Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 27 mei 2016

Cancer, Aids, Healing and addiction cures - Cosmic White Lodge Cures. - #InTheSpiritOfArchangelRaphael

(we are many, they are few)

The Cancer industry is changing in my country. They are choosing slightly for immunotherapy what is a huge step forward. The Cancer industry and the FDA are for a big part of the New World Order depopulation agenda. Sometimes people get even diagnosed with cancer without even having it, all for the money. About 20 or 30 % of the pharmaceuticals that are available safe lives, most of the times is done for money, it doesn't really heal but suppressed symptoms. All the people from the FDA use natural cures, what the same FDA tried to block. Cancer can be easily healed with an alkaline diet, the use of sodium bicarbonate, THC (Hasj-oil). His and AIDS doesn't come from a monkey. It was a virus fabricated by the black lodge and used as a biological weapon that lead to the AIDS epidemic around the world in Africa and elsewhere. All disease can be healed with natural cures, for cancer marihuana has a very good effect, it makes cancer cells kill themselves, Vitamin C is known from doctor Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize through his research. Colloidal silver in 22 days kills all bacteria and viruses in a human body and colloidal gold is known for its healing effect on the heart and the immune system. Flor Essence is a tea that comes from shamanic tribes and is known for the shrinking of tumors of all kinds. Of course, there are very few doctors who are allowed to confess these Truths because of suppression of all kinds, but these things work for sure. I survived many troubles with my health and learned all of this on the road. For addiction IBOGAINE is a miracle drug and can also be used as a rite of passage. And vaccines are to be rejected, they are full of toxic materials, only a few vaccines safe lives, many vaccines in Africa are part of the illuminati depopulation agenda. It is a shame that the United Nations and people like Bill Gates are funding these criminal agendas like Codex Alimentarius and Agenda 21. Those who are brave and wise resist all of this.

Scientific Starseeds are working as well now in the field of medicine and science, but don't get a lot of recognition. And the DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of (so-called) mental disorders is best to be seen as a guide that describes people who are different, in many cases on the path of enlightenment outside of the matrix, what manifests itself in different ways.

A psychologist who is very brave and wise in the field is doctor David Lukoff, who's website is to be found here : (Recommended).

Don't be fooled, do your research, oppose and disagree when necessary.

kindest regards,


Yes they tried to kill us many times bringing this to the public , but we are still here ... Risen like LIONS.

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