Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 20 november 2024

Update on my practice.

"I was often in the Indigo and Violet realms. Swami Nardanand now gives training in Non-Dualism and meditation. That stage is not yet fully realized and integrated in Me, I just started the practice. And one must always remain very well grounded to integrate all realms. I practice Turiya again."

"Turiya is not a state apart from the grosser states but pervades all levels of reality as superconsciousness. Ramana Maharshi interprets turiya as the natural state that permeates the other states, the only whole reality. (4) The Mandukya Upanishad discusses turiya as pure consciousness, which is indescribable, incomprehensible, and unthinkable by the mind, but ultimately realized as the one true self."

Swami Nardanand's team created an Integration Launchpad for everyone who is interested.
Take a look here, it is for free but a donation to the Ashram is always welcomed.

Kristo Gabriel

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