Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 2 september 2014

Research on eugenics and fascism, mind control experiments and brainwashing in psychiatry and the so-called 'mental health movement' that had access to all the nazi-research done in the Third Reich.

After visiting two beautiful people in a hospital today going through hardships, I did more research for my book on psychiatry and psychology and how it should not be used. I still believe that one day history will look back to these facts as crimes against humanity, a hidden Holocaust, and the more facts I find, the more I realised that what was going on until today is worse than I could imagine. The European Union forbids eugenics in the field of medicine, but it is still going on and sponsored by billionaire's money, with the silent approval of those in positions of leadership. Psychiatry still is mainly for control and supression, and it should become one day a real art of healing. This will never happen as long as power, money and politics use it as a tool of controlling populations, instead of solving the roots of the problems that make people drop out or cause mental breakdowns, like social, economical and political reasons at the root of many problems. Ethical commissions should supervise independently wether certain actions are allowed or not in the 21st century as more and more people will suffer from mental problems, what is still a big taboo in society. There are still benevolent people working in the field of psychology, but as far as psychiatrists are concerned, many are there in order to prescribe drugs, instead of really curing people.

Strange to realise through scientific research that the so-called hallucinations of the so-called psychotics on conspiracies against them, and that they are followed by the C.I.A. or are being poisoned by their medicines are not hallucinations at all, but facts. "A psychotic is a guy who has just found out what's really is going on", William Burroughs once said. In altered-visionary states, the third eye is overloaded with seeing beyond the veil what might give illusionary thought, but often great insights and temporary truth-realisations. The practice of eugenics on the poor, the misfits, the so-called unfit is a psychopathic crime that is still going on today in the world, sponsored by big amounts of money. All ideologies of supression, and putting persons or groups above other persons of groups, is nazi-thinking. The strive for a pure race, as Hitler wanted, was the root of tremendous crimes against humanity, and yet these concepts are still very alive in today's world, the social-Darwinian approach of survival of the fittest, the struggle for life, natural selection and other concepts as accepted as the unethical Holocaust against those who cannot be controlled, used as labour or depts slaves, and thus not of interest for the psychopathic minds who think that they can play for God, are very unpleasant facts to realise. In my quest of fighting for the underdogs of society through raising awareness through my articles, I hope that people will protect the unwanted, instead of destroying them through eugenics thinking. I'm still working on my individuation process, realising that from now on for sure, no-one is going to hold my hand and help me, I must believe in my own power now, and dare to stand alone on the path of truth and justice. That means becoming an individual, who can only count on himself in the first place, and thus blame nobody else for the mistakes that appear on the life path. We are only responsible for our own lives, nobody will do it for us. We must stand up in moment of injustice, protect ourselves and those who can't defend themselves, because of lack of knowledge, education, money or status. I must forgive the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies for their crimes against societies unwanted individuals, Politics, power, money, eugenics, racism, fascism, it was the very basis for the development of the mental health movement, funded and sponsored by the global elite, what is difficult to accept that the corruption goes towards the very top of the power pyramid. I hope that healers, doctors and therapists of the future will implement compassion and love for those who need it the most, instead of the destruction of the so-called 'unfit' people in society as the solution, through drugs (poison) and all done for the money. All sentient beings matter. Duke Mehal Rockefeller is a great person, but I hope that his family will change its mindset on funding ideologies like fascism and eugenics. I'm an unslaved human being, and my greatest concern is to set humans unconditionally free, in a Krishnamurti mindset. Shame on those who think they can play God, by destroying certain races of minority groups because of the fact that they are inferior for the ruling class, funding eugenics thinking and influencing universities, medicine, mental health, government and politics towards the same mindset is unbelievable but true, all to benefit the most rich and powerful, and destroying the so-called inferiors, without these victims even realising what is done to them secretely. True nobility is gained by fighting your former self, perfecting yourself everyday, not by supressing, destroying or using people who are seen as 'useless eaters' by eugenicists. Mother Theresa's greatest concern was protecting the poorest of all, that is nobility of a divine order as an antithesis towards fascist and eugenicist concepts. Experiments on unknowing humans in prisons and mental institutions in order to examine mind-control and brainwashing programs, are deeds that are so disgusting, and they show us the fact that society has still a long way to go if it wants to become so-called pure and noble (Aryan). Noble people show compassion towards all of existence, even the so-called lesser creatures on the planet. Those who claim to be the superiors, and who destroyed the inferior unfit humans in society, are nothing more than animals without human empathy, at a barbarian pre-historical stage of consciousness. I forgive all those who were involved in this in the past, present and future, but hope to raise awareness on these issues, I forgive even Freemasonry, who was also involved in eugenics and the destruction and control of the politically and socially unwanted, especially by funding research on schizophrenia, in order to gain more control over the so-called schizophrenics, in the hope to destroy and disable them as much as possible. Lovely masons, karma will get you if this is true, I forgive you all, but please open your hearts and become human again.

“And a huge part of what psychiatry has done really comes down to torture” — Lee Coleman, psychiatrist

  • “…mental patients become vulnerable to whatever manipulations psychiatrists decide to call treatment. Many of these so-called treatments have been crude experiments and sometimes they were no less than torture.” Lee Coleman, M.D., psychiatrist, The Reign Of Error
It's a mad world to live in, and people who know these facts will protect themselves against the evils in institutions who claim to be for the healing of emotional and mental disorders and pain, while in fact clients are poisoned, exploited, used for experimentation, tortured, and drugged and they even have to pay for it. I forgive the beasts that invented these activities, in Nazi-Germany and later on through intelligence agencies, and the governments of the worlds who cooperate in this for reasons of power and control over dissidents and unwanted personalities, but they should be ashamed for doing so. I never realised that the rabbit hole went so deep, but I am amazed by the facts on these activities that are now being honestly released for the public. In the beginning, some might have made me think that I was out of my mind when even thinking about these conspiracies going on, when I realised what was really going on behind closed doors for decades, I never knew the proven facts showed even more horrible realities, still practised until this very day. Always question authority, might be a wise advice in life, don't forget it. For a better future. Power corrupts, if integrity gets lost. Don't loose your heart, integrity and very human empathy in life. Be the change, while we hope for better days of sanity. The world is upside down, sometimes. Again, it's a mad world to live in.

1942: Winfred Overholser was the chief psychiatrist for the U.S. Army Medical Corps and held the position of superintendent of St. Elizabeth's hospital, a government-run institution in Washington, D.C. He developed truth serums and mind-control experiments for the Psychological Warfare Branch of the Military Intelligence Services.
1949: Project BLUEBIRD involved psychiatrists reviewing drug-related work at U.S. psychiatric institutions. One project at Bethesda Naval Hospital sought to isolate drugs for use in “effecting psychological entry and control of the individual,” and lasted until 1972.
1950: In September, the Miami News published an article, “Brain Washing Tactics,” in which the first formal use of the word "brainwashing" appeared. The term had been invented by CIA psychiatrists to explain why American prisoners of war in Korea had publicly denounced America.
1951: Psychiatrists advised the government that by lowering the setting on an electroshock machine a patient would experience excruciating pain, making it an effective method of coercion. A CIA document stated that electroshock had the effect of making a man talk and a person could be reduced to the vegetable level.
1952: A CIA memo cited a successful application of narcotic-hypnotic interrogation on Russian agents. Concealing the experiment as psychiatric care, the Russians were admitted to a hospital as part of the ruse. Posthypnotic suggestions succeeded in giving the subjects amnesia of the interrogation to which they were subjected.
1953: OPERATION ARTICHOKE evolved into Project MKULTRA. It attempted to create unwitting assassins using drugs and hypnosis. MKDELTA covered policy and procedure for use of biochemicals. Through the front organization, the Josiah Macy Foundation, international CIA conferences on LSD were headed by psychiatrist Frank Fremont-Smith.
1953-55: After testing 139 different drugs, including amnesia potions, the most promising drugs were given to unwitting subjects in normal social situations in a Federal Bureau of Drug Abuse Control experiment. Dr. Frank Olsen, a CIA biochemist, jumped to his death while under the influence of LSD, slipped into a drink without his knowledge.
1955: Harold Wolff taught psychiatry in Cornell University's Medical College when he was conducting brainwashing studies for the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles. He “asked the Agency to give him access to everything in its files on threats, coercion, imprisonment, isolation, deprivation, humiliation, torture, ‘brainwashing,’ ‘black psychiatry,’ hypnosis, and combinations of these with or without chemical agents.” Beyond mere study, Wolff volunteered the unwitting use of Cornell patients for brainwashing experiments, so long as no one got hurt. He added, however, that he would advise the CIA on experiments that harmed their subjects if they were performed elsewhere, according to The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
1970s: The Congressional Select Committee to Study Government Operations in 1976 concluded: “The research and development program, and particularly the covert testings, resulted in massive abridgements of the rights of American citizens, sometimes with tragic consequences” and “demonstrate a fundamental disregard for the value of human life.”
To find out more about psychiatry's torturous brainwashing and mind control experiments that continued even after this congressional hearing, visit the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum.

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