Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 3 februari 2020

More info inspired by Nostradamus. - Shared by Kristo(f) Gabriel #PositiveVibes #PositiveFuture

One year before the Italian conflict,
Germans, Gauls, Spaniards for the fort:
The republican schoolhouse will fall,
There, except for a few, they will be choked dead.

There will be those in Germany, France, Spain, and Italy, 
who will be secretely working 
for the Anti-Christ, helping him to take over Europe.
(except the underground resistance forces)

The efforts of Aquilon will be great:
The gate on the Ocean will be opened,
The kingdom on the Isle will be restored:
London will tremble discovered by sail.

North England, Scotland and Ireland will not be under his power
(of the Dajjal). Hopefully this event taking place has the 
possibilities of uniting Ireland. (...) And the Irish spirit, 
he says, being strong and valiant as it is, and the Scottish stubbornness
will play a good ways towards helping the underground movement
to survive the worst of the worst days and eventually conquer 
the anti-Christ (Dajjal). When all this is over, 
people who are Scottish and people who are Irish will be proud that they are,
because of the role Ireland and Scotland will play.

The large trade of a great Lyons changed,
The greater part turns to pristine ruin
Prey to the soldiers swept away by pillage:
Through the Jura mountain and Suevia drizzle.

When the Dajjal making raids into Europe, 
the underground fights back

In the land with a climate opposite to Babylon
there will be great shedding of blood.
Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the air.
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.

Due to the political and the socio-logical upheaval things
will be thorn and in confusion, and people will not know
where to go or whom to follow.
It will be a time where many doomsayers will rise up and
claim to be prophets, claiming to have revelations
and salvation for the people. Governments will rise and fall.
He says it will be a very confusing time.

Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily,
It will ruin the great theater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land,
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.

(This might be done by secret demonic weapons like HAARP,
by then known to the general public)

His last hand through  the bloody Alus,
He will be unable to protect himself by sea:
Between two rivers he will fear the military hand,
The black and irate one will make him rue it.

This refers to the downfall of the Anti-Christ's (Dajjal) supreme commander. he will make a major failure of judgement on the field to the bulk of his forces are captured or killed. The battle involved will be a an extreme strategic one. The black and the angry one refers to the anti-christ and his reaction to the situation.

Alus refers to the misuse of technology by the supreme commander of the anti-christ (dajjal), which will cause his downfall.

When those of the arctic pole are united together,
Great terror and fear in the East:
Newly elected, the great trembling supported,
Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.

When the United States, Canada, Russia and later on 
Northern Europe manage to unite together, the anti-christ's (Dajjal) 
star will tremble. he will not be able to take over Russia.
This union, particularly of the United States, Canada and Russia, strikes
fear into the heart of the anti-christ (dajjal) because he
might see the beginning of the end where he might fail at this point.

Rhodes and Byzantium, being major regional headcarters 
of the anti-christ (dajjal), will see some of the bloodiest fighting.
The northern pole alliance in their effort to break down his chain of command,
communication and such, to help crumble his power, 
will try to wrest the rest of the world from his grasp.

(Quatrain VIII-17 speaks of biological warfare caused 
by the anti-christ (dajjal).

Paul the celibate will die three leagues from Rome,
the two nearest flee the oppressed monster.
When Mars will take up his horrible throne,
the Cock and the Eagle, France and the three brothers.

Once again he refers to the hope of the world, as he calls it,
the alliance between North-America, northern Europe and Russia.
He says France will also be allied with them in spirit, but
not actual physical alliance.
France will be weakened from the anti-christ's (dajjal) degradations
to where she may not necessarily be much help, but she will be allied with
them in her thoughts and her heart.

The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain,
The new sage with a lone brain sees it:
By his disciples invited to be immortal,
Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.

He says in the future there will be this man, who will be
one of the highest, most developed geniuses ever to appear
in our present history of man. He says this gentle man made
the decision to help rather than to hurt mankind, so he is
always inventing and envisioning things that will help mankind.

He will come to expose the false topography,
the urns of the tombs will be opened.
Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
black for white and the new for the old.

This is about the man who will rise as an anti-dote to the anti-christ (dajjal). He will show to the world that the way things are looked upon have a false appearance.
That the philosophies and sciences have been built upon mistaken premises. What he discovers and what he develops will help people come closer to the true appearance of the universe, of how it really is, in relation to the life-force that permeates everything. He will cause a sweping change in the world particularly in the matters of religion and philosophy. He says the new interpretations of these, based on the new understanding of old writings that had been obscure before, will make so much more sense to people it will replace the old way, the narrow-minded way, of looking at things. Because of this science will become more metaphysical than first realized.

For five hundred years more one will keep count of him
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will render them very satisfied.

About the future

The body without soul no longer to be sacrificed:
Day of death put for birthday:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Seeing the word in its eternity.

Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,
Iour de mort mis en natiuité
L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice
Voyant le verbe en son eternité.
Through advancements in science, people will live longer and - when dead- can be brought to life again. Nostradamus saw a time in the future where people who had died could be brought back to life again in many wondrous ways, either by breathing the spirit back to life in many wondrous ways, or by breathing the spirit back into the body before it had begun to corrupt or by making a new body like the old and breathing the spirit back in. He says there are many wondrous things he had seen in regards to this technology. Before this is developed, there will be a breakthrough in science that will upset all the theoretical phases of all the sciences, and man will finally touch G'd, so to speak. (...) He says when this source is discovered, it will be possible to breathe life back into bodies using some of this life spirit that permeates everything. 

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