Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 21 januari 2014

The shift in consciousness on Earth.

We are told that the experience of the first initiation will become a mass event for large groups within humanity at this time. We can well imagine what it will mean for the future and for the Aquarian age, when the Christ consciousness will be realized on such a large scale. Think of the change in outlook and worldview that would prevail. But in preparation for that to happen, at present “the whole of mankind is passing en masse through the fires which precede the first initiation.” -

The Goal

"When we have passed beyond knowings, then we shall have Knowledge. Reason was the helper; Reason is the bar. When we have passed beyond willings, then we shall have Power. Effort was the helper; Effort is the bar. When we have passed beyond enjoyings, then we shall have Bliss. Desire was the helper; Desire is the bar. When we have passed beyond individualising, then we shall be real Persons. Ego was the helper; Ego is the bar. When we have passed beyond humanity, then we shall be the Man. The Animal was the helper; the Animal is the bar. Transform reason into ordered intuition; let all thyself be light. This is thy goal. Transform effort into an easy and sovereign overflowing of the soul-strength; let all thyself be conscious force. This is thy goal. Transform enjoying into an even and objectless ecstasy; let all thyself be bliss. This is thy goal. Transform the divided individual into the world-personality; let all thyself be the divine. This is thy goal. Transform the Animal into the Driver of the herds; let all thyself be Krishna. This is thy goal."

Sri Aurobindo

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