Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 12 augustus 2024

Wisdom of today by Swami Vishnu Tirtha.

It is a well known fact that yogins can keep their system through celibacy in perfect health and some of them rejuvenate their whole body, and bring a youth-like age. In ordinary persons too a celibate life keeps up health, prolongs age and prevents decay. Ordinary persons who cannot practice bajroli, keep their Brahmacharya through control of passions, sexual lust and other exciting emotions, refraining from overindulgence in sexuality and avoiding fears. Fear, anger, anxieties, sorrows, and lust for the opposite sex are most baneful to spiritual advancement and should be most guardedly avoided. 


 But it should not be forgotten that refrainment from actual intercourse without the control of sexual impulse is futile and may lead to destruction of health, in the shape of fevers, hysteria and other maladies. It is so because once the mind has got excited, the testic and ovary glands begin to function and the genital fluids so formed must seek an outlet. On the other hand utilise their juices, they are assimilated by the system for health building purpose or some better one. Such persons are called Urdhvaretas, because their creative energy goes up instead of flowing out. Through control of sex impulse, the creative energy of a person is raised to higher planes. Napoleon Hill, an American writer, in his work 'Think and grow rich', says tht sex energy can be transmuted to higher creative energies of science, art, poetry, etc.


Thus a mind free from attachment and hatred, always deeply engrossed in high persuits, not minding the likes and dislikes of the objective world or ups and downs of life, steers through the mission with brave, fearless and undaunted heart, stands like a rock against the waves of the seething ocean of life. He forms a character, firm and bold, not affected by the society he moves in, but moulding the latter after his own fashion. He works hard and lives a busy life working miracles all his life, but himself remaining unaffected like a lotus leaf in water. Such persons are called jivanmuktas and are free from the worldly bondages even in life, and after death shall be absorbed into the universal spirit no more to be reborn.

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