Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 19 maart 2024

Armageddon Alert! Putin Threatens ‘Full-Scale WW3″ If NATO Sends Troops to Ukraine – Watch LIVE. #MeditatePrayForPeace #NoFear

Pray and meditate for peace. We tried to stop this from happening and warned people nobody wanted to listen to this but they must indeed stop drugging innocent people calling them "mentally ill" and locking up the righteous like Reiner Fullmich. We need Nuremberg 2.0 for justice. It's in G-d's hands.

The info I've got from the Great White Lodge
is this :


The final battle between the sinister Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance and God’s Army for control of the Earth. God’s Army will win and all Earthlings who have either rejected or ignored God all their lives will perish in the great battle of Armageddon.

Cosmic Law 

The collective Laws of God, the Celestial Hosts, and the Lords of Karma. Although The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy have the power to correct any situation in the Universe, Cosmic Law often prevents Us from doing so. If We applied “corrective force” to every negative situation in the Universe, We would usurp and undermine the dynamics of “Free Will” which lay at the heart of the Ascension Process. There is no Ascension without Free Will, and so We must frequently “do nothing” and allow beings and races enmeshed in evil and negativity to work out their own Karma, at their own pace, in their own way. But there are limits and deadlines to everything in the Cosmos. God has given the race of Earth X amount of time to “get their act together” and rejoin the Brotherhood of Planets of their own volition. But that “deadline” is rapidly coming to a close. And what the race of Earth does not correct on their own, God’s Army will soon correct by force through Armageddon. 

Cosmic Law 13 

Comic Law 13 states, “Ignorance is its own destruction, and a natural safeguard to the welfare of the Cosmos.”

This doomscenario can all be prevented by a collective non-violent uprising of humanity for freedom, love, truth, peace and true justice

Keep the faith.
We love you.
We work for humanity.
We work for G-d.

Kristo Gabriel

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