Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 13 juni 2024

Wisdom by Tania Gabrielle.

June 13 awakens the number of transformation, empowerment and the Divine Feminine frequency.

The actual word THIRTEEN contains several anagrams that provide clues about the number. (Anagrams are new words created from the available letters in a name or word.)

Notice that the word THREE is embedded in THIRTEEN.

So is the word TEN.

3 + 10 = 13!


Other anagrams that shed light on this powerful number are:










These words carry a message of movement, change, frequency, manifestation and decision-making – or lack thereof.

13 expresses the innate power to change your life at any given moment.

Sometimes we have blocks when it comes to trusting in our innate inner powers. (That’s when we unconsciously allow others to exert power over us.)

13 helps us confront our fears attracting change, often sudden, into our lives.

Fortunately this year we have an extra boost of leadership energy and courage, initiated by the number 8, since 2024 is an 8 Universal Year.

13 is made up of the number 1, representing the original Source, and number 3, the number of Creation.

What makes this Source/Creation number extra powerful is that 13 reduces to 4 (1+3 = 4).

  • 4 symbolizes Energy manifested into physical reality.
  • 4 symbolizes Earth, with 4 directions and 4 seasons.
  • 4 makes your life REAL.

This is how 13 can be used as a Source of Power – YOUR innate power.

You are here to live your life in the way your Soul intended, as mapped out in your soul’s numbers code!

See how your soul sings its song of courage and joy to the tune of your birth code.

To help you explore your extraordinary potential and mission in this lifetime, discover your Personal Numerology Blueprint – the document that unveils your Destiny and Life Purpose, and so much more!

Your blueprint contains elaborate descriptions of:

  • Your Life Purpose Number a summary of why you are here
  • Your Destiny Number describing your career
  • Your Soul Number your underlying force
  • Your Inner Dream/Personality Number - your life dream
  • Your Day of Birth Number - your gifts and talents
  • Your Essence and Wisdom Numbers - how you express yourself
  • Your special Intensifications - repeated numbers in your birth code
  • The Three Numerology Triads in your Birth Code

Click here to discover your birth promise.

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

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