Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 28 februari 2022

Archangel Gabriel: Making Exalted Choices for Life.

This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.

When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good.

When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid.

Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.

There is a Universal Flow of energy awaiting your command. You live in the pure potential of All That Is, a River of All Creation. When you are aligned with what you want to create, and open to receive, that powerful river of creative energy will flow in the direction of your intentions. It is the natural order of life, yet it will feel like a miracle.

These results also come from willingness on your part to have your life be good, and to allow others to love and support you. It has to do with knowing what you want and asking for it directly, as well as having faith to know that there is a greater order and good available to all who believe.

So accept that what is occurring around you in your life is a reflection of what is occurring within you. Begin to make small choices to experience love instead of fear, to forgive the person who has wronged you, even when the action seems unforgivable, to give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have, and to believe that miracles can occur in your life, when you are willing to receive them.

These shifts in attitude bring a return of greater Love, Joy and Fulfillment in your life. It all begins with you and with your sincere willingness to allow the Angels and the Universal Presence to come to your assistance.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel


Be Different, Not Indifferent - Witness and Celebrate w/ Michael B. Beckwith.

Handvest van de Grondrechten van de Europese Unie - Artikel 21 (non-discriminatie). (Dutch)

Artikel 21 

Non-discriminatie 1. Elke discriminatie, met name op grond van geslacht, ras, kleur, etnische of sociale afkomst, genetische kenmerken, taal, godsdienst of overtuigingen, politieke of andere denkbeelden, het behoren tot een nationale minderheid, vermogen, geboorte, een handicap, leeftijd of seksuele geaardheid, is verboden. 2. Binnen de werkingssfeer van het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap en het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie en onverminderd de bijzondere bepalingen van die Verdragen, is elke discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit verboden.

A Movement Inspired By Trayvon Martin Unleashes the Power of Communities to Work Together to Solve Problems for Boys and Young Men of Color. - by Barack Obama

The My Brother’s Keeper Alliance began as a call to action for the nation to address the persistent opportunity gaps boys and young men of color face and to ensure all young people can reach their full potential.

Today, the Alliance works to unleash the power of communities working together to solve problems for boys and young men of color, at a level to improve real life outcomes. We believe communities are the unit of change to realize improved life outcomes for our boys. Research shows that the collective work of community leaders, members, and public and private agencies pursuing the same goals for these young men can lead to sustainable, place-based change.

Our work is rooted in six key life milestones that research shows are especially predictive of later success, and where interventions can have the greatest impact. By focusing on these milestones, doing what works, and removing or avoiding roadblocks that hinder systems change, we are working to provide boys and young men of color the opportunity and the tools to get ahead.

We support efforts on the ground in communities, through direct funding, technical assistance and training, convenings and networking, and we’ve built a community of practice for organizations and institutions that want to see population level change for our boys and young men. We seek to change systems. We’ve made real progress and we are excited to continue the work to build safe and supportive communities.

Hi Kristof,

Ten years ago today, Trayvon Martin was killed. 

Trayvon wasn’t so different from me. I resembled him as a teenager, and as a young Black man, the way I was perceived was similar to the way Trayvon was perceived. Luck might have been the only thing that separated us. 

Recently, I reflected on what Trayvon’s death 10 years ago meant to me as president, and as a Black man—as well as what it meant for our country. I also shared more about the movement sparked by the tragedy, which continues to press forward.

Trayvon’s death and the resulting jury decision was an expression of a longstanding sense that our country is overdue in recognizing all Americans as equal—not just in the eyes of the law, but in the eyes of each other. 

I shared the frustration of millions of Americans in the wake of Trayvon's death, and I was left with a question of what my administration could do to address the systemic issues that led to this tragedy.

Learn more about our response, which led to the creation of the My Brother’s Keeper initiative during my time in the White House, and see how its work continues at the Obama Foundation through the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance.

In addition to My Brother’s Keeper, one of the most important things that came out of this dark moment to me was the activation of an entire new generation of civil rights leaders who took grassroots organizing to a new level. By leveraging social media, building a coalition, and making their voices heard, they were able to move so many people from anguish to action. 

It will take sustained engagement at multiple levels to ensure no Black life is cut short. That’s one reason we’re proud to be connecting and training the next generation of leaders through the Obama Foundation, and supporting boys and young men of color through the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance. 

We have a long way to go. But my hope is that we can look back on this moment and the movement that emerged in response to this tragedy as one more step in our country’s journey to come to terms with our past. It will take all of us to make that a reality.

Thank you for your support of this work.


White Tara Mantra | Powerful Devi Mantra | Mantra for Health, Longevity and Compassion

Extensive Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Mantra

Best Prabhupada Kirtan Hare Krishna.

Urgent meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours. 

The de-escalation of the situation is still possible if every party involved in the situation works together to implement a peaceful solution, including the agreed Minsk agreements.

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is » Chapter Sixteen, Verse Nine


Bg. 16.9

एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धय: ।
प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माण: क्षयाय जगतोऽहिता: ॥ ९ ॥
etāṁ dṛṣṭim avaṣṭabhya
naṣṭātmāno ’lpa-buddhayaḥ
prabhavanty ugra-karmāṇaḥ
kṣayāya jagato ’hitāḥ


etām — this; dṛṣṭim — vision; avaṣṭabhya — accepting; naṣṭa — having lost; ātmānaḥ — themselves; alpa-buddhayaḥ — the less intelligent; prabhavanti — flourish; ugra-karmāṇaḥ — engaged in painful activities; kṣayāya — for destruction; jagataḥ — of the world; ahitāḥ — unbeneficial.


Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world.


The demoniac are engaged in activities that will lead the world to destruction. The Lord states here that they are less intelligent. The materialists, who have no concept of God, think that they are advancing. But according to Bhagavad-gītā, they are unintelligent and devoid of all sense. They try to enjoy this material world to the utmost limit and therefore always engage in inventing something for sense gratification. Such materialistic inventions are considered to be advancement of human civilization, but the result is that people grow more and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to animals and cruel to other human beings. They have no idea how to behave toward one another. Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all. Indirectly, this verse anticipates the invention of nuclear weapons, of which the whole world is today very proud. At any moment war may take place, and these atomic weapons may create havoc. Such things are created solely for the destruction of the world, and this is indicated here. Due to godlessness, such weapons are invented in human society; they are not meant for the peace and prosperity of the world.

Source :

Now nuclear weapons are illegal. Join the movement. Donate if you can, as I did from a deep love for humanity and dear mother earth. 

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

The Power of Gratitude.

Thank you for everyone who tries to reach a ceasefire and end this war.
Thank you Emmanuel Macron for your efforts.
Thank you to the Dalai Lama for encouraging dialogue, so much needed in these times.
Thank you Alexander De Croo for leading our country.
Thank you Madonna for praying.
Mr Putin, with all my respect :
Please stop this war!

Love, Light and Peace to everyone involved.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

10 Min Meditation - Inner Peace - Daily Guided Meditation by Deepak Chopra.

Vredesgesprekken tussen Rusland en Oekraïne afgelopen: er volgt snel nieuw overleg. (Dutch) 

David Icke : Cult-owned Mail and its clueless, spineless, ‘reporter’ with calculated hit-piece on Robert Kennedy Jr. You know when they want to destroy you Robert that you are hitting the button. Been there. We’re with you, mate – being attacked by the Mail for speaking the truth is a war medal. 

Spotlight on Antisemitism: The New York Times’ Bret Stephens in Conversation with Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: COMPASSION | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

Live from Polish Border, Chris Melzer of UNHCR Speaks with Miceal O'Hurley 26 February 2022.

Dalai Lama : Hope for Dialogue to Restore Peace in Ukraine.

 I have been deeply saddened by the conflict in Ukraine.

Our world has become so interdependent that violent conflict between two countries inevitably impacts the rest of the world. War is out-dated – non-violence is the only way. We need to develop a sense of the oneness of humanity by considering other human beings as brothers and sisters. This is how we will build a more peaceful world.

Problems and disagreements are best resolved through dialogue. Genuine peace comes about through mutual understanding and respect for each other’s wellbeing.

We must not lose hope. The 20th century was a century of war and bloodshed. The 21st century must be a century of dialogue.

I pray that peace is swiftly restored in Ukraine.

The Dalai Lama

February 28, 2022

Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) Alternative views.

zondag 27 februari 2022

Anti NWO Aliens Disable Nuclear Weapons

Swami Nardanand Shanti Prayer.

There's Something Else Going On | Max Igan.

Can group meditation bring World Peace? Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin explains.

Mass Consciousness Gridwork - Free World Peace Meditations by Christine Breese.

Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen maakt € 250.000 vrij voor humanitaire hulp in Oekraïne en is klaar om ‘Restoring Family Links’ in te zetten voor familieleden. (Dutch).

Wil je helpen? Humanitaire hulp Oekraïne ondersteunen kan via @RodeKruisVL 🇺🇦

Rekeningnummer: 53 0000 0000 5353

Vermelding: “Oekraïne”

RT = ❤️

Met dank aan Sammy Mahdi.

Respecteren van internationaal humanitair recht

Het Rode Kruis doet een dringend oproep aan alle partijen die betrokken zijn bij het conflict om de verplichtingen krachtens het internationaal humanitair recht (IHR) na te leven. De partijen moeten zorgen voor de bescherming van de burgerbevolking en van degenen die niet meer aan de gevechten deelnemen, zoals gevangenen, gewonden of zieken. Het internationaal humanitair recht is duidelijk: alle partijen bij het conflict hebben de wettelijke verplichting om ervoor te zorgen dat militaire operaties op zodanige wijze worden gepland en uitgevoerd dat burgers en civiele objecten beschermd worden. Daarnaast moet ook het neutraal, onpartijdig en onafhankelijk humanitair optreden worden beschermd, zodat dat hulpverleners zoals het Oekraïense Rode Kruis, het Internationale Comité van het Rode Kruis (ICRC) en de Internationale Rode Kruis- en Rode Halve Maan-verenigingen in ruimere zin toegang tot de burgerbevolking kunnen behouden. Kritieke infrastructuur moet worden gespaard. Water-, gas- en elektriciteitssystemen die bijvoorbeeld burgerwoningen, scholen en medische voorzieningen voorzien van water en elektriciteit zijn van vitaal belang. Ook aanvallen met nieuwe technologieën en cybermiddelen moeten deze kritieke infrastructuren ontzien.

White Tara Mantra | Powerful Devi Mantra | Mantra for Health, Longevity and Compassion.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

Help the Ascended Masters Stop War by Kim Michaels.

A workbook for those who are serious about bringing peace Do you feel that war has been around long enough on this planet, but you don't see what you can do about it? This book explains that we human beings do not have the power to stop war, but that our universal spiritual teachers, the ascended masters, do have that power. What they lack is the authority, which they can only receive from us. By using the teachings and practical tools in this book, you can make a personal contribution towards giving the ascended masters the authority to stop war. The profound teachings in this book explain the spiritual causes of war and expose the hidden forces that have created and sustain war, using human beings as pawns in their meaningless games. By using the tools, you will help the ascended masters remove the unrelenting forces of war, and this is the key to bringing true peace. This book is given as direct revelation by the Ascended Master Mother Mary, who holds the Office of the Divine Mother for all people. She says that if enough people use the tools in this book, the forces of war can be removed within the foreseeable future. Will you make a personal contribution towards making war a thing of the past?

Source :

Russen en Oekraïners bidden samen voor vrede in kerk in Antwerpen: “Niemand wil oorlog, wij steunen elkaar”. (Dutch)

Russen en Oekraïners bidden samen voor vrede in kerk in Antwerpen: “Niemand wil oorlog, wij steunen elkaar”.

“Derde Wereldoorlog is al aan de gang: de superklasse tegen de rest van ons”. (Madeleine K. / De Andere Krant / Dutch). 

De kinderen verliezen, op alle fronten. (De Andere Krant / Dutch). 

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations promoting adherence to and implementation of the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty. 

Thanks Kristof Gabriel!

You donated €5!

Thanks so much for your generous donation of €5.00 to support ICAN's efforts to end nuclear weapons.

Did you know that our friends are the people we trust the most to inform us about the causes to support?

You could make your donation go even further by sharing your donation with friends and encouraging them to donate too.

Peace Is The Future - Antwerp, Belgium

PEACE MANTRA | Om Shanti Om @ 432Hz

Prayer To The Spiritual Masters.

Meditation on Srila Prabhupada 'Ocean of Mercy' official video

Kristo Gabriel vraagt om geen geweld te gebruiken tijdens betogingen en geen tempels te vernietigen. (Dutch)

Message from Doctor & Rabbi Gabriel Cousens.

 Equinoxes and Solstices are special astrological times of heightened spiritual growth and awareness. This is the basis of the Peace 21 meditation we have been doing on the 21st of each equinox and solstice, 4 times a year. You are welcome to join our next Peace 21 meditation on March 21

To maximize our personal health and spiritual growth during this time, we have designed a special sequence of online workshops:

This spiritual sequence will be a special spiritual treat for the expansion of consciousness. This could not come at a better time in the history of the planet. 

Meditation not only expands consciousness, but even expands brain size and function, clarity of mind, and upgrades our physiology. Research shows those who have meditated regularly for 5 years literally have physiology 15 years younger. 

Our Spiritual Fasting retreat, which includes meditating two times per day, TriYoga practice, spiritual discussions, group check-ins, holistic health lectures, is a blend of the best practices for the elevation of overall health and higher consciousness. This medically and spiritually supervised Spiritual Fasting Retreat is designed to help participants reset and upgrade their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual lives.

The Spiritual Fast is often a breakthrough time on every level of one's life. Breaking out of the matrix, that has so entrapped people in the mass psychosis that is being talked about today, is one potential gift of the Spiritual Fast. Almost everyone who has experienced this Spiritual Fast feels uplifted on many levels.

The Spiritual Fast also opens up the mind to be more ready to make emotional, mental, and spiritual changes which the Zero Point spiritual technology makes it easy to do. The Zero Point approach is also a path to liberation which has expanded the consciousness of many people who have taken the course.

Each course can be taken separately or all together at a discounted rate.

Early-Bird registration ends March 1st.

This is a special opportunity to protect and expand every level of your being in these difficult and confusing times.

Blessings to your health, well-being, and spiritual evolution.

Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D.(h), D.D. (Doctor of Divinity)

Wisdom of today.

"Satsang means to associate with the Truth.  Truth cannot be contained in the mind; it must be experienced with the heart." - Rabbi Gabriel Cousens 

Despite an Arrest, Lodge Vandalism Continues. Please stop violence against Freemasons, Synagogues, Churches, Mosques and Temples. 

A Proposal to World leaders for Global Peace and Prosperity by Deepak Chopra.

zaterdag 26 februari 2022

Tania Gabrielle : PISCES New Moon [March 2, 2022] Peace Love Unity - Astrology Numerology Forecast.

Wisdom of today.

On the Path of Integral Yoga we intend to apply the following basic steps :

  1. Losing all egoism - including all ambition (even "spiritual" ambition), pride, desire, the egocentric life, mental and will.
  2. The becoming universal of consciousness.
  3. Absolute surrender to the transcendental Divine.
Source: Sri Aurobindo, Light on Yoga.

The ICRC calls on sides to spare critical civilian infrastructure in eastern Ukraine.

Residents in eastern Ukraine and elsewhere have already endured eight years of conflict. But now the intensification and spread of the conflict throughout the country risks a scale of death and destruction that are frightening to contemplate, given the immense military capacities involved.

Perpetual Tyranny: Endless Wars Are The Enemy Of Freedom.

#Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Mantra, Solves All Problems.

Muse - Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 3 (Redemption).

Conquering Codependency and Finding Intimacy with Dr. Gabriel Cousens.

Do You Feel Disconnected From Your Soul? The COVID Vaccine | Gabriel Cousens | Tree Of Life.

All Native American PROPHECIES Are Coming True!

Blessed are the peacemakers.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

    for they will be called children of God. 

Matthew 5:9

Wannes Van De Velde & Roland-Oorlogsgeleerden R.i.p Wannes.

Urgent meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours. 

David Icke : 8-Year-Old Boy Dies of MIS 7 Days After Pfizer Vaccine, VAERS Report Shows. 

Drugs As Weapons Against Us. 

Dion Fortune says blackmail is the commonest form of unpleasantness in Black Lodges. She advises telling the police straight away. Then its onto drugs. “All initiates of the Right-hand Path agree in declaring that to exalt consciousness by means of drugs is a dangerous and undesirable proceeding.”

vrijdag 25 februari 2022

Freeing The Mind To Be Unshakable | Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Wisdom of today.

Mass Consciousness Gridwork, Free World Peace Meditations.

Musicians Warning Fans About the Music Industry.

Musicians Warning Fans About Drugs.

Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Charlotte de Witte & Enrico Sangiuliano Remix).

Russia & Ukraine | BE CAREFUL!

Charles Jarvis interviews Kristo (Uit het archief / Dutch).

Gareth Icke - What's Love Without Meaning?

Right Now – Gareth Icke Talks To Author & Brother Of Justin Trudeau, Kyle Kemper About Events In Canada. 

The Great Awakening & censorship.

My facebook account is still deleted because I provided an alternative narrative to the vaccines.

My computer refuses to record video's.

Please stay connected with all people who are being censured.

GLOBAL HEART MEDITATION | An Attitude of Surrender with Gabriel Cousens.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: LOVE | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

The 12 Virtues of the Heart: FORGIVENESS | Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves.

Swami Nardanand Shanti Prayer.

Manly P. Hall | Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.

Natural News (Mike Adams) : Adolf Hitler used “science” and “medicine” to justify his eugenics / depopulation programs, and today’s vaccine pushers are walking in his footsteps. 

Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

Wisdom of today.

 "Peace. No war please." - Magdalena Gabriel

donderdag 24 februari 2022

Manly P. Hall Wealth Addiction Can Be As Dangerous As Drug Addiction.

Urgent meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours. 

Feel Love, Let go of the Past | Heart Chakra Healing Meditation Music.

Heart Chakra Healing Music | Attract Love in All Forms | Anahata Chakra Meditation Music.

As Soon As that Intoxication is Over, all Your Intoxicated Dreams are Over - Prabhupada.

Flower of Life l Meditation music l Relaxation music l 432 Hz music.

Madeleine Klinkhamer (De Andere Krant) : “Sporters moeten zich uitspreken over vaccinaties”. (Dutch)

Matthew Le Tissier en Bryan Roy zijn twee oud-voetbalsterren die hun zorgen uitspreken over de vaccinatiedrang en –dwang in de sportwereld en het grote aantal atleten met hartfalen. Dat wordt hen zeker niet door iedereen in dank afgenomen. De achtvoudig Engels international en 32-voudig Oranje-speler snakken niet meer naar het applaus van het publiek, maar naar de waarheid. Daarom roepen ze andere persoonlijkheden uit de sportwereld op, te gaan staan voor het zelfbeschikkingsrecht. 

Pleiadian Prophecy The Great Changeover 2013 2027 Barbara Marciniak.

Urgent meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours. 

GABRIEL RIOS - 'You Will Go Far' (official video).

European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure - German journo.

Kristo Aurobino - Mercy

Ascension Connection Call – February 17, 2022 – Is Humanity’s Ascension Being Guided?

The cold war was a lie for the public to take the attention away from what the nuclear weapons program was really being developed for, not against Russia but as a last resort against the Greys and Reptilians.

The headquarters of the secret international governing body in charge of dealing with the ET phenomenon is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of representatives of the governments involved as well as the executive members of the group known as the Bilderbergers. As I have said the British, American and Russian governments are working very closely together because of the Grey/Reptilian threat to the planet.


Although the situation is so horrendous that these governments have shattered into panicked factions, some of which have ’sold out’ and are directly helping the Greys and Reptilians.

According to very credible US government insider William Cooper the most important meetings of this secret international governing body are held by the policy committee on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar ice caps.

The secrecy is such that this is the only method to make certain the meetings cannot be bugged and is the only place they will discuss their biggest secrets.

It would be wrong and cruel of me to present his information without presenting the full picture. The Greys and reptilians from Orion have been involved in an ancient war with the Benevolent Pleiadians and other groups.


The Pleiadians are a very powerful group and are the guardians of this solar system. I personally do not believe they will let the grey/reptilian agenda fully unfold. They have helped us in the past, are helping us now and will help us in the future.

I know this because I have had many Para-normal ET contact experiences since childhood. There is not room to go into detail here but is covered in the ’Above top secret’ presentation with investigative journalist Dave Starbuck. Type ’revelation audio visual-Dave star buck’ into a search engine to find.

I have very clear photographic evidence of benevolent Pleiadian ET’s materializing in my house and a box of ‘channelled’ communications with these beings. These photographs will stand up to a computer grain analysis test because they are all one hundred percent real. I also do not have the knowledge or technology to fake them. One photo shows a very clear face materializing in front of me. I also have post traumatic stress disorder from abductions and other contacts with malevolent reptilian entities. Again these are covered in ’Above top secret’.

There is a massive number of missing children in Britain, America and other places connected to these underground bases. The figure in Britain seems to be at least twenty thousand children disappear without a trace every year. In a 1995 classified CIADIA (defense intelligence agency) and FBI report, it stated that one hundred thousand children and one million adults disappear and are never found in the US every year.

Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours.

Cocaine And Karma // Manly P. Hall [Full Lecture / Clean Audio].

How To Recover from Childhood Trauma by David Dardashti.

Tragic Details Found In Tom Petty's Autopsy Report.

Peace is still possible.

A Card Game from Steve Jackson announced world war three as a possible card. Let's hope he is wrong.

Global Meditation for Peace.

Within Temptation - Mother Earth.

Tucker: How will this conflict affect you?

Mystical Teachings of Jesus by Kim Michaels. 

Keep in Heart that 10 000 lifestreams are on their Path of Personal Christhood in these challenging times.

This Initiation, Take it Very Seriously - Prabhupada.

244 | 3 Things You Need To Survive & Thrive In The Next Years | 2/24/22 | 2PM CST.

Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours. 

What is the duty of the Boddhisattva's of Compassion?

 (28). The "Guardian Wall" or the "Wall of Protection." It is taught that the accumulated efforts of long generations of Yogis, Saints and Adepts, especially of the Nirmânakâyas — have created, so to say, a wall of protection around mankind, which wall shields mankind invisibly from still worse evils.

(32). In the Northern Buddhist phraseology all the great Arhats, Adepts and Saints are called Buddhas.

(33). A Bodhisattva is, in the hierarchy, less than a "perfect Buddha." In the exoteric parlance these two are very much confused. Yet the innate and right popular perception, owing to that self-sacrifice, has placed a Bodhisattva higher in its reverence than a Buddha.

(34). This same popular reverence calls "Buddhas of Compassion" those Bodhisattvas who, having reached the rank of an Arhat (i.e., having completed the fourth or seventh Path), refuse to pass into the Nirvânic state or "don the Dharmakâya robe and cross to the other shore," as it would then become beyond their power to assist men even so little as Karma permits. They prefer to remain invisibly (in Spirit, so to speak) in the world, and contribute toward man's salvation by influencing them to follow the Good Law, i.e., lead them on the Path of Righteousness. It is part of the exoteric Northern Buddhism to honour all such great characters as Saints, and to offer even prayers to them, as the Greeks and Catholics do to their Saints and Patrons; on the other hand, the esoteric teachings countenance no such thing. There is a great difference between the two teachings. The exoteric layman hardly knows the real meaning of the word Nirmânakâya — hence the confusion and inadequate explanations of the Orientalists. For example Schlagintweit believes that Nirmânakâya-body, means the physical form assumed by the Buddhas when they incarnate on earth — "the least sublime of their earthly encumbrances" (vide "Buddhism in Tibet") — and he proceeds to give an entirely false view on the subject. The real teaching is, however, this: —

The three Buddhic bodies or forms are styled: —

1. Nirmânakâya.
2. Sambhogakâya.
3. Dharmakâya.

The first is that ethereal form which one would assume when leaving his physical he would appear in his astral body — having in addition all the knowledge of an Adept. The Bodhisattva develops it in himself as he proceeds on the Path. Having reached the goal and refused its fruition, he remains on Earth, as an Adept; and when he dies, instead of going into Nirvâna, he remains in that glorious body he has woven for himself, invisible to uninitiated mankind, to watch over and protect it.

Sambhogakâya is the same, but with the additional lustre of "three perfections," one of which is entire obliteration of all earthly concerns.

The Dharmakâya body is that of a complete Buddha, i.e., no body at all, but an ideal breath: Consciousness merged in the Universal Consciousness, or Soul devoid of every attribute. Once a Dharmakâya, an Adept or Buddha leaves behind every possible relation with, or thought for this earth. Thus, to be enabled to help humanity, an Adept who has won the right to Nirvâna, "renounces the Dharmakâya body" in mystic parlance; keeps, of the Sambhogakâya, only the great and complete knowledge, and remains in his Nirmânakâya body. The esoteric school teaches that Gautama Buddha with several of his Arhats is such a Nirmânakâya, higher than whom, on account of the great renunciation and sacrifice to mankind there is none known.

Source :

I recognise the benefits of this teachings, but I refuse to obey any Luciferian thinking.

Kristo(f) Gabriel