Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 18 mei 2020

Benjamin Fulford. Babylon has fallen as rent and debt payments stop while debt slaves are freed

The fall of Babylonian debt slavery in the United States is fully underway.  A critical mass of about 30% of Americans are not paying auto loans, student loans, rent, mortgages, corporate loans, etc.  This makes it a mathematical certainty that the Babylonian debt slavery system is insolvent and collapsing.
The fact that the U.S. Treasury has started handing out money – not debt certificates – directly to the people is another sign the regime of debt slavery is ending.
There has also been a massive takedown of pedophiles.  Pentagon sources say:
“It appears that the final batch of adrenochrome may have been spiked with potent coronavirus to kill the bloodthirsty cabal who drink this stuff, while the source, namely children trafficked, tortured, or bred for this evil purpose, have been liberated from tunnels.”
For those of you who still cannot wrap your minds around this, the United States was taken over by a group of Satanists who, among other things, tortured children in order to extract a type of high inducing adrenaline known as adrenochrome.
Here is what Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller) had to say about this:
“Although many humans find participating in and observing sexual congress to be both pleasurable and fulfilling I sometimes find it challenging to observe the subsequent removal of adrenochrome from the smaller participants as illustrated in the photograph below.  Ingesting the adrenochrome, however, is as enjoyable a human activity as any I have yet engaged in.”
Notice he uses phrases like “many humans find” and  “a human activity,” as if he himself is not human.
These monsters are all being hunted down and killed and, if you pay attention, a huge swath of celebrities, billionaires, and politicians, etc.  have vanished from public view and will never be seen again.  If Zuckerberg and his ilk are still alive, they will not be for much longer.
Pentagon sources say the USNS hospital ship Comfort is leaving New York City as arrests of the Satanists there are ending.  However, “its sister ship USNS Mercy may take longer in LA because of the large number of ‘pedovores’ in Hollywood.”
We are now starting to get photographs of the abused children from white hat sources in LA and New York.  We cannot verify when these pictures were taken but multiple, credible sources confirm thousands of children were rescued from cages at underground bases.
The first disturbing picture is of…

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