Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 13 augustus 2024

Wisdom of today.

Forgive everybody. Forgiveness ends the negative memory and dispels the energy of conflict. Forgiveness is the blessing of living peace. Love your neighbour as your divine self. If you are not sure wether you or your neighbour have a divine self, pretend that both of you do and try relating from that understanding. The power of becoming a feeling prayer of peace is that it allows us to activate the hologram of peace that exists somewhere in every person and in every family, tribe and culture.

Source: Gabriel Cousens, Creating Peace by Being Peace

Who am I to judge? I forgive and leave the judgement on G-d. Sometimes the best cure against wickedness in society is just forgive, forgive and forgive and put all your faith in a higher power and let that power that created us all handle it. It's beyond our control what is going on with all the wars and rumours of war and it's turning biblical, if Mike Adams is right. I am currently doing Raphael meditations for the healing of the suffering of innocent victims in my own environment who are jabbed and / or attacked and I hope that many more can get the healing and help they need. I also pray for the power of Raphael to bring morality into the profession of doctors where they are really intending to cure and not just make profit. They can still make money for a living, it's just a different approach. I have full faith in the miracles possible with trusting G-d and his healing archangel Raphael and I still have a deep faith even in this Kali Yuga that a small group of faithful people can make a huge difference for the better.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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