Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 5 maart 2016

Bringing the suppressed Truth of Dr Wilhelm Reich back.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was a famous psychiatrist who abandoned psychiatry in mid-career to found a new science of natural healing energy he dubbed “Orgone.” Dr. Reich’s tests, research, and clinical studies showed that “Orgone Therapy” cured patients of psychosis, neurosis, cancer, and just about every mental and physical disorder known to man. Orgone Therapy was truly a powerful and natural cure-all therapy. The Illuminati secretly own and control the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and extort trillions of dollars annually from the unsuspecting masses of Earth in the form of “endless pills and treatments” for cancer, disease, and every disorder from A to Z. Dr. Reich’s work and success with “Orgone Therapy” posed a serious threat to Illuminati profits, so the Illuminati did everything in their power to hinder Dr. Reich’s work, and ultimately murdered Dr. Reich by covert lethal injection, which they neatly covered-up and labeled a “heart attack.” But Dr. Reich’s genius and work shall not be in vain. Several of Our members are being “called” inwardly and outwardly to resurrect, restore, revitalize, augment, and improve the “Orgone Therapy” that Dr. Reich began, but was never allowed to finish.

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