Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 5 december 2023

Pleiadian Prophecy The Great Changeover 2013 2027 Barbara Marciniak

Barbara Marciniak warned a long time ago :
The way of transhumanism and artificial intelligence is insanity and tyranny.
Everything that opposes this is "awakened normality"
as Dr Gabriel Cousens would call it.

Choose wisely.

Kristo Gabriel

Heretics Ahead of Time

Sexuality - A Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness

Your Commitment to Evolve in 3-D

You are magnificent beings, members of the Family of Light, and you came to Earth at this time on assignment to create a shift, to make a change, to assist in the transition. Love is the key.

Love is what makes up the universe. The present technology on Earth will only develop to a certain extent because mankind does not vet understand that love is necessary. Energy can take all forms of creativity, but when one is dealing with greed or hatred or any emotion that is not working toward light, one is only allowed to go so for. Them is only so much information that is available to that sort of vibration. Love is the basic building block, so when one has love, all possibilities exist. Bringing back the concepts of light, which are information and love - which is creativity - is the plan. It takes renegades like the Family of Light to come into a system that as been primarily dark for eons and change it.

This is the evolution of super - consciousness, the evolution into the highest aspect of your being. You do not need to worry about becoming this being, for you already are this being, and you just need to remember it. Since the veils around Earth were lifted at the time of Harmonic Convergence, you have been steadily beamed with this energy from the outer cosmos, and it is constantly being stepped up and increased as you are able to handle it. 

You are evolving now at such an extremely accelerated rate that each year of this decade will be like ten years or more from the previous century. Feel how much you will accomplish by 1999 and feel who you will be. It will be as if you have lived one hundred years in a decade.

You will be flooded with memory, flooded with many other things. Many of you will take trips upon the ships to various portions of the solar system. As you come into the Age of Light, worlds will open that you never knew existed. You have moved past the other ages: the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Industrial Age, the Information Age, and so on. These other ages had to do with seeding, planting, cultivating, and putting the potentialities of life into the third dimension.

A transition is about to occur, a dimensional shift that will lessen the density of the third dimension so that you will move into higher dimensions in which the body does not have such a solid state. You have come here because you wish to master the evolutionary process and be able to live with it. This is going to be very exciting, because it means that you are going to function in many realities.

Buried deep inside of you are all the answers. The questions that come to the forefronts of your minds are arising so that you can bring the answers from within your own beings. In order to achieve this, you must first believe that the information is stored there.

Humanity is learning a great lesson at this time. The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with Prime Creator and with all that exists. The lesson is to realize that everything is connected and that you are part of it all.

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