Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 25 augustus 2024

Thank you Radhadesh for a wonderful Janmastami Festival.

The 26th of august in this year 2024 is the Sri Krishna Janmastami Appearance Day. On Sunday it was a wonderful festival in Radhadesh (Durbuy, Belgium). I was there with many devotees. Today (monday) devotees fast till midnight.

Om Tat Sat.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

Krisha said more than 5000 Years Ago :

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: On the earth 5,000 years of Kali will be sinful and sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing."

 "Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship Me by My mantra, all those sins will be burnt."

"For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will fill the whole planet.
After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna [outcaste]."

The Janmashtami fast is observed by devotees to cleanse the body and soul 🧘‍♀️ in preparation for the birth celebration of Lord Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu. It is believed that observing a fast on this day is equal to bathing in all the holy rivers. 🌊

The fast requires abstaining from food and even water for the entire day. It is called nirjala fast (nir = without, jal = water). This purifies the mind and body and uplifts one's spiritual energy. 🌟 The austerity of this challenging fast is seen as a way to achieve closeness with God. 🙏

According to legends, Krishna was born at midnight. Many devotees stay awake until midnight singing bhajans, reading scriptures 📖 and reflecting on the life of Krishna. Temples are beautifully decorated, cradle ceremonies are held at midnight to commemorate His birth, followed by a feast. 🥘

The sweetness of the first morsel after a day-long fast is said to be akin to tasting the divine nectar of Krishna's grace. 😇 As Krishna embodies playfulness and mischief as a child, 🤪 Janamashtami fasts and celebrations carry the spirit of joy, camaraderie and community. 🥰

So the observance of the strict Janmashtami fast has deep spiritual and social significance - it serves as a period of introspection and bonding to commemorate the birth of a deity beloved for his playful yet wise nature. 🙏

Fasting on Lord Krishna Birth day is important for all Vaishnava. According to Purans, it is said that those who take fast on Ram Navami and on Krishna ashtami are not born again. They cross the cycle of birth and death of 84 lakhs different yonis. Birth day is only two important for celebration. One is for Lord Sri Ram and other day is for Krishna Ashtami. Sri Ram birth day is celebrated and completed for so short period as Lord appears on exact 12 AM. while, Sri Krishna birth day goes on till mid night 12 PM. So, every one should go on fast on Krishna Ashtami and on Ram Navami. /Jay Sri Ram/

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