“The Illuminati” is the codename for the evil controllers of Earth. The Illuminati are 13 of the world’s richest families and they are evil Dark Lodgers. The 13 Illuminati families obtained their vast wealth entirely by corruption, deception, duplicity, exploitation, force, coercion, and murder. The Illuminati were behind the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and other great men who were trying to change the world for the better. The Illuminati have not fairly earned one penny of their vast fortune, nor would they ever want to. Crime and duplicity are their basic nature, and far more agreeable to them. The 13 Illuminati families have successfully controlled world affairs for hundreds of years and insanely believe that they own the people and resources of this Earth. Don’t worry about The Illuminati. The Illuminati have a date with God’s Army called Armageddon and it is not going to go well for them.
David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Icke’s books, videos, lectures, and website www.davidicke.com. Watch a great interview with David Icke at http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=y4UyEUldOLQ
Commander Ashtar is a Christed Extraterrestrial and Cosmic Avatar. He is head of “The Ashtar Command,” which is the mighty and invincible Space Patrol of The Great White Lodge. The Ashtar Command patrols the galaxy and battles The Dark Lodge on a daily basis. Commander Ashtar and The Ashtar Command have saved the Earth from annihilation countless times without the surface race being aware of it. Every person on this planet owes their life to the valor and bravery of The Ashtar Command! You may call upon Commander Ashtar for help, guidance, protection, and training, and he will surely do everything within his power, control, and jurisdiction to help you.
Our cosmic counterpart! The Lodge of evil, greed, corruption, insanity, and megalomania. Sinister architects of false wars, false news, false hope, mass mind control, mass consumerism, mass enslavement, suppressed sciences, global control, and the invisible prison of THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Lucifer and his followers defected from God’s Great White Lodge and formed The Dark Lodge 200,000 years ago. Wherever there is trouble in the galaxy rest assured The Dark Lodge is behind it. Most leaders of Earth have sided with The Dark Lodge (consciously or unconsciously) and that is why conditions on Earth never improve. The Dark Lodge is galaxy wide and consists of Fallen Angels, evil Extraterrestrials, evil Earthlings, evil Elementals, and evil Interdimensional Space/Time entities. Don’t worry about The Dark Lodge. The Dark Lodge is playing “chess” against Almighty God—and they are going to lose big time! YOU can help defeat The Dark Lodge with your prayers. As many of YOU as possible should make the following prayer fervently and often. “Dear God, dear Angels, dear Ascended Masters, dear Nature Spirits, and dear Christed Extraterrestrials, please kindly do everything within your power, control, and jurisdiction to neutralize and eradicate all agents, allies, and plans of The Dark Lodge on Earth fully and completely, now and forever—Amen.” And the following prayer will protect YOU and YOUR FAMILY against all agents and allies of The Dark Lodge, “Dear God, dear Angels, dear Ascended Masters, dear Nature Spirits, and dear Christed Extraterrestrials, please kindly protect and defend me and my family fully and completely from all agents and allies of The Dark Lodge, now and forever—Amen.” The Dark Lodge has attempted to disable this website from its inception. And as you can see, they have failed miserably. As the Sun is stronger than the moon, The Great White Lodge is stronger than The Dark Lodge. Kadoish, kadoish, kadoish, adonai, adonai, sabaoth!
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