Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 11 augustus 2024

I entered a rather positive Rahu period since 2016.

The Rahu major period during the Jupiter sub-period begins from 03.11.2016

During the Rahu major period and Guru sub-period, your health will improve. Your enemies will be defeated. You'll form friendships and relationships with good people and individuals of high status in society. You will receive help and cooperation from these well-meaning individuals. Additionally, you will enjoy benefits like affection from relatives, wealth enhancement, offspring, marriage opportunities, marital happiness, and success in endeavors. If Jupiter is not favorable in your horoscope, you may face financial losses during this sub-period. Your children might experience health issues. Overspending due to excessive desires and ego could lead to financial downfall. If financial troubles arise during this sub-period, reading the life story of Guru, performing Guru Puja, can result in positive outcomes. Similarly, reciting Guru Mantra or reading Guru Stotram daily can help alleviate problems.

Source : (Check your Vedic astrology for free)

The Rahu major period during the Ketu sub-period begins from 22.08.2024 The Rahu major period and Ketu sub-period may not be favorable for you. You might experience increased mental stress, obstacles due to enemies, conflicts with relatives, health issues for your children, losses in property, incidents of fire, accidents due to electricity, and fears of theft among other consequences. However, if Ketu is favorable in your horoscope, this sub-period can be advantageous. During this time, you may experience growth in devotion, receive spiritual teachings, and have opportunities for spiritual journeys. Performing Ganapati worship, Ketu Puja, or reciting Ketu Mantra can help in reducing the negative effects.

Benefits of Lord Ketu Mantra:It helps one achieve a higher level of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. It bestows healing art. Increases the intuition power. Recommended to remove the malefic effects of planets and evil eye.

Benefits of chanting Ketu Beej mantra
  • Chanting the Ketu Beej mantra shall enhance your interest in ashrams, knowledge, and psychic things. You may feel a drift towards isolation. However, it would make you a master of wisdom and help you let go of unwanted desires.
  • With that, this Ketu mantra will also keep you away from discrimination and similar factors and help you with spiritual knowledge.
  • It helps you differentiate between what is wrong and what is right, aiding in proper decision-making skills.
  • Moreover, it makes you an expert in tantras and occult sciences. With a drift towards these fields, you also gain the power to use these skills wisely.

Future Rahu predictions :

The Rahu major period during the Venus sub-period begins from 10.09.2025 In the Rahu major period, Venus sub-period, this phase can be somewhat favorable, leading to mental peace as troubles fade away. Those who are unmarried might find themselves getting married. Disputes related to land or properties are likely to get resolved. However, if Venus is weak, there could be conflicts between spouses, enmity with relatives, diseases related to 'vata' and 'kapha', lower back pains, and skin diseases, among other issues. To ensure positive outcomes during this sub-period, reciting Venus planet stotras, worshipping Lakshmi, or chanting Venus mantras would be beneficial. 

The Rahu major period during the Sun sub-period begins from 10.09.2028 In the Rahu major period and Sun sub-period, this time is generally moderately favorable. During this sub-period, you may face increased fear from enemies. You may encounter problems related to eye diseases, health issues due to poisoning, and fear of fire. Moreover, unnecessary travels, conflicts with authorities or political leaders, and obstacles to your reputation might occur. However, if the Sun is strong in your horoscope, positive outcomes such as family happiness, the birth of sons, engagement in charitable and virtuous acts, satisfaction in government or authoritative positions, and recognition are possible. To receive favorable results during this sub-period, worshipping Lord Shiva, reciting the Aditya Hridayam, performing Sun puja, or chanting Sun mantras would be beneficial.

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