Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 1 februari 2020

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 31, 2020

Freedom of speech is enshrined in the Universal Laws that protect you, and we will assist you in regaining them. The old ways of Rule by Force are no longer acceptable and much has to change to truly allow the New Age to manifest. As time passes more souls are awakening to the truth, and those who have held you back must allow the needed changes to take place.
It is no wonder that confusion exists on Earth as the majority of people have little idea of what is really taking place. We say to you stand tall and know that in spite of appearances, all proceeds well, and you will find that events occur that herald the beginning of obvious changes intended to take you further along the path to freedom, and restore your rights.
These are times when people of a like mind need to come together to give strength to their demands. The authorities recognise the changing times but are slow to respond. However, the clamour to change for the better will continue unabated and it must come. Suppression is no longer the order of the day, and the people want the truth and leaders who truly represent their aspirations. It will shock many people who do not normally seek change to know that life could have been so much better for many, many years, only to have been held back to “keep you in your place” . Well that attitude can no longer be maintained, and people are entitled to know the truth and benefit from advances enjoyed by the dark Ones, but held back from you.

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