shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
dinsdag 30 april 2019
Govt of India Documentry on Jesus in Kashmir !!
Studie (Dutch)
Ik ben eindelijk de visioenen van Hildegard van Bingen aan het lezen in het boek "Ken de Wegen"., net als het boek van John White over Kundalini, evolutie en verlichting. Daarnaast doe ik nog een privé-studie. Allemaal boeiend en leerrijk, wat ik als basis kan gebruiken voor mijn toekomstig boek "Ethica Mystica".
Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch)
"De Heer toonde mij hoe mooi de wereld zal zijn na de vreselijke straf. De mensen zullen zijn als de christenen van de vroege Kerk." - Abdis Maria Steiner.
Leonardo DaVinci : The GENIUS - Full Documentary
On the crime of giving vaccinations by Dr Gabriel Cousens.
In addition to the use of animal DNA, twenty-four common vaccines are grown on aborted human fetuses. For some people, aborted fetus and human DNA may bring up religious and/or moral as well as health issues.
The issue of human tissue and human DNA in vaccines is not one that is understood clearly. Moreover, most parents are not informed that human DNA is in a vaccine so that they can choose a vaccine compatible with their conscience. Interestingly enough, the use of aborted fetal cells in producing these vaccines began in the mid- to late 1970s. The vaccine companies, with no evidence at all, decided that using aborted human fetal cells would result in more efficient vaccine production. There was very little discussion at the FDA level of the potential adverse health consequences of using human DNA.
Should parents and grandparents know that their children are receiving DNA from aborted human fetuses in their vaccinations? Presently there are no laws that required drug manufacturers to inform the public of this. What are the health consequences of adding human DNA to these vaccines—could this have the potential to trigger autoimmune responses, or “other unknown potential problems? Does the human DNA in vaccines have the potential to become incorporated into our own DNA, through a well-documented process call homologous recombination (when a DNA sequence is pushed out and replaced by foreign DNA, which can occur during cell division or DNA repair)? Do we want our children getting someone else’s DNA, when no one knows with any certainty how it could affect who they are, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? How might human DNA-contaminated vaccines contribute to human diseases? Is it acceptable that our child’s genes become contaminated with those of an unknown aborted fetus through this process of homologous recombination?
~ Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children (pp. 308-309)
maandag 29 april 2019
Please stop antisemitism, islamophobia and hatred against christians. Thank you.
As now for our Jewish brothers and sisters; I (don't) rest my case.
(click on the picture to enlarge ; thanks)
zaterdag 27 april 2019
09-07-17 Is the Spiritual Path a Lonely One? - BBCorner
Aankondiging nieuw boek Tibetaanse studies & The Kundalini Clinic - A Vision for the Future.
So happy to announce my next book Tibetan Studies & The Kundalini Clinic - A Vision for the Future. (Two books in One). It will be available in Belgium and The Netherlands next week.
Enjoy, I'm not into this for the money, I just try to help humanity.
Enjoy, I'm not into this for the money, I just try to help humanity.
My initiation and the science of shaktipat by Swami Shivom Tirth, a noted shaktipat guru, describes how he received shaktipat from another noted shaktipat guru, Swami Vishnu Tirth, in 1960.
One gets the support of the psychic power of the Guru only when the Guru, out of his own resolve, extends his psychic power. This is Shaktipat.”
My next query was, "But people will consider kriyas to be a bout of madness.”
Maharajshri answered, “People do call it madness, but this is due to their ignorance. Kriyas appear to be madness, but if you think about it, there is a big difference between the two. People can see the body, but not the psyche. The infinitesimal changes that take place in the psyche do not meet their eye. The world is based on sight, whereas spirituality is a subject of the invisible. The world attempts to understand everything by direct experience or proof. If it cannot understand something, it is labeled madness, whereas, in reality, this itself is its own foolishness.
“There is one similarity in the kriyas during sadhan [effort less spiritual practice] and madness. The basis for both are samskaras [accumulated impressions]. These impressions do not become thinned out through madness, whereas in sadhan they come to an end. In madness the intellect is agitated, whereas in sadhan it remains normal. In madness there is a possibility of something unfavorable happening, whereas in sadhan there is no such possibility. The acts of madness cannot be stopped until the bout of madness comes to an end. On the other hand, the movements occurring during sadhan can be stopped at will.”
Swami Shivom Tirth (1924 ‒ 2008) was a noted guru of the Tirth lineage of Siddha Yoga. In his later years he gave up public life, left his ashram, and lived in an isolated place where he wrote many books.
Swami Shivom Tirth (1924 ‒ 2008) was a noted guru of the Tirth lineage of Siddha Yoga. In his later years he gave up public life, left his ashram, and lived in an isolated place where he wrote many books.
Garbha Kalyana Mantras ( Full Mantras ) || Garbhadan || Samraksha || Ram...
vrijdag 26 april 2019
Wisdom of today.
John Weir Perry argues that the persons that
might be capable of leadership in religion, social reform, or the arts or the
sciences and their potential contribution to society is making its first
appearance in a “psychotic” turmoil, the rich potentials of which are being
seen at first only as expressions of symbolic imagery. This group needs to be left alone by psychiatry and consigned to other
forms of retreat where the visions can be tolerated, accepted, and appreciated
for their actual value, and this allowed to do their own work in nature’s way.
Source: John Weir Perry, Trials of the Visionary Mind, Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process. Suny series in Transpersonal and humanistic psychology, 1999 State University of New York Press, Albany
Source: John Weir Perry, Trials of the Visionary Mind, Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process. Suny series in Transpersonal and humanistic psychology, 1999 State University of New York Press, Albany
Best Prabhupada Kirtan Hare Krishna
The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the sublime method for reviving our transcendental consciousness.
donderdag 25 april 2019
Varities of karma.
Varities of Karma
concordant effects :
of killing : a short lifetime
of stealing : a lack of resources
misconduct : an unruly spouse
: much slander
speech : loss of friendships
speech : hearing unpleasant words
speech : others not listening to your words
malice and wrong views : respectively, predominance of attachment,hostility,
and confusion
The Sutra
of the Truth Speaker and the Sutra of the Ten Levels both state that each of
the nonvirtuous actions has two effects :
: you would have a short lifespan and many illnesses
: You would have a few resources and the resources you have would be shared
with others
misconduct : Your helpers would be disorderly or untrutworthy, and they would
deceive you
speech : your helpers would not get along and would misbehave
speech : you would hear unpleasant and quarrelsome speech
speech : your words would not be respected or understandable, and your
confidence would not be unshakable
: you would have great attachment and no contentment
: you would seek the unbeneficial or not seek the beneficial and you would harm
others or others would harm you
views : you would have bad views and would be deceitful.
From :
Master Tsong-Kha-Pa, The Great Treatise
on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
Extract uit mijn manuscript 'Ethica Mystica'. (Dutch)
"Ik begin een toestand van Turiya te ervaren. Als ik slaap, blijf ik bewust van mijn droomstaat. Ik besef vaak dat ik droom. Het is nog anders dan lucide dromen, ik kan de dromen niet sturen, ik ben gewoon bewust aan het slapen wanneer ik slaap. Anders kan ik het niet omschrijven.Gisteren had ik een deugddoend gesprek met Michael, mijn vriend en begeleider. Hij vond het goed dat ik Hadewijch, de grote mystica, van onder het stof der vergetelheid heb gehaald. Ik lees momenteel haar visioenenboek en geniet ervan. Verder is er een klein boekje aangekomen met de visie van Sri Aurobindo over de toekomst van de planeet en de mensheid. Ook dat ga ik graag bestuderen.Mijn moeder zal een pasta voor mij maken straks, vegetarisch. Ik at soms nog vlees de laatste weken en een weinig eieren, maar zal dit vandaag uit mijn dieet schrappen op aanraden van Dr Gabriel Cousens, die ons via het internet waarschuwde dat men van dagelijks eieren eten meer kans krijgt op diabetes. En dat een gezonde, evenwichtige geest bestaat als men vlees uit zijn of haar dieet schrapt. Ik hou me eraan het eten van vlees tot een absoluut minimum te beperken. Ook het eten van (Franse) kaas, zou ik moeten beperken, maar ik ben er zo dol op! Het is een voorrecht deze twee aartsengelen altijd in mijn omgeving te hebben ter begeleiding en bescherming. Mijn tweede naam Gabriel draag ik op aan muzikant Gabriel Rios, uit dank. Ik ben zo zelf tot aartsengel verworden. Maar Michael staat nog steeds hoger in de engelenhiërarchie. Ik heb bewust voor een iets nederigere positie gekozen. Ik heb een kort bericht aan de Paus in Rome gestuurd met de vraag om Hadewijch en Hildegard von Bingen officieel heilig te verklaren. Ik hoop dat de man gevolg geeft aan deze smeekbede. Ik heb mijn huiswerk goed gemaakt. Hildegard en Hadewijch zijn twee voorbeelden voor de Kerk. Ik moet van Michael wat meer eten, in plaats van altijd maar te vasten. Ik ben het redelijk gewoon met amper wat voedsel te overleven, maar straks zal ik graag – op aanraden van Michael – een maaltijd meer tot mij nemen."Uit 'Ethica Mystica' door Kristof Gabriel van Hooymissen
Shamans of Siberia: powerful healers chosen by spirits
woensdag 24 april 2019
Pictures of today. Stanislav Grof.
Albert Hoffman and Stanislav Grof
Kristof Gabriel reading Stanislav Grof's book "Healing our deepest wounds - The holotropic paradigm shift".
Stanislav Grof: Holotropic States of Consciousness
dinsdag 23 april 2019
Irina Tweedie, Hadewijch, Theresa van Avila, Hildegard von Bingen. (Dutch)
Ik las vandaag het boek van Irina Tweedie : The Chasm of Fire, A womans experience of Liberation through the teachings of a Sufi Master. Verder is er een boek op komst met de visioenen van de mystica Hadewijch, een vergeten Begijn die eigenlijk heilig was maar nooit zo officieel door de Kerk is verklaard. Verder luisterde ik naar de muziek van Hildegard von Bingen, las haar biografie, en bestudeerde Theresa van Avila en Johannes van het Kruis. Ik wacht verder op nieuwe literatuur om mijn werk op vrijwillige basis te kunnen verderzetten. De manuscripten over de wijsheid van Tibet en The Kundalini Clinic heb ik gebundeld tot één boek en er een ISBN-nummer voor aangevraagd. Bezig blijven is de boodschap.
Veel liefs,
Kristof Gabriel
Veel liefs,
Kristof Gabriel
maandag 22 april 2019
zondag 21 april 2019
Universal Basic Income and Mental Freedom : the next step for the welfare society - Kim Michaels & Saint Germain.
Why the next step for the welfare society is mental freedom together with a citizen's income.
Saint Germain is a very powerful spiritual being who is designing a Golden Age that will take us beyond the problems we today think have no solution. Because the Law of Free Will mandates that the future of this planet is decided by those of us who are in physical embodiment, Saint Germain needs our help. As he says: “I have the power; you have the authority.” In this book, Saint Germain and other ascended masters give us profound insights into what the future can look like when we let go of the old mindset. We also get very powerful spiritual tools whereby you can call this vision into a manifest reality right from your living room. You will learn:
- What is the next logical stage for modern democracies and how to go beyond representative democracy.
- How education in the Golden Age needs to teach people about psychic energy and promote wholeness.
- How to raise the world beyond the fanatical mindset.
- Why we had to go through a phase of having individual nations and the wars between them and why we now need to take the next step.
- How to manifest community beyond nationalities.
- How to manifest what people currently think is impossible.
- The immense power of making collective decisions and how a firm decision will manifest the resources to carry it out.
- Why the next step for the welfare society is mental freedom.
- How to manifest the money system of the Golden Age and a steadily growing economy.
- How to manifest an economy that is for the people instead of being controlled by a small power elite.
TOPICS: The dualistic power struggle goes far back in history - leads to formation of power elite that wants to maintain its position - elite seeks to prevent emergence of a true leader - psychological suppression - a true leader liberates through ideas, not force - must think outside the box - power elite seeks to prevent a Christed leader - which institutions of society can do this? - suppression through religion - military suppression - how psychology can be used for suppression - mental health care professionals have a difficult job - people take epic mindset to extremes - open debate necessary - anyone who threatens the power elite is labelled abnormal - seeking a universal, timeless basis - psychology can become a force for helping develop the full human potential - many people exploring their full potential - the duality consciousness is seen as normal - in golden age, expressing full potential is normal - transcend materialistic basis - consciousness is the fundamental reality - creativity is always beyond normal - creativity is generally a threat to the elite - ascended masters never support status quo -
In the Golden Age psychiatry and psychology will no longer be tools for the power elite
TOPICS: The dualistic power struggle goes far back in history - leads to formation of power elite that wants to maintain its position - elite seeks to prevent emergence of a true leader - psychological suppression - a true leader liberates through ideas, not force - must think outside the box - power elite seeks to prevent a Christed leader - which institutions of society can do this? - suppression through religion - military suppression - how psychology can be used for suppression - mental health care professionals have a difficult job - people take epic mindset to extremes - open debate necessary - anyone who threatens the power elite is labelled abnormal - seeking a universal, timeless basis - psychology can become a force for helping develop the full human potential - many people exploring their full potential - the duality consciousness is seen as normal - in golden age, expressing full potential is normal - transcend materialistic basis - consciousness is the fundamental reality - creativity is always beyond normal - creativity is generally a threat to the elite - ascended masters never support status quo -
Question: What will happen to the fields of psychiatry and psychology in the golden age of Saint Germain?
Answer from ascended master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels:
As we have explained over and over again, human society and the collective consciousness are heavily influenced by the duality consciousness and have been so for a very long time. Thus, a discerning student of history will be able to see the dualistic struggle as the basic dynamic in society, going as far back as there is recorded history (in reality, of course, it goes back much further).
A closer look will also reveal that the dualistic struggle has in most societies led to the formation of a small power elite that has been able to dominate and suppress the general population. In many cases there has also been one or more aspiring power elites who have been trying to dethrone the established elite, often under the guise of wanting to free the people from oppression (but in most cases only ending up suppressing the people even more, as witnessed in both the French and the Bolshevik revolutions with their "reign of terror.")
In a society ruled by an established power elite, this elite has one main concern, namely to remain in its "established" position (The quotation marks are meant to signify that no position in the material universe can remain established, because the second law of thermodynamics begins to break down any position as soon as it is established.).
The established elite knows that the general population will not be able to free itself (which was especially the case in previous ages with a generally lower state of consciousness and less access to information). Thus, the elite knows that for the population to revolt against the power of the elite, the people will need one or more strong leaders.
In other words, an established power elite employes a perversion of the Alpha and the Omega qualities in order to keep itself in power. It misuses the power of the father in terms of physical suppression of the people and in order to prevent the formation of an aspiring elite. Yet beyond this material and generalized suppression is a psychological suppression, a perversion of the contracting force of the mother, which is expressed in the belief that it is necessary or beneficial to maintain status quo. One way this is expressed is in preventing the emergence of a strong leader who can in any way (physically or by providing ideas) empower the people to revolt against the elite.
Who might such a liberator be? Well, as we have explained, no power elite can exist through physical suppression alone. The physical threat goes hand-in-hand with the suppression of thought and individuality, so that the general population believes revolt is impossible, fruitless or even unjustified (in extreme cases unnecessary). Thus, it becomes obvious that a true liberator is not a person who seeks to "liberate" the people through force but through ideas. By definition, such a person is not blindly following the collective consciousness but has a strong enough individuality to think outside the mental box defined by the ruling elite.
In other words, any power elite is always and ceaselessly trying to suppress individuality, especially the emergence of a person with any degree of personal Christhood. This is why the ruling elite of his time were so quick to kill Jesus, as such elites have killed or in other ways neutralized many other strong individuals and out-of-box thinkers.
My point being that in every society with a dominant elite, there is a system for suppressing or disposing of strong individuals. The actual methods used by the system will simply depend on what seems acceptable according to the dominant philosophy of a specific society. Yet the essence of the system is always the definition of a norm or standard for what is considered acceptable or normal behavior, and then the creation of a hierarchy of henchmen who serve in various ways to make people think according to the norm or to punish, suppress or even kill individuals who refuse to stay within the box.
With this in mind, you can take a new look at the institutions of society and ask yourself how they can be used by an established elite to hold on to power by maintaining status quo. And you will then see that almost any institution or organized group can and will be used by a power elite for the purpose of maintaining status quo.
Take for example religion. In some societies, the religious leaders made up the established power elite and they ruthlessly exploited their religion in order to maintain status quo. In societies with a division between secular and religious powers (church and state) there has been a clear tendency for the religious leaders to align themselves with secular leaders and thus maintain status quo by using religion to suppress the people's desire to revolt agains the established order of society.
As we explain over and over again, since Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, the Christian religion has had as its main purpose to prevent any individual from using the example and teachings of Jesus to manifest personal Christhood. Thus, the very religion that claims to represent Christ has had as its hidden agenda to directly oppose Jesus' true mission—which was to raise up so many people with personal Christhood that the power elites of the world could not kill them all—and thus the people would permanently escape the grips of any power elite. One can truly say that the religion of Christianity has been a force of anti-christ. And although this was precipitated by the Roman Catholic Church, no modern Christian church has freed itself from the effects of how the Catholic Church distorted, even eclipsed, Jesus' true teachings.
Another institution that has often served as the henchmen for the established elite is, of course, the military. In many cases the military has also become allied with an aspiring power elite or has even become the aspiring elite. Yet in a few cases, the military has indeed refused to be the henchmen of an elite and have taken a stand for the people and the cause of freedom.
I trust you see where I am going with this? It is necessary to be continually vigilant and make sure that one's chosen profession or vocation does not become pulled into this dualistic struggle and becomes the pawn of a power elite group seeking to maintain its position or to gain a position.
In the modern, so-called free and democratic, world, one of the professions that is in constant danger of becoming a henchman for maintaining status quo is indeed the psychological profession. The field of psychology is uniquely suited for such a position because it is currently based on a clear division between what is labeled as normal and abnormal psychology, even with a focus on abnormal psychology. It should be clear how easy it is for representatives of a power elite to in subtle ways twist this definition, so that any behavior which questions status quo is labeled as abnormal. And then the very system of the psychological profession can be put into work in terms of suppressing or isolating the very individuals that have the potential to take society beyond the status quo of the dualistic struggle.
Such methods have already been employed in the Soviet Union, where a great number of people were sent to mental institutions—some of them still being unjustly kept there in today’s Russia. There are indeed examples of how the psychological profession can become a henchman for an established elite, and this is something that people in the West have not been willing to recognize and talk about with sufficient openness and honesty. Thus, the psychological profession itself is guilty of precisely the kind of suppression that its own philosophy labels as the cause of most psychological maladies. As we transition towards the Golden Age, it is essential that there is a free and open debate about the role of psychology, especially the potential for this procession to become pulled into the dualistic struggle and serve to maintain the status quo that allows the current power elite to stay in power.
I am not hereby saying that the vast majority of the members of the psychological profession are supporting the power elite or are sympathetic toward suppressing the people. In fact, I am well aware that many mental health-care professionals are doing a very difficult job, and this is caused precisely by the transition to the Aquarian age. As Jesus explains in another answer, LINK we are going through a period in which people trapped in the epic mindset must take this mindset more and more into the extremes in order to maintain it. And this does indeed cause many more people to "lose it" and go into unbalanced and extreme behavior. Thus, this does indeed make it necessary to isolate more people in mental institutions in order to protect them from themselves or to protect other people or society from their extreme behavior.
The problem here is that society at large is also affected by the raising of the collective consciousness, meaning that the elite that rules western so-called free societies is also being forced to become more and more extreme in order to maintain its established position. (One aspect of this was the financial crises in 2007-2008, which was caused by extreme attempts to maintain market dominance that eventually led to a collapse of the system.)
Thus, as this trend accelerates – AS IT WILL – the ruling elite will be looking for more effective ways to suppress what it looks at as "dangerous" individuals. And since people in western nations are less likely to accept a secret police (although they have already gone far in terms of accepting violations of freedoms in the guise of fighting terrorism), the elite will be looking for less obvious means. And here the psychological profession is in a unique position to be employed as a means to neutralize the very individuals who could be instrumental in bringing forth the ideas that can overthrow the established elite and bring society closer to the Golden Age.
If the psychological profession is to avoid being pulled further into this dynamic than it already is in some nations, then there needs to be awareness, openness and debate. And it needs to center around the foundational aspect of current psychology, namely the definition of what is normal and abnormal behavior.
Here is the central dynamic. Once a power elite has established itself as a dominant force in society, its members will seek to maintain the elite's position. And in so doing, it is inevitable that they will label any behavior that threatens status quo as abnormal or dangerous. In medieval Catholic societies, a woman who used herbs to treat disease was labeled as exhibiting abnormal and dangerous behavior, and she was likely to be burned as a witch. Yet is using natural remedies to treat disease truly abnormal behavior? In the Soviet Union, any person who did not profess to believe in Marxist ideology was labeled as being abnormal and dangerous. Yet is it truly abnormal not to believe in Marxist ideology, an ideology that has been largely disproven by historical necessity—that it claimed as its primary means of support?
What the psychological profession needs to recognize is that defining human behavior in terms of normal and abnormal is fraught with problems. The definition will almost inevitably become subject to the powers that rule current society, which may be actual political powers or ideas and philosophies that will not – as no idea thus far has – stand the test of time.
So the choice facing the psychological profession as society inevitably moves towards the Golden Age is the same as that faced by any other institution or profession: Will it remain subject to the changing powers of society or will it seek to find a more universal, timeless basis for its own existence? Will it truly seek to liberate the people or will it keep itself in a state, where it is in constant danger of being used by the current elite in order to suppress the people and maintain status quo.
For the psychological profession it would be constructive to realize that no ruling elite will ever want the individual human being to develop or express its full potential. It will ALWAYS use any means available to prevent people from expressing their full potential—as I explained with the dominant elite who killed Jesus and then the Christian elite who sought to use Jesus' teachings to prevent anyone else from doing what Jesus did in terms of challenging the elite.
Thus, if the psychological profession is truly dedicated to helping people, it would do well to transform itself into a profession and institution that has as its main goal to pursue any effective philosophy or methodology for helping people explore and develop the full human potential. As it is today, psychology has a very narrow definition of what is normal human behavior, a definition that simply does not allow for the expression of the full human potential.
As I said earlier, at this time many people are exhibiting unbalanced and extremist behavior. Yet at the same time many people are pushing the boundaries for the human potential, and even though this is precisely what can take society into the Golden Age, it is likely to be labeled as abnormal behavior by current psychologists. Thus, there are already examples of people who have been committed to mental institutions simply because psychologists and psychiatrists are using a far too narrow definition of normal and abnormal behavior. Some should be able to see the irony in the fact that psychology is now persecuting those who go beyond the current mental box, precisely as the Inquisition did in centuries past.
It is a fact that after most human beings fell into the duality consciousness, being in a lower state of mind became "normal" human behavior. Maintaining such a standard is the most powerful way to preserve the status quo and keep the population dominated by an elite. The ONLY way out is that a critical mass of people begin to demonstrate that human beings have a higher potential.
If psychology wants to be a force for progress, it needs to stop labeling it as abnormal to express the full human potential. Instead, it needs to take its focus away from abnormal (meaning lower) psychology and put it on what can indeed be the "normal" psychology for a human being, namely a higher mastery of the faculties of the mind. In the Golden Age, such mastery of the mind will indeed be seen as normal human psychology and it will be the most common as well.
Of course, for this goal to be truly pursued, it will be necessary with a candid debate about the current materialistic basis for psychology—a philosophy that has been invalidated by physicists proving that the human mind can interact directly with the most fundamental level of matter. Thus, a philosophy based on a separation between matter and mind is hopelessly obsolete and can never serve to help people develop the full human potential—which is precisely for the mind to take dominion over the material world instead of being dominated by it.
In the Golden Age, psychology will be based on a world view that recognizes consciousness as the underlying reality. In other words, all material phenomena are the expressions of matrices in consciousness, and thus the only way to truly change material conditions is to change consciousness. Psychology will therefore be dedicated to helping people develop and express their full human/spiritual potential, which among other things means that there can be no definition of what is normal and abnormal behavior.
You see, in order to evaluate what is normal and abnormal, you must define a standard. And ANY standard you define will serve to counteract the development of the full human potential. Why is this so? It is so because creativity CANNOT BE PREDEFINED. There is NO standard for creativity.
Creativity is that which is new, meaning that by definition it is beyond the status quo, beyond the norm, beyond the current standard, beyond the current mental box.
Thus, the progress of humanity can be seen as a question of whether the collective consciousness is dominated by a creative mindset or by a non-creative mindset. Any power elite has a non-creative mindset, which is why an elite sees creativity as a threat and must seek to suppress it. If various power elites had been successful, humankind would still have been living at the level of feudal societies or the Roman empire. Do you see why? ANY new idea or invention that brought society forward has ALWAYS been a threat to the status quo.
Power elites have always been seeking to define ideas and philosophies that prevent people from expressing their full potential and thereby becoming the open doors for new ideas that overthrow the current status quo and thus bring society one step closer to the potential for the Golden Age. Thus, the profession of psychology faces the inevitable question of whether it will transform itself into a creative activity or whether it will continue to be an activity that can only limit the human potential. There really are no other options, as you must choose either life or death.
In that connection, let me say that there are some among ascended master students who seem to think that we of the ascended masters always support a conservative political agenda, and in the United States that means supporting the Republican party. Yet is it not so that conservative political parties tend to want to maintain status quo and "traditional values?"
So I ask you to question whether you think current society is indeed living up to the potential for a golden age society? If your answer is "Yes," then there is nothing further I can do for you. If the answer is "No," then let me ask you to consider how we can get from current conditions to a golden age society? Do you think we can bring positive change by maintaining the status quo?
You see, my beloved, this simply cannot be done. Change cannot be brought by those who seek to maintain status quo. And thus, inasmuch as conservative political parties are focused on maintaing status quo – call it "law and order" if you will – then we of the ascended masters do not support such parties. We support those who are willing to question anything in order to open up for the true creativity that goes beyond all boundaries and thus is open to the creative ideas that will indeed bring the Golden Age.
So to tie back to what my brother Jesus said about the individual perspective and balance, it should be clear that one does not help to "defeat" the power elite by fighting it in a dualistic battle. The existence of a power elite (or several) is a product of the dualistic consciousness, which maintains the dualistic struggle between opposites. And the ONLY way to truly "defeat" the power elite is for a critical mass of people to rise above the dualistic mindset, whereby the power of God will remove the power elite from this planet.
And – as I trust some will understand – rising above the dualistic mindset can only be done through balance. One does not become the Christ by going into this or that extreme but by transcending all extremes until one is able to express and demonstrate one's spiritual beliefs in a balanced manner. And once this is achieved, the psychological profession will not be a threat—at least not in societies that are moving towards becoming more tolerant and inclusive.
You see – do you not – that even though this move may seem to be a threat to "traditional values," it is indeed necessary for society to move away from the standard of normal and abnormal that aborts the human potential. One cannot give people freedom to express Christhood without at the same time giving them freedom to express the consciousness of anti-christ in its extremes. And this is indeed in order, as the expression of dualistic extremes makes the extremes more visible and thus gives people a better opportunity for choosing an alternative—especially when they encounter someone who has transcended the dualistic mindset and can express non-dualistic ideas. Thus, the need for Christed beings who can give people and society a frame of reference beyond the dualistic illusions.
Copyright © 2010 by Kim Michaels
Read more in my book in Dutch and English :
Hoe psychiatrie en MK-Ultra (bijna) synoniemen werden - door Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen
Hoe psychiatrie en MK-Ultra (bijna) synoniemen werden - door Kristof Gabriel Carina van Hooymissen
zaterdag 20 april 2019
Sleeping Psychic (Edgar Cayce) [Biography] (1997)
vrijdag 19 april 2019
Voices, Visions and the Mystical Path.
Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill, [1911], at
V. Voices and Visions
Wijsheid van de dag (repost / Dutch)
Laat uw ziel het oor lenen aan elke kreet van smart, zoals de lotus zijn hart opent om het morgenlicht in te drinken.
Laat niet de felle zon één traan van smart drogen, vóór u die zelf van het gezicht van iemand die lijdt heeft afgewist.
Maar laat elke brandende menselijke traan uw hart raken en daar blijven bestaan en wis hem nooit af voordat het leed dat hem deed vloeien is weggenomen.
Deze tranen, u met een groot meedogend hart, zijn de stromen die de velden van onsterfelijke barmhartigheid bevloeien. Op die grond ontluikt de middernachtelijke bloem van Boeddha . . - H.P.B.
Dangers from the Deva Evolution.
In meditation it is literally possible to play with fire. The devas of the mental levels manipulate the latent fires of the system and thus incidentally the latent fires of the inner man. It is woefully possible to be the plaything of their endeavor and to perish at their hands. A truth I speak here; I give not voice to the interesting chimeras of a fanciful brain. Beware of playing with fire.
This transition period is largely responsible for much of the danger. The right type of body for the holding and the handling of the occult force has not yet been built, and in the interim the bodies now in use but spell disaster to the ambitious student. When a man starts out to follow the path of occult meditation, it takes well-nigh fourteen years to rebuild the subtle bodies, and incidentally the physical. All through that period it is not safe to tamper with the unknown for only the very strong refined physical body, the controlled stable and equalized emotional body and the properly striated mental body can enter into the subtler planes and literally work with Fohat, for that is what the occult does. Therefore is the emphasis laid by all wise Teachers everywhere on the Path of Purification, which must precede the Path of Illumination. They lay the emphasis on the building in of spiritual faculty before psychic faculty can be safely permitted; they demand service to the race every day throughout the scope of life before a man may be permitted to manipulate the forces of nature, to dominate the elementals, to cooperate with the devas, and to learn the forms and ceremonies, the mantrams and the keywords, that will bring those forces within the circle of manifestation.
by Alice Ann Bailey, Letters on occult meditation.
More info : Occult Meditation - Letter V - Dangers to be avoided in Meditation Dangers to the Physical Brain
Occult Meditation - Letter V - Dangers to be avoided in Meditation Dangers to the Nervous System
Occult Meditation - Letter V - Dangers to be avoided in Meditation |
Dangers to the Sex Organs |
Saint Hildegard von Bingen - Excerpts Of Visions 1 of 2
donderdag 18 april 2019
Gopi Krishna - John White Discussion - Clip 20 of 20
woensdag 17 april 2019
Dodelijke medicijnen en georganiseerde misdaad achter de schermen van de farmaceutische industrie Auteur: Peter C. Gotzsche
Medicijnen zijn na kanker en hart- en vaatziekten de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak. Dat zou aanleiding moeten zijn voor een nationaal gezondheidsalarm en een parlementaire enquête over de overheid die de gezondheid van burgers heeft uitgeleverd aan de farmaceutische industrie. In plaats daarvan overleggen ambtenaren van het ministerie 'met de benen op tafel' met vertegenwoordigers van de industrie. Ministers tekenen contracten waarin zij beloven de afspraken over de prijzen van nieuwe geneesmiddelen geheim te houden. De Deense arts en onderzoeker Peter Gøtzsche, die zelf jarenlang werkzaam was in de farmaceutische industrie, laat zien dat deze industrie niet alleen patiënten, maar ook artsen voor de gek houdt met frauduleuze praktijken. 'Er is veel moed voor nodig om klokkenluider te worden', aldus Gøtzsche.
Medicijnen zijn na kanker en hart- en vaatziekten de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak. Dat zou aanleiding moeten zijn voor een nationaal gezondheidsalarm en een parlementaire enquête over de overheid die de gezondheid van burgers heeft uitgeleverd aan de farmaceutische industrie. In plaats daarvan overleggen ambtenaren van het ministerie 'met de benen op tafel' met vertegenwoordigers van de industrie. Ministers tekenen contracten waarin zij beloven de afspraken over de prijzen van nieuwe geneesmiddelen geheim te houden. De Deense arts en onderzoeker Peter Gøtzsche, die zelf jarenlang werkzaam was in de farmaceutische industrie, laat zien dat deze industrie niet alleen patiënten, maar ook artsen voor de gek houdt met frauduleuze praktijken. 'Er is veel moed voor nodig om klokkenluider te worden', aldus Gøtzsche.
Gopi Krishna - John White Discussion - Clip 6 of 20
2. Evolution, John White Interviews Gopi Krishna
In the book written by John White "Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment" there is a call for science to investigate born mystics, geniuses, prodigies, mediums and psychotics. All people in whom kundalini is awakened. I strongly recommend this book for further scientific investigation.
NOTRE DAME: THE SOUL OF PARIS, analysis by Philip Lindsay.
In 2015 I had the good fortune to visit Notre Dame with some Parisian friends and experienced the beauty, grandeur and spiritual power of this extraordinary place. The soul of Paris is Virgo the Virgin - and Notre Dame (Our Lady) is its personification. The building celebrates the beauty of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, transmitted through Virgo - more powerfully than any other zodiac sign. It was built upon the site of an ancient temple of Isis, one of the three goddesses of Virgo – Eve, Isis and Mary.
In the event chart for the outbreak of the fire, the Moon was in Virgo, square to fiery Mars in Gemini. As the ferocious fire burned for the next four hours, the moon moved into an even closer square with Mars, reaching exactitude at 5 am the next day - when Notre Dame was a smouldering ruin. The Sun was in Mars-ruled Aries, but Mars’ placement in air sign Gemini seemed to fan the flames.
Pisces is also the soul of France, hence this profound Virgo-Pisces pair of opposites between the nation and its capital Paris. In some ways the utter destruction of the cathedral signals the end of the Piscean Age, even if the building is going to be restored. The fire is also however a symbol of renewal – Aries is a sign of death and rebirth. Given the fact that Notre Dame is not only the heart of France, but at the heart of Europe, its destruction may spark a sense of European unification during this Brexit crisis. Whilst Paris is a Virgo soul, it has Capricorn as its personality ruler:
“The forces of crystallisation pour through Paris which is ruled by Capricorn in its personality and yet the soul of the French nation is nurtured in that great capital through the soul of the city, energised by Virgo and, forget not, that Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces and the infant Christ in Virgo comes to full flower in Pisces. Here lies the hope of France.” (The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.73.)
Saturn is currently in its own sign of Capricorn conjunct Pluto, both square to the Aries sun (in fact, a grand cross with Earth and the nodal axis) – right there is this destructive and renovative event, as the soul of Paris is scorched and its personality battered, reportedly to the point of shame for some Parisians. The “coincidence” of the fire with the beginning of Holy Week and Easter is quite obvious - this fire is unquestionably a major spiritual event, and many of us have felt it deeply, before during and after.
There was an ominousness about the fire that appears to herald the return of the Masters of Wisdom and the Christ. Indeed, the words of Christ come to mind, “I come not to bring peace, but a sword” - to shock people into a keener sense of values which the world has today largely lost. When all these cathedrals were built many centuries ago, despite their occult and spiritual significance, many people suffered acute poverty whilst huge sums were invested in the buildings; there is a paralell today with the recent Gilets Jaunes demonstrations:
“An intensely materialistic attitude. The Church of Rome stands for great stone structures—cathedrals, churches, institutions, convents, monasteries. In order to build them, the policy down the centuries has been to drain the money out of the pockets of rich and poor alike. The Roman Catholic Church is a strictly capitalistic church. The money gathered into its coffers supports a powerful ecclesiastical hierarchy and provides for its many institutions and schools.”(Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey.p.130.)
“The vast cathedrals and the pompous ceremonies of the orthodox are far removed from the humble way of the life of the Christ, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men, and from the simplicity of His present way of life as He watches and waits for the return of His people to the simple way of spiritual realisation.” (Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.186.)
“How can the starving children of the world—and of Europe in particular [written WW2] —be salvaged when pleas go out from Popes and Bishops for money to build cathedrals and erect more churches when the existent churches now stand empty? How can light shine again in the minds of men when churchmen keep the people in a state of fear unless they accept the old theological interpretations and the old ways of approaching God.” (The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.142.)
“The churches—materialistic, hide-bound and submerged in their theological concepts, seeking political power or possessions, emphasising stone buildings and cathedrals whilst neglecting "the Temple of God, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens"—are occupied with the symbols and not with the reality.” The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.471.)
Only recently has the author written about the Catholic Church (…/aries-2019-blue-moon-equ…/…) - and the Notre Dame fire signifies:
1. Primarily a great cleansing and purification of Paris and France that will lay the groundwork for real spiritual progress for itself and for Europe.
2. That the Catholic Church is all but finished, along with the Age of Pisces. But, because it still spiritually serves millions around the world, it must go through a renewal, as part of its overall purification process, such as the recent convictions of widespread sex abuse.
Notre Dame cathedral is one of a group that were all dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Notre Dame. The physical locations of these cathedrals form a pattern that venerates the constellation of Virgo. The tradition of the Knights Templar and the sacred geometry of these buildings are well known to students of The Mysteries. May the soul of Paris rise forth from the ashes!
The importance of vitamin B12 for mental health
Among the most common psychiatric symptoms seen in people with B12 deficiency are the following:
- Confusion/disorientation
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Suicidal ideation
- Psychosis
- Mania
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Irritability
- Apathy
- Personality changes
- Inappropriate sexual behaviour
- Violent/aggressive behaviour
- Schizophrenic symptoms
- Sleep disturbances
- Insomnia
- Changes in taste, smell, vision, and sensory/motor function which can mistaken for psychiatric problems
B12 deficiency is commonly misdiagnosed as various mental and physical health conditions due to the lack of education on this subject.
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