shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
maandag 31 oktober 2022
Professor Kieboom vertelt over het versterkt bewustzijn en de gevolgen daarvan bij hoogbegaafdheid. (Dutch)
zondag 30 oktober 2022
David Icke Talks To Right Now About His Halloween Special In The Hellfire Caves – Out Monday.
‘We’re going to see a transition regret crisis’: Therapist on rush to affirm kids’ gender confusion.
Swedish Police Bust ‘Arab’ Teens During Gang Rape at Malmo Playground.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : The Atlantic endorses sterilization, says “a limited eugenics program is warranted”.
In Europe, eugenics is forbidden by European Law.
RICHARD WILLET : Israeli President Says He’s ‘Extremely Pleased’ With Kanye Getting Canceled; Reveals He Met With Biden to Condemn Ye.
Inform yourselves.
Do your own research :
"Absolutely not. In fact, Hitler and his people (especially Himmler and Goebbels) were top Illuminists. The Illuminati are racist in the extreme, and as a child, I was forced to play "concentration camp" both on my farm in Virginia, and also in Europe in isolated camps in Germany.
The Jews historically fought against the occult (see Deuteronomy and the Old Testament for how God through the Jewish people tried to cleanse the land of the occult groups that were operating there), such as those who worshipped Baal, Ashtarte, and other Canaanite and Babylonian gods.
The New World Order Is Not A Jewish, But A Satanic Conspiracy
Jean Cocteau speaks to the year 2000, subtitled - 1962.
zaterdag 29 oktober 2022
Manly P. Hall - Integrity, the Endangered Virtue.
Madeleine Peyroux 'All My Heroes' | Live Studio Session.
Madeleine's October American Hero : Mahalia Jackson.
Happy Birthday to my October American Hero: Mahalia Jackson! 🎊 Her success brought about international interest in gospel music, initiating the "Golden Age of Gospel" making it possible for many soloists and vocal groups to tour and record.
Source :
vrijdag 28 oktober 2022
VSAM: Clinical Trial Fraud uncovered by former R&D Pharma Exec. and prenatal malfeasance | Ep. 31.
Jean : Why Are So Many Celebrities Staying Quiet??
Kim Michaels : In the Golden Age psychiatry and psychology will no longer be tools for the power elite.
Charles John Jarvis - The way to stand up & Be alive.
Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!
(This meditation helps to burn up the nanotechnology used by the dark forces in the injections)
Special thanks to Dr Gabriel Cousens
Wisdom of today.
- anyone who threatens the power elite is labelled abnormal
- creativity is always beyond normal
- creativity is generally a threat to the elite
- ascended masters never support status quo
Madonna - Give It 2 Me feat. Pharrell (Official Video).
donderdag 27 oktober 2022
Gareth Icke : Cult Owned Satan’s Spawn – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast.
Still banned from facebook for exposing
the vaccine lies to those who don't realise that.
(the ignorant)
I consider that a great compliment, Zuckerberg.
Kristo Gabriel
GABRIEL RIOS - 'You Will Go Far' (official video).
De Andere Krant (Madeleine Klinkhamer) : “Het is beter de feiten te kennen dan te leven op illusies”. (Dutch)
woensdag 26 oktober 2022
GARETH ICKE : Dutch Jewish activist who lost loved ones in Nazi Germany: David Icke is NOT anti-Semitic.
World Economic Forum Spreads Climate Misinformation and Refuses Open Scientific Debate with CLINTEL.
David : The psychopaths are relentless: mRNA technology and a vaccine for cancer.
dinsdag 25 oktober 2022
maandag 24 oktober 2022
Divine Intervention Activation - English guided audio.
Jean : BANNED LIVESTREAM - Get Your Affairs In Order...
Jean : They Can't Stop Us! | Cathy O'Brien.
Special thanks to Michael
18de editie van Shalom festival reikt de hand naar moslimgemeenschap. (Dutch)
Vandaag, zondag 23 oktober, vond op de Groenplaats de 18de editie van het Shalom festival plaats, een festival waar de joodse cultuur wordt gevierd. Ook de Marokkaanse ambassadeur gaf een toespraak. “De Groenplaats is zo vandaag een unieke plek in België waar joden, moslims, christenen en atheïsten samen dansen en vrede bepleiten”, aldus organisator Michael Freilich.
De 18de editie van Shalom festival op de Groenplaats was zondag naar goede gewoonte weer een namiddag vol dans, Israëlische keuken, een cultuur- en infomarkt en joodse muziek. Ook Boogie Boy gaf een optreden. Michael Freilich, federaal parlementslid voor N-VA en voormalig hoofdredacteur van Joods Actueel, zit sinds dit jaar mee in het bestuurscomité.
“Het festival is destijds gestart vanuit joodse en christelijke organisaties om een boodschap van vrede te brengen”, aldus Freilich. “Ik vond dat er nog iets ontbrak, dus stelde ik voor om de moslimgemeenschap erbij te betrekken. In navolging van de Abraham-akkoorden, gesloten in 2020 tussen Israël en enkele Arabische landen, hebben we gevraagd aan de Marokkaanse ambassadeur om een toespraak te geven op het festival. Zo hebben we een vredesboodschap gegeven vanop de Groenplaats voor de hele wereld, over samenwerking tussen culturen en gemeenschappen.”
zondag 23 oktober 2022
You are the Light of Divali | Sri Vasudeva.
People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Fake Vaccines, Explains Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
Manly P. Hall - A Second Look at the Law of Karma.
When will the criminals be arrested? (Why The Light Will Win)
A military officer recently told me something that can help us:
“Most people don’t understand military operations. They have no patience and want everything to happen right away. They don’t know what it is to fight, keep fighting, never give up, adapt your strategy to changing circumstances, and continually push ahead until the victory is achieved.”
Agape's Way of Meditation Service 10-23-22.
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy.
Over 1,000,000 copies sold despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author.
Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. Hands down, he is anything but.
As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for rigged scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe—truly a dark agenda. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal in a back handed manner to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists—whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward in an authoritarian manner.
During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research on his laptop and through interviews, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed a shocking story that obliterates media spin on Dr. Fauci . . . and that will alarm every American—Democrat or Republican—who cares about democracy, our Constitution, and the future of our children’s health.
The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how “America’s Doctor” launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent do-nothing studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci did the unthinkable and repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in beyond order, deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies.
In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy and our beautiful country.
This is not just another political book. The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets—both conservative and liberal leaning, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.
Best festival of the year (next to Madeleine's) : Shalom Festival. We love Israel (and Palestine, because they are also Jewish).
I had joined the peaceful dance for a while, although the fatigue was playing tricks on me from the recording session with Charles John. Soon an online zoom with Essene Rabbi Gabriel, everyone is welcome. Found my tribe. I love Israel.
Jews, Christians and Arabs united. As it has always been the plan.
So happy :-)
U2 - If God Will Send His Angels (Official Music Video).
Wisdom of today.
WORLD PREMIERE: These Little Ones
zaterdag 22 oktober 2022
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Child Death Cult, nationwide child sacrifice ritual announced as "immunization".
Weekend Awakenings Public Call – Message from the Galactic Federation Oct. 22, 2022.
vrijdag 21 oktober 2022
Are Top Secret Mind Control Programs Used On Population? | MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O'Brien.
Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : OFF THE RECORD: Here's what intel sources tell me is actually about to happen.
Lettres to Benjamin Fulford.
To the bold and courageous leaders who took a stand against the pervasive woke culture, we say thank you!
To those of you who helped start conversations, shared and promoted voting material, encouraged people to vote and voted yourself, we say thank you!
My info is fairly mainstream, but the media here admits Russia is fighting Nazis and most people understand that.
donderdag 20 oktober 2022
Galactic Federation of Light : The Spiritual Uprising: Be Your Own Leader.
Many of your ancient cultures have said that your world is going to split into two worlds, and that those who move towards the truth will be in the world of light. The rest will be left behind, in the realm of confusion, fear and darkness.
MEP Christine Anderson Blows up on the Vaccine Agenda: “I Will Not Inject a Poisonous Substance into My Body” [VIDEO].
Gavin McInnes Exposes The War On Our Children.
The Truth about Pharmaceutical Drugs and the Medical Industry - Part 1 & 2.
woensdag 19 oktober 2022
GARETH ICKE : In the News Right Now Featuring John Mappin, Dominique Samuels, Abi Roberts and Charlotte Emma.
Was Covid-19 a Mass Mind Control Operation? — Cathy O’Brien Interview (CIA MK Ultra Survivor).
Later in this article I’m going to say a prayer for the victims of organized child prostitution and I’m going to encourage you to pray also. But first I’m going to briefly talk about this issue.
Recently I did some editing on my book Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers – Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor. This forced me to think about this issue again.
I’ve heard that in 2018 more than four hundred and twenty-four thousand children in the United States were actually found to be missing. And this trend has been going on for years. But this also is an international problem, and it’s difficult to say how many missing children have been abducted, trafficked and forced into child prostitution. The actual problem is worse than what is suggested by these statistics.
Joseph Stalin sarcastically once said that the death of one man is a tragedy but the death of a million men is a statistic. And that’s the problem with statistics, you can’t relate to them in a personal way. That’s why I wrote my book. I felt that although my personal story wasn’t as bad as what has happened to so many children abused by these groups, I could at least give an understanding to readers of what a child trapped in one of these groups feels like. I wanted people to stop looking at the statistics and to start caring about the children.
Children are often times ruined by this type of abuse.
They are sometimes raped to death. They are sometimes given STDs. They are often tortured and brainwashed. They may be driven into insanity. As adults they often turn to drug and alcohol addiction. Sometimes they survive only to live their lives in quiet desperation. Sometimes they come to identify with their abusers and grow up to become abusers themselves.
But that’s not the worst of it. Some children, after being sexually abused for a period of time, are then tortured to death, so that their blood can be harvested to be consumed by blood drinking addicts.
The world cannot go on denying that this is really happening. The full truth of this is going to come out soon. The Franklin Cover Up, the pizza gate scandal and the Jeffrey Epstein scandal are just the tip of the iceberg.
In my books I talked about a man we called the Baron. Basically he was a smaller version of what Jeffery Epstein was. This all took place decades ago, long before the internet, and since then things have changed. It is now possible for the truth to come out.
You cannot stop a bomb once it explodes, and what I see now is a TRUTH BOMB that is exploding in the world. This TRUTH BOMB is exposing these organized child prostitution groups. This TRUTH BOMB is showing the public how child prostitution is used to blackmail influential persons so that the blackmailers can achieve greater wealth and political power.
So this is a problem that all caring people in the world must be prepared to deal with now. And the first step to solving any problem is to pray about it. If you pray to God first, everything that follows will be according to God’s loving guidance. So I am now going to say a prayer for the children. And I ask that when you are finished watching this video, please say a prayer for the children, in whatever way is right for you. And then tell others to pray.
God Almighty, thank you for the many blessings that you have given to all humanity. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We are now aware that thousands of children in every country around the world are being abused by organized child prostitution rings. But we have faith that your divine power is greater than any power on Earth. Thank you for sending the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in so many ways. Thank you for the army of your angels who guide and defend us. When possible, may the hearts of these child abusers be turned away from evil, back to decency. May the hearts and minds of those in authority be guided by your divine righteousness so that they liberate and help these abducted children. Thank you for having sent your angels to comfort the souls of the hundreds of thousands of children who have already been lost to these evil practices. May you open the eyes of those who refuse to see this problem. May you open the hearts of those who fail to care about these children. May you open the minds of those who refuse to believe in the truth. We pray for all this in the holy name of your son, our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. Truly.