Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 30 januari 2021

De integrale visie op het genezen van ziekte - door De Moeder. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

Als we een ziekte op ons toe zien komen, hoe kunnen we haar dan tegenhouden?

Om te beginnen moet je die niet willen, en niets in het lichaam mag haar willen. Je moet een sterke wil hebben om niet ziek te worden. Dat is de eerste voorwaarde. De tweede voorwaarde is dat je het licht roept – een licht van evenwicht, een licht van vrede, van rust en evenwicht – en het in alle cellen van je lichaam stuurt met de waarschuwing dat ze vooral niet bang mogen zijn. Je moet in de eerste plaats niet ziek willen zijn en daarbij niet bang zijn voor de ziekte. Je moet je niets van de ziekte aantrekken en er niet bang voor zijn. Je moet de ziekte helemaal niet willen, maar dat mag niet zijn omdat je er niet bang voor bent. Je mag geen schrik hebben. Je moet een kalme vastberadenheid betonen en een volledig vertrouwen in de macht van de genade die je tegen alles zal beschermen, en dan aan iets anders denken en niet met de ziekte bezig blijven. Doe beide dingen : de ziekte met volle inzet van je wil afwijzen en de lichaamscellen het vertrouwen inprenten dat de schrik totaal verdrijft, en houd je dan met iets anders bezig, denk niet langer aan de ziekte, vergeet dat er zoiets bestaat. Kun je dat, dan zul je geen besmettelijke ziekten oplopen ook al ga je om met mensen die er een hebben. Maar je moet daartoe in staat zijn.

Er zijn er (in de ashram) veel die zeggen : 'Hier ben ik niet bang'. In hun mentale zijn ze niet bang, nee. Hun mentale is sterk, het is niet bang – maar hun lichaam siddert van schrik zonder dat ze het zelfs beseffen, omdat die siddering plaatsheeft in de lichaamscellen. De cellen trillen van schrik en de ziekte wordt daardoor aangetrokken. Daar is het dat je de kracht moet brengen, en de rust van een volmaakte vrede, en een absoluut vertrouwen in de genade.

Soms zie je je ook verplicht met een even sterk mentale kracht alle suggesties te verdrijven van het volgende soort : 'de fysieke wereld is vol ziekten; dat is besmettelijk; je bent in aanraking geweest met iemand die een ziekte had, dus heb je die zeker ook; innerlijke middelen zijn niet sterk genoeg om een uitwerking te hebben op het fysieke' – en nog veel meer van dat soort dwaaheden die in de lucht zitten. Het zijn collectieve suggesties die door de een aan de ander worden doorgegeven. En komen er dokters aan te pas, dan wordt het nog erger!

Wanneer Sri Aurobindo zegt dat een ziekte op iemand toekomt, wat is het dan precies dat op iemand toekomt?

Het is een soort vibratie bestaande uit een mentale suggestie, een vitale kracht van wanorde en bepaalde fysieke elementen die de materiële veruiterlijking van de mentale suggestie en de vitale vibratie vormen. De fysieke elementen kunnen zijn wat men tegenwoordig ziektekiemen noemt, of microben, of wat dan ook. Als men heel erg ontwikkelde zintuigen heeft, kan de vibratie gepaard gaan met een gewaarwording, of met een bepaalde smaak, of zelfs met een geur. Er zijn ziekteformaties die de lucht een speciale smaak verlenen, of een speciale geur of een speciaal soort aanvoelen.
We hebben veel zintuigen die ingeslapen zijn. We zijn verschrikkelijk tamasisch (inert). Als al onze zintuigen actief waren, zouden we veel dingen waarnemen die ons nu ontgaan zonder dat we daar enige benul van hebben (...).
Er is trouwens altijd de mogelijkheid zich af te zonderen binnen een beschermende atmosfeer, op voorwaarde dat je weet hoe je een uiterst rustige vibratie kan creëren, zo rustig dat je als het ware een muur om je heen optrekt.We zijn echter voortdurend, voortdurend aan het vibreren in respons op de vibraties die van buitenaf komen. Als je in staat bent dat waar te nemen, zie je dat er de hele tijd iets is dat antwoordt op de vibraties die van buitenaf komen. Nooit bevind je je in een helemaal rustige atmosfeer die alleen maar van jezelf uitgaat, met andere woorden die van binnen naar buiten gaat en niet van buiten naar binnen, die je als het ware omwikkelt, heel rustig. Dan kun je gaan waar je wilt; al die vibratie die van buitenaf komen zullen je atmosfeer niet kunnen verpesten. Als jullie toch maar die dans, die dans van vibraties de hele tijd om jullie heen konden zien, dan zouden jullie begrijpen waar ik het over heb (…).

Wat zo verbazingswekkend is, is de onbewustheid waarmee mensen door het leven gaan. Ze kunnen niet leven, ze weten niet hoe ze moeten leven. Er is er niet één op een miljoen die weet hoe te leven. En ze doen maar, zo goed en zo kwaad als het gaat, en wat voor belang heeft het tenslotte allemaal? Er gebeurt toch wat gebeuren moet … Ze kunnen niet leven. De mensen zouden toch moeten leren leven! Het is het eerste wat men de kinderen zou moeten bijbrengen : leren leven.

Ziekten komen door het subtiele lichaam in ons binnen, niet? Wat kun je doen om dat te verhinderen?

Goede vraag. Als je heel gevoelig bent, maar dan héél gevoelig, dan voel je en ziekte op het ogenblik dat ze met het subtiele lichaam in aanraking komt en probeert erin door te dringen. Het is niet zoals wanneer je lichaam wordt aangeraakt, het is veel meer een soort indruk. Kun je de ziekte voelen op het ogenblik dat ze bij je binnenkomt, dan ligt het nog in je macht om nee te zeggen, en dan gaat ze weg. Je moet daarvoor echter héél gevoelig zijn. Maar je kunt die gevoeligheid ontwikkelen. Alles kan methodisch door de wil worden ontwikkeld. Je kunt je volledig bewust worden van dat (fijnstoffelijk) omhulsel, en als je het voldoende ontwikkelt, hoef je niet eens meer op te letten of uit te kijken; je voelt dat je iets aanraakt (…)

Je moet je dan sterk concentreren, met een grote wilskracht, met het geloof dat niets je kwaad kan berokkenen, dat niets je kan raken. Dat volstaat om op het beslissende moment de ziekte te kunnen verwerpen. Maar je moet het wel onmiddellijk doen. Je moet geen vijf minuten wachten, het moet meteen gebeuren. Als je te lang wacht en ergens werkelijk een onbehaaglijk gevoel begint te krijgen alsof iets niet in orde was, dan is het beter rustig te gaan zitten, je te concentreren op de plek die verstoord begint te worden, die ziek begint te worden. Doe je niets dan krijg je inderdaad ergens een ziekte omdat je niet voldoende op je hoede bent geweest. Soms moet je de ziekte dan op haar beloop laten en een gunstig moment afwachten om ervan af te kunnen komen.
Ik heb ergens gezegd dat in het domein van het fysieke alles een kwestie is van procédé, er is een proces nodig voor wat dan ook. Is de ziekte erin geslaagd tot in het fysiek-fysieke door te dringen, dan moet je het vereiste procédé volgen om er vanaf te komen. Dat is dan wat de wetenschap het ontwikelingsbeeld van de ziekte noemt. Dat procédé kan wel versneld worden met behulp van spirituele krachten, maar het moet desondanks worden gevolgd. Het heeft vier verschillende stadia. Het eerste is ogenblikkelijk, het tweede kan zich voltrekken in enkele minuten, het derde in enkele uren en het vierde in enkele dagen. Indien de ziekte zich eenmaal gevestigd heeft, dan hangt de uitkomst niet alleen van de ontvankelijkheid van het lichaam af, maar ook van de goede wil van het deel van het wezen dat de oorzaak van de wanorde is. Komt de ziekte van buitenaf, dan heeft ze zeker affiniteit met iets binnenin. Slaagt ze erin (door het subtiel-fysieke) heen te dringen en bij je binnen te komen zonder dat je het merk, dan is het omdat je ergens binnenin je een affiniteit mee hebt, en het is dan het deel van het wezen dat voor de ziekte ontvankelijk was dat overtuigd moet worden (haar niet langer te willen).

De voorwaarde in alle gevallen – in alle gevallen, of je jezelf behandelt en alleen maar op jezelf vertrouwt dan wel of je iemand anders vraagt om je te helpen-, de eerste voorwaarde bestaat erin geen schrik te hebben en rustig te blijven. Ga je onrustig doen en je opwinden, dan is het uit, dan kun je niets meer beginnen. Zowel in het spirituele leven als bij het genezen van ziekten moet je in alle omstandigheden altijd rustig blijven.

Bron: De Moeder, Alle leven is yoga, de integrale visie van De Moeder.

The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens.

Jewish woman : Epstein et les sabbateéns (Epstein and the sabbateans, VOSTFR).

Deeply corrupt Joe Biden :

donderdag 28 januari 2021

Charles John Jarvis' new "Book Free" soon available in online bookstores. (Languages : Dutch / English)

Charles (John Alexander) Jarvis (Bury Saint Edmunds, 3 juli 1969), is een in België residerende muzikant, zanger, componist, gitarist, schrijver, cartoonist en kunstschilder van Engels-Ierse afkomst.

woensdag 27 januari 2021

WHO Finally Admits COVID-19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’.

Mike Adams (Natural News) : Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines share the same problem: They’re unsafe for people with allergies.

Hare Krishna - Maha Mantra | 108 Times

“Chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.” This is the special advantage of this age – that by constant chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, one automatically becomes purified.

- Srila Prabhupada - 

The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the sublime method for reviving our transcendental consciousness. As living spiritual souls, we are all originally Krishna conscious entities, but due to our association with matter from time immemorial, our consciousness is now adulterated by the material atmosphere. The material atmosphere, in which we are now living, is called maya, or illusion. Maya means “that which is not.” And what is this illusion? The illusion is that we are all trying to be lords of material nature, while actually, we are under the grip of her stringent laws. We are trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but actually we are becoming more and more entangled in her complexities. Therefore, although we are engaged in a hard struggle to conquer nature, we are ever more dependent on her. This illusory struggle against material nature can be stopped at once by revival of our eternal Krishna consciousness. Hare Hare is the transcendental process for reviving this original, pure consciousness. Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original, natural energy of the living entity. When we hear this transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived. This simplest method of meditation is recommended for this age. By practical experience also, one can perceive that by chanting this maha-mantra, or the Great Chanting for Deliverance, one can at once feel a transcendental ecstasy coming through from the spiritual stratum. In the material concept of life we are busy in the matter of sense gratification, as if we were in the lower, animal stage. A little elevated from this status of sense gratification, one is engaged in mental speculation for the purpose of getting out of the material clutches. When one is factually on the plane of spiritual understanding, surpassing the stages of sense, mind, and intelligence, he is then on the transcendental plane. This chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is enacted from the spiritual platform, and thus this sound vibration surpasses all lower strata of consciousness—namely sensual, mental, and intellectual. There is no need, therefore, to understand the language of the mantra, nor is there any need for mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this maha-mantra. It is automatic, coming from the spiritual platform, and as such, anyone can take part in the chanting without any previous qualification. But there is no doubt that chanting takes one immediately to the spiritual platform, and one shows the first symptom of this in the urge to dance along with the chanting of the mantra. We have seen this practically. Even a child can take part in the chanting and dancing. Of course, for one who is too entangled in material life, it takes a little more time, but even such a materially engrossed man is raised to the spiritual platform very quickly. When the mantra is chanted by a pure devotee of the Lord in love, it has the greatest efficacy on hearers, and as such this chanting should be heard from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effects can be achieved. The word Hara is the form of addressing the energy of the Lord, and the words Krishna and Rama are forms of addressing the Lord Himself. Both Krishna and Rama mean “the supreme pleasure,” and Hara is the supreme pleasure energy of the Lord, changed to Hare in the vocative. The supreme pleasure energy of the Lord helps us to reach the Lord. The material energy, called maya, is also one of the multi-energies of the Lord. And we, the living entities, are the marginal energy of the Lord. The living entities are described as superior to material energy. When the superior energy is in contact with the inferior energy, an incompatible situation arises; but when the superior marginal energy is in contact with the superior energy, Hara, it is established in its happy, normal condition. These three words, namely Hare, Krishna, and Rama, are the transcendental seeds of the maha-mantra. The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His energy to give protection to the conditioned soul. This chanting is exactly like the genuine cry of a child for its mother. Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve the Supreme Father’s grace, and the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee who chants this mantra sincerely. No other means of spiritual realization is as effective in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy as the chanting of the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Gayatri Mantra 108 times Anuradha Paudwal I Full Audio Song I T-Series Bhakti Sagar

Powerful Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael's Emerald Green Flames ✨💫💚🌟

Archangel Michael and El Morya Protection

David Icke - The Transhumanism Agenda & the A.I. Takeover

dinsdag 26 januari 2021

Positief nieuws, positieve mensen. (Dutch / Nederlands) #PromotingNonViolence


Angel Side

Opvallend: in Maastricht zijn vanavond vele honderden mensen vreedzaam door de stad getrokken uit protest tegen relschoppers. Volgens de politie ging het om supporters van voetbalclub MVV, de Angel Side. De aanzwellende groep stond rond 19.30 uur een tijdlang voor het station in de hoofdstad van Nederlands-Limburg. Van daaruit liepen ze de binnenstad in. Om 20 uur groepeerden ze zich op het Vrijthof. Een woordvoerder van de politie spreekt van "een flinke groep". Het gaat volgens hem om "een statement om de stad te beschermen". 

De supportersgroep van MVV liet eerder weten op te zullen treden tegen relschoppers. "Slopen en plunderen tolereren wij niet! ", liet de Angel Side weten. "Voor diegene die toch meent aan onze stad te moeten komen, hopen we dat de politie jullie vindt voordat wij dat doen! ". Ze besloten hun oproep met: "Een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor twee! "

De optocht was live te volgen via de Facebookpagina "Wat is loos in Mestreech? " (wat is gaande in Maastricht). Zo'n 30.000 mensen volgden die. Volkszanger Frans Theunisz liet vanaf het Vrijthof wijzend op de menigte weten: "Maastricht is een voorbeeld voor ons land!"

Nog voor de avondklok om 21 uur inging, was iedereen naar huis.

Bron :

Mass Consciousness Gridwork - Free World Peace Meditations by Christine Breese

On Intimacy By Gabriel Cousens

Intimacy takes us into the mystery of life. It is not about safety or security. Intimacy is about the alchemical process of transformation. It takes us to the frontiers of human existence and brings us face-to-face with our angels and demons. It may activate our deepest thought forms: our issues with our family of origin; our personal patterns; our ability to express and receive love. Intimacy can activate the very essence of what spiritual life is about.

The sacred relationship is our journey into the unknown. Opening up to the risk of intimacy is part of the evolution of human consciousness. We are challenged to maintain and grow within a live, turned-on connection, and to free ourselves from old patterns of pain. In the process, we also need to create space for the other to exist and to grow.

In intimacy, our role is to help the other reach their full depth as a human being. This is very different from the typical kind of relationship in which we try to tame the other person into our idea of who he or she should be for us.

At a high level of intimacy, we support each other to become the most expanded expressions of that which we are meant to be – the fully expressed female and male. We, as partners, have the choice and ability to give space to the other to become their full, authentic self. In its most expanded form, intimacy is an alchemical process of transformation. It invokes the presence of the Divine. We call this the alchemical merging into the One.

Finding balance

In intimacy, we have two essences that must be balanced. The female essence, which can be in a male or a female person, is the rainbow radiance of who we are – the full flow and dance of love. It wants to shine, to be seen, and needs to be recognized and to be known.

The male essence, which can also be in a male or a female person, is to journey into the unknown with a total focus on oneness, dissolving into the Nothing. The female essence is the flower and the joy of fullness. It is everything that changes: light, colors, sound, feeling, and flow – the flow of the universe. The male essence is the part that never changes. It is the witness.

When the male and female essences get together, there is a merging of light and consciousness. This alchemical energy is the essence of real, deep merging with God.

Now, let's talk about communication. The female essence needs one thing: to know it's loved. If the male essence does not communicate to the female that she is loved, things don't work so well. What the male essence needs is to know that it is succeeding and not failing.

This difference in needs causes the male and female essences to communicate on different levels. All communication – in relationship, in lovemaking, and in everyday life – can hold these messages. This is what we call meta-communication.

By understanding these essences, we can give and receive in a way that uplifts the other person and allows space for them to be their full, authentic self. In order for this to be possible, however, both people have to be operating from the same level of intention, or awareness.

Levels of relationship

There are levels of relationship along the spectrum of undifferentiated to differentiated. The level-one relationship is the least differentiated and, therefore, co-dependent. It is like a business deal, in which getting ego needs taken care of is the primary goal.

In terms of male and female, it has to do with raw sexuality. In this kind of relationship, the female essence uses its sexuality to attract the male. That is what we see today in the marketplace, with the overtly sexual way women dress and so forth. The male essence attracts at level one by power and fame, which is what attracts the level-one female essence – looking to be made whole by the male.

In a level-two relationship, people are working hard on their boundaries and have an equality. It is a separate, but equal, relationship, like when two people have separate bank accounts, and a way of relating as professionals. Both are equal, yet both are in some sense denying their sexual essence.

The male denies his essence as a spiritual journeyer. The female denies her radiance and walks around in her business suit, but isn't comfortable with that as her essence. When we are equal, everything is the same. At level two, the biggest struggle is to maintain boundaries and equality. Essence polarity is often lost.

The third level of relationship is where we explore alchemical merging into God. Here, the goal is supporting each other, with both male and female essences giving their holy gift. The third-level female essence gives her holy gift not to attract a man, but simply to be the radiance of the Divine. Her gift is to inspire everyone to be that radiance. The third-level man sees a beautiful woman, or a beautiful horse, or beautiful nature, and he is inspired to give his gift of focused spirituality. She inspires him, and he inspires her. That is the essence; it transcends who we are.

To which level do you aspire?

Level one is about ego and level two is about equal partnership, but at level three we go beyond boundaries. We feel from the heart, without limitations. God is the complete center of life. We are not living out of habits or following robotic preferences. We are being lived by love, and that is what the deepest relationship is all about. We go beyond the egocentric, ethnocentric, into the mystical experience of the One in all things.

At level one, the focus is on our own self interest. At level two, we talk about cooperation, what is fair. We strive for vigorous independence, and are afraid to love too much because we might lose ourselves. But at level three a community of trust begins to unfold – everyone is being lived by something larger than themselves. The essential question becomes "How can love and light shine most fully through me?"

When we give up our personal preferences, it is for the sake of a deeper being – to be the expression of God. Level three is where we use sexuality to liberate love and open ourselves to the Divine.

At level three of relationship, life expresses the deepest level of love. We go beyond our personal boundaries (level one), and our partner's boundaries (level two), to what would most serve our partner and the world (level three). It is important to remember that people actually operate in all three stages, but are predominately centered in one. This means that we revisit our goals and challenges as we grow toward the ideal.

At level three, the feminine is seeking the fullness of love, whereas at level one that need may have been filled by food, chocolate, shopping, etc. The masculine essence, at level three, seeks liberation, death, meditation, and emptiness. At level one male essence, with ejaculation, a kind of emptiness is created. At level three, we are placing more focus on non-ejaculatory sex. This creates a kind of multi-level orgasm, for both men and women, in which we merge into each other as one.

Unity of consciousness

The essence of sacred relationship and sex in the level-three context is the unity of consciousness. It is experienced as an alchemical merging.

The female essence is looking for a male who can feel her depth – the depth of presence and intention. The most important thing to her is for the male to be present. The male essence is looking for a range of female energetics. Because the male is into the One, he is looking for balance with the rich range offered by the female. The male offers his focused presence, and the female offers the full range of her female essence.

This is the merging of heaven with earth of Chinese metaphor. At the level where sex between the male and female essences liberates the gifting of love, there blossoms the ability in a relationship to perceive the inner beauty of the other. It allows us to celebrate the divine essence of the other. This level of intimacy opens both male and female to seeing the divine in all of creation.

When a fully expressed couple make love, they are invoking the Divine. In this way, when you are making love, it is making love with the whole universe – with breath and with your whole being. Inhaling sends love downwards and deep within. When you exhale, you send love out to the whole universe.

Fully expressed love-making is not only for your sexual pleasure or for the merging of two people, you make love to become a healed unit. You are healing the whole universe as you heal the male/female split. Your union is healing your personal self and healing the Universal Self. As two aspects of the divine, you are healing at microcosmic levels that, in turn, heal at the macrocosmic level. You are invoking all the power of God, and in that way, your sexuality becomes a spiritual path.

Note: Gabriel Cousens, M.D., is a holistic medical doctor, licensed psychiatrist, family therapist, and licensed homeopathic physician. He is known worldwide as an empowered spiritual teacher and the leading medical authority on vegan live-food nutrition. To see his website, click here. For his bestselling books, click here. The above is an edited excerpt from his essay titled "Eros and Intimacy." The essay is one of a compilation of essays from the enlightening book, The Marriage of Sex & Spirit, edited by Geralyn Gendreau.

Source :

Wisdom by Swami Nardanand

Especially when we face difficult times, it becomes even more important that we stay balanced and focus on what matters to us.

🧡(((((((((((((((((((((Om)))))))))))))))))) 🧡

Wisdom of today

Opening Assembly of Peace is the Future 2014 - Full video (EN)

Yama (yoga) (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

Er zijn vijf yama's, geloften of geboden van zelfonthouding. Men belooft zich te onthouden van geweld, van leugen en bedrog, van diefstal, van onkuisheid en van bezitzucht. Samen vormen ze de 'Grote Gelofte'.

❤ Yama (yoga) - Wikipedia

Yama en Niyama – de grondslag van het achtvoudige pad (deel 2) (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

U2, A.R Rahman - Ahimsa (Lyric Video)

♫ The Great Compassion Mantra SANSKRIT Lyrics - 1 HOUR - Tibetan Eleven Faced Avalokitesvara Dharani

How things are going. - by Kristo Gabriel

I'm preparing for books that need to be written. One will be about the need for humanity to fight for an (enlightened) democracy. I am studying a lot as a preparation for the books to come. I also am waiting for Charles John Jarvis to bring me more writings in order to let them be published as soon as possible. We are aiming at march 2021 for the publication of Charles' 'Book Free'. Discipline and work are the order of the day. I am also studying on world events from an esoteric point of view. Nostradamus warned us for the plans of the Third Anti-Christ for mass euthanasia of humanity. I am willing to stand up against these plans. We must be very aware of the plans of evil and overcome them by non-compliance to the plans of evil. We can overcome this. My numerology chart predicts me for becoming the cornerstone of my family, job and even community. I am willing to work for that as I am serving in a bodhisattvic way of being, living from the heart. The music of Madeleine Peyroux keeps me going when I have a heartache. Thank you Madeleine for that, and keep on making music.

My next book will be about democracy and the fight for the protection of our liberties and rights. I am doing this for you, beloved brothers and sisters.

Blessings for all of humanity.

May all sentient beings be released from suffering.

P.S. Happy birthday Vital Baeken (Vitalski) !!

OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks

OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe. Its the sound that reverberates in the entire cosmos and in every cell of our body, and 417Hz is amazingly beautiful frequency that acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, negative blocks and toxicity from our body and mind.

And when we combine both of these - it gives rise to an astoundingly powerful effect, of removing all the negative emotions and let the positivity of OM takes it place. It becomes a powerful meditation tool.

Barbara Marciniak ~ Bringers of the Dawn ~ Teachings from the Pleiadians

The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes! English Subs

My.Dinner.With.Andre. ("pockets of light") 1981

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Compassion with Gabriel Gonsalves

Wisdom of today.

"What we are witnessing is the stirring up of the astral plane as it has never happened before, creating chaos, confusion and deception. The reason is because The Hierarchy are drawing much closer to Humanity than ever before, preceding their once in a century conclave – which of course precedes the externalization of the Hierarchy.

This is also aided by Neptune’s transit through Pisces. It is ironic that one of the names for the Christ (Maitreya) in the West is Neptune, yet in its lower expression creates much glamour in the majority of Humanity because they have not unfolded their consciousness sufficiently to deal with the highly refined frequencies of Neptune – which is buddhi or intuition.
It is up to the New Group of World Servers to deal with much of this glamour, but unfortunately it appears, many of them have succumbed to lower Neptune. Hence the many divisions right now within nations, within groups, between friends as everyone wrestles with balancing these pairs of opposites upon the astral plane." - Philip Lindsay, esoteric astrologer

Maha Cundi Dharani - (3-hours version) 準提佛母心咒 /準提咒 - Calm, Dispel disasters, remove confusion(梵) (Bodhisattva Cundi Mantra)

maandag 25 januari 2021

528 Hz The Love Frequency | Manifest Love - Miracle Tone | Heal Old Negative Blockages Blocking Love

The Five Yamas of Yoga.


  1. Ahimsa is the practice of non-violence, which includes physical, mental, and emotional violence towards others and the self. We create violence most often in our reactions to events and others, habitually creating judgment, criticism, anger or irritation. I have found the Buddhist practice of compassion to be an excellent tool to foster non-violence in my life. Compassion is the ability to accept events as they are with an open and loving heart. It is a letting go of reacting to a situation in a conditional and negative way and replaces those thoughts or feelings with kindness, acceptance, and love. At first practicing compassion is hard, frustrating and not fun. But the key is to have compassion for oneself for not having compassion and to smile at this contradiction.
  2. Satya (truthfulness) urges us to live and speak our truth at all times. Walking the path of truth is a hard one, especially while respecting Patanjali’s first Yama, Ahimsa. Since Ahimsa must be practiced first, we must be careful to not speak a truth if we know it will cause harm to another. Living in your truth not only creates respect, honor, and integrity but also provides the vision to clearly see the higher truths of the yogic path.
  3. Asteya (non-stealing) is best defined as not taking what is not freely given. While this may on the surface seem easy to accomplish, when we look further this Yama can be quite challenging to practice. On a personal level the practice of Asteya entails not committing theft physically and/or not causing or approving of anyone else doing so–in mind, word, or action. On the level of society, Asteya would be in opposition to exploitation, social injustice, and oppression. While not easy, practicing Asteya encourages generosity and overcomes Lobha (greed). And as Patanjali tells us, “when Asteya is firmly established in a yogi, all jewels will become present to him/her.” (YS 2.37).
  4. Brahmacharya (continence) states that when we have control over our physical impulses of excess, we attain knowledge, vigor, and increased energy. To break the bonds that attach us to our excesses and addictions, we need both courage and will. And each time we overcome these impulses of excess we become stronger, healthier and wiser. One of the main goals of yoga is to create and maintain balance. And the simplest method for achieving balance is by practicing Brahmacharya, creating moderation in all of our activities. Practicing moderation is a way of conserving our energy, which can then be applied for higher spiritual purposes.
  5. Aparigraha (non-coveting) urges us to let go of everything that we do not need, possessing only as much as necessary. The yogis tell us that worldly objects cannot be possessed at all, as they are all subject to change and will be ultimately destroyed. When we become greedy and covetous we lose the ability to see our one eternal possession, the Atman, our true Self. And when we cling to what we have we lose the ability to be open to receive what we need.
  6. Full article here : Yoga Basics : the five Yama's of yoga.


2012-2032 transition to the golden age - Diana Cooper, UK

Nobel prize winning scientist Prof Michael Levitt: lockdown is a “huge mistake”.

A picture of the Anti-Christ as envisioned by the great Dolores Cannon.

Picture taken by the Police Department.
© Dolores Cannon

zondag 24 januari 2021

The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Bob Marley Could you be loved Lyrics

The dangers of raising kundalini without proper guidance. - Kristo Gabriel

"The seeker who dares to awaken the kundalini power without the grace and guidance of a guru might become insane, succumb to disease, or even die. This is because he does not possess the necessary knowledge, steadiness of mind, or patience required for this difficult undertaking. Many seekers are found wandering here and there in search of a guru who will awaken their kundalini ...
Although thousands may claim that they know kundalini and that their kundalini is awakened, it is doubtful if even one of them really has such knowledge or experience. 
To awaken the kundalini power is one thing, but to make it move upward into the passage of the sushumna is something else. In the beginning, as the kundalini is awakened, the seeker feels a lot enthousiasm. But as he advances in meditation, he begins to encounter various menaces of kundalini. Only one with a great courage can cope with the menaces; it is simply not possible for all to do so."

- Swami Kripalvananda, Science of meditation  -

The aspirant, therefore, has three things to do:

  1. Purity, discipline and transmute his threefold lower nature
  2. Develop knowledge of himself, and equip his mental body; build the causal body (soul) by good deeds and thoughts.
  3. Serve his race in utter self-abnegation.
Source : Alice Bailey, The danger of arousing kundalini.

Two works by a brilliant psychiatrist with the name Stanislav Grof are helpful for people in crisis due to a sudden kundalini awakening (every psychologist and psychiatrist should study these works) :

Wisdom of today

The Tao treasures three things in human beings : compassion, economy and humility. Only the person who is compassionate can be truly brave; one who is thrifty can be generous; and those who are humble can be a good servant to others. Compassionate action is the joy of life, and Lao Tsu notes the paradox that the person always working for others, and not trying to hoard things, usually ends up with security and plenty. 

Europese wetgeving : Het recht op menselijke integriteit.


  • 1. 
    Eenieder heeft recht op lichamelijke en geestelijke integriteit.
  • 2. 
    In het kader van de geneeskunde en de biologie moeten met name in acht worden genomen:
    • a) 
      de vrije en geïnformeerde toestemming van de betrokkene, volgens de bij de wet bepaalde regels;
    • b) 
      het verbod van eugenetische praktijken, met name die welke selectie van personen tot doel hebben;
    • c) 
      het verbod om het menselijk lichaam en bestanddelen daarvan als zodanig als bron van financieel voordeel aan te wenden;
    • d) 
      het verbod van het reproductief kloneren van mensen.

zaterdag 23 januari 2021

Integrity, the Endangered Virtue by Manly P. Hall

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

Humanity Healing : Spiritual DNA

Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.

Tania Gabrielle : FULL MOON in LEO [Jan 28] Astrology Numerology Star Code Forecast

Lada Duncheva : Neptune - Mars square in US chart 2021-2023

LEO February 2021. The BIG 2021 Planetary ALIGNMENT Meets You with SoulMates & Business Opportunity

Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)

National Guard Troops Had To Sleep In Frigid Parking Garage & Will Stay In DC For No Legit Reason

Source :

Edgar Cayce + Jeff Rense - Russia The Hope Of The World

Golden Light Sutra Chapters 1 to 7 English Spoken Audio Recording

Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas"

De 10 gouden yogaregels (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)

The Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali in English :

The Age of Aquarius. The Next 2000 Years for Humanity with Astrolada

Evelynn Underhill : The Mystic Way : V. Voices and Visions (Saints)

Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)

Mike Adams (Natural News) : Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 – The astonishing case for optimism and faith

PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 - 2027

Manly P. Hall - I Beg to Differ with the Darwinian Theory

dinsdag 19 januari 2021

Studio Brussel: Gabriel Rios - Angelhead


Sitātapatrā (Goddess of the White Parasol)

Carl Jung & Individuation – Dr Kevin Lu, PhD

Wisdom of today

Bodhisattva's give up all possessions
That intensify the fault of stinginess
Or that do not expand generosity,

The deceivers that become an obstacle. 

Bodhisattva's should not accept
Jewels, wealth, or even a kingdom
If it would harm their generous attitude and
Obscure the path to perfect enlightenment

From The Compendium of the Perfections

The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment


The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Forgiveness with Gabriel Gonsalves


Keep the hope, keep the faith.

"It is the darkest nights that prepare the greatest dawns—and it is so because it is into the deep inconscience of material life that we have to bring, not an intermediate glimmer, but the full glory of the divine Light."

"The hostile Forces are Powers of Darkness who are in revolt against the Light and the Truth and want to keep this world under their rule in darkness and ignorance. Whenever anyone wants to reach the Truth, to realise the Divine, they stand in the way as much as possible. But what they are specially against is the work the Mother and myself are doing, to bring down the Light here into the earth and establish the Truth—that would mean their own expulsion. So they always try to destroy the work as a whole and to spoil the sadhana of each sadhak. It is not only you who are attacked: all are attacked more or less—especially when there is a great progress, these forces try to interfere.
The only way to avoid it is to be entirely turned towards the Mother and to refuse any opportunity to these Forces."

- Sri Aurobindo, Light on Yoga -

Wisdom of today


maandag 18 januari 2021

City of the Dawn - Feature length

The Auroville Charter

  1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But, to live in Auroville, one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
  2. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
  3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.
  4. Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual human unity.

Aaron Doughty : Hidden Secrets All Empaths need to know (or else)

Inspiration to be found in Sri Aurobindo's work on Integral Yoga. (The Supramental Manifestation Upon Earth)

 Sri Aurobindo thaught His disciples to overcome the dependency on food and sex in 'The Mind of Light'. If you overcome that, you have transcended human nature.

Source :

Credo Mutwa reveals AIDS treatment. 

Wisdom of today

The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, Chapter 7: Joyous Perseverance (1 of 4)

Kriya Babaji Top Songs | Arathi | Peace Mantra | Om Kriya Babaji Stuti Manjari

Have you ever seen my soul - Kristo & Street Soul

Leading Individualities and Avatars By Rudolf Steiner

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

An update from Dr Roy Michael Martina

Week 3 from Christallin BV on Vimeo.

zaterdag 16 januari 2021

Integrity, the Endangered Virtue by Manly P. Hall

Manly P. Hall - Magic - White, Gray and Black #WhiteMagic

Golden Light Sutra Chapters 1 to 7 English Spoken Audio Recording

Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas".

Wisdom of today : A prophecy by Nostradamus. (English / Dutch)

 “The advancements of medicine will raise humans’ life expectancy reportedly might be up to at least 200 years of age. A man of 80 years will seemingly be like a man of 50 and so on. will look just like a 50-year old”.

"De vooruitgang van de geneeskunde zal de levensverwachting van mensen verhogen, naar verluidt kan de leeftijd oplopen tot minstens 200 jaar. Een man van 80 jaar zal schijnbaar zijn als een man van 50, enzovoort. zal er net zo uitzien als een 50-jarige ”.

Kuan Yin's Prayer

vrijdag 15 januari 2021

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations

The Culture of life and Liberation by Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Nobody's Talking About This "People Have No Idea, BE CAREFUL".

Capricorn 2021 Predictions in Astrology

The Inner Temple of the Heart: Guided Meditation on Compassion with Gabriel Gonsalves

Il vaccino COVID-19 NON è un vaccino 

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Shaktipat Meditation.

Shaktipat initiation (S’micha m’shefa/Haniha), is the awakening of the Divine force that is resting in potential within us. This is known as the descent of Grace. It usually occurs through a living enlightened spiritual leader, but may occur spontaneously. Once the spiritual energy is activated, it begins to spontaneously move through our body, spiritualizing every cell, every aspect of the DNA, every chakra, every nadi (which are the channels of the subtle nervous system), every organ and every tissue, so that all consciousness becomes activated into the next evolutionary stage.

The safest and most consistent way that a kundalini awakening happens is through the tradition of Shaktipat Kundalini Initiation (S’micha m’shefa/Haniha). This occurs when an awakened spiritual teacher with a great amount of the spiritual kundalini flowing shares the Grace of this energy with the aspirant. When the combination of this energy with the kundalini energy of the aspirant is enough to reach the critical ignition point, the shakti kundalini awakens. The sharing of this spiritual kundalini energy through the spiritual teacher may be by look, mantra, thought, or direct touch. The awakening may often be a combination of all these ways of increasing the descending power of the spiritual kundalini: individual preparation and build-up of the aspirant’s mundane and spiritual kundalini, group spiritual energy, and shaktipat.

Wisdom of today

Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination, giving up the objects of sense gratification, being freed from attachment and hatred, one who lives in a secluded place, who eats little, who controls his body, mind and power of speech, who is always in trance and who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful – such a person is certainly elevated to the position of self-realization.