Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 24 maart 2018

Picture of today : Swami Nardanand.

So grateful so blessed to be initiated in this age-old tradition. So grateful to belong to this lineage.
This was the greatest gift of my life...
🌺Thank you dear Swami Nardanand Ji 🌺
🌺Om Jai the Kundalini lineage 🌺
Swami Nardanand Ji or Kundalini Shaktipat MahaYoga lineage is currently at the prime seat & It has been historically recorded Siddha Guru lineage or two centuries.The sole aim of this Siddha Shaktipat Guru Lineage is the upliftment of anyone who earnestly seeks the same.Irrespective of race, caste, creed, age, gender and social standing.
Some of the most supreme and senior Saints from the lineage have deepest regards to Swami Nardanand Ji and presented there letter of honor to swamji images of which are attached.
🌺 Om Jai Guruji 

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