse Studies & The Kundalini Clinic, Kristof Gabriel van Hooymissen, Brave New Books, 2019

Deze wijsheid verwijst naar het realiseren van de absolute werkelijkheid die tegengesteld is aan de empirische of relatieve werkelijkheid (samvriti, de bron van alle illusie, volgens de Stem van de Stilte, van H.P.Blavatsky). Ook verwijst dit naar de nonduale aard van de werkelijkheid.

De mahayana-school onderwijst het verschil tussen twee waarheden - paramarthasatya en samvritisatya (satya, 'waarheid'). Van deze twee waarheden wijst samvriti op het bedrieglijke karakter of de leegte van alle dingen. Het is in dit geval een betrekkelijke waarheid. Dit vormt een twistpunt tussen de madyamika's en de yogachara's. De eersten ontkennen en de anderen bevestigen, dat elk voorwerp slechts ten gevolge van een vroegere oorzaak of aaneenschakeling van oorzaken bestaat. De madhyamika's zijn de grote nihilisten en ontkenners, voor wie, in de wereld van het denken en het subjectieve evenzeer als in het objectieve heelal, alles parikalpita, een illusie en een dwaling is. De yogachara's zijn de grote spiritualisten. Samvriti is daarom, als slechts een betrekkelijke waarheid, de oorsprong van alle illusie. (Bron: De Stem van de Stilte, H.P.B.)

De Stem van de Stilte raadt aan : 'U moet de leegte van het schijnbaar volle, en de volheid van het schijnbaar lege onderzoeken'. (...) Want weet dat het EEUWIGE geen verandering kent. 'Keer u voor altijd af van de acht afschrikwekkende oorzaken van lijden. Streng en veeleisend is de deugd viraga (gelijkmoedigheid).

U moet uzelf verzadigen met zuivere alaya, één worden met het zielendenken van de natuur. Eén daarmee bent u onoverwinnelijk; ervan gescheiden wordt u de speelplaats van samvriti, de oorsprong van alle misleiding in de wereld.'

Wie dit doet bereikt uiteindlelijk het Dal van Toevlucht, dhyanamarga, het 'pad van zuivere kennis'.

Voordat u vaste voet kunt zetten op dhyana-marga en dit pad het uwe kunt noemen, moet uw ziel worden als de rijpe mangovrucht: zo zacht en zoet als zijn goudglanzende vruchtvlees voor het leed van anderen en zo hard als de pit van die vrucht voor uw eigen pijn en verdriet, overwinnaar van wel en wee.

Staal uw ziel tegen de verlokkingen van het zelf; verdien er de naam 'diamanten ziel' voor.

Dhyanamarga is letterlijk 'het pad van dhyana'; of het pad van zuivere kennis, van paramartha of (Sanskriet) svasamveda 'de beschouwing waarin men zich van zichzelf bewust wordt of zichzelf analyseert'.

maandag 10 juni 2019

vrijdag 7 juni 2019

The scale of ridicule .... (Dutch)

De verwijten die ik naar mijn hoofd geslingerd krijg als ik over straat loop doen me wat denken aan een David Icke-ervaring. "Zondag snobdag", hoor ik iemand roepen, iemand anders maakt me uit voor Hitler (waar halen ze het?). Op de Radio wordt iedereen bang gemaakt voor de zon en de zonnebrandcrème wordt overal aangeprezen, op de Radio en in de winkel (terwijl die net kankerverwekkend is). Het goede nieuws is : ik weet dat er valse facebookprofielen van mijn nagemaakt zijn, ik weet alleen niet door wie. En ten tweede : ik trek het mij niet aan eigenlijk. Ik weet waarvoor ik sta. Ik leef nederig, en loop soms zelfs met kapotte kleren rond, dus ben zeker geen snob. Lach maar, I don't give a damn.

"Truth is like a Lion, let it loose, it can defend itself." - Saint Augustine

donderdag 6 juni 2019

Wisdom of today.

As I walked the streets of Antwerp today, I hear some young school kids shouting : "Does He have a boner?", because of James Hazel's obsession with it (not my karma!!). The answer is "no". I am quite temporarily celibate at the moment, controlling my passions and desires. As the Buddists say Wisely : "Never let PASSION overcome COMPASSION". And that is a wise lesson. I don't believe true spirituality must be a rather phallic religion. There is more to life than that, that's what I want to emphasise. That doesn't mean that making love with your partner is a sin or so, but for me - at this very moment - sensuality is a blockage on the Path. Thanks for understanding. As the Yoga Sutra's say : "Celibacy is not necessary, self-control is. Although temporary celibacy might be needed for a while until the lower nature is completely under control by the forces of the SOUL. That's why - at this very moment  - I have no sex. Now meditate on that :-)

Kristof Gabriel

The Return of the Mysteries - Rudolf Steiner

D-day ceremony: Trump, Macron and May speak at 75th anniversary

dinsdag 4 juni 2019

Gabriel Rios - Orion

The Cruxifiction, the greatest HOAX of Christianity.

A potential holographic insert in this portal is the arrival of extraterrestrials from space. Or Christ returning. Or some god returning, or some savior, or some reason for everyone to begin to follow one way of thinking. At this time, as we see it, it is not of light. An example of a holographic insert that was put on the planet in the past to change the course of history is the crucifixion of Christ. The drama that was played out and passed on historically to you is not the reality that the Christed One came in to play. A version of this entity's life was molded and designed in a holographic entertainment movie, which was then inserted and played out as if it were real.

Christ came in as a committee of beings over a period of time. The story that you have been told is a dramatized, marketed version-a very controlled version of who this entity was and is. Part of the Christ drama you have been taught was a holographic insert. And part of what you will discover in the future about the Christed One has the potential of being another holographic insert. So be aware. Most people would say that we are sacrilegious and of the devil to say this. How can we question what the Bible says? How can we question all of these things? Because they were all said and done by patriarchal organizations that promoted themselves. That was all they were. They were utilized to bring back control of the energy on the planet.

In reality, the Christed One was sent as a systems buster, a member of the Family of Light, to bring light through the portal in the Middle East. This created a way for manyto enter and seed a reality that would prepare the consciousness of humanity for the cycle that will terminate in approximately the next twenty years, depending upon how events proceed. The Christed One came not as one entity but as a number of entities, influencing people in humanity's dark hour, an hour when human beings were ready to understand their mysteries. One of the things that was not promoted to you in a very truthful way was that the Christed One was very well accepted. The kind of energy that the Christed beings brought to the planet was received very well.

There are a number of dramas going on with the Christ entity. There is the original blueprint: the plan of the Christed committee to come in, to spread light or information, and to show humans what the human body is capable of doing. Then there are the beings who said, "What are we going to do about this? This one is coming in our portal, and we want control over this portal. How are we going to be able to use this energy? It is a free-will universe, and we can do what we want." So they created a holographic insert of the drama of Christ being crucified to create fear and emotion out of someone else's intentions and to move consciousness in a way that was not originally intended at all. This means that in a free-will universe it is possible, particularly in portal areas, for one group of gods to raid another's story and insert their own version of it. At the time, perhaps, this does not affect many, although over time the impact of the holographic insert is eventually known. We know this is frustrating for many of you. Yet what we are doing by sharing this information with you is getting you to move, feel, remember-and not think so much. This is not a process of logical thinking, it is a process of feeling. What is going on with your body? Ask yourself, "What is my identity? How can this be? Who am I within it?" Then you will begin to release more of who you are to yourself, and you will be able to figure out many things.

Do you understand why you have come here to bust the system? Do you understand how complex frequency control is? Do you understand how fine and thin reality is? Do you understand how available reality control is to the human species-if humans would harmonize with one another, and act as though they were all provided for, and believe and create through their minds? We said some time ago that light is underestimated on this planet. Truly it is. If it became known how many individuals are gaining sovereignty over their thoughts and lives, and how many of them are broadcasting this sovereignty and living to teach it to others, those in charge would do something about it rather quickly. Light is underestimated, and it is a good thing, because light is going to liberate you all. You have an exciting assignment-an enviable job-and you have all the help you are going to need to complete your task. There has been a tremendous influx of entities and mother ships on this planet that are now acting as intermediaries or perhaps literal transducers of energy. The beams of light that come to the planet come from old and ancient star systems that have been working with Earth for eons and eons. Many of them are simply numbered by your astronomers, while others have names you are familiar with-Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades, and so on. Beams of light are being caught by quite a number of mother ships surrounding Earth, filtered through an entirely different system, and then blasted onto the planet. Many of you have implants inside of you to respond to this communication and to bypass psychotronic warfare and interference that would keep your frequencies jammed and prevent you from being able to receive this information. These implants are not negative. You were not abducted and probed to receive them against your will. They are etheric implants that you called to yourself as tools to receive off-planet energies. These implants are being activated now. Many of you are finding that you are feeling altered. At different times of the day, particularly when you are going to sleep, you are hearing a variety of tones or feeling a kind of electric vibration in your body.

When this information is beamed to you, your body must be able to receive it. In order for your body to receive it, it must be in a certain state. The information is like a current, and if your body cannot handle the current it moves into a state of discomfort. The people of Earth were programmed for this time, and there is no one incarnated upon the planet who can say that they made a mistake and did not know what was going to occur here. No one was born upon this planet without a mechanism inside of them that can be activated to tune into or turn on to the ability to house these frequencies.

We have encouraged many of you to move out of the logical mind because the logical mind will come into conflict with this information and electronic energy. In the next number of years, your understanding and vibration with the frequencies coming to you will be like turning on your own radio. You will have a direct telepathic link with mother ships broadcasting to you. There will come a time when you will never even think of going to a channeling session because you will have your own linkup with information. The wealth of information that will come to you will be of great reassurance; it will be broadcast to fill you in on what is happening. As you become more trusting, you will be able to manifest before you a light entity who will come physically and begin to teach you. Channeling, or the process of bringing information through another being, will become completely archaic as each of you manifest your own literal being to teach you. In the meantime, we are here to teach you, to remind you of who you are, and to give you an idea of what you can draw to yourself. What we want more than anything else is to assist you, as members of the Family of Light, to succeed in liberating the humans. Focus on the dance of yourself. To what tune will you dance and to what magic will you perform and to what heights will you be willing to push consciousness to give it a new definition of possibilities?

maandag 3 juni 2019

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Be The Light To Yourself

Wisdom of today. - By Barbara Marciniak

"We recommend strongly that you get rid of your television sets. They are the primary tool used to manipulate your consciousness on a day-to-day basis. This experiment is so finely tuned that you respond subliminally to disease via the television. So there is an entire generation that is killing itself by watching television-and supporting the medical society while they are doing it.

Sometimes liberating information is broadcast-perhaps even a New Age show. However, you may watch such a television show about how uplifted and unlimited you can be, while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you from original thinking. This subliminal keeps you immobilized and holds you in a "survive, arrive, be-on-time, be-silent, go-to-work" society. Television also promotes inactivity and a sedentary, obese life. Look around you. Wake up, humans!

Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program. If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency.

We have said that there are entities who feed off your emotional bodies. Think about what a clever tool television is for them. All over the world, billions of humans are emitting emotional juices into the atmosphere based upon what they are watching on the tube. They don't have to have too many wars anymore to get you all riled up-they can simply make movies!

People who need to watch television are not tapping into the wealth of information within their minds and immediately accessible all around them. As a matter of fact, if you really want to evolve, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio, and do not watch television. If you are able to be media free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency of chaos and anxiety and stress and hustle-bustle and temptations of all kinds that you don't need, you begin to get clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself and to live in the world and not necessarily be lost in it. You become clear. We cannot emphasize this enough!"

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zondag 2 juni 2019

Wisdom of today - from Ethica Mystica. (Dutch)

Ik vond bij Helena Blavatsky nog enkele interessante leefregels terug, zeven in getal, enkele leefregels waar ik / wij ons aan dienen te houden :

1.    De eenheid van God
2.    De essentiële voortreffelijkheid van de WAARHEID
3.    De wet van verdraagzaamheid tegenover mening van alle mannen en vrouwen
4.    Eerbied  voor alle mannen en vrouwen overeenkomstig hun karakter.
5.    Volkomen onderwerping aan Gods geboden wat het lot van de mens betreft.
6.    Kuisheid van lichaam, denken en ziel.
7.    Wederzijdse hulp onder ALLE omstandigheden.

Dit gezegd zijnde tracht ik mij aan bovenstaande zeven ethische levensregels te houden in een geest van broederschap.

Bron : Ethica Mystica, over Geloof, Hoop, Liefde en andere deugden, Kristof Gabriel van Hooymissen

The Truth about Marihuana.

The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now, The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement! 

Source : Great White Lodge document : Halls of Amenti.

Trap niet in de val van volksmenners en demagogen. (Dutch)

De verkiezingen vielen tegen, en ze vielen mee. Ik ben blij dat Michael Freilich verkozen is geraakt, en ik stemde op iemand met een donkere huidskleur, alsook op enkele mensen die ik wel leuk vond, maar niet op de extremen. Dit in het algemeen belang van de mensen (niet het Vlaams Belang dus), want daar is niemand een stap mee vooruit. Dit gezegd zijnde zal ik me blijven verzetten tegen elke vorm van racisme en discriminatie. Het komt hier een beetje aan op de geestelijke belangen die versterkt kunnen worden, zonder te sterk de nadruk te leggen op ras, volk en land, want dat doen de duistere krachten, volgens Steiner. Een tendens naar racisme en extreem-rechts is een evolutie die schadelijk is voor ons allemaal. Dit betekent niet dat je niet fier mag zijn op je land.