Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 11 mei 2020

halls of amenti

God’s Army Mightiest Army is the cosmos. A massive, mighty, and majestic Army of Angels,Elementals, Avatars, Ascended Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials, Starships, Flying Saucers, Galactic Battleships, and an endless assortment of Interdimensional Space/Time vessels and their crews. God’s Army has never been defeated—and never will be defeated!

Valiant Thor is a Christed Space Commander and Ascended Master from the planet Venus who made friendly diplomatic contact with The United States government in 1957. Commander Thor resided at the U.S. Pentagon for three years, but no one there would ever listen to Him or heed His advice about anything. The Pentagon considered Commander Thor a “prisoner,” and treated Him as such. But after three years of futile diplomatic talks, Commander Thor spiritually teleported Himself back to Venus, which he had the power to do all along. The entire true story is chronicled in the book STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON by Dr. Frank Stranges who was an eye witness to the events.

The Frequency Barrier Long ago Caligastia created an electromagnetic “Frequency Barrier” to keep Earthlings from contacting The Master Mind (see Master Mind). Caligastia created the “Frequency Barrier” by purposely misaligning Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles, which essentially put Earth’s electromagnetic grid “out of tune” with itself, making contact with the Master Mind virtually impossible. This was an ingenious ploy by Caligastia because the “Frequency Barrier” alone has kept Earthlings in darkness and ignorance for eons. The Great White Lodge is currently fixing the “Frequency Barrier” by realigning Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles, but We must realign the poles at an extremely slow rate of speed or massive earthquakes and cataclysms will result. As the “Frequency Barrier” is slowly lifted, contact with The Master Mind will become easier and easier.

YHWH The holy name and spelling of God in ancient Hebrew. Alternately pronounced “Yaw-way” or “Yay-wah,” both pronunciations being equally correct and interchangeable. Both the spelling and sound bring God’s protection and frighten all agents and allies of The Dark Lodge into cowardly retreat.

Lord Melchizedek is the Universal Logos. The Universal Logos oversees the orderly ascension process of every single being in the Universe. Your spirit guides and guardian angels make frequent reports about you to Lord Melchizedek’s office. Lord Melchizedek does not work alone, but has countless Celestial Assistants that help Him in this monumental task. Thanks to the constant reports made by your spirit guides and guardian angels, Lord Melchizedek’s office always knows exactly how well you are doing in your personal ascension process—and based on that—They know what experiences and lessons They should send your way to best help you along the cosmic ascension process. Lord Melchizedek’s office decides what jobs you get; what people you meet; what coincidences occur in your life; as well as what challenges and rewards come your way. The entire processes of Lord Melchizedek’s office are far beyond your comprehension. Have no fear. Lord Melchizedek and His Celestial Assistants have been doing this since the beginning of Time and have never once made even the slightest mistake!

The Law of One The first and most important law of all Christed races. And that law is, “All for One and One for All.”

Cosmic Great White Lodge

The Cosmic Great White Lodge is our galaxy Headquarters which is located in the star system Sirius. The Great White Lodge of Earth is a branch of The Cosmic Great White Lodge on Sirius, and there are thousands of these “branches” spread throughout the galaxy.

Cosmic Law

The collective Laws of God, the Celestial Hosts, and the Lords of Karma. Although The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy have the power to correct any situation in the Universe, Cosmic Law often prevents Us from doing so. If We applied “corrective force” to every negative situation in the Universe, We would usurp and undermine the dynamics of “Free Will” which lay at the heart of the Ascension Process. There is no Ascension without Free Will, and so We must frequently “do nothing” and allow beings and races enmeshed in evil and negativity to work out their own Karma, at their own pace, in their own way. But there are limits and deadlines to everything in the Cosmos. God has given the race of Earth X amount of time to “get their act together” and rejoin the Brotherhood of Planets of their own volition. But that “deadline” is rapidly coming to a close. And what the race of Earth does not correct on their own, God’s Army will soon correct by force through Armageddon.


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