Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 25 maart 2022

Situation Update, March 24, 2022 - New intel on Russia; GREEDY goats.

Source :

Note: not every goat is greedy. As I speak for myself, I mostly dedicate everything for help to others as an empath / altruist. I only use money for basic needs as clothing and food, the rest I have always used for others. I am a goat as well, but as I used unicorn as a name, it symbolises the goat who as overcome greed and thus becomes the spiritual unicorn.

Anyway, I fully embrace the work of Mike (Michael) Adams, because he is working with the same intention of serving the human race.

In the meanwhile I am restudying the works of Sri Aurobindo on integral yoga and it is a great help to me.

Kind regards,

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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