shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
dinsdag 30 april 2024
RICHARD WILLETT : If I could predict in the books way back what is now happening in Europe and North America – it must have been planned all along. And it has been. People reel back at the term ‘invasion’, but that is what it is. All Cult orchestrated with the punchline yet to come.
Srila Prabhupada - The Acharya (Part 1).
Day 36 | Guru Gita, Meditation & Talk | 40 Days 2024.
Vedic Wisdom of today : Bhagavad Gita. 13.8-12
Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me; aspiring to live in a solitary place; detachment from the general mass of people; accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth – all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance.
When You Remove God, The Truth Must Become Distorted.
maandag 29 april 2024
‘Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth’…’ViroLIEgy is Wholly Fraudulent’ – says Dr Mike Yeadon.
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 2027.
Dance Me To The End Of Love - Madeleine Peyroux.
Madeleine Klinkhamer (De Andere Krant) : “Grondrechten alle Nederlanders overruled door WHO”. (Dutch)
Vedic Wisdom of today.
Those who are not situated in pure Kṛṣṇa consciousness are always inclined toward material sense gratification in the form of illicit sex, meat-eating and intoxication. They simply desire a party life of eat, drink and be merry. Such materialistic persons are unwilling to give up such temporary gratification because they are firmly bound up in the bodily concept of life. For such persons there are numerous Vedic injunctions for rituals that bestow material sense pleasure in a regulated manner. The conditioned soul thereby becomes accustomed to indirectly worshiping the Supreme Lord by accepting the austerity of regulated sense gratification in obedience to the Vedic way of life. Through purification the living entity gradually develops a higher taste and becomes directly attracted to the spiritual nature of the Lord.
Sometimes the fallen practitioners of the karma-kāṇḍa section of the Vedas assert that the material fruitive results of Vedic ceremonies should never be given up, because they are prescribed by religious scriptures. For example, there is a Vedic injunction that in the proper season a husband must approach his wife at night at least five days after her menstrual period, if the wife has properly bathed and cleansed herself. Thus, a responsible householder should engage in religious sex life.
The injunction that one must approach his wife for sex life is explained by the Vaiṣṇava ācāryas as follows. Within the material world almost every man is very lusty and desires passionate sex life with every attractive woman he meets, or with any woman at all. Actually, for an ordinary materialistic man it is an accomplishment if he can restrict himself to relationships with his lawfully wedded wife. But because familiarity breeds contempt, the natural tendency is for the husband to gradually become envious or resentful of the wife and desire illicit connections with other women. Such a mentality is most sinful and abominable, and the Vedic scripture therefore orders that one must approach his actual wife, with a desire to beget children, and thus curtail the tendency toward illicit sexual connection with other women. Were there no such Vedic injunction ordering one to approach his wife, many men would naturally be inclined to neglect their wives and pollute other women by illicit connection.
However, such an injunction for conditioned souls does not apply to great souls who are fixed on the spiritual platform and are transcendental to material sex desire. As stated in this verse, nivṛttir iṣṭā: the actual purpose of the Vedic scriptures is to bring one back home, back to Godhead, back to the spiritual world. It is clearly stated by Lord Kṛṣṇa in Bhagavad-gītā, yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran bhāvaṁ tyajaty ante kalevaram: whatever we think of at the time of death will determine our next body.
smaran muktvā kalevaram
yaḥ prayāti sa mad-bhāvaṁ
yāti nāsty atra saṁśayaḥ
If one remembers Kṛṣṇa, he is immediately transferred to the eternal planet of Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, since all the Vedic scriptures are meant for knowing Kṛṣṇa (vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyaḥ), the ultimate goal of the Vedas cannot be any type of absorption in the material senses, either licit or illicit. The Vedic regulations governing married sex life are actually meant to prevent sinful illicit sex. However, one should not foolishly conclude that a lusty attraction to his wife’s naked body is the perfection of self-realization and Vedic elevation. The actual perfection of spiritual life is to become free from all material desires, nivṛtti, and to fix the mind on Kṛṣṇa.
Similarly there are other injunctions, governing the regulated consumption of liquor and meat. Those who are mad after meat-eating are instructed to perform Vedic ceremonies by which they are permitted to consume five types of five-clawed animals, namely the rhinoceros, turtle, rabbit, porcupine and lizard. Similarly, the consumption of specific liquors is allowed during highly restricted sacrifices performed on specific days of the year at great expense. In this way, other types of drunkenness and cruel animal slaughter are prohibited. One is gradually purified by performing such sacrifices, and he develops a distaste for such foolish activities as meat-eating and the drinking of liquor. The Vedic rules and regulations that gradually restrict sense gratification are called vidhi. The word niyama refers to injunctions governing activities that human beings ordinarily would not be inclined to perform. For example, it is said, ahar ahaḥ sandhyām upāsīta: “One should chant Gāyatrī mantra at the three junctions of the day, every day.” It is also stated, māgha-snānaṁ prakurvīta: “One must take bath daily, even during the coldest months of winter.” Such injunctions prescribe activities that ordinarily would be neglected.
Although it has been mentioned above that there are injunctions against neglecting one’s lawful wife, there is no injunction against totally neglecting meat-eating. In other words, killing of animals is considered most abominable, and although some concession is made for the more violent class of men, one should actually completely give up this cruel activity because even a slight discrepancy in animal sacrifices will cause havoc in one’s life.
It should be understood that those who have become spiritually advanced by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra under the guidelines of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu are expected to completely give up material sense gratification. If a devotee of Kṛṣṇa duplicitously tries to take advantage of the scriptural allowances for meat-eating, intoxication or sex enjoyment, then he commits the tenth offense against chanting. Especially if one has accepted the renounced order of life called tridaṇḍi-sannyāsa, it is most abominable and reprehensible to become attracted to the Vedic injunctions prescribing regulated sex life for householders. According to Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī there is no such allowance for one in the renounced order of life. The Vaiṣṇava sannyāsīs should not foolishly become bewildered by statements in the Vedic literature such as the following verse from Manu-saṁhitā:
na madye na ca maithune
pravṛttir eṣā bhūtānāṁ
nivṛttis tu mahā-phalā
“It may be considered that meat-eating, intoxication and sex indulgence are natural propensities of the conditioned souls, and therefore such persons should not be condemned for these activities. But unless one gives up such sinful activities, there is no possibility of achieving the actual perfection of life.”
In the Kriyā-vidhāna it is explained that sex is permitted only during the vāmadeva sacrifice, or the garbhādhāna-saṁskāra for begetting of religious children. It is also stated that sometimes certain types of meat are used in worshiping Lord Hari through sacrifices to the forefathers and demigods. Similarly, there is a form of intoxication available through drinking the soma beverage. But if a so-called brāhmaṇa becomes attracted to such offerings, he immediately becomes polluted. Actually, the brāhmaṇas who performed such offerings would not personally accept any type of liquor or meat. These things would be consumed by the kṣatriyas, who were not considered at fault in accepting such remnants of sacrifice.
However, in the movement of Caitanya Mahāprabhu it can be observed that those who desire to become advanced devotees of Kṛṣṇa immediately give up all such fruitive sacrifices. There is no scope in pure devotional service for any type of fruitive sacrifices. Caitanya Mahāprabhu demanded that all of His sincere followers engage twenty-four hours a day in śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ, hearing and chanting the glories of the Personality of Godhead. Those who claim to be followers of Caitanya Mahāprabhu and who are seriously planning on going back home, back to Godhead, in the near future should not become mindlessly attracted by Vedic fruitive rituals that are meant to attract those who are hopelessly bound up in the material, bodily concept of life. The followers of Caitanya Mahāprabhu always remain aloof from such tainted rituals.
Although Lord Jesus Christ was Crucified, He Never Changed His Opinion - Prabhupada 0296.
How to protect yourselves against the black lodge.
Drugs are a part of the black lodge's strategy to destroy people's lives and even entire communities.
(Except Marihuana. According to doctor Gabriel Cousens we should keep children and young adults away from Marihuana for the danger of becoming psychotic because of the toxicity to the brain. But the Great White Lodge teaches :
The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now, The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement!
In coming to the police and telling them frankly the position of the affairs you have, in popular language, "turned the King's evidence." and the authorities will go a long way to protect anyone who does this.
More over your complaint will go on the police records, and a watch will be kept;
"Although the authors are in favor of decriminalizing marijuana, and are aware of good research suggesting that it may be useful in certain cases as a cancer therapy and many people suffering from chronic pain, this does not mean that it is a totally innocuous substance.
There is a correlation between adolescant pot smoking and an increase in imbalanced relationships and exacerbated intimacy difficulties later in life, irrespective of social upbringing, personal hardships, or other potential challenges."
"Teenagers with a family histories of schizophrenia are also at higher risk of developing schizophrenia after using marihuana."
Source : Dr Gabriel Cousens.
Sources : &
The CAA’s Grip On Freedom Of Speech – David Icke.
David Icke
David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Icke’s books, videos, lectures, and website
Daniel 9:20-23 meaning.
Gabriel, an angel from God, brings God’s answer to Daniel. At the moment Daniel began praying, God sent this messenger to speak to him.
Before Daniel finishes praying, God answers. Daniel writes that while he was speaking, praying, confessing his sin and the sin of his people Israel, and making his supplication before the Lord—while he was still speaking in prayer, then the man Gabriel appeared.
Gabriel is an angel, a messenger sent from God. Daniel describes him as a man because he appeared in human form, just as he had in Daniel’s vision previously in Daniel 8:15-19. Apparently Daniel recognized Gabriel from before. He reports that Gabriel arrived in the midst of Daniel’s extreme weariness about the time of the evening offering. Daniel is exhausted. It is the end of the day, and he has been fasting and praying for a long time. He may also be emotionally distraught from reflecting on his alienation from his home country, from confessing sin, and from wondering what God’s answer will be, whether He will restore the people of Israel to their home, and show compassion to them.
Gabriel brings God’s answer. This answer relates to much more than what Daniel prayed about. God delivers a response far greater in scope and meaning. Gabriel begins by giving Daniel instruction, saying, “O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding.”
The angel provides an interesting detail about the speed of God’s response. From the beginning of Daniel’s prayer, God gave the command for Gabriel to visit Daniel. God’s answer was ready and on its way before Daniel had finished the first sentence of his prayer. Gabriel explains that he has come to tell Daniel this message because Daniel is highly esteemed by God. Daniel has been unbreakably faithful to God during all his time in Babylon, serving various kings, interpreting visions sent by God. Once more, God has chosen to give Daniel knowledge about the future. Gabriel urges him to heed the message, to listen carefully, and to gain understanding of what will be revealed to him.
Biblical Text
20 Now while I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God in behalf of the holy mountain of my God, 21 while I was still speaking in prayer, then the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision previously, came to me in my extreme weariness about the time of the evening offering. 22 He gave me instruction and talked with me and said, “O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding. 23 At the beginning of your supplications the command was issued, and I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed; so give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision.
In case of skin cancer. #NonProfit #Science
It is safe to take one dose 100 000 IU (International Units) of Vitamine D3 in case of cancer, as I did today.
Sodium bicarbonate also helps.
I have to go for a medical check up because I possibly have skin cancer.
Research by Mark Circus, Michael Holick and Bilbiotheque Pleiades and Zeee Media / Vigilant Fox.
Skin Cancer is curable and not lethal in most cases.
Don't demonise the sun.
Injections with poisons and an acidic body PH and of course years of smoking (what I stopped doing for months now thanks to Prasadam) is the reason and it is curable with baking soda.
Cancer is a fungus, and it is curable.
Keep the faith.
Here to serve G-d, until He calls Me back.
Not here, not Now, not Me.
Swami Nardanand, who has doctors as His disciples, cured a doctor with bloodcancer (leukemia) by advising to do intensive pranayama to get more oxigen in the body. Vitamine B12 is also known for getting more oxigen in the body. I took 4 pills of a B-Complex (BEFACT FORTE) as a protection for the nervous system and it is very good for serotonine production, especially vitamine B6 against depression and vitamine B3 in high doses against all forms of psychosis and schizophrenia. (Do Your Own Research) .
Kristo Gabriel
Archangelic Message.
The Matrix
“The Matrix” is a 1999 Hollywood movie that exposes the evil controllers of Earth and the false paradigms of Earth. The story and contents of this movie were entirely channeled by The Great White Lodge to the screenwriters without their being aware of it. This movie is required viewing for the 144,000.
The first one who awakened my kundalini,
Original Prabhupada Audio COMPLETE on 128GB USB Drive FINAL EDITION [2019]! His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
The complete Final Edition of all original Srila Prabhupada audio on a 128GB USB memory stick. Contains 3,877 recordings, a total of more than 2,360 hours of high-quality original Prabhuapda audio! Existing already released recordings plus more than 1,300 hours of new, never before released recordings of Srila Prabhupada! Now digitally restored resulting in the best quality Prabhupada audio ever.
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhpada : The Fate of the Unsuccessful Yogī.
Don't despair, those on the Path who failed in previous lives are to be reborn into families of aristocracy, merchants or yogis and transcendentalists. This makes it easier for them to develop further their Krishna Consciousness without having to worry about having to struggle for an income. The main goal for all of humanity is liberation, but in Kali Yuga people are most removed from G-d.
Don't despair, says Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, my devotee will never perish, not in this world or the next.
Monarchies are under pressure, but the ancient Vedas teach that people are more happy under the guidance of a holy King than under a president.
Source :
“The unsuccessful yogī, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. Or he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Verily, such a birth is rare in this world.” (Bg. 6.41–42) There are many planets in the universe, and on the higher planets there are greater comforts, the duration of life is longer, and the inhabitants are more religious and godly. Since it is said that six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets, the unsuccessful yogī stays on these higher planets for many, many years. Vedic literatures describe their lifetimes as lasting ten thousand years. So even if one is a failure, he is promoted to these higher planets. But one cannot remain there perpetually. When the fruits or the results of one’s pious activities expire, he has to return to earth. Yet even upon returning to this planet, the unsuccessful yogī meets with fortunate circumstances, for he takes his birth in either a very rich family or a pious one.
Generally, according to the law of karma, if one enacts pious deeds, he is rewarded in the next life by birth into a very aristocratic family or into a very wealthy family, or he becomes a great scholar, or he is born very beautiful. In any case, those who sincerely begin spiritual life are guaranteed human birth in the next life – not only human birth, but birth into either a very pious or a very wealthy family. Thus one with such a good birth should understand that his fortune is due to his previous pious activities and to God’s grace. These facilities are given by the Lord, who is always willing to give us the means to attain Him. Kṛṣṇa simply wants to see that we are sincere. In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is stated that every particular person has his own duty in life, regardless of his position and regardless of his society. If, however, he gives up his prescribed duty and somehow – either out of sentiment or association or craziness or whatever – takes shelter of Kṛṣṇa, and if, due to his immaturity, he falls from the devotional path, still there is no loss for him. On the other hand, if a person executes his duties perfectly but does not approach God, then what does he earn? His life is indeed without benefit. But a person who has approached Kṛṣṇa is better situated, even though he may fall down from the yogic platform.
Kṛṣṇa further indicates that of all good families to be born into – families of successful merchants or philosophers or meditators – the best is the family of yogīs. One who takes birth in a very rich family may be misled. It is normal for a man who is given great riches to try to enjoy those riches; thus rich men’s sons often become drunkards or prostitute hunters. Similarly, one who takes birth in a pious family or in a brahminical family often becomes very puffed up and proud, thinking, “I am a brāhmaṇa; I am a pious man.” There is chance of degradation in both rich and pious families, but one who takes birth in a family of yogīs or of devotees has a much better chance of cultivating again that spiritual life from which he has fallen. Kṛṣṇa tells Arjuna,
labhate paurva-dehikam
yatate ca tato bhūyaḥ
saṁsiddhau kuru-nandana
“On taking such a birth, he again revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru.” (Bg. 6.43)
Being born in a family of those who execute yoga or devotional service, one remembers his spiritual activities executed in his previous life. Anyone who takes to Kṛṣṇa consciousness seriously is not an ordinary person; he must have taken to the same process in his previous life. Why is this?
hriyate hy avaśo ’pi saḥ
“By virtue of the divine consciousness of his previous life, he automatically becomes attracted to the yogic principles – even without seeking them.” (Bg. 6.44) In the material world, we have experience that we do not carry our assets from one life to another. I may have millions of dollars in the bank, but as soon as my body is finished, my bank balance is also. At death, the bank balance does not go with me; it remains in the bank to be enjoyed by somebody else. This is not the case with spiritual culture. Even if one enacts a very small amount on the spiritual platform, he takes that with him to his next life, and he picks up again from that point.
Daily research during Essene meeting.
I bought a book from Magdalena P. with info about bodhisattvas and buddhas (book by G. de Purucker), and Christ as an avatar of Shiva. He is seen as in team Jesus according to that book. Dr Cousens says that in CERN, Switserland, they use the Shiva energy to invoke demons and release them into the world. That's not good. Look on the symbol of CERN, you see 666. That's the number of the beast. We are marked by G-d and will never follow the dark side. Dr Cousens admits that Shiva is a power of enlightenment but it can also be seen as the power of the dark side.
These are real forces and there is a dark side to it.
Our work with Dr Cousens is to bring as much light into the world as possible that protects people.
I have a meditation with Swamiji tonight at 3.30 AM Belgium time in a silent room with the devices turned off.
Don't follow the dragon which represents Satan. Follow Michael and His Angels.
I certainly do. Dr Cousens adviced people to turn away from idolatry. You can love music, but don't turn into idol worship. G-d has to be worshipped not idols, and as Mohammed preached, don't even worship the Sun and the Stars. Only false prophets teach to worship idols. Worship G-d and G-d alone and you will harvest the benefits.
Kristo(f) Gabriel
Source : Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment, Rabbi Gabriel Cousens.
Source :
Wisdom from Swami Nardanand.
SwamiJi identified air as the most important of the five bodily elements. Breathing deeply, one can live over 100 years, cure cancer and become Enlightened, he said.
Our body is made of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, space…. The body needs these five all the time.
Through breathing, the body detoxifies many impurities. We need a lot of oxygen. In ancient times, and also [currently] many sadhus are breatharian (one who gives up food and water). They can live on breath....
Our body needs much more oxygen than other [elements]. Water you take only three to four times a day, five to six times a day. But you can’t stop breathing, even when you sleep.… With air, with oxygen, the body is detoxifying for 24 hours.
In these five elements, oxygen is very important. That’s why these rishis in yoga developed pranayama. With pranayama you can take your breath very deep. Normally the lower part of our lungs is filled with carbon. Especially these days, people are breathing very shallowly. Modern scientists say our age gets reduced.
In the scriptures, people could live 100 years very easily because they did hard work. Lungs were bigger before. Lungs are shrinking these days because they aren’t used properly. They start to shrink - this is the law of nature. Before, people did a lot of hard work, exercise.
The yogis say we need more space in our lungs so we can hold a lot of oxygen in the body. Breathing is more important than anything. You can detoxify many toxins with breathing. Oxygen is the main element the body needs - we breathe [from birth till death]. All the time people are breathing, breathing, breathing. So, the rishis understood that since the breath is 24 hours running, that means it has meaning.
Nowadays, some scientists are working on this subject, and they say many organs become weak because they get less oxygen. Many scientists researched cancer... they say cancer can only happen when you don’t have enough oxygen in your body. If you have enough oxygen in your body, cancer cannot develop….
They analyzed tumors and they found a lot of carbon toxins. Modern scientists say if somehow we can get the oxygen to flow more, tumors will dissolve. But how can they do it? It’s not like you can inject oxygen from the outside. It’s not possible. It should come through a process.
Oxygen always goes through your lungs and spreads everywhere in your body - this is the process. I was in Brazil, and modern medical science developed an oxygen treatment. Some hospital virus happened and they wanted to reduce it, so they gave a lot of oxygen to the patients. But this is not natural oxygen. If oxygen comes through nature it has many nutrients, “nectars” in the air. It’s very beneficial.
Many years ago, one of my devotees was a doctor. He had leukemia - blood cancer. He didn’t want to tell his family. As a doctor, he was thinking to cure himself, but he knew it was not curable. You have to kill white cells or something - they can manage it, but there is no permanent cure. One day he came to the ashram. I was about to leave for the US, I was preparing for my trip. He said:
“SwamiJi, I don't know if I’ll see you again. I have leukemia. I don’t know if I’ll survive.”
I’m not a doctor, but I told him:
“Don’t worry, do pranayama and yoga. Take some organic food. But especially pranayama. As much as you can do.”
Many Shaktipat gurus in our lineage say, “our path is an effortless path,” but they always suggest it is much better if you can do pranayama before you meditate. Pranayama is effort-based… this is not a spiritual process… but… it is very good for health. So, I told him, “you do pranayama.” He captured my words very deeply and did pranayama.
After six or seven months I came back, and he visited. I saw he was healthier.... He said, “I am absolutely cured.” I was very curious. I asked him which doctor’s treatment cured him. I forgot what I told him!
He said, “You told me to do pranayama.” I asked what kind he did, and he said, “I did kapalabhati, nadi shodhana, bhastrika, anuloma viloma.” I was curious to know, how many hours, how many minutes…? He said, “I did as much as possible - five or six hours.”
“How can you do this much?” I asked.
“I didn’t do it all at one time,” [he said], “but if I laid down, I did deep breathing, and when I was walking I [would do pranayama], and also when I was working. Whenever I had time, I did deep breathing.”
It was very scientific, but it was also a surprise [to me], through oxygen how much you can detoxify. The body detoxified even a person with blood cancer. He got so much oxygen his lungs were totally clean…. He was very happy - I could see the light in his face.
So, pranayama is very important. Oxygen is very important. When you do anuloma viloma, automatically the sushumna nadi will start. I also had this experience…. Sushumna nadi is very important - it gives a lot of balance to our mind. And when the sushumna nadi starts, automatically a person becomes introverted, automatically a person has inner peace. Pranayama, this breathing process, is very important.
In European countries and America it’s cold in winter time, and people don’t open their windows. So you are circulating carbon. I always suggest in winter, for a few minutes at least, open windows to circulate oxygen, fresh air. It is very good for health.
Through this breathing process of pranayama, you can activate your sushumna nadi and your mind can become balanced. When the mind is balanced, you will experience peace. When a person feels peace, the mind becomes detoxified.
According to yoga, mind and body have a deep connection. If your sushumna nadi is activated, your mind is affected by that. You activate it through pranayama… People need to understand this breathing process of pranayama. These rishis have been practicing this for a long time and they worked very deeply on this subject. When your sushumna nadi is activated, your [other nadis] will activate, and you can become Enlightened.
This is mentioned in Scripture. When you inhale, this is life. Exhaling is death. Dead energy, toxins, are releasing. This is death. When you inhale, this is life. Inhaling gives life. In every breath, both things are there, death and life.
[Speaking of] kumbhaka (suspension or retention of breath) - normally you are inhaling and exhaling. This inhaling and exhaling doesn’t reach the lower part of the lungs. So, inhale a large amount of oxygen and stop - what happens if you stop, it reaches the lower part of your lungs, and then exhale and if there is any carbon, it will go out. If you do that, the lungs become full of oxygen. When they are full of oxygen, you can detoxify the body….
The mind automatically becomes quiet, as I told you, when the sushumna nadi is activated. This is very practical. Anytime. Normally in the morning when you get up, when your mind is at peace, just feel the sushumna nadi start. If you are angry, you can see your pingala nadi is more active. When you are not angry, ida nadi starts. When your mind is introverted, sushumna nadi starts….
Every breath is life and death. The rishis gave this importance to the breath. If you just think, “my breathing process is life and death,” this means it is very important. Sometimes people say, “I was fighting with life and death,” it means this incident was important. The breathing process is very important, especially in Hatha yoga they mention this. We should take this very seriously.
In Ayurveda, many doctors test the breathing process. They say, “okay lie down.” And they ask for a normal breath. If [your navel] goes up and down, it means you are healthy. Also in Ayurveda, they say a person should take deep breaths…
Now, we are always sitting and the breath [is shallow], not from the bottom of the lungs. If you want to live a longer, healthier life, you have to practice deep breathing. In 24 hours, if you take a deep breath every 20 minutes or half hour, you will save money and feel healthy, otherwise you have to invest a lot of money in your health and you won’t feel happy. If the body is healthy, you don’t need to spend anything.
Air is free! Even water you have to buy. But what is most healthy for the body is free, you don’t need to buy it. Water is not as important as air, so you have to pay or fetch or take it. But oxygen is free. If we get it free, why shouldn’t we enjoy it? We should enjoy life - life is free, we should enjoy it!
Wisdom of today.
"The highest of all the heavenly realms is the realm of Love. And therein does the Holy Blessed One dwell, for the Holy Blessed One is always enrobed in Love. And the Holy Blessed One does not even seperate itself from Love. As it is written: "And a river flowed from Eden" [Bereisheet 2:10]. Indeed, it flows forth continuously, and bonds with the universe in Love. (Zohar, Vol.5, foloi 267b).
zondag 28 april 2024
Srila Prabhupada Chanting Hare Krishna(16rounds).
Researching the foundations of Christianity.
Jesus the Great Initiate, book by Édouard Schuré.
Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch / English).
Wisdom of today. #Truth
I personally donate monthly for the publication of a masonic website as a Patreon. I support free thought but I seriously question and Resist Zionism and Luciferianism which has infiltrated society on so many levels. Only dictators want to stop movements like freemasonry that's why I support it. I was connected with the Priory of Sion for 1 Year. The Priory starts from the 33th degree of Freemasonry.
Research Manly Palmer Hall on the Light of the Vedas. Manly Palmer Hall was a 33 degree freemason but murdered at the end of His life for reasons unknown. He worked His own life long to support philosophical study. My respect for the Ancient Wisdom and the work of Srila Prabhupada will never stop. Please stop calling these movements sects, because they are not.
Vedic Wisdom of today.
According to the Vedic civilization, cows, women, children, old men and brāhmaṇas should be excused if they are at fault. But asuras, uncivilized men, do not care about that. At the present moment, the killing of cows and the killing of children is going on unrestrictedly, and therefore this civilization is not at all human, and those who are conducting this condemned civilization are uncivilized asuras.
Such uncivilized men are not in favor of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. As public officers, they declare without hesitation that the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement is a nuisance, although Bhagavad-gītā clearly says, satataṁ kīrtayanto māṁ yatantaś ca dṛḍha-vratāḥ. According to this verse, it is the duty of the mahātmās to chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra and try to spread it all over the world to the best of their ability.
Harinama Chintamani Devi Dasi : Channel Introduction.
Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow (Official Video).
Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)
‘…wie het Koninkrijk Gods niet ontvangt als een kind, zal
het voorzeker niet binnengaan.’
Lucas 18:17
Bron :
NEIL HAGUE : CBDCs: “Financial inclusion” means the inclusion of all transactions not people.
To try to make central bank digital currencies sound benign, proponents repeatedly use the word “financial inclusion.” They are trying to convince us that the world needs CBDCs so that those who are “unbanked” can participate in the digital economy without requiring a bank account.
This is, of course, absurd, David McGrogan writes. “People who are financially excluded are in that position either because they want to be or – more likely – because they have no choice. A CBDC is a remedy for neither of those things. Indeed, if anything, it is a recipe for deepening financial exclusion.”
“Central banks are understandably concerned that people who prefer to use physical cash may be left out in the cold.” – The Digital Pound Foundation
Central bankers are not well known for their insights into human psychology. When one reads the kind of material they put out, one rather gets the impression that they have been written by a race of aliens (are central bankers from Mars, or Venus?) trying to figure out exactly what it is that makes humans tick.
One sees this most clearly in the arguments which they tend to make when advocating for their shiny new toy, the Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC (which I have written extensively about, in the UK context, HERE, HERE, HERE and elsewhere). These people are by no means fools, and they can discern that selling a CBDC to Earthlings – though they tend to put this in the mealy-mouthed language of “gaining public trust” – is going to be hard. Ordinary people, bluntly, don’t want it, and CBDC enthusiasts are painfully aware of this.
What are Starseeds and Indigo Children?
Starseeds are people whose previous incarnations were on more advanced planets. Starseeds have volunteered to incarnate on Earth in an effort to help facilitate the spiritual evolution of this planet. Starseeds have great charisma, unusually compelling eyes, a nagging sense of being from somewhere else, an urgent need to find and fulfill their mission, a chronic dull pain in the back of their neck, and chronically congested sinuses (these ailments are caused by a difference in monadic frequency between the Starseeds home planet and Earth). Starseeds also volunteer for these “Foreign Missions” because they earn a ton of Ascension Points for doing so, and thus greatly accelerate their own cosmic evolution as part of the bargain! The Dark Lodge is very much aware of Starseeds and does their best to hinder, block, and disable as many Starseeds as they can. For this reason, Starseeds must face and overcome many more obstacles & challenges than a normal person.
Indigo Children
Highly psychic and spiritually advanced children who have been incarnating over the last few decades to help establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth. Many of the Indigos have had a tough time adjusting to Earth life and have been misdiagnosed as Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenic, Delusional, or mentally ill in any number of ways. The Indigos are not mentally ill, just highly advanced beings that often have a tough time “fitting in” and “adjusting” to Earth society. The salvation for these “lost” Indigos is to reject what doctors and society have “labeled” them, own their Indigo status fully and completely, and immerse themselves in helping the Earth transition into The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment!