Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 2 augustus 2023

Donald Trump Mayan Calendar analysis. (Dremspell) #peace #truth


Blue Electric Hand
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Core      Clan- Blood
Galactic Activation Portal
I activate in order to know
Bonding healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of magic
I am a galactic activation portal   enter me
Seal 7 Blue HandSeal 8 Yellow StarSeal 9 Red MoonSeal 10 White DogSeal 11 Blue MonkeySeal 12 Yellow HumanSeal 13 Red SkywalkerSeal 14 White WizardSeal 15 Blue EagleSeal 16 Yellow WarriorSeal 17 Red EarthSeal 18 White MirrorSeal 19 Blue StormSeal 20 Yellow SunSeal 1 Red DragonSeal 2 White WindSeal 3 Blue NightSeal 4 Yellow SeedSeal 5 Red SerpentSeal 6 White WorldBridgerTone 3 ElectricTone 4 SelfExistingTone 5 OvertoneTone 6 RhythmicTone 7 ResonantTone 8 GalacticTone 9 SolarTone 10 PlanetaryTone 11 SpectralTone 12 CrystalTone 13 CosmicTone 1 MagneticTone 2 LunarTone 3 Electric
counter clockwise wheel rotation
Kin 107
Harmonic 27: Self-existing Store Remember elegance of form - Loom of 13 Moons Gap Kin

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