shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
zondag 28 februari 2021
zaterdag 27 februari 2021
vrijdag 26 februari 2021
Benjamin Fulford : Massive March Campaign Planned Against Global Idiocracy.
donderdag 25 februari 2021
woensdag 24 februari 2021
Swami Nardanand Shanti Prayer
Wisdom of today
Swami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj lived a very simple, solitary life, yet he was very concerned with the affairs of the world. His only contact with the outside world was through a disciple, a humble man who provided his Guru with food by begging in a nearby village. One day, the yogic powers of Swami Gangadhar Tirth revealed to him that difficult times were ahead for ordinary people because of the effects of the age or era in which we now live. The period in which we now live, as you know, is called the Kali- Yuga, or the Age of Darkness. The Swami knew that the effects of the Kali- Yuga made it very difficult for ordinary people to remain on any spiritual path. He knew people would need help in finding spiritual illumination, since the influence of the Kali-Yuga made it difficult for people to advance spiritually unless they had already progressed to a high state of awareness. A most important aspect of this account is that Swami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj had been blessed with the discovery of a very special means of awakening spiritual consciousness. This was truly a great discovery, since previously the awakening of spiritual consciousness was very difficult. Few people qualified for receiving help even from very advance souls. Because of the effects of the Kali-Yuga, no means were available to advance the cause of ordinary seekers because of these factors.
Now, although the great holy man was in possession of this marvelous means of assisting people in spiritual advancement, he was in a difficult position. He was restrained from spreading word of this remarkable method of awakening the sleeping spiritual energy in a person because of his unique state of awareness. He was in such a high state of spiritual bliss (samadhi) that it was not within his means to mix with people, to give talks, and to otherwise spread the news of this beneficial spiritual power. So he remained in solitude, waiting for that special person who would come to receive his gift, and to spread that gift among all those who had desires for spiritual advancement.
Source :
Note from Kristo Gabriel : I strongly recommend the Gayitri Mantra and the Maha Mantra for this age.
dinsdag 23 februari 2021
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks
maandag 22 februari 2021
Prayer of today.
Please end domestic violence.
Thank you.
K. Gabriel
zondag 21 februari 2021
Meet a Jew and a Christian Making Peace in the Middle East.
Roy Martina Engelen Meditatie | Official Release
zaterdag 20 februari 2021
Allemaal slechts “samenzweringstheorieën”? EU werkt al vanaf 2019 aan EU-vaccinatiepaspoort. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
vrijdag 19 februari 2021
Why The Cult Agenda Is So Anti-Human – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Situation Update, Feb 18th, 2021 - Texas BLACKOUT report
John Frusciante - From The Sounds Inside [Full Album]
donderdag 18 februari 2021
Short update - by K. Gabriel
I am preparing the third edition of my book of experiences with kundalini awakening in Dutch (caution: dangerous without the guidance of a skilled guru). I also want to buy a TASCAM recorder to make a solo record. Thanks to Charles John Jarvis and John Frusciante for the inspiration. I love you guys. May G'd continue to guide me.
Prabhupada Japa Chanting (Mahamantra Hare Krishna)
Sutra of the Sublime Golden Light
By reciting these prayers in verses
Manly P. Hall - To Restore the Diginity of Marriage
Switzerland To Hold Referendum To Strip Government Of Power To Impose Lockdowns.
The Miracle of Forgiveness and the Illusion of Separation.
John Frusciante Interview on Creativity & Inspiration
GLOBAL HEART MEDITATION | The Alchemy of Compassion
woensdag 17 februari 2021
Neil Young - Heart of Gold/Lyrics (Full HD)
dinsdag 16 februari 2021
Jean Cocteau speaks to the year 2000, subtitled - 1962
maandag 15 februari 2021
zondag 14 februari 2021
Happy Valentine's Day to all
"May you all find a soulmate and / or a twinsoul to grow spiritually with together in great unconditional love and compassion. May you all find true love (this is beyond worldly standards). Keep the faith."
Kristo Gabriel
zaterdag 13 februari 2021
Chapter 14 "Protection called Refuge of the Yakshas".
vrijdag 12 februari 2021
donderdag 11 februari 2021
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks
Swami Nardanand Shanti Prayer
03 37 Practices for Trouble Times: Verses 12-19 12-15-20
Audiobook | The Law of Success | Paramahamsa Yogananda
Devotion (live) Charles John Jarvis and Kristo
Mike Adams (Natural News) : Situation Update.
woensdag 10 februari 2021
dinsdag 9 februari 2021
Wisdom of today, by Prince Gautama Buddha
"The way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart."
Saint Germain (2021) - Through The Power Within You
Saint Germain (2021) - All Are Saying “No More”.
Vrijheid van religie. (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
Vrijheid van gedachte, geweten en godsdienst 1. Een ieder heeft recht op vrijheid van gedachte, geweten en godsdienst; dit recht omvat tevens de vrijheid om van godsdienst of overtuiging te veranderen, alsmede de vrijheid hetzij alleen, hetzij met anderen, zowel in het openbaar als privé zijn godsdienst te belijden of overtuiging tot uitdrukking te brengen in erediensten, in onderricht, in practische toepassing ervan en in het onderhouden van geboden en voorschriften. 2. De vrijheid zijn godsdienst te belijden of overtuiging tot uiting te brengen kan aan geen andere beperkingen worden onderworpen dan die die bij de wet zijn voorzien en in een democratische samenleving noodzakelijk zijn in het belang van de openbare veiligheid, voor de bescherming van de openbare orde, gezondheid of goede zeden of voor de bescherming van de rechten en vrijheden van anderen.
Bron : EVRM,
De vrijheid van eredienst, de vrije openbare uitoefening ervan, alsmede de vrijheid om op elk gebied zijn mening te uiten, zijn gewaarborgd, behoudens bestraffing van de misdrijven die ter gelegenheid van het gebruikmaken van die vrijheden worden gepleegd.
Hon. Paul Hellyer - Public Banking In America
Inspired by David Icke's book The Answer.
The problem I have with vaccines (the Gates vaccine for sure) is that it is rooted in the evil philosophy of eugenics and there can be nanotechnology involved. That's why I still reject it.
Kristo Gabriel
Manifesting Saint Germain's Golden Age, by Kim Michaels
Saint Germain is a very powerful spiritual being who is designing a Golden Age that will take us beyond the problems we today think have no solution. Because the Law of Free Will mandates that the future of this planet is decided by those of us who are in physical embodiment, Saint Germain needs our help. As he says: "I have the power; you have the authority." In this book, Saint Germain and other ascended masters give us profound insights into what the future can look like when we let go of the old mindset. We also get very powerful spiritual tools whereby you can call this vision into a manifest reality right from your living room. You will learn:
- What is the next logical stage for modern democracies and how to go beyond representative democracy.
- How education in the Golden Age needs to teach people about psychic energy and promote wholeness.
- How to raise the world beyond the fanatical mindset.
- Why we had to go through a phase of having individual nations and the wars between them and why we now need to take the next step.
- How to manifest community beyond nationalities.
- How to manifest what people currently think is impossible.
- The immense power of making collective decisions and how a firm decision will manifest the resources to carry it out.
- Why the next step for the welfare society is mental freedom.
- How to manifest the money system of the Golden Age and a steadily growing economy.
- How to manifest an economy that is for the people instead of being controlled by a small power elite.
Sadhguru Talk on Why People Get Thyroid Problems.
Mike Adams (Natural News) : Explained - The essential framework for human freedom.
Under tyrannical big government, the swamp elitists want to make us all their slaves. To establish and defend our freedom, we must first understand where our rights actually come from.
They don't come from government. They actually come from God and are granted to you at the moment of conception. They persist through your entire life.
In today's philosophical Situation Update, I reveal the key origins of all human rights and how to instantly notice when governments or corporations are acting in alignment with Luciferian aims (destruction and darkness) rather than divine alignment (abundance and transparency).
This is a very important framework for understanding what comes next... and for surviving the collapse that's inevitable.
From those gifts — which can only be granted by God, as no government, corporation or person can create life or consciousness — spring a series of natural rights. These rights include:
- The right to freedom of expression (which springs naturally from the gift of consciousness).
- The right to say no to medical interventions (which springs naturally from the gift of life and body… i.e. you own your body).
- The right to self-defense.
- The right to sound money, which springs naturally from your right to benefit from the product of your conscious labor or creative works.
- The right to travel freely, without restriction.
… and many more such rights.
In today’s Situation Update, I cover why the future of human freedom rests in codifying these divine rights into local law so that our God-given gifts and rights may be protected even in the face of federal government tyranny.
I also discuss why censorship, coercion, vaccine mandates and fiat currency systems are all expressions of Satanism, while freedom, honest money and the respect of free will are divine principles in alignment with the Creator.
Listen to today’s full podcast to gain this key understanding of the foundations of human freedom and where your rights actually come from.
maandag 8 februari 2021
As America Declines, Will Israel Become the New Superpower? Top rabbi says that while it might seem presumptuous, it is Israel’s destiny to lead civilization forward.
The Rabbi believes the time has come for Israel to fill the vacuum of leadership left by the failing American experiment. “One can’t help but mention the collapse of England and France, once regarded as among the four world-governing powers,” he writes. “Who remembers them today as such? They collapsed upon themselves like all of Europe, where moral values and justice have been replaced with ‘political correctness’. Family values have been replaced by hedonism.”
Wijsheid van de dag (Dutch / Nederlandstalig)
zondag 7 februari 2021
zaterdag 6 februari 2021
vrijdag 5 februari 2021
David Icke - Live at Wembley - Part 4 (2012) [HD]
donderdag 4 februari 2021
woensdag 3 februari 2021
The Three Waves
So the purpose of the three waves is two-fold. One: to change the energy of the Earth so it can avoid catastrophe. And two: to help raise the energy of the people so they can ascend with the Earth into the next dimension. Estimating the approximate ages of the three waves came about while having sessions with many hundreds of people. They all about while having sessions with many hundreds of people. They all said the same things about their present lives, and they all went back to the same situations during the session. So I began to roughly categorize them according to their present age.
dinsdag 2 februari 2021
Yoga Yama's
From The Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali
30. The Commandments are these: nom injury, truthfulness, abstaining from stealing, from impurity, from covetousness.
These five precepts are almost exactly the same as the Buddhist Commandments: not to kill, not to steal, not to be guilty of incontinence, not to drink intoxicants, to speak the truth. Almost identical is St. Paul's list: Thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet. And in the same spirit is the answer made to the young map having great possessions, who asked, What shall I do to be saved? and received the reply: Keep the Commandments.
This broad, general training, which forms and develops human character, must be accomplished to a very considerable degree, before there can be much hope of success in the further stages of spiritual life. First the psychical, and then the spiritual. First the man, then the angel. On this broad, humane and wise foundation does the system of Patanjali rest.
31. The Commandments, not limited to any race, place, time or occasion, universal, are the great obligation.
The Commandments form the broad general training of humanity. Each one of them rests on a universal, spiritual law. Each one of them expresses an attribute or aspect of the Self, the Eternal; when we violate one of the Commandments, we set ourselves against the law and being of the Eternal, thereby bringing ourselves to inevitable con fusion. So the first steps in spiritual life must be taken by bringing ourselves into voluntary obedience to these spiritual laws and thus making ourselves partakers of the spiritual powers, the being of the Eternal Like the law of gravity, the need of air to breathe, these great laws know no exceptions They are in force in all lands, throughout al times, for all mankind.
32. The Rules are these: purity, serenity fervent aspiration, spiritual reading, and per feet obedience to the Master.
Here we have a finer law, one which humanity as a whole is less ready for, less fit to obey. Yet we can see that these Rules are the same in essence as the Commandments, but on a higher, more spiritual plane. The Commandments may be obeyed in outer acts and abstinences; the Rules demand obedience of the heart and spirit, a far more awakened and more positive consciousness. The Rules are the spiritual counterpart of the Commandments, and they have finer degrees, for more advanced spiritual growth.
33. When transgressions hinder, the weight of the imagination should be thrown on the opposite side.
Let us take a simple case, that of a thief, a habitual criminal, who has drifted into stealing in childhood, before the moral consciousness has awakened. We may imprison such a thief, and deprive him of all possibility of further theft, or of using the divine gift of will. Or we may recognize his disadvantages, and help him gradually to build up possessions which express his will, and draw forth his self-respect. If we imagine that, after he has built well, and his possessions have become dear to him, he himself is robbed, then we can see how he would come vividly to realize the essence of theft and of honesty, and would cleave to honest dealings with firm conviction. In some such way does the great Law teach us. Our sorrows and losses teach us the pain of the sorrow and loss we inflict on others, and so we cease to inflict them.
Now as to the more direct application. To conquer a sin. let heart and mind rest, not on the sin, but on the contrary virtue. Let the sin be forced out by positive growth in the true direction, not by direct opposition. Turn away from the sin and go forward courageously, constructively, creatively, in well-doing. In this way the whole nature will gradually be drawn up to the higher level, on which the sin does not even exist. The conquest of a sin is a matter of growth and evolution, rather than of opposition.
34. Transgressions are injury, falsehood, theft, incontinence, envy; whether committed, or caused, or assented to, through greed, wrath, or infatuation; whether faint, or middling, or excessive; bearing endless, fruit of ignorance and pain. Therefore must the weight be cast on the other side.
Here are the causes of sin: greed, wrath, infatuation, with their effects, ignorance and pain. The causes are to be cured by better wisdom, by a truer understanding of the Self, of Life. For greed cannot endure before the realization that the whole world belongs to the Self, which Self we are; nor can we hold wrath against one who is one with the Self, and therefore with ourselves; nor can infatuation, which is the seeking for the happiness of the All in some limited part of it, survive the knowledge that we are heirs of the All. Therefore let thought and imagination, mind and heart, throw their weight on the other side; the side, not of the world,.but of the Self.
35. Where non-injury is perfected, all enmity ceases in the presence of him who possesses it.
We come now to the spiritual powers which result from keeping the Commandments; from the obedience to spiritual law which is the keeping of the Commandments. Where the heart is full of kindness which seeks no injury to another, either in act or thought or wish, this full love creates an atmosphere of harmony, whose benign power touches with healing all who come within its influence. Peace in the heart radiates peace to other hearts, even more surely than contention breeds contention.
36. When he is perfected in truth, all acts and their fruits depend on him.
The commentator thus explains: If he who has attained should say to a man, Become righteous! the man becomes righteous. If he should say, Gain heaven! the man gains heaven. His word is not in vain.
Exactly the same doctrine was taught by the Master who said to his disciples: Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose soever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
37. Where cessation from theft is perfected, all treasures present themselves to him who possesses it.
Here is a sentence which may warn us that, beside the outer and apparent meaning, there is in many of these sentences a second and finer significance. The obvious meaning is, that he who has wholly ceased from theft, in act, thought and wish, finds buried treasures in his path, treasures of jewels and gold and pearls. The deeper truth is, that he who in every least thing is wholly honest with the spirit of Life, finds Life supporting him in all things, and gains admittance to the treasure house of Life, the spiritual universe.
38. For him who is perfect in continence, the reward is valour and virility.
The creative power, strong and full of vigour, is no longer dissipated, but turned to spiritual uses. It upholds and endows the spiritual man, conferring on him the creative will, the power to engender spiritual children instead of bodily progeny. An epoch of life, that of man the animal, has come to an end; a new epoch, that of the spiritual man, is opened. The old creative power is superseded and transcended; a new creative power, that of the spiritual man, takes its place, carrying with it the power to work creatively in others for righteousness and eternal life.
One of the commentaries says that he who has attained is able to transfer to the minds of his disciples what he knows concerning divine union, and the means of gaining it. This is one of the powers of purity.
39. Where there is firm conquest of covetousness, he who has conquered it awakes to the how and why of life.
So it is said that, before we can understand the laws of Karma, we must free ourselves from Karma. The conquest of covetousness brings this rich fruit, because the root of covetousness is the desire of the individual soul, the will toward manifested life. And where the desire of the individual soul is overcome by the superb, still life of the universal Soul welling up in the heart within, the great secret is discerned, the secret that the individual soul is not an isolated reality, but the ray, the manifest instrument of the Life, which turns it this way and that until the great work is accomplished, the age-long lesson learned. Thus is the how and why of life disclosed by ceasing from covetousness. The Commentator says that this includes a knowledge of one's former births.