Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 2 augustus 2023

Robert Kennedy Jr Mayan Calendar analysis. (Dreamspell)


Blue Rhythmic Storm
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Gateway      Clan- Sky
I organize in order to catalyze
Balancing energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
Seal 19 Blue StormSeal 20 Yellow SunSeal 1 Red DragonSeal 2 White WindSeal 3 Blue NightSeal 4 Yellow SeedSeal 5 Red SerpentSeal 6 White WorldBridgerSeal 7 Blue HandSeal 8 Yellow StarSeal 9 Red MoonSeal 10 White DogSeal 11 Blue MonkeySeal 12 Yellow HumanSeal 13 Red SkywalkerSeal 14 White WizardSeal 15 Blue EagleSeal 16 Yellow WarriorSeal 17 Red EarthSeal 18 White MirrorTone 6 RhythmicTone 7 ResonantTone 8 GalacticTone 9 SolarTone 10 PlanetaryTone 11 SpectralTone 12 CrystalTone 13 CosmicTone 1 MagneticTone 2 LunarTone 3 ElectricTone 4 SelfExistingTone 5 OvertoneTone 6 Rhythmic
counter clockwise wheel rotation
Kin 19
Harmonic 5: Resonant Matrix Self-regulate universal fire of attunement

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