Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 11 augustus 2024

Wisdom of today.

Leaving out the extreme cases, which end in madness, this generalization applies to all the categories of men in whom kundalini is congenitally more or less active, comprising mystics, mediums, men of genius, and those of an exceptionally high intellectual or artistic development only a shade away from genius. In the case of those in whom the awakening accurs all at once as the result of yoga or other spiritual practices, the sudden impact of powerful vital currents on the brain and other organs is often attended with grave risk and strange mental conditions, varying from moment to moment, exhibiting in the beginning the abnormal peculiarities of a medium, psychic, genius, and madman all rolled into one.


There are well-known and well-attested causes of individuals who, in trance or semitrance bloom into great healers, clairvoyants, expounders of religious truths, prophesiers, oracles and the like. With voluntary cultivation there is no end to the possibilities of the metamorphosis. With better knowledge of the mechanism and discovery of safer methods to activate it, the producs of kundalini can bloom into progidies in every sphere of human knowledge, into geniuses of the highest order, into prophets, seers, healers, and clairvoyants of surpassing stature, beyond anything we can imagine at present. They will be the leaders in every field of knowledge and activity in the future world.

Gopi Krishna

From the book : Kundalini, Evolutionand Enlightenment, Edited by John White

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