Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 21 november 2022

Inclusiveness or Dangerous Brainwashing?: The Transgender Movement | Kara Dansky 152.

10. The normalisation of pornography and endangerment for impressionable young minds (and adults), exposed to sexual violence and other perversions. The consequent addictions that ensue and the inability to form right relationships. Pornification and the Mainstreaming of Sex. When commenting upon the nature of cosmic evil, The Tibetan comments:

Good and Evil Angels Struggling for Possession of a Child (William Blake)

“There are two of these astral forms [ancient etheric planets] in close proximity to our Earth, which are rapidly “decomposing”, if I may so term it, and yet have a very potent influence. On account of this close relation, they produce two types of desire or of astral tendency among men.

One produces much of that instinctual tendency to cruelty which one sees in children and in certain types of men, and the other has an effect upon the sex life and produces some of those tendencies to perversions which cause so much difficulty now.

Sadistic tendencies and sex perversions find much strengthening influence from these dying astral emanations. In ancient days they were still more potent, being closer to our earth than now; hence the ritualistic cruelties and the horrors, for instance, of Sodom and Gomorrah.9

11. Attacks on heterosexuality. Claims made in propaganda media outlets such as The GuardianWhat have we learned from 50 years of studying porn? ‘Heterosexuality is essentially broken’.

12. More people are not marrying and having babies. This is due to the fact that Humanity is becoming increasingly mentally polarised. For instance, “college-educated young Chinese between the ages of 25 and 29 are most likely to be single”. As a result of the declining birth rate, China scrapped its one child policy and raised it to three children!

Similarly in Japan, “17.3% of men and 14.6% of women aged between 18 and 34 said they had no intention of ever tying the knot … growing desire among young working women to enjoy the freedoms that come with being single and having a career.” Population levels are declining worldwide as discussed in this short video: Population Collapse is coming (elon-musk-dr.-shanna-swan-jordan-peterson)

Source :

Finally, a result of the abuses of greedy big pharma corporations – vaccine injuries and deaths. Now the truth is coming out, share this widely!

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