Capricorn is one of the most deeply occult signs of the zodiac, regarded as a sign of major testing and subsequently (if found fit), initiation. Its forces are present at each initiation, but particularly the Third Degree, regarded as the first real initiation into the consciousness of the solar system - as opposed to the Earthly realms.
As students are aware, initiation is a method of hastened evolution, a process peculiar to Earth due to its earlier chequered history. The Third Initiaton relates to the ‘transfigured personality’ that has undergone its transformation through the labours of the mental body and its transfiguring ‘agent’, the fifth ray. At this stage many of the pairs of opposites on the mental plane have been resolved into relative unity, and illusion has been replaced by illumination.
“Up to the third initiation therefore, disciples have to endeavour to work entirely with mental energy in an effort to control, master and use it. Their attempt is concentrated then upon transmitting (from egoic levels) the will aspect of the soul. That will has to be imposed upon the personality until it has become the automaton of the soul. Then the intuition takes control, and energies from the intuitional or Buddhic plane begin to make their impact upon the form nature, the personality. Prior to this period of intuitional control, there are many lives wherein the intuition may begin to play its part, and the student learns the meaning of illumination. Until after the third initiation, however, it is the illumined mind which is the dominant factor, and not the pure intuitive perception, or pure reason. After this great initiation, which marks a definite transition out of the form consciousness, the initiate can function at will on the plane of the intuition, and the mind is steadily relegated into the background...”[1]
Most of us have not reached this exalted stage of unfoldment, yet many of Humanity will rapidly approach this point at the latter stage of the Aquarian Age, just before the Age of Capricorn - in around 2000 years time. Therefore the importance of understanding these imminent testings in our soul evolution - for the majority of us aspirants and disciples today who find themselves somewhere between the first and second degrees.
The emotional field is one of the major areas that is focused upon for this group, and yet the mental sphere is rapidly developing, and conflict in the lower mind is a by-product of this process. Hence great testings in discriminating the real from the unreal which is generically Scorpio’s domain, another sign of initiation.
Mentioning the third degree relates primarily to the fact that in this unusual ‘gateway of opportunity’ (1965-2025) there are groups going through the first three initiations, with greater numbers from the first degree, diminishing proportionately to lesser numbers ready to take the second or third degree. Achievements of those ‘making the grade’ during this time will have a ‘trickle down’ effect through all the various levels, to humanity in general and the other kingdoms in nature.
Just as there are only relatively few Masters who guide human affairs – because their power is so great, so the potency of these groups will have a major effect. Never has there been such an unique opportunity since Atlantean times – where even those who may not be individually ready, may partake in a kind of group initiation, perhaps one of the first of this Aquarian Cycle.
The major outcome of this potential success is the White Brotherhood gaining a much firmer foothold in influencing human affairs - according to the greater Purpose and Plan; this will have a snowballing effect which will potentially lead to a faster evolution.
Capricorn is the most spiritual and most material sign of the zodiac. Hence the ability of Capricorn to manifest spirit onto the physical plane, via the seventh ray in particular, that ‘materialising ray’. The seventh ray also brings about the precipitation of karma, the domain of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn at a personality and soul level.
Capricorn represents the searcher striving toward the heights like the sure-footed goat, picking its way up the steep sides of the mountain, or, the individual completely immersed in the maya of the physical plane, seeking that which feeds the personality – in particular money and power selfishly appropriated. Eventually, over many lives, the latter and lesser goat is transformed into the one-horned unicorn who lifts his own vanquished form, impaled upon its horn. Capricorn’s executive and disciplined powers are then simply dedicated to the service of the greater whole.
The seriousness and solemnity of Capricorn relates to a sense of personal responsibility (to the soul?), but also to a marked difficulty in emotional expression in some types, expressing as a certain morbidity, pessimism and even dark depression. This is partly because Capricorn is a sign of conflict, partially ruled by Mars:
“Mars is the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign Mars triumphs in the early stages of the evolution of the fourth Creative Hierarchy [Humanity] and in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.”[2]
Mars is also ruler of the solar plexus centre, expression of the feelings. Cancer, the polar opposite sign is known for its feeling-sensitivity, hence Capricorns who find themselves depressed may be cut off from the Cancer polarity – stuck in the arid realms of Capricorn. The counter-measure commonly adopted to offset this usually concentrates on Capricorn traits such as organising and the use of the lower mind, at the expense of not confronting emotional issues. Until these impediments are cleared, the soul is not going to be able to use this part of the personality in expressing love and compassion.
The morbidity of Capricorn (a sign of death and completion) is also expressed through the media every Christmas via the almost ritualistic counting of the road toll, like some grim (reaper) mantra. Mars, exalted in Capricorn, in its lower expression rules cars and accidents. Did it occur to the media that if x number more cars are on the road at Christmas, combined with half the population drinking, then duh, the toll is going to be higher!
A stark reminder of the crystallisation of Capricorn, yet also the ability to die to the past and raise oneself up, is the character Ebenezer Scrooge from Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. (The Muppets version with Michael Caine is a hoot!)
Note that Christmas day falls in Capricorn on the last day of the three-day Capricorn solstice period. Indeed, the latter period is a time of the deepest descent of light into darkest matter - before the sun starts to wax stronger toward the spring equinox. Masonic and magical rituals base their ceremonies on these solstice and equinox periods, working intellingently with the devas, invoking and anchoring as much of the ‘greater directives’ as possible.
Dickens himself was a great creative Aquarian spirit (as was Mozart), with Saturn in the early degrees of Capricorn - which meant that the Sun conjoined his Saturn every Christmas and Boxing Day. He wrote “A Christmas Carol” in three weeks, no doubt channelling the will of his soul. He held deeply to the ‘Carolian philosophy’ of Christmas and the family thoughout his life. His most notable trait was a deep compassion and kindness, indicating the presence of a ray two soul; this ray would have worked beautifully through his rising sign Virgo, also on the second ray, and his Sun sign Aquarius – ruled at a soul level by ray two Jupiter.
Dickens had an amazing humour that transcended any lower limiting personality expressions of Capricorn, bought no doubt at a high price such as when his father was imprisoned for debt – which deeply shocked him. (Saturn in the 4th house) His brief descent into the working class no doubt invoked his compassion for the plight of those less fortunate.
Capricorn is one of the most mysterious signs, its true symbol has not been given out because of the downflow of undesirable energies that it may precipitate for the unready. Hence Capricorn is the sign of magic, a precipitator and initiator of arupa (formless) into form (rupa, hence rupee/money). It is to the understanding of the laws which bring about manifestation that the true white magician works toward - as a pledged aspirant to the Mysteries; the mental discipline the disciple requires; the one-pointed questing of the unicorn to reach the mountaintop of achievement.
The symbol of the goat with a fish’s tail is no exception to the mysteries of Capricorn (see image in heading). It points toward the synthesis of earth and water (Capricorn-Cancer), a reflection of the union of the solar and lunar angels – soul and personality. This is the mystery of Makara (the Crocodiles) and is presided over by the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, Venus – who plays higher-self to Earth. Yet Neptune, God of the Waters and soul ruler of Cancer, isMakara and also Christ[3] whose (re) birth is symbolically celebrated in Capricorn.
Cancer-Capricorn also act as a gateway for the forces of Sirius to pour through. The aforementioned third degree initiate is far more influenced and understanding of Sirian forces than ever before. Sirius is the source of the greater Law of Karma and pours through the two ‘gates’ of Cancer-Capricorn that are linked in a triangular formation with Saturn, the keeper of the law of karma within this solar system.
The directing of that law at a lower level is in the hands of Sanat Kumara at Shamballa, another theme with which one who has achieved the third degree becomes familiar – experientially and not just theoretically. If the fixed cross of the zodiac relates to the Hierarchy of the Masters, then the cardinal cross relates to Shamballa: Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn.
Saturn as the Lord of Time is exalted in Libra which ‘controls the hub of the wheel’. Libra is also the ‘place of judgement’ where the sheep (Aries) and the goats (Capricorn) are separated; that is, those treading the ordinary wheel or those who have ‘reversed the wheel’ and are treading the path back to the soul.
We can see then how powerful sign is Capricorn. If the positions of Mars and Saturn are traced through the cardinal cross, we find their combined expression most potent in Capricorn.: Aries – Mars rules, Saturn falls. Cancer – Mars falls, Saturn detriment. (A very difficult combination) Libra – Mars detriment, Saturn exalted. Capricorn – Saturn rules, Mars exalted. Hence the perfection of Capricorn the tenth sign – the perfect 10, representing the unification of the masculine (1) and feminine (0) principles.
Phillip Lindsay © 2004
shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu integral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
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dinsdag 21 januari 2014
Capricorn the Goat
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