Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 4 februari 2020

Positive Vibes. More info. #DoYourOwnResearch.

Despite many troubles in the world, there is an underground growth in spirituality and compassionate thinking.

On Scotland

Corruption in the news… I feel somehow Nicola Sturgeon is implicated. It reflects on her. It makes her look bad.  In Scotland, there will be scandal politics. Something big that will break up the Scottish National Party. There may be people deliberately trying to compromise Scotland. Russia may be involved.”


A top company is accused of fixing an international deal using bribes.  (Could this be in Yemen? – see the Guardian) There is a Scottish influence connected with this story. Nicola Sturgeon implicated.
Big international push to give development aid to stop deforestation. Aid package announced to Africa.
Voyager 2 gives a mysterious last message that some interpret as alien contact. There will also be some strange news about the planet Jupiter.

In the long term, true democracy will emerge based upon the teachings of Sun Yat-sen.

I predicted the Hong Kong riots some time ago. I also spoke of a revolution in China. 2020 will see further clashed in Hong Kong with new riots in the Chinese mainland.
Faced with the overthrow of government Xi Jinping will agree to sweeping changes. (This is a few more years ahead- not 2020)

In the future, Tibet will become an independent country and declare itself as a Spiritual National Park. (See my other YouTube videos).

World Finances

(Note I am not trained in economics. Get advice from a qualified person when making investments.)
  • Despite turbulent problems in China, the Middle East, and North Korea the world economy will be moderately strong in 2020.
  • There will be oil shortages. Oil prices will go up. American Oil companies will be strong. Aramco will sell more stock. These will be strong.
  • Property and land prices in America will increase in value. Canadian property prices will improve. British property prices will increase sharply after Brexit. Property prices in the Mediterranean resorts will decrease in value – Costa Del Sol, Greece, etc.
  • US Medical and Pharmaceutical stock will increase in value.
  • I have never felt right about Bitcoin. I see it is a bubble that will burst in the years to come.
  • Some American Cannabis product companies will fail in 2020.
  • The Australian economy in 2020 will decline. Australian stocks decline with some large companies struggling or going bust. The Australian economy will bounce back in 2021/2 when the unrest in China settles.
  • Europe will face a banking crisis in 2020 and beyond. Brexit and a trade war with the USA will see many rescue packages to save the Euro.
    (See my other prediction about the future break-up of Europe)
  • Euro in freefall.
  • There will be moves to break up Google/Alphabet separating search from advertising.

War in the Middle East

(I see this unfolding over 2020 and 2021)

Riots in Iran. Ali Khamenei retaliates.
Saudi Arabia sells more Aramco stocks on the Stock Exchange.
Saudi Arabia make huge Arms Deal with the USA and Europe
A war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
American Aircraft Carrier struck by a missile.
Putin and Trump enforce a temporary peace deal.

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