Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 14 oktober 2024

Cosmic Great White Lodge. Shamballah exists. I believe.

The Cosmic Great White Lodge is our galaxy Headquarters which is located in the star system Sirius. The Great White Lodge of Earth is a branch of The Cosmic Great White Lodge on Sirius, and there are thousands of these “branches” spread throughout the galaxy.

God’s Army 

Mightiest Army is the cosmos. A massive, mighty, and majestic Army of Angels,Elementals, Avatars, Ascended Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials, Starships, Flying Saucers, Galactic Battleships, and an endless assortment of Interdimensional Space/Time vessels and their crews. God’s Army has never been defeated—and never will be defeated! 


The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now, The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement!

The Master Mind 

The Master Mind is the all-knowing Mind of God that permeates the whole of creation. In all Christed worlds it is simplicity itself to contact The Master Mind, because in Christed worlds there is no “barrier” to The Master Mind. Caligastia purposely severed Earth’s ties with The Master Mind by misaligning Earth’s geographic and magnetic poles. This he did by orchestrating wars and cataclysms on Earth that radically “shifted” the continents of Earth which misaligned the electromagnetic frequencies of Earth’s poles, effectively placing a “Frequency Barrier” between all Earthlings and The Master Mind. This was an ingenious move by Caligastia, because the Frequency Barrier alone has kept Earthlings in darkness and ignorance for eons. But now the synergistic forces of the Cosmos, The Great White Lodge, and Spiritual Hierarchy are working to realign Earth’s poles and correct the “Frequency Barrier” Caligastia created long ago. Correcting the “Frequency Barrier” must be done slowly to avoid earthquakes and catastrophic cataclysms. As the “Frequency Barrier” is slowly corrected by the Forces of Light, more and more Earthlings (especially the 144,000) will make direct contact with The Master Mind (via meditation, prayer, channeling, clairvoyance, or clairsentience) and learn everything they need to know directly from The Master Mind, which is by far the best, fastest, and easiest way to know anything about anything!

Source : Halls Of Amenti Document

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