shamanic artist - pleiadian gabrielian - michaelian - having faith in G-d above all else - sovereign - ethical - refuse RFID chipping / Uniting 144000, peaceful bodhisattva-buddha (nirmanakaya) mahatma- defender of freedom - following my highest calling (Shamballah), ASHTAR “We all shape the world together, be wise and virtuous in your life loyal immortal legions visionary mystic Gabriel Sadhu tintegral & bhakti, raja, siddha, maha yogi 6th dimension Christos / Archangels
Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
woensdag 27 februari 2019
maandag 25 februari 2019
Wisdom of today.
"We won’t bring about peace in the world merely by praying for it; we have to take steps to tackle the violence and corruption that disrupt peace. We can’t expect change if we don’t take action." - The 14th Dalai Lama
zaterdag 23 februari 2019
Book of today : Freemasons & Rosicrucians - The Enlightened by Manly P. Hall. (Dutch)
VRIJMETSELARIJ is een broederschap binnenin een broederschap – een uiterlijke organisatie die een innerlijke broederschap van de uitverkorenen verbergt. Voordat het mogelijk is om intelligent over de oorsprong van de broederschap te discussiëren, is het noodzakelijk – daarom – om het bestaan van deze gescheiden doch onafscheidelijk orden te bevestigen, de één zichtbaar, de ander onzichtbaar. De zichtbare broederschap is een broederschap van vrije en aanvaardde mannen die samenkomen om zich te wijden aan ethische, educatieve, broederlijke, patriottische en humanitaire werken. De onzichtbare broederschap is een geheim en meest verheven broederschap wiens leden toegewijd zijn aan de dienst van het arcanum arcanorum. (...) In elke generatie zijn er slechts enkelen toegelaten tot het innerlijke heiligdom van het Werk, maar deze zijn de echte Prinsen van de WAARHEID en hun heilige namen zullen onthouden worden in toekomstige generaties tezamen met de zieners en profeten van de oude wereld.
Manly P. Hall, Rosicrusian and Masonic Origins (1929)Manly P Hall, Freemasonry & Rosicrucians, The Enlightened
vrijdag 22 februari 2019
Manly P. Hall - Christian Gospels Not in the Bible
Wijsheid van de dag. (Dutch)
Het doet mij verdriet dat zovelen de naam 'vrouw' dragen. Hun stemmen zijn allemaal even helder, maar velen zijn gauw vals terwijl het veel anderen aan elke valsheid ontbreekt. Zo kun je dus verschillende dingen van ze zeggen, en dat zij allemaal dezelfde naam dragen heeft mijn hart beschaamd. Vrouwen, tot de ware aard van uw wezen behoord : de trouw. Er zijn mensen genoeg die zeggen dat armoede nergens goed voor is, maar wie omwille van de trouw armoede lijdt, dienst ziel ontsnapt aan het hellevuur.
Er was één vrouw die armoede leed omwille van de trouw; haar offer werd daarom door de hemel vergoed met oneindige beloning. Ik denk dat er tegenwoordig heel weinig mensen leven die, nog jong, de rijkdom van de aarde zouden verlaten omwille van de hemelse roem. Ik ken er niet één. Man en vrouw zijn daarbij hetzelfde, ze doen dat allebei niet.
De machtige en rijke vrouwe Herzeloyde werd een vreemdeling in haar eigen drie landen, zij droeg de last der vreugdeloosheid. Elke valsheid verdween zo volstrekt van haar, dat oog noch oor die bij haar kon ontdekken. De zon was haar een nevel; zij ontvluchtte de wereldse vreugde
Dag en nacht waren voor haar hetzelfde, haar hart beoefende niets dan het verdriet.
Parzival, Wolfram von Eschenbach. (Ridderschap en de zoektocht naar de Graal.)
Manly P. Hall - Hidden Church of the Holy Grail
The Acharya part 2 of 5 - Srila Prabhupada documentary
The Acharya part 1 of 5 - Srila Prabhupada documentary
Monarch Programming - MK ULTRA Exposed Full Length
donderdag 21 februari 2019
Deprogramming MK-Ultra - stages of deprogramming.
Read also this important article for further information :
woensdag 20 februari 2019
zondag 17 februari 2019
Sage of today - Ramana Maharshi (Capricorn) - (Dutch)
Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi (Sanskriet: रामन महर्षि , "Grote Weter") (Tiruchuli, Tamil Nadu, India, 30 december 1879 – Tiruvannamalai, India, 14 april 1950) (geboren als Venkataraman Iyer) was (volgens de inzichten binnen de Indische cultuur) een van de belangrijkste Indische goeroes en mystici uit de vorige eeuw. Hij was waarschijnlijk een van de laatste yogi's, die 20 jaar lang zwijgend in uren- en dagenlange meditatie heeft doorgebracht. Hij wilde geen leerlingen aannemen of vaste voorschriften geven voor "hoe men een spiritueel leven kan leiden".
In zijn uitleg was hij een van helderste vertolkers van de jnana yoga en de Advaita Vedanta, misschien zelfs niet alleen voor deze tijd, maar door de tijden heen. Wereldwijd hebben vele duizenden mensen zich door hem laten beïnvloeden, maar omdat hij geen leerlingen aannam en deze dus ook niet autoritair begeleidde kregen allerlei mensen de kans zijn leer in hun eigen leven toe te passen naar hun omstandigheden.
Maharshi stelde dat je ook in de moderne tijd, ook al is een kluizenaarsbestaan niet meer mogelijk en zelfs niet eens wenselijk, tot diepe en volstrekte inkeer kan komen die nodig is om onmiddellijk inzicht te krijgen in het wezen van het goddelijke, het diepste inwezen van alles. Het wezen van het zijn dat tijdloos is, en niet afhankelijk is van leven en dood.
Maharshi onderwees dat je het zijn alleen kon ontdekken door er in stilte in op te gaan met objectvrije meditatie. Als men deze stilte echt gerealiseerd heeft, verdwijnt hiermee ook de overtuiging van een ik-gedachte, persoonlijkheid of ego. Gedachten en objecten verschijnen en verdwijnen in de geest. Ze zijn nuttig om te kunnen functioneren in het dagelijks leven, maar ze vormen een tegenstrijdigheid wanneer je ze voor een absolute of onveranderlijke waarheid aanziet. Voor het inzien van de illusie dienen alle persoonlijkheden ontmaskerd te worden, om te realiseren dat slechts het vorm- en naamloze overblijft.
Zie de categorie Ramana Maharshi van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp. |
Wisdom of today
"An important scientific (or spiritual) innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and the next generation is familiar with it." - Max Planck, Theoretical physicist. - From the Book : Spiritual Nutrition, Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of the Kundalini, by Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD
Isaac Asimov How People Can Save The Earth for Humans
zaterdag 16 februari 2019
vrijdag 15 februari 2019
Reading Dr. Gabriel Cousens (Rabbi & Psychiatrist).
The book "Spiritual Nutrition, Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of the Kundalini" by Dr Gabriel Cousens is about Famous Undereaters, and people who lived for hundreds and thousands of years whilst they barely eat. Recommended reading. There are many tips in it and Gabriel advises not to eat meat and not to drink alcohol. Interesting to study. Confession : I sometimes drink wine with friends, family and beloveds but very little and I don't need it.
woensdag 13 februari 2019
dinsdag 12 februari 2019
Mark Lanegan - Judgement Time (Live on KEXP)
Does Society Realize It Is Being Initiated?
Underground Resistance - Belgian Resistance (1992)
My.Dinner.With.Andre. ("pockets of light") 1981
Maha-avatar Babaji (Dutch)
De zending van Babaji in India bestaat in het helpen van profeten bij het ten uitvoer brengen van hun bijzondere taak. Babaji is in voortdurende gemeenschap met Christus ; samen zenden zij trillingen van bevrijding uit en hebben zij de geestelijke techniek van verlossing voor deze tijd ontworpen. Het werk van deze twee volledig bevrijdde meesters (...) is de volkeren geestelijk op te wekken dat zij zich bevrijden van de gesels van oorlog, rassenhaat, godsdienstig sectarisme en de slechtheid van het materialisme, dat als een boomerang werkt.
Bron : Autobiografie van een Yogi, Paramahamsa Yogananda.
Bron : Autobiografie van een Yogi, Paramahamsa Yogananda.
maandag 11 februari 2019
zondag 10 februari 2019
Ten Teaching Sutra (Dasa-dharmaka-sutra)
Faith is the best of vehicles,
Definately delivering you into buddhahood.
Therefore, persons of intelligence
Rely on the guidance of faith.
Virtues will not arise
In people who have no faith,
Just as green sprouts do not grow
From seeds scorched by fire.
Definately delivering you into buddhahood.
Therefore, persons of intelligence
Rely on the guidance of faith.
Virtues will not arise
In people who have no faith,
Just as green sprouts do not grow
From seeds scorched by fire.
Bezigheden (Dutch / 2)
Voorlopig zitten we op schema. Ik heb reeds twee delen gelezen van The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment van Tsong-Kha-Pa. Verder ben ik in de praktijk bezig met het Spiritual Emergency Network van Stanislav Grof. Dit jaar zal ik ook nog een paar interviews afnemen voor de biografie van Charles Jarvis, ondertussen studeer ik en studeer ik. Ook Immanuel Kant heb ik liggen, klaar om gelezen te worden. Immanuel Kant filosofeert over God via de metafysica. Verder heb ik in mijn privé-leven mijn handen vol maar ben ik heel gelukkig dat alles stilaan op zijn pootjes terecht komt. De toekomst ziet er goed uit en tegen 2025 zit ik in Tibet.
Ethics of Tibet: Bodhisattva Section of Tsong-Kha-Pa's Lam Rim Chen Mo (SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies)
One of the great contributions of Tibetan Buddhism to the Buddhist tradition as a whole, and one of the things that distinguishes it from the Mahayana traditions that developed via China, has been the clear and systematic articulation of a doctrine of compassion. This text is perhaps the paradigmatic expression of that and as such is vitally important. It will advance Western access to and understanding of Tibetan Buddhism considerably.
Real News Update Robert David Steele (ex-CIA) Robert David Steele (ex-CIA)
Natuur / Nature (Dutch)
Help de natuur en werk met haar mee; en de natuur zal u als een van haar scheppers beschouwen en voor u neerbuigen. - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
zaterdag 9 februari 2019
David Icke
David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Icke’s books, videos, lectures, and website
Bezigheden (Dutch)
Ik ben vrij gelukkig, hoewel ik besef dat we met zijn allen nog veel werk hebben tegen 2025, het jaar waarin de Spirituele Hierarchie van Meesters, Avatars, Engelen, Ingewijden en discipelen zullen samenkomen op de Algemene Vergadering. Nee, wij zijn niet gek, wij zijn gekozen voor een Hogere Taak dan de meesten tot nu toe beseften, en daar al jaren stiekem voor in opleiding, ook middels de Verenigde Naties, waarbij we ernaar streven directe democratie of verlichte democratie waar te maken voor de mensheid. Power to the people, dus. In onze rangen veel goeds. Maar ik kan er niet alles over zeggen, omdat ook ik "beroepsgeheim" heb. The books are found by the Golden Ones, zong David Bowie. Lees mensen, lees, en zet die televisie uit en de fakestream media, ze vertellen soms leugens, soms waarheid. Wij gaan voor 100% WAARHEID, niet waar?
Kristof Gabriel
Kristof Gabriel
vrijdag 8 februari 2019
David Icke talks conspiracy theories - BBC News
Marihuana (to be legalised).
The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help
Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of
meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened
transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind
yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is
wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now,
The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement!
donderdag 7 februari 2019
woensdag 6 februari 2019
dinsdag 5 februari 2019
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer
Manly P. Hall | Integrity, the Endangered Virtue
PLEIADIAN PROPHECY The Great Changeover 2013 2027
Gnosis - Meditation Techniques - Dalai Lama
The First Yama : Ahimsa or non-violence.
Christine Malossi
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali delineated the eight limbs of yoga. These precepts are intended as guidelines to living a life with meaning and purpose. They may be seen as a kind of map for seekers of greater happiness and spiritual fulfillment.
The first limb consists of the yamas, or universal ethical observances. The Sanskrit term yama more specifically translates as “bridle” or “rein.” Just as a rider places a rein on a horse to steer the animal in the proper direction, the yamas are restraints that we willingly and intentionally place upon ourselves in order to direct our efforts towards creating a full, happy and meaningful life.
The first of the five yamas is ahimsa, or nonviolence. In its most literal sense, nonviolence may be interpreted as not hurting or killing other people. Most of us don’t need to muster up too much discipline to refrain from murdering our neighbor. But to truly embody ahimsa we must extend past this literal interpretation to include not just these violent actions but also thoughts, feelings and words. We must pay constant attention to our propensities toward unkind behavior, harmful thought and hurtful speech. We must practice compassion toward all living beings.
Many yogis practice ahimsa by eating a vegetarian diet. They believe that killing another living being for any reason, including one’s own sustenance, is a violation of the first yama. Others adopt a looser interpretation: they choose to eat meat mindfully by investigating where and how the animals they eat are raised, and by supporting farms that cause the least amount of animal suffering and environmental devastation. Whichever interpretation one chooses, in practicing ahimsa it’s necessary to examine one’s choice to eat or not eat meat and to acknowledge, honor and respect the suffering of animals that surrender their lives for human consumption.
Nonviolence as a practice is not just outwardly focused. We must also turn it inward and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion. For some this may prove even more formidable than being kind and loving toward others. This is a challenge that often comes up on the mat. You may find yourself constantly pushing yourself to work harder, to stretch further, to go beyond your edge in a constant pursuit of perfection and progress. This kind of striving is a form of aggression and violence towards oneself.
If you observe this tendency in yourself, work toward awareness rather than aggression. When you feel the urge to mindlessly push past your boundaries, consciously pull back and tune in to what’s going on in the moment. When you feel compelled to do something your body’s fighting against, see if you can stay in that space just before you reach your edge rather than pushing beyond it.
This doesn’t mean you should be complacent or lackadaisical; on the contrary, you must be constantly aware and attuned to where your edge is in each moment. Your edge is that place where you move away from your comfort zone and challenge yourself, but can still maintain your alignment, your skill, and a calm, steady breath. Mindfulness of one’s edge is key to practicing ahimsa on the mat.
The most important quality of ahimsa is not the negative command not to kill but its broader positive message of love. Love toward oneself and all beings is the very first step and the foundation for the entire philosophical system of classical yoga.
Real medicine (versus big pharma black magic).
A Second Look at the Law of Karma [ Audio Lecture ]
maandag 4 februari 2019
Wisdom of today.
Meditate until you are firmly convinced that the grave consequences such as these arise from anger. Thus, Engaging in the Boddhisattva Deeds says:
There is no sin like hatred
And no fortitude like patience
Therefore, earnestly cultivate
Patience in a variety of ways.
Gabriel Rios - Swing Low (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
Michael Jackson - Childhood (Official Video)
zondag 3 februari 2019
MUSE - The Void (Acoustic) [Official Lyric Video]
zaterdag 2 februari 2019
Teaching of Aksayamati Sutra (Aksayamati-nirdesa-sutra)
Furthermore, Venerable Sariputra, the great compassion of the boddhisattva's is inexhaustable. Why? Because it is the prerequisite.
Venerable Sariputra, just as the movement of the breath is the prerequisite for the life force of a human being, the great compassion of the boddhisattvas is the prerequisite for correctly reaching the Mahayana.
From : The Great Treatise of the stages on the Path to Enlightenment, Volume 2
Teaching on Karma by Tsong-Kha-Pa, Teacher of the first Dalai Lama, The Great Treatise on the stages of the Path to Enlightenment, Volume 1.
(b') Causally concordant effects
Even when you are reborn from the miserable realms as a human, [you still experience the effects of nonvirtuous actions] as follows: [as a causally concordant effect of killing,] a short lifetime; [as an effect of stealing,] a lack of resources; [from sexual misconduct,] an unruly spouse; [from lying,] much slander; [from divisive speech,] loss of friendships; [from offensive speech,] hearing unpleasant words; [from senseless speech,] others not listening to your words; and [from covetousness, malice, and wrong views] respectively, predominance of attachment, hostility, and confusion. The Chapter of the Truth Speaker414 and Sutra on the Ten Levels both state that each of the nonvirtuous actions has two effects. They say that even if you are bom a human, still: [as a result of killing] you would have a short life span and many illnesses; [as a result of stealing] you would have few resources and the resources you do have would be shared with others; [as a result of sexual misconduct] your helpers would be disorderly or untrustworthy, and you would have a contentious spouse; [as a result of lying] others would slander you a great deal, and they would deceive you; [as a result of divisive speech] your hel pers would not get along and would misbehave; [as a result of offensive speech] you would hear unpleasant and quarrelsome speech; [183] The Varieties of Karma 237 [as a result of senseless speech] your words would not be respected or understandable, and your confidence would not be unshakable; [as a result of covetousness] you would have great attachment and no contentment; [as a result of malice] you would seek the unbeneficial or not seek the beneficial, and you would harm others or others would harm you; [as a result of wrong views] you would have bad views and would be deceitful. The farmer gurus assert that liking to kill and so on even once you have been bom a human are causally concordant behavioral effects, and the above-mentioned effects are causally concordant experiential effects.
Even when you are reborn from the miserable realms as a human, [you still experience the effects of nonvirtuous actions] as follows: [as a causally concordant effect of killing,] a short lifetime; [as an effect of stealing,] a lack of resources; [from sexual misconduct,] an unruly spouse; [from lying,] much slander; [from divisive speech,] loss of friendships; [from offensive speech,] hearing unpleasant words; [from senseless speech,] others not listening to your words; and [from covetousness, malice, and wrong views] respectively, predominance of attachment, hostility, and confusion. The Chapter of the Truth Speaker414 and Sutra on the Ten Levels both state that each of the nonvirtuous actions has two effects. They say that even if you are bom a human, still: [as a result of killing] you would have a short life span and many illnesses; [as a result of stealing] you would have few resources and the resources you do have would be shared with others; [as a result of sexual misconduct] your helpers would be disorderly or untrustworthy, and you would have a contentious spouse; [as a result of lying] others would slander you a great deal, and they would deceive you; [as a result of divisive speech] your hel pers would not get along and would misbehave; [as a result of offensive speech] you would hear unpleasant and quarrelsome speech; [183] The Varieties of Karma 237 [as a result of senseless speech] your words would not be respected or understandable, and your confidence would not be unshakable; [as a result of covetousness] you would have great attachment and no contentment; [as a result of malice] you would seek the unbeneficial or not seek the beneficial, and you would harm others or others would harm you; [as a result of wrong views] you would have bad views and would be deceitful. The farmer gurus assert that liking to kill and so on even once you have been bom a human are causally concordant behavioral effects, and the above-mentioned effects are causally concordant experiential effects.
Opposing 5G - because it's bad for humanity.
Wisdom of today.
As Aryasura's Compendium of the Perfections (Paramita-samasa) says :
And also :
From : The Great Treatise on the stages of the Path to Enlightenment, Tsong-Kha-Pa, Volume 2.
Once you have abandoned forever the two lower vehicles,
Which possess no power to provide the welfare of the world,
Enter the vehicle which te Conqueror Sakyamuni compassionately thaught -
This consists only of helping others.
And also :
When people see that joy and unhappiness are like a dream
And that beings degenerate due to the faults of delusion,
Why would they strive for their own welfare,
Forsaking delight in the excellent deeds of altruism?
From : The Great Treatise on the stages of the Path to Enlightenment, Tsong-Kha-Pa, Volume 2.
What Do We Know About the Afterlife? w/ Roberta Grimes
vrijdag 1 februari 2019
Studeren : Immanuel Kant : De Drie Kritieken.
Ik ben vandaag beginnen studeren in het werk van Immanuel Kant : de drie kritieken. Zolang men mij niet opbelt om ergens te gaan helpen kan ik studeren. Ik heb deze week ook Jean-Paul Mosuse geïnterviewd voor de biografie van Charles Jarvis. Bart Vosters en Peter Maene staan ook nog op het programma, en enkele anderen die nader bepaald worden. Als Vitalski zich geroepen voelt mag die ook in het boek, maar hij heeft het ontzettend druk. Ondertussen studeer ik esoterie als ik de tijd vind, en ben met de Tibetaanse studie bezig. Levenslang leren, ik doe niks liever.
Kristof Gabriel
Kristof Gabriel
Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)
5G - A toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life. - Shared by Dr Gabriel Cousens.
5G – A Toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life
violation of all those international agreements, given the knowledge of
the seriously detrimental physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
effects of 5G, is a serious planetary violation. With the slightest
imagination, one can see how the implementation of 5G, going a step
further, may actually limit and block spiritual evolution on the planet
as it is explicitly detrimental to the higher brain and spiritual
function. From an evolutionary spiritual point of view, we are put here
on the planet, not to have more electronic convenience play toys, but to
evolve spiritually. As is the overall purpose in all the great
spiritual teachings. 5G represents a knowledgeable effort by the forces
of darkness to limit and to harm the physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual health and evolution of humanity. This knowing rejection of
5G, with 10,000 papers behind it, and several scientific groups and
thousands of scientists protesting against 5G needs to be seen in a
broader context, beyond harm to physical health. In the bigger picture,
many feel 5G is an effort to dominate and limit consciousness and to
ultimately decimate human civilization. It would be very difficult in
discussing 5G at this spiritual evolutionary level not to see this as a
demonic effort, by people who have knowingly chosen to participate in
these blatantly destructive efforts, given the knowledge of 5G that we
have today.
to do? If we care about our families, our children, our grandchildren,
and the living planet, then there are a few things we can do.
Time is of the essence. Since local, state, federal and international action can take time, especially through a judicial process,
we must make haste given the urgency and imminent threat of 5G.
Therefore, the most powerful thing we can do is from a grassroots,
individual level. With key knowledge, the pen is mightier than the sword
and paves the way for peaceful solutions. There is an empowering,
extremely effective, lawful, extrajudicial process that does
not involve the courts that each man and woman can implement now. This
process holds accountable the men and women, attempting to hide behind
the veils of corporations, US
and international governing agencies, responsible for their actions
that cause harm, whether 5G, smart meters, mandatory vaccinations,
etc.—with quick results. It is called [Uniform Commercial Code ], or
contract law. According to the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966, all law
has been under [UCC] since 1966. All fifty states and all countries in
the world operate under [UCC]. When the liability of a [UCC]
self-executing extrajudicial judgment outweighs the
profits that the CEO’s or government officials gain, they are vulnerable
to multi-million or multi-billion-dollar liability claims, which can be
used to place a lien on them or even shut the company down, no matter
how big the company is. A lawful humanitarian activist group called has a proven successful track record in removing
toxic Smart Meters worldwide and will have boilerplate documents
available in the near future to facilitate a similar halt of 5G.
Inhabitants of the United States of America will be the first to use
these boilerplate documents. Other countries will follow shortly
thereafter. Questions can also be sent via the In Power Movement help
desk. If anyone wants to be a group leader, who wants to activate and
support these actions locally, they can specify such when they
subscribe. Please create your own local 5G awareness groups to spread
this information as this lawful educational process is the Achilles Heel
of 5G.
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