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Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 15 mei 2024

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on monarchy & modern democratic leaders as thieves.

“So the, in the present age of Kali, the government men will be dasyu (thieves). This is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Dasyu-dharmabhih. You can, we can see practically. You cannot keep your money. You earn with hard labor, but you cannot keep gold, you cannot keep jewelry, you cannot keep money. And… They will take it away by laws. So they make law that… Yudhisthira Maharaja was just quite opposite. He wanted to see that every citizen is so happy that they are not troubled even by excessive heat and excessive cold. Ati-vyadhi. They are not suffering from any disease, they are not suffering from excessive climatic influence, eating very nicely, and feeling security of person and property. That was Yudhisthira Maharaja. Not only Yudhisthira Maharaja. Almost all the kings, they were like that.” Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.18 — Mayapura, September 28, 1974

Monarchy, however, another aspect of Vedic culture, was the political system of medieval Europe and practically the rest of that era’s more organized world. Oppressed by the kings and nobles who drove them off their ancestral lands, the people of France and the American colonies overthrew their corrupt tormentors, and so began the period of modern democracy. In this way we can understand that the modern way of life is based on departure from at least two fundamental aspects of the Vedic way of life that Srila Prabhupada taught – monarchy and God’s ownership of all land. Previously, as in Vedic culture, the European Kings and nobles were trained in codes of chivalry and other moral codes so that they would rule ethically. The poorer examples have already been mentioned. However democratically elected heads of state have failed to provide any higher standard.

“We actually see from modern history that monarchies have been abolished by various revolutions, but unfortunately the monarchies have been abolished to establish the supremacy of third-class and fourth-class men. Although monarchies overpowered by the modes of passion and ignorance have been abolished in the world, the inhabitants of the world are still unhappy, for although the qualities of the former monarchs were degraded by taints of ignorance, these monarchs have been replaced by men of the mercantile and worker classes whose qualities are even more degraded. When the government is actually guided by brahmanas, or God conscious men, then there can be real happiness for the people.” Purport, Srimad Bhagavatam 9.15.15

The concept of individual freedom is also foundational to modern society. In modern civics classes the medieval lives of peasants subjugated by kings and feudal tradition are contrasted with democracy’s individual choice and opportunity. Of course virtually all that choice and opportunity only ends up being used to select between competing brands of consumer products. These “choices” then are little more than the fulfillment of the get-rich schemes of the misdirected leaders described earlier. The lasting result of this consumer feeding frenzy created by the laws of material nature has only been more externalities like climate change and other environmental depletion and destruction. This is what happens when sudra-like unintelligent people ruled only by sense gratification are allowed to have wealth and “freedom.” In the final analysis the earth’s life sustaining abilities were far better protected under the relatively Vedic medieval system wherein these people were under greater limitation. Srila Prabhupada commented regularly on how individual freedom was an illusion, and how the laws of material nature are always controlling everyone and everything. The following quote mentions India and food shortage, but the principle described can be applied to any country dealing with environmental problems.

“It is a false notion that you are independent. You are not independent. It is a false notion. Nobody is independent. We may be puffed up that ‘We belong to an independent nation. Now we have got…’ Just like Indian. We were under British rule. Now we have got independence. This is all false notion. What is that independence? The nature’s law is forcing starvation. What is this independence? They are now begging grains from other countries. In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature. The laws of nature at once can force the stringent laws, and he becomes subservient. So subservient, to become subservient, is your nature. You cannot alter it. The best thing is that instead of becoming subservient to this false, you should become subservient to the Absolute Truth. Satyam param dhimahi.” Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 10.4 — New York, January 3, 1967

“The mass of people in general are tools in the hands of the modern politicians and leaders of the people.” Purport, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.11

Srila Prabhupada regularly commented on how unintelligent sense enjoying people will inevitably vote for leaders like themselves. This is a big reason why democracy has not provided any real solution to the world’s looming climate change crisis.

“Nowadays it is the days of vote. Any rascal, if he gets vote somehow or other, then he acquires the exalted post. That is also written in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no consideration who is fit to occupy the exalted post of presidentship or royal throne. Simply somehow or other, by hook and crook, he’ll occupy the seat. Therefore people are suffering. It is not… Nowadays, in democratic days, the government by the people, government for the people. So if the government is by the people, yes, you select your representative. If you are a fool, then you will select another fool. So Bhagavata says, sva-vid-varaha ustra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh. Anyone who is not a devotee, Krsna conscious devotee of God, then he may be in a exalted post, but he is praised by some people who are exactly like sva. Sva means dog, and vid-varaha means pigs who eat stool. Sva-vid-varaha. Vid-varaha. And ustra, ustra means camel. And ustra-kharaih. Khara means ass. Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih. If a person who is not a devotee, he is praised or he is exalted, then the praisers, the persons who is praising him, he must be among these animals: dog, camel, pig and ass. So the whole population is like that, like dog, like camel, like ass and like vid-varaha, pig, the stool-eater, the whole population, at the present moment. So he must elect another big animal who is also in this category. Because he has no knowledge. If you takes votes from the camels, to whom he will vote? Another big camel, that’s all. If you take votes from the dog, then whom he will elect? Another big dog. Therefore, anyone who is not a devotee of God, Krsna, he is either of these animals. And if he is praised, it is to be understood that he is being praised by the similar type of animals. So if we remain sva-vid-varahostra-khara, then we must elect another big sva-vid-varahostra-khara. So how there can be good situation of the state? It is not possible. Therefore the public must be educated so that they may not elect another big dog or big camel or big ass to the exalted post. It is the public’s fault. Nowadays it is democratic days. So why should you complain against such-and-such person or president? You have elected him, and now you find fault with him. So it was your fault that you selected such a rascal, sva-vid-varahostra. It is very right conclusion.” Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.37 — Los Angeles, December 15, 1973

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