Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 24 september 2014

Final thoughts of today ...

I know now that I have more than enough to learn from the basic Abrahmic religions. I learned from other wisdom traditions as well, but for me it is important to study the 3 major traditions. In the outside world I recognise many synchronicities. Some intent to create a worldreligion, I don't know for sure if that is the best, it might be, I must contemplate on that. I respect the Buddist, the Sikh, the Hindu, and so many ways to God and Truth, and when you recognise that you are on the right path, you feel energised, guided, synchronicities guide you, and little miracles appear. The world faces many obstacles and those in power who misuse their authority will face the consequences, a lot is changing very quickly and I believe in a good outcome. I am not perfect, am very hard for myself, I wish I could do more for the world, then studying and volunteers work from time to time, but I gave up wanting to control things. Things come intuitively, I would love to go to the MAS to watch the event there and being on the place that gives attention to the religions I am studying now, coming from esoteric studies back to basic, because I started to doubt the valibility of certain doctrines, because my experiences were different. Some lessons were helpful and wise, but the purity I found back in the exoteric pure text of the major religions. Why is religion so important and why does Antwerp pays so much attention to it? Everything is connected with eachother, social networks makes things possible. I got restless when I realise the responsability we are facing for the world on many levels, and the powerful and wealthy have a tremendous responsability Structures are collapsing but new, better solutions might come in the place. We must keep on asking those who have the money and power, to end world poverty, to give ethical treatments to poor countries. We cannot allow an empire to be build on corruption, slavery and so on. But who am I to solve this on my own. Only actions from humanity to fight for certain results will solve the worlds problems. So much is coming on our path that we must study so many things to find solutions. I believe egoistic, selfish and evil tendencies in humanity will be cleansed and wiped out. I believe in a God, in the universe, in karma, and I know that humanity cannot do much until the worlds most powerful and wealthy people start take actions themselve for the better, like the investment in green energy by the Rockefeller family. This world is a dangerous place, I am not from this earth, there is corruption, greed, but as long as we keep on finding light even in the darkest moments and places, we can move on. Ancient knowledge is coming back and that is a good thing, but in the end I keep myself dedicated to what my heart and soul commands me to do now : studying the major Abrahmic religions. Then I move on, hoping to find a job as a volunteer to put myself on finding solutions for a certain problem. Human rights and poverty are very important to me.

I feel that I only just started. I can hardly oversee what responsabilities we all face, but please, don't give up ... No I do not judge Israel, the Judgement is up to a Higher Force, I can only advice the righeous amongst all nations to work towards peace and prevent a global cathastrophy of war. I can even understand the anger of the people from the terrorist movements. They think they are freedom fighers, we can only pray and ask them so lay down their arms, in respect for Muhammed the prophet, please. Be wise and stop the fighting. Prayers, meditation, and acts based on compassion and love are the most wise actions, even if it's not always possible in conflicts to prevent a fight, when people have to defend themselves for instance, but let us renew the battle for a world based on compassion for all of humanity and facing the problems we face on by one. I did what I could do by donating money to projects to reduce poverty and so on, but my money was blocked and I was refused by law to give money because people thaught that I was starving to death. Everytime when I was studying or working towards the accomplishment of a goal, I faced problems with health in my life or in my environment. I was literary forced upon a path of lots of suffering til the end of my limits until I broke and returned to God, religion, and trying to make a difference in the world.

Solutions to world problems need investigations, political will, money, sometimes power and force and believing that all classes that unite as one people. For myself I hope for a stronger and better health and the power of God and all the angels in the universe to fight for the good, and try to help society in one way or another. The road is still long, diplomacy for peace is the main cause and the rest will follow. We are forced to unconditional love, of utopic this ideal might seem at this very moment.

We can do it ... and God, if you listen. Forgive me my mistakes, I renew the battle, study, fight and don't give and hope be still alive when the transformation of our world is finished, succesfully. Then our job is done. We are here in this time for a reason, for a purpose, let's not loose our integrity. Perfection is not necessary. Learning our lessons on do whatever you can. We can make it. And for those protecting forces in the world, keep on guiding us with inspiration for solutions for the world's problems. It will be a rollercoaster, but now is the time! Don't give up!

Why do I put myself through all this effort : to understand other cultures and people better, trying to build bridges ...

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