Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 14 oktober 2024

David's warning #ElectionIntegrity

Globalist organizations are systematically removing all the rights, freedoms and private property of humanity, as part of United Nations Agenda 2030. This agenda submits mankind to tyranny this world has never seen before, under the guise of 'saving the planet'. It includes the destruction of your health through mandates for experimental injections, extreme censorship and eradication of free speech, removal of private ownership, seizing total control over your finances, limiting your movement, and even 24/7 monitoring of your thoughts and feelings. We help you protect yourself against this insane agenda. Sign up to receive our life-saving information. 

Pandemics Are Planned And Orchestrated

Evidence how pandemics are not a natural occurrence, but meticulously orchestrated operations, unleashed on humanity with the purpose of reducing the world population, and increasing control over the survivors.

Vaccines Kill Hundreds of Millions Worldwide

Scientific data reveals how vaccines are greatly reducing the world population. They also start the process of transhumanism, by injecting substances that modify the human DNA and spread nanotechnology throughout the human body.

Elections Are Rigged To Position Globalist Politicians

Evidence how important elections worldwide are strategically stolen, in order to position politicians who serve the agenda of world domination, by the globalist financial elites.

Our Weather Is Manipulated To Create Climate Change

Government documents, and expert testimonies reveal how climate change is a hoax, to install tyranny on humanity. In reality the weather is heavily manipulated by governments.

The Plan To Replace Humanity With Robots

Expert testimonies reveal the plan to submit the world to the rule of a new species of genetically edited, and technologically enhanced super-elites, who will be more different from us, than we are from chimpansees. 

Digital Currencies Control Your Life

A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) gives tyrants full control over your finances, as they can monitor every transaction, limit what you can spend, and even delete your funds. What happens already with PayPal, would become commonplace.

Financial Elites Who Control The World

Award winning docuseries reveals the "cabal": an international network of astronomically wealthy super-criminals, who use their unlimited financial resources to control the world, and cause human suffering. Their downfall is however near.

The News Media Deceives The Public

Shocking revelations from insiders of the biggest news media worldwide, who confess how the news is used to manipulate humanity, and steer the public towards the agenda of the superrich criminals who own the major news networks. 

Networks Of Child Trafficking For Political Leaders

Testimonies from eye witnesses and survivors about how children worldwide are abused by high ranking officials. Children are used as a commodity to "pay your way" to high positions in governments, law enforcement, finance, media and business.


If you know excellent documents, documentaries, reports, etc.

about one of these topics, then please let us know

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