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dinsdag 15 oktober 2024

Another CIA assassination plot fails - this time in Venezuela...

CIA & FBI The CIA and FBI are not benevolent agencies. Quite the contrary. The CIA and FBI are nothing more than henchmen that carry out the evil plans of the Illuminati and Secret Government.

Three Days of the Condor “Three Days of the Condor” is a brilliant 1975 film that does an outstanding job exposing the evil and duplicity of the CIA. 

The Secret Government Evil factions within The United States and English governments. These evil factions are known by several code names but are generally referred to as “The Secret Government.” The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are owned and controlled by The Illuminati who control their government agents like puppets on a string and routinely subvert U.S. and English law to achieve their evil ends. (see Illuminati). The U.S. Secret Government was formed in 1913 when The United States Federal Reserve was illegally sold to 13 Illuminati stockholders who have secretly owned and controlled The United States government ever since. The U.S. and English “Secret Governments” are in league and work together as a team. In league with The Illuminati, the “Secret Governments” helped plan and orchestrate 911; AIDS; the Okalahoma City bombing; the JFK, RFK, & MLK assassinations; the false war in Iraq; and countless other diabolical intrigues designed solely to increase their power and wealth. Don’t worry about The Illuminati and The Secret Governments. They have a date with God’s Army called “Armageddon,” and it is not going to go well for them. 


The story that AIDS came from a monkey in Africa is a blatant lie. AIDS was intentionally created in a laboratory by The Illuminati and The Secret Government as an experimental biological weapon. The experiment quickly got out of hand and became the global AIDS epidemic which exists to this very day.  

Solution :

John F. Kennedy was right. The C.I.A. are criminals and nazi's and it is in humanity's best interest to delete the organisation forever. They invented MK-Ultra and payed psychiatrists to mind-control people, many of them artists. Everything will be revealed as humanity is waking up.

Psychiatrists were Hitler's henchmen.

See :

We have not forgotten that.

It's not like the old days, where former NAZI war criminals like KURT BLOME were hired by the CIA to invent Chemtrails which gave millions of people, potentially, CANCER...

All the Nazi war criminals are now too old or dead to be part of the CIA's roster of hired Hit-Men.

Nowadays, the CIA killers rely on Navy Seals, and risk bungled assassinations like the one against Trump in July 2024 and the latest flop in Venezuela to expose the Deep State even further...

Venezuela's interior minister, Mr Diosdado Cabello, alerted the news media that a cache of 400 rifles had been discovered that were brought to Venezuela to stage a COUP against the democratically elected President - just like the Bay of Pigs went wrong - so did the latest CIA coup in Venezuela....

Venezuela's interior minister, Mr Diosdado Cabello, has claimed that the alleged assassination and coup plot was led by the CIA, and aimed at assassinating President Nicholas Maduro.

What is Maduro's crime?

Well, evil man that he is, you see, he has been transforming Venezuela's oil wealth into a Social Support Program - every month poor families get a box of free basic food, which includes a kilo of dried milk power, 1.5 liters of cooking oil, two packs pf spaghetti, four packs of pasta, a kilo of sugar, three bags of rice and various cans of maize corn - it's not much - but hey, when did YOUR government give you ANYTHING for free?

Of course, this kind of compassionate government is vehemently hated by the Satanic aristocrats running the Deep State.

You see, the European-Aristocratic Deep State rather like controlling the world's oil reserves - and they hate the fact that Venezuela is rich in two things the Deep State love: oil and gemstones.

CIA involvement in an alleged plot to kill Venezuela’s leader Nicolás Maduro should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched our film series CROSSFIRE HURRICANE - which shows that the FBI, the CIA and Secret Service have all been complicit in assassinations and/or assassination cover-ups.

In a news conference on a few days ago, interior minister, Mr Diosdado Cabello, identified the Navy SEAL as 'Wilbert Castañeda' [though the name has now been challenged as inaccurate - probably to 'cloak' his killing by the Agency], and claimed 'Wilbert Castañeda' was the leader of the assassination plot/gang. Mr Diosdado Cabello also named two other detained Americans: David Estrella and Aaron Barrett Logan...

But - hey - the mainstream media say that Venezuela's interior minister, Mr Diosdado Cabello, is a dirty cheap LIAR - and that no such plot by the CIA ever happened - I mean, really, it's not like IRAN-CONTRA or the BAY OF PIGS is it?

The latest coup attempt by the CIA marks DECADES of political and military involvement, with the CIA grabbing and monopolizing drug supplies, narcotics crops, child prostitutes, tax havens, gold, oil and diamonds - or G.O.D.

This article is 100% accurate and FACT CHECKED - even the anonymous wankers at Wikipedia would have to admit that the CIA has admitted to involvement in assassination attempts against foreign leaders during the infamous CHURCH COMMITTEE Hearings.

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