Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 10 mei 2024

Upaddha Sutta : Wisdom from Lord Buddha. Special thanks to the secret helper in the mail.

"Don't say that, Ananda. Don't say that. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life. When a monk has admirable people as friends, companions, & comrades, he can be expected to develop & pursue the noble eightfold path.[from SN 45.2 translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu]

These powerful words are well known among Buddhist practitioners because the message is short, to the point, and obviously useful. But because it's not one of the precepts or a separate item on the 8-fold path, it can easily be overlooked. It doesn't even show up on most of the lists of qualities we are advised to develop. Instead, having good people around us, choosing to spend our time with others on the Buddha's path, is a great, perhaps the greatest, support for our own progress on the path.

If we have, for periods of our life, spent time with people who encourage and support our worst impulses, we will know the truth of this statement. Who we choose to spend time with will help or harm us, regularly, persistently, and with predictable outcomes.

For this reason, people who are trying to free themselves from addictions or from nefarious activities must do the difficult work of severing some relationships and establishing new ones. If we haven't had direct experience of the uplifting effects of spiritually supportive friendships, it may be hard to recognize what makes people helpful or harmful to us. This is a critical skill we can develop if we are practicing mindfulness. It may start with identifying a teacher or mentor and asking for help.

Choosing whom we associate with is only half of the beneficial equation here; becoming a better companion to others is the other half. We can't expect people to accept us if we don't hold up our end; if we don't behave in ways that are at least sometimes admirable. If we make the effort to take care of our own responsibilities for work and spiritual development, this will be helpful to others. The respect and care with which we treat ourselves and our companions is a direct reflection of our own wholesome intentions.

It's easy to take our friends for granted, but if we do, we risk allowing the friendships to wither. If we appreciate and take as a model the good behavior of others, we will grow in wisdom and in helpfulness to others. By being a supportive and caring friend, our own compassion and internal peace increase and a virtuous cycle is set in motion.  Mindfully monitoring our relationships and our behavior within those relationships is the essential soil in which freedom from suffering can grow.

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