Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 20 oktober 2022

Galactic Federation of Light : The Spiritual Uprising: Be Your Own Leader.

Many of your ancient cultures have said that your world is going to split into two worlds, and that those who move towards the truth will be in the world of light. The rest will be left behind, in the realm of confusion, fear and darkness.

This split is already beginning to take place. As you may well have noticed, you are living in a polarized world. Everywhere you look there’s huge contrast.

Many of you who are reading this have already chosen your lane and are heading towards enlightenment and truth. Some of you have already made the transition and are experiencing higher vibrations, what has been called heaven on earth.

However, others are still in the process of discovering their true self. Deceived by the lower vibration of confrontation, mass media confusion and a fear-based world order.

It is time to assist others in comprehending what is going on!

Those who work with the lower vibratory fields will say to you that you are crazy, you are fake, that you have lost your mind, because you represent something that they don't understand. You represent change, and you must remember that most people are frightened of change.

We are talking about many people you know; some may even be family members. You will need to develop a tremendous amount of patience and compassion for those who feel this energy and do not want to respond to it in a way that can benefit them.

We are going to have to become very allowing. And learn to let go of the old paradigm.

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