-- Lee Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
From : http://www.amazon.com/The-Stormy-Search-Self-Transformational/dp/087477649X
This work presents a persuasive case for the existence of "spiritual emergencies"--extreme mental states experienced by some individuals in the process of personal metamorphosis. The Grofs (editors of Spiritual Emergency, Tarcher, 1989) denounce Western psychiatric practices that label persons in such states as mentally ill. They instead distinguish between psychiatric disorders and spiritual emergency, offering alternative modes of therapy for the latter. As the Grofs aim to show, the cycle of inner death and rebirth that typifies spiritual emergency ultimately leads to personal transformation and healing through a connection to a transcendent Higher Power or Higher Self. The last section offers self-help strategies, plus guidelines for family, friends, and mental health professionals. A bibliography is included. This radical treatise is recommended for large public and academic libraries.
- Amy A. Canadee, Cuyahoga Cty. P.L., Cleveland
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
- Amy A. Canadee, Cuyahoga Cty. P.L., Cleveland
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
"A valuable tool for therapists and an aid to explorers."
—Brain/Mind Bulletin"A brilliant and practical guide to inner transformation."
—Jack Kornfield, Buddhist teacher, author of Seeking the Heart of Wisdom
"A fascinating account of transformational processes. Essential reading for anyone interested in creative personal and social change."
—Frances Vaughan, Ph.D., coeditor of Beyond Ego
- Sex stimulation, as now understood, will be showing a tendency to manifest in creation, not so much on the physical plane, as on the astral and mental, demonstrating in the creations of art and beauty, and the objective work of the scientists.
- Crime, as now seen, based largely on the sex emotion, will be a thing of the past, and physical plane license, orgy and horror will be reduced seventy-five per cent.
- The interplay between the three dense physical planets will be perfected and man will pass at will from on to another.
I would here point out the inadvisability of the method whereby the names of the globes in a chain, just as the names of a chain in a scheme, follow the planetary nomenclature. This has led to confusion.
A clue tending towards the correct understanding lies hid in the words: "Venus is the Earth's primary." (S.D., II, 33. I, 323.)
It is not permissible to say much about this mystery, that "Venus is the Earth's alter ego," nor is it advisable, but certain ideas may be suggested which - if brooded on - may result in a wider grasp of the beauty of nature's synthesis, and of the wonderful correlation of all that is in process of evolution.
Perhaps some idea may be gained if we remember that, in an occult sense, Venus is to the Earth what the higher Self is to man.
The coming of the Lords of Flame to the Earth was all under law and not just an accidental and fortunate happening; it was a planetary matter which finds its correspondence in the connection between the mental unit and the manasic permanent atom. Again, as the antahkarana is built by individual man between these two points, so - again in a planetary sense - is a channel being built by collective man on this planet to its primary, Venus.
In connection with these two planets, it must be remembered that Venus is a sacred planet and the Earth is not. This means that certain of the planets are to the Logos what the permanent atoms are to man. They embody principles. Certain planets afford only temporary homes to these principles. Others persist throughout the mahamanvantara. Of these Venus is one.
By Alice Ann Bailey
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