Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 12 augustus 2024

Prayers for America and election integrity.

I pray for honest elections without voting fraud and / or corruption. I refuse to pick a side. The people need to vote so may every candidate give the best they can. It's the people that vote, not the angels :-)

May they respect their opponent and let the people decide. We need peace because we are the brink of world war 3. The Krishna devotees refer to karma because of the slaughtering of innocent animals like cows in slaughterhouses. If things don't change it can get really dangerous.
May we eliminate nuclear weapons because they are demonic and not meant for peace.

And of course, meditation for worldpeace is a great help and is for free. No money needed, only some time.


Kristo Gabriel

If you want to make a difference for peace, you can donate : - It's time to end nuclear weapons.

"The discovery of nuclear energy has been disastrous to people in general because demons all over the world are manufacturing nuclear weapons. The word kadana-priyāḥ is very significant in this regard. The demoniac persons who want to kill the Vedic culture are extremely envious of the feeble citizens, and they act in such a way that ultimately their discoveries will be inauspicious for everyone (jagato ’hitāḥ). The Sixteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gītā fully explains how the demons engage in sinful activities for the destruction of the populace."


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